PB-002141-00 - E Spectra Service Manual

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Novus Spectra DPSS



January 2011
This manual is copyrighted with all rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this
manual cannot be copied in whole or in part without the express written permission
of Lumenis, Inc. Permitted copies must carry the same proprietary and copyright
notices as were affixed to the original.

Please note that while every effort has been made to ensure that the data given is
accurate, the information, figures, illustrations, tables, specifications, and
schematics are subject to change without notice.

Please direct all inquiries about this manual to:

Lumenis, Inc.
Santa Clara, CA 95051 USA
(408) 764-3000 Phone
(408) 764-3990 FAX

Trademark Acknowledgements:

Novus Spectra, LaserLink Z, Lumenis® and the Lumenis Logo are the property of
Lumenis Incorporated. Fison Indirect Ophthalmoscope is the property of Keeler
Ltd. Omega 180 Indirect Ophthalmoscope is the property of Heine USA Ltd.
FieldMaster and LM-2 are the property of Coherent Inc. Ophir, Nova and PD-300
are the property of Ophir, Inc.

Novus Spectra Service Manual PB-002141-00 REV E

Lumenis service manuals are written specifically for use by Lumenis service
engineers and trained representatives who have received formal training in the
servicing of Lumenis equipment, and by customers who have taken and passed a
Lumenis certification training course for the equipment being serviced. Information
on certification training courses offered to customers can be obtained by contacting
the Technical Training Coordinator at (408) 764-3000.

Lumenis does not accept responsibility for personal injury or property damage
resulting form the servicing of Lumenis equipment by its customers or by third
parties, except where such injury or property damage is a direct result of Lumenis'
negligence. Customers, by accepting the service manual, agree to indemnify
Lumenis against any claims alleging personal injury or property damage resulting
from the servicing of Lumenis equipment by the customer or by third parties,
except where such injury or property damage is a direct result of Lumenis'
negligence. These limitations include situations where Lumenis personnel are
advising customers on the repair of Lumenis equipment over the telephone.

The servicing of Lumenis equipment by persons who have not passed a Lumenis
certification training course for that equipment will void Lumenis' product warranty.

Note: Whenever references to the Coherent LM2 power detector head are made
in this manual, it is assumed that the 1000:1 attenuator is already attached
to the LM2 power detector head.

Novus Spectra Service Manual PB-002141-00 REV E

Revision Information
This is the REV B release of the Novus Spectra Service Manual. Contact Lumenis
Service Department to determine if this is the most current release of this service

Each page of this manual is marked with a part number and revision level at the
bottom. Note that when the manual is updated, not all sections are necessarily
updated, so some sections may have a revision level earlier than the release
revision level for the manual (the revision level for the manual is the revision letter
that appears on the cover and in the first sentence of this revision information
page). The following list provides a complete list of the revision information, by
section, for this release of the service manual.

Cover page, copyright page, disclaimer page, this page, table of contents page(s)
revision level is that of the manual, with the following sections of the manual:

Section 1 PB-002141-01 REV C ECO 10739 Date: Feb. 2009

Section 2 PB-002141-02 REV B ECO 9134 Date: Aug. 2006
Section 3 PB-002141-03 REV B ECO 9134 Date: Aug. 2006
Section 4 PB-002141-04 REV B ECO 9134 Date: Aug. 2006
Section 5 PB-002141-05 REV B ECO 9134 Date: Aug. 2006
Section 6 PB-002141-06 REV H ECO 11795 Date: Jan. 2011
Section 7 PB-002141-07 REV G ECO 11795 Date: Jan. 2011
Note: Field Service Bulletins (FSBs) and Technical Notes
(TNs) released for this service manual are listed in
the Novus Spectra FSB Index. Each time a FSB for
this manual is released or updated, the index is also
updated and distributed with the FSB. The current
index is placed behind the single sheet that makes up
Section 7, and the FSBs are placed in order behind
the index. Contact Lumenis Technical Support for
the date of the most current FSB index.

