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realms of wonder
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©2023 Realm of Wonders, a division of Igor RPG, Inc.
Ancient Grove of War
Description Armor-Clad Wildlife
Animals in the area have adapted by incorporating
Whispers of ancient battles rustle through the Sentinel Tree’s pieces of abandoned armor and weapons into their
leaves, its gnarled roots clutching rusted swords and armor. An dens and nests, offering an unusual sight of wild
elderly bear watches cautiously from within, armor pieces nature mingling with remnants of human conflict.
glistening around its den. As the sun sets, ghostly soldiers flicker
in the twilight, their ethereal forms seeking something lost. The
air is heavy with the scent of old earth and the faint, metallic Adventure Hooks
tang of bygone wars.
Guardian of the Tree
The elderly bear that has made its home within the tree is
Features fiercely protective of its cubs and the surrounding area. Any
perceived threat to the tree or its inhabitants is met with
The Sentinel Tree swift and brutal force.
A massive, ancient tree that has grown through and
around rusted weapons and armor, its roots The Cursed Sword’s Lure
entwining with skeletons of fallen warriors. It’s said The legendary sword atop the tree isn’t just a rumor.
to be the oldest living thing in the region, with However, it’s guarded by the spirit of its last wielder, a once-
hollows and nooks that house various creatures. noble knight who fell into madness. The spirit is driven by a
mix of rage and remorse, attacking anyone who dares to
climb the tree for the sword.
Warrior Spirits
Ghostly apparitions of fallen soldiers are rumored to
appear at dusk, reenacting their last moments. Battlefield Traps
These spirits are not harmful but add an eerie, The battlefield is not just a place of historical sorrow; it’s

melancholic atmosphere to the place. riddled with untriggered traps and undetonated ordnance
from the ancient war. Adventurers will need to be cautious
with every step, as the wrong move could unleash the deadly
technology of a bygone era.

Dried Salt Bay
Description Sky Cables
A network of cables stretches above the ruins for
You step into a realm where the earth itself whispers of resilience transporting goods, which the farmers use to evade
and decay. The sun casts a relentless gaze over dilapidated ruins, ground predators. But Crag Behemoths, in their
their once-proud silhouettes now stooped with age. The scent of wandering, can accidentally damage the cliff
dried minerals hangs heavy, and every crunch underfoot is a anchors, causing catastrophic failures.
reminder of the life that once thrived here. A sense of
watchfulness pervades, as if the land remembers its past glory.
Adventure Hooks
Features Ironscale Predators
Aggressive fauna that have adapted iron-like scales from the
The Saltborn
A tribe afflicted by the mineral-laden winds, bearing high mineral content in their diet. They have taken over the
abandoned structures as their hunting grounds, preying on
salt-crusted skins which they believe protect them the unwary.
from evil spirits. Their harsh condition is normalized
in their way of life, and they are known for their salt Rust Mites
crafts, which they trade with distant lands. Tiny insects that swarm over anything metallic, consuming
rust and corroding metal at an alarming rate. They are a force
The Echo Farmers of nature within the ruins, breaking down the remnants of
A community of hardy farmers who have adapted to the old world and posing a significant threat to the stability
cultivate the rocky terrain using ancient techniques of the remaining structures.
and tools found in the ruins. They represent the
majority, simply trying to survive and are known for Crag Behemoths
their resilience and resourceful nature. Massive beasts with rocky hides that camouflage within the
cliffs. They are peaceful herbivores by nature but can cause
unintentional destruction due to their sheer size when they
move through the ruins.

Crystal Mountain Outskirts
Description Geomantic Nexus
Deep within the mountain’s roots, the Geomantic
As you navigate the mountain passes, the air is thick, charged Nexus is a pulsating crystalline heart, radiating
with a palpable energy that tingles on your skin. Each breath is enigmatic energy that influences the surrounding
a sharp reminder of the altitude, mingled with the earthy scent terrain and imbues the locale with a profound,
of pine. The silence is profound, broken only by the whisper of mysterious allure.
the wind and a steady, deep thrum that feels both ominous and
alluring, hinting at unseen forces at work in the heart of the
mountain. Adventure Hooks
Nexus Echoes
Features The Nexus vibrates, echoing through the mountains. These
echoes resonate with adventurers’ equipment, granting
Cliffside Markets temporary enhancements but drawing creatures from the
Vertiginous open-air markets etched into cliff faces, deep. A balance between using these boons and facing the
where merchants from distant lands barter exotic drawn threats is needed.
goods, always under the watchful eye of the artisans’
sentinels. Nexus Awakened
As the Nexus intensifies, geomantic storms disrupt the
Twisted Ironwood Groves region. An ancient order, thought extinct, emerges seeking to
Hardy trees with iron-like bark spiral towards the stabilize the Nexus. They require protection and assistance
mountain’s heart, their leaves shimmering with to navigate newly-revealed, treacherous paths within the
metallic hues, believed to indicate the presence of mountain’s depths.
rich ore veins beneath. Crystal Pulse Trade
The Cliffside Markets’ trade is booming, as a crystal pulsing
with Nexus energy is sold. Soon after, mysterious maladies
afflict buyers. Artisans seek aid to investigate the crystal’s
origins and contain its spreading influence.