Section 8 PB-002141-08 REV E ECO 11097 Date: Nov. 2009

Novus Spectra Service Manual PB-002141-00 REV E

Table of Contents

1.0 General Information

1.1 Use of this Manual ....................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Conventions Used in this Manual ................................................. 1-1
1.3 Serial Number Format .................................................................. 1-2
1.4 Certification of Compliance and Approvals .................................. 1-2
1.5 Service Information and FDA Compliance ................................... 1-3
1.6 Safety Precautions ...................................................................... 1-5
1.6.1 System Safety Measures................................................... 1-6
1.6.2 Optical Safety .................................................................... 1-6
1.6.3 Eye Protection ................................................................... 1-7
1.6.4 Fire Hazards ...................................................................... 1-7
1.6.5 Treatment Room ............................................................... 1-8
1.6.6 Electrical and Mechanical Safety....................................... 1-8
1.7 System Specifications .................................................................. 1-9

2.0 Installation Information

2.1 Introduction .................................................................................. 2-1
2.2 Site Preparation and Inspection ................................................... 2-1
2.3 Unpack System ............................................................................ 2-2
2.4 Novus Spectra Console Installation Procedure ............................ 2-3
2.5 Slit Lamp Installation Procedure................................................... 2-6
2.6 LaserLink Z Installation Procedure ............................................... 2-6
2.7 Laser Indirect Ophthalmoscope (LIO) Installation Procedure ....... 2-7
2.8 Remote Interlock Switch Installation Procedure ........................... 2-7
2.9 Operational and Safety Checkout ................................................ 2-8
2.10 Periodic Maintenance................................................................. 2-13

3.0 Alignment, Adjustment and Calibration

3.1 Overview ...................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.1 Procedure List ................................................................... 3-1
3.1.2 TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIRED ....................................... 3-2
3.2 Resonator (Laser) Plate Alignment .............................................. 3-2
3.3 Output Delivery (Aiming Beam) Alignment ................................... 3-2
3.3.1 Purpose and Scope ........................................................... 3-2
3.3.2 Procedure .......................................................................... 3-3 Aiming Beam Collimation ........................................ 3-3 Aiming Beam Alignment ......................................... 3-5
3.4 Electrical Adjustments .................................................................. 3-5
3.5 Mechanical Adjustments .............................................................. 3-6

Novus Spectra Service Manual PB-002141-00 REV E

3.5.1 Optical Delivery Alignment ................................................. 3-6
3.6 Power Calibration ......................................................................... 3-6
3.6.1 Required Equipment/Tools ................................................ 3-6
3.6.2 Prerequisites ...................................................................... 3-6
3.6.3 Calibration Procedure ........................................................ 3-7 Eye Safety Filter Test .............................................. 3-8 Footswitch Test ....................................................... 3-8 Illumination Accessory Test .................................... 3-9 Remote Control Test ............................................... 3-9

4.0 Theory of Operation

4.1 Introduction ................................................................................... 4-1
4.1.1 Main Console ..................................................................... 4-1
4.1.2 Delivery Systems ............................................................... 4-2
4.1.3 Physician Filter (Eye Safety Filter) ..................................... 4-2
4.1.4 Footswitch.......................................................................... 4-2
4.2 Power Switching, Conditioning & Distribution ............................... 4-3
4.2.1 Main Input Power ............................................................... 4-3
4.2.2 Power Distribution .............................................................. 4-3 AC to DC Power Supply Module ............................. 4-3 Low Voltage Monitor ............................................... 4-3 48 Volt Interlock ...................................................... 4-5 CPU Board .............................................................. 4-5
4.3 Temperature Control Systems ...................................................... 4-5
4.3.1 DC Fans............................................................................. 4-5
4.3.2 Heater/Cooler PCB ............................................................ 4-6 Power Supply Interface ........................................... 4-6 Digital Interface ....................................................... 4-7 Analog Interface ...................................................... 4-7 TEC Failure Detect Circuit ...................................... 4-7
4.3.3 KTP Heater ........................................................................ 4-8
4.4 Control Electronics ....................................................................... 4-9
4.4.1 Overview ............................................................................ 4-9
4.4.2 The Stack........................................................................... 4-9
4.4.3 Analog I/O .......................................................................... 4-9 Power Supply Interface ........................................... 4-9 System Bus Interface ............................................ 4-10 Analog to Digital .................................................... 4-10 Digital to Analog .................................................... 4-10
4.4.4 Digital I/O ......................................................................... 4-11 Main Circuit Description ........................................ 4-11 Power .................................................................... 4-12
4.4.5 CPU Board....................................................................... 4-12 Circuit Description ................................................. 4-12

Novus Spectra Service Manual PB-002141-00 REV E Power ................................................................... 4-14
4.4.6 Auxiliary Interface Board ................................................. 4-14
4.4.7 Diode Drive Control ......................................................... 4-15 Digital Interface ..................................................... 4-15 Analog Interface ................................................... 4-15
4.4.8 Diode Drive Base ............................................................ 4-15 Diode Power Supply ............................................. 4-15 Digital Interface ..................................................... 4-16 Analog Interface ................................................... 4-16
4.4.9 Main and Safe Light Feedback ........................................ 4-16
4.4.10 Interfaces......................................................................... 4-18 Head Interface ................................................... 4-18
Diode Thermistor Interface............................. 4-18
KTP Heater Interface ..................................... 4-19 Remote/Footswitch Interface ............................. 4-19
Digital I/O Interface ........................................ 4-19
CPU Interface ................................................ 4-20
Auxiliary Power Supply Interface ................... 4-20 Optical Delivery Interface ................................... 4-20
Safety Shutter Interface ................................. 4-20
Analog Interface ............................................. 4-20 Accessory Interface ........................................... 4-21
Solenoid Driver .............................................. 4-22
Motor Driver ................................................... 4-22
Resistor Sense............................................... 4-23
Auxiliary Power Supply Interface ................... 4-23
4.4.11 Front Panel ...................................................................... 4-24
4.5 Optical Components................................................................... 4-25
4.5.1 Optical Description .......................................................... 4-26
4.6 Software (User and Service Mode Software) ............................. 4-29
4.6.1 Overview ......................................................................... 4-29
4.6.2 Safety Monitoring ............................................................ 4-30
4.6.3 User Mode Routines (System Start-up, Standby, and
Treatment) ..................................................................... 4-30 Start-up (Initialization and Self-test) State ............ 4-30 Standby State ....................................................... 4-31 Ready State .......................................................... 4-31 Treatment (Fire) State .......................................... 4-32 Warning State ....................................................... 4-32 Shutdown State .................................................... 4-33

5.0 Troubleshooting
5.1 Overview ...................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Interior Access and Part Location ................................................ 5-2

Novus Spectra Service Manual PB-002141-00 REV E

5.2.1 Top Cover Removal ................................................ 5-2
5.2.2 Bottom Cover Removal ........................................... 5-3
5.2.3 Front Panel Removal .............................................. 5-3
5.3 Error Codes and Fault Isolation ......................................... 5-5
5.4 Test Point, Connector and LED Arrangement.................. 5-11
5.4.1 Coldfire CPU Board............................................... 5-11
5.4.2 Optical Delivery Interface ...................................... 5-13
5.4.3 Digital I/O Board .................................................... 5-14
5.4.4 Analog I/O Board .................................................. 5-15
5.4.5 Head Interface Board ............................................ 5-19
5.4.6 Diode Drive Base Board........................................ 5-19
5.4.7 48 Volt Interlock Board .......................................... 5-20
5.4.8 48 Volt Interlock Adapter ....................................... 5-21
5.4.9 Low Voltage Monitor Board ................................... 5-22
5.4.10 Front Panel Board ................................................. 5-23
5.4.11 KTP Heater/Cooler Board ..................................... 5-24
5.4.12 TEC Heater/Cooler Board ..................................... 5-25
5.4.13 Digital I/O Harness Adapter Board ........................ 5-26
5.4.14 Analog I/O Harness Adapter Board ....................... 5-27
5.4.15 Diode Drive Control Board .................................... 5-28
5.4.16 Current Monitor Board........................................... 5-29
5.4.17 Aux Power Supply Board ...................................... 5-30
5.4.18 Aux Interface Board .............................................. 5-31