The Aqueduct
Description Hunter’s Watchtower
The watchtower, once an integral part of the
In the distance, you can glimpse a towering structure, a aqueduct’s defense, now serves as a prime spot for
testament to an era forgotten by time and society. The arid hunters to track game. The height offers an
desert air continues to scratch at your throats, yet this grand, unobstructed view of the surrounding places, making
crumbling aqueduct seems inviting, promising a hint of it an enviable, albeit exposed, position for spotting
moisture in the air. In the distance, you can hear the exuberant herds or signaling fellow hunters.
cries of youths at play, their laughter echoing against the ancient
Adventure Hooks
Features The Disappearance
Recently, a daring youth named Elior vanished after their
Community at the Aqueduct’s Base “Slick Descent” initiation. They were last seen entering a
This community, known as the Runoff Collective, has newly discovered tunnel halfway down the slide. Their
built a thriving agricultural hub around the disappearance has sparked fears of what unknowns lurk
aqueduct’s steady water supply. Their innovative within the aqueduct’s unexplored depths.
irrigation techniques are coveted, and they’ve
recently faced pressure from outsiders wanting to Cliffside Griffon
seize their secrets. A Griffon, known for its territorial nature, has made its nest
within a secluded part of the aqueduct. Its presence has
Smooth Stone Slide caused issues for the community, as it occasionally preys on
Over generations, the locals have polished a section livestock and threatens workers.
of the aqueduct into a slick slide, known as the “Slick
Descent.” It’s a coming-of-age tradition for the The Sunken Cache
region’s youth to navigate this treacherous slide, Drought has revealed a submerged section of the aqueduct,

symbolizing their transition into adulthood. along with a hidden cache of artifacts. Treasure hunters are
flocking to the site, igniting a conflict over rightful
ownership. The situation is delicate, with the potential for
both historical discovery and violent confrontation.

The Stonespire Bastion
Description Twilight Sigils Unearthed
A series of ancient runes are etched into the tower’s
Hushed whispers of the forest canopy fade as you approach the foundation, hidden beneath overgrowth, glowing
solitary watchtower. The air holds a chill that seems to seep faintly at twilight, hinting at a deeper magic or a
from the very stones it’s built upon, and each step forward is forgotten ritual.
met with the crisp scent of ancient earth. A soft luminescence
dances at the base, where runes hide like shy fireflies emerging
at dusk. They cast an otherworldly glow, offering a silent Adventure Hooks
invitation to secrets buried deep beneath.
The Hermit’s Wisdom
The old hermit, once a noble knight, is rumored to possess
Features knowledge of a threat looming over the region. His cryptic
warnings and prophecies have ignited a spark of concern,
Seasons of the Moonlit Sea compelling would-be heroes to investigate the impending
The tower’s highest chamber is sealed with a door danger.
that has no keyhole, only an intricate mural depicting
the four seasons and the phases of the moon. The Cursed Vigil
Travelers report seeing a spectral figure standing guard atop
The Watchtower’s Silent Council the tower. The local populace is gripped with fear, believing it
Within the watchtower lies a perfectly preserved to be the spirit of the legendary hero. The mystery draws in
round table with thirteen chairs, one of which is thrill-seekers and those wishing to prove their bravery.
overturned, as if its occupant left in haste or was
taken. The Hidden Treasury
Rumors swirl about a treasure hidden beneath the tower, left
by a lord whose lineage ended abruptly. Competing bands of
thieves have caught wind, and a race to uncover the lost
wealth begins, but not all is as it seems.


The Swamp Queen’s Resting Place
Description Seafarer’s Altar
Around the shipwreck, a makeshift shrine has
The morning sun weaves through a dense canopy, draping the emerged, adorned with the effigies and offerings of
swamp in a golden haze. Its beams cut through the lingering grieving sailors. This cultural monument stands as a
mist, spotlighting the half-sunken ship’s weathered timbers. The testament to loss, memory, and the hope for safe
air hangs heavy with the aroma of damp soil and motionless, passage through treacherous waters.
murky waters, all underscored by the distinct scent of decaying
wood. Silence pervades, save for the subtle creak of the ship’s
bones, a quiet testament to its storied past. The irony of its Adventure Hooks
name contrasted with its swampy grave is not lost to those who
Evolutionary Enclave
find it.
In the shadow of the wreck, a newly evolved species of
amphibious creatures thrives, rumored to have originated
from marooned rats. These beings present a curious
Features anomaly for scholars and a potential ally or foe for passing
Skirmish Grounds
Numerous factions, drawn by a rare herb that Cursed Cannons
flourishes amidst the swamp’s mire, engage in
relentless conflict, their battles fueled by the allure of The ship’s ancient cannons, encrusted with barnacles, are
reputed to fire ghostly volleys during stormy nights, a
this precious commodity. supernatural defense mechanism that protects the ship’s
hidden bounty from the hands of greedy treasure hunters
Diver’s Delight
Intrepid treasure hunters dive into the murky swamp and foolhardy explorers.

to retrieve goods from the wreck’s cargo, rumored to Lost Navigator’s Chart Room
be preserved perfectly within sealed crates lost to Hidden within the swamp, a chart room from the wreck lies
time. intact, its maps detailing uncharted waters and mysterious
lands, tempting those who seek to discover new routes or
uncover the secrets of the ship’s ill-fated voyage.


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