6.0 Selected Part Numbers

6.1 Service Tools ................................................................................ 6-1
6.2 User Replaceable Sub-Assemblies .............................................. 6-1
6.3 System Circuit Boards .................................................................. 6-1
6.4 Laser Power Supply ..................................................................... 6-2
6.5 Chassis Electrical ......................................................................... 6-2
6.6 Cooling System ............................................................................ 6-3
6.7 Optical Components ..................................................................... 6-3
6.8 Covers & Skins ............................................................................. 6-3
6.9 MISC. Parts .................................................................................. 6-3
6.10 Delivery Systems .......................................................................... 6-4

7.0 Field Service Bulletins and Technical Notes

7.1 Introduction ................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 Index............................................................................................. 7-1

Novus Spectra Service Manual PB-002141-00 REV E

8.0 Drawings and Schematics
List of Schematics ................................................................................... 8-1
Novus Spectra Simplified Block Diagram.......................................... 1 page
Novus Spectra Laser System Wiring Diagram .................................. 1 page
Optical Schematic ............................................................................. 1 page
Coldfire (CPU) Board (6 schematics) ...............................................6 pages
Optical Delivery Interface .................................................................. 1 page
Digital I/O Board (5 schematics) ......................................................5 pages
Analog I/O Board (3 schematics) .....................................................3 pages
Head Interface .................................................................................. 1 page
Diode Drive Base .............................................................................. 1 page
48 Volt Interlock ................................................................................ 1 page
48 Volt Interlock Adaptor................................................................... 1 page
Low Voltage Monitor ......................................................................... 1 page
Front Panel Board (2 schematics) ...................................................2 pages
KTP Heater ....................................................................................... 1 page
Digital I/O Harness Adapter .............................................................. 1 page
Analog I/O Harness Adapter ............................................................. 1 page
TEC Heater/Cooler ........................................................................... 1 page
Diode Drive Control .......................................................................... 1 page
Current Monitor ................................................................................. 1 page
Safety Filter Accessory Interface (2 schematics) .............................2 pages
Aux Power Supply +5V, +12V (2 schematics) .................................2 pages
Aux Interface ..................................................................................... 1 page
Remote/Footswitch Interface ............................................................ 1 page
Light Feedback ................................................................................. 1 page
Optical Delivery I/O Dual Port……………………………………………1 page
Port Selector Dual Port…………………..……………………………….1 page

Novus Spectra Service Manual PB-002141-00 REV E

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Novus Spectra Service Manual PB-002141-00 REV E

2.0 Installation Information

2.1 Introduction

The installation instructions are provided for use by Lumenis Field Service
Engineers, authorized service representatives, and Lumenis trained and certified
customer technicians.

Warning! Installation of this system by untrained persons is a potential

hazard to the persons doing the installation, others present, and to the
equipment itself. In addition, improper installation is a potential hazard to
the user, persons present during system use, and the patient.

Note: Whenever references to the Coherent LM-2 power detector head are
made in this manual, it is assumed that the 1000:1 attenuator is already
attached to the LM-2 power detector head.

2.2 Site Preparation and Inspection

1. Survey the path from receiving area to treatment room. Note and
avoid stairs, elevators, door thresholds, thick carpet, etc.

The console is 25.4 cm (10 in) wide, by 35.6 cm (14 in) long, by 15.2 cm
(6 in) high, and weighs approximately 9.1 kg (20 lbs).

2. Survey treatment room space and environment.

The power cord is 4.1 m (13.5 ft) long for 110 Vac installations (125V
rating on cord), and 2.4 m (8 ft) for 220 Vac installations (250V rating on
cord). The footswitch cable is 4.6 m (15 ft) long. A minimum of 15.2 cm
(6 in) of clearance is required around the console to allow adequate air
circulation for cooling.

The Nominal Ocular Hazard Distance (NOHD) for the Novus Spectra
varies according to the attached delivery device. Please refer to the
chart below:

LaserLink Z 6.78 m (22.25 ft)

LIO 18.03 m (59.16 ft)
Acculite and EndoOto Endoprobes 2.77 m (9.1 ft)

Novus Spectra Service Manual Installation Instructions

PB-002141-02 REV B 2-1
Any area inside this distance is in the Nominal Hazard Zone (NHZ).
Verify that treatment room door is lockable (or interlocked), and verify
that any treatment room window is covered.

The system releases the heat it generates to the environment (at the rear
panel vent). During normal operation, the system can dissipate up to
2,254 Btu/hr (maximum). Verify that air-conditioner is able to maintain
room temperature within 10°C to 37°C (50°F to 99°F).

3. Check electrical supply and connection.

The Novus Spectra can be connected to any grounded electrical system

that meets the following specification:

100 - 240 Vac ± 10%, 5 Amps, 50/60 Hz, single phase, grounded

For USA installations, the system ships with a "hospital grade" power
cord rated at 15A/125V that plugs into any NEMA 5-15 receptacle.
International systems whip with a power cord rated at 15A/250V without
an attached plug.

Electrical preparation is normally completed before the Engineer is

scheduled to do the installation. The customer’s engineer or electrician
is responsible for preparing the site electrical service and for supplying
an approved electrical connection (plug) to the outlet (for installations
with a connection other than NEMA 5-15).

2.3 Unpack System

1. Check the exterior of the cardboard shipping container(s) for any

signs of damage.

Note: The person that received the shipment should have noted any external
damage. The shipper is responsible for damage during shipment, and if
damage is noted, the shipper must be notified.

Novus Spectra (Main Box) Contents:

ƒ Novus Spectra laser console wrapped in plastic, suspended

by foam cage.
ƒ Box containing a footswitch (standard, or "Smart" foot

Installation Instructions Novus Spectra Service Manual

2-2 PB-002141-02 REV B
ƒ Novus Spectra Operator Manual, Laser Safety Eyewear,
keys, a power cord (125V or 250V), and a door sign.

Additional Box(es), as ordered:

ƒ PowerEase foot switch.

ƒ Remote Control panel.
ƒ Delivery system(s).
ƒ Physician Filter(s).
ƒ Slit Lamp with table.

2. Unpack the Laser Console.

Note: It is highly recommended to save all packing materials. As this unit

is designed for Depot repair, it may need to be shipped to the
manufacturer for repair.

Carefully open the cardboard box(es) with a box cutter, cutting across
the tape that closes the box flaps. Do not cut off the top of the box(es),
and do not insert the blade into any box by more than 6 mm (¼ in).

3. Open and unpack any additional boxes.

Note: It is highly recommended to save all packing materials.

4. Compare the contents against packing slip. Note any missing

items. Visually inspect contents and note any damage.

2.4 Novus Spectra Console Installation Procedure

1. Review the safety precautions outlined in Section 1.

2. Confirm that the site electrical supply meets one of the two voltage
ranges listed in Section 2.2. Mains voltage information is on the
rear panel label.

Pull the fuse drawer out of the AC input module and verify the fuse
rating. Two 5x20 mm fuses rated at 250V/T5A must be installed in the
drawer. Gently push the drawer back into the AC input module.

Novus Spectra Service Manual Installation Instructions

PB-002141-02 REV B 2-3
3. Move the laser console, accessories and delivery system(s) to the
treatment room.

4. Remove the covers from the laser console.

a. Top cover removal: Remove the four (4) #2, Phillips screws
along bottom of each side and two (2) #2, Phillips screws at the
top rear.
b. Bottom cover removal: Locate four access holes (one at each
corner near each rubber foot) and remove the 4 blind captive
(7/64”) screws inside the bottom cover.

5. Perform a visual inspection. Check the laser console interior for

any visible signs of damage, i.e. loose connectors, missing or
broken hardware, etc.

6. Connect the console to AC power at the wall outlet.

7. Verify the presence of the Remote Interlock plug at the rear of the
laser console. Connect the footswitch to the right of the interlock

8. Connect the optional Remote Control panel at the rear of the laser

9. Insert the key into the key switch and turn on the Novus Spectra by
rotating the key clockwise to the vertical position.

Observe for any indication of electrical shorts, component failure, smoke,

sparks, strange odors, excessive or unusual noises, etc.

The system will go through a warm up period, perform self-test functions,

and move to User Mode in the Standby state.

At this point only expected "warning" messages of E300 (Fiber Not

Connected) and E400 (Accessory [ESF] Not Connected) should be
displayed. Any other error code displayed must be investigated per
information provided in Section 5.

10. Turn off the system and reinstall top and bottom covers.

11. Install the delivery device(s) and associated physician filters

included with the Novus Spectra console. See following sections
for specific delivery device installation instructions.

Installation Instructions Novus Spectra Service Manual

2-4 PB-002141-02 REV B
The LaserLink Z delivery fiber connects to the Novus Spectra fiber port.
The LaserLink Z eye safety filter cable must plug into the “ACC"
connector at the front panel. See topic 2.6 for instructions on installing
the LaserLink Z onto the Zeiss 30SL, 20SL or 125 slit lamp.

The LIO delivery fiber connects to the Novus Spectra fiber port. The LIO
power cable plugs into a separate AC outlet at the wall. The LIO has an
integral or fixed eye safety filter, so no eye safety filter electrical
connection to the “ACC" connector is required.

The Acculite delivery fiber (endoprobe) connects to the Novus Spectra

fiber port. The electrical cable from the eye safety filter connects to the
“ACC” connector at the front panel.

The EndoOto probe delivery fiber (endoprobe) connects to the Novus

Spectra fiber port. The electrical cable from the eye safety filter connects
to the “ACC” connector at the front panel.

12. Initiate [Service/Diagnostic Mode] software routines.

a. Move switches 1&2 on SW2 on the CPU board toward the front
of the laser.
b. Turn the laser on ( ≡ is displayed on DS1 on the CPU board).
c. Return switches 1&2 on SW2 on the CPU board toward the
back of the laser.
d. Turn the laser on ( is displayed on DS1 on the CPU board &
≡CAL is displayed in the front panel count display).

13. Perform the following service diagnostic checks:

a. Check KTP Heater temperature. Refer to Section 3-?

b. Check Optical Delivery (treatment laser to SMA port) alignment.
Refer to Section 3-?
c. Check Aiming Laser alignment. Refer to Section 3-?
d. Verify Aiming Laser power (at SMA port). Refer to Section 3-?
e. Verify Treatment Laser power (at SMA port). Refer to Section
f. Check Delivery System recognition. Refer to Section 3-?
g. Check Delivery System transmission(s). Refer to Section 3-?
h. Check Operation of Physician Filter(s). Refer to Section 3-?

14. Verify operation of optional Remote Control panel. All buttons and
LED segments must illuminate, and all buttons must perform
labeled functions.

Novus Spectra Service Manual Installation Instructions

PB-002141-02 REV B 2-5
15. Perform the Operational and Safety Checkout procedure in Section

16. Prepare the system for demonstration to the customer.

Verify all covers have been properly secured and neatly dress all cables.
Remove packing materials from treatment room and place inside
shipping containers. Mark the shipping containers for storage.

17. Demonstrate system installation to the customer. Complete the

System Certification Report and Installation QA Report card.
Return to Lumenis, Santa Clara, CA.

2.5 Slit Lamp Installation Procedure

Typically, the Novus Spectra will be installed on an existing Zeiss (or Zeiss
compatible) slit lamp. If a slit lamp was purchased with the laser console,
installation of the slit lamp and table will be necessary. Detailed installation
instructions are provided in the operator manual (with drawings). Install the slit
lamp per manufacturers instructions.

2.6 LaserLink Z Installation Procedure

Detailed user installation instructions are provided in the operator manual (with
drawings). These instructions are summarized below.

1. For Zeiss 125 installs only, confirm the lamp is really a 125.

The Zeiss 100 looks just like a 125, but the LaserLink Z will not work with
the 100. Look for the number "100" or "125" on the lens holder at the
viewing optics objective lens. "100" indicates that the lamp is a Zeiss
100, and cannot be adapted for use with the LaserLink Z.

2. Install the Eye Safety Filter.

Remove the binoculars, install the filter onto the mount the binoculars
were removed from (ESF flange side towards the magnification
changer), and then reinstall the binoculars on the ESF.

3. Replace the slit lamp mirror assembly with the split mirror
assembly included in the kit.

Installation Instructions Novus Spectra Service Manual

2-6 PB-002141-02 REV B
For 125 and 20SL systems, the illumination mirror assembly can be lifted
(straight up) off its mount, and then the new split mirror assembly is
installed in its place (align the spring on the inside of the new split mirror
assembly to the groove on the mount, then just slide it on).

For 30SL systems, the slit lamp mirror assembly is removed by

loosening the retaining ring just below the mirror assembly (turn it
clockwise), then lifting the mirror assembly up off its mount. Once the
mirror assembly is removed, the new split mirror assembly is installed by
aligning the pin on the inside of the new split mirror assembly with the
slot on the mount, sliding the assembly down onto the mount, then
tightening the retaining ring (counterclockwise to finger tight).

CAUTION: To avoid damage to the mirror on the telescope assembly or

the split mirrors on the illumination tower, move the illumination housing
well off to one side before mounting the telescope assembly.

4. Mount the telescope assembly to the top of the slit lamp

magnification changer.

Begin by moving the illumination housing well off to one side. If a

tonometer (or some other device) is installed on the top of the
magnification changer, remove it, then install the telescope assembly in
its place. The telescope assembly mounts with a thumbscrew and two
guide pins. Make sure the guide pins are snug in their mounting holes
(spread the retaining pin legs a bit with a screwdriver if not).

5. Secure the ESF cable and delivery fiber to the lamp chin rest post
and connect both to the Novus Spectra console.

Use the Velcro strap on the fiber to secure the ESF cable and delivery
fiber to a chin rest post with a nice, soft, gradual bend in the fiber at the
top of the telescope. The Velcro helps to hold the fiber up to maintain a
large bend radius. Sharp bends can lead to fiber failure.

2.7 Laser Indirect Ophthalmoscope (LIO) Installation Procedure

Optionally, the Novus Spectra can be installed with a Laser Indirect

Ophthalmoscope (LIO) as one of the delivery systems. If an LIO was purchased
with the laser console, installation of the LIO will be necessary. Detailed
installation instructions are provided in the operator manual (with drawings).
Install the slit lamp per manufacturers instructions.

Novus Spectra Service Manual Installation Instructions

PB-002141-02 REV B 2-7
2.8 Remote Interlock Switch Installation Procedure

The customer may elect to install a remote switch (door interlock device) to
monitor a door to the treatment room where the Novus Spectra is used. If the
interlocked door is opened, the system will be disabled from firing. A 2.5 mm
(1/8 in) mono audio plug (DP-02-056) is required that must be wired to a
customer supplied door switch so that the switch is closed when the door is
closed. The door switch contact must be rated for 12Vdc/0.1A service. The plug
must be connected to the “Remote Interlock” receptacle at the rear panel on the
Novus Spectra.

Total length of cable from the door switch to the interlock plug cannot exceed 4.5
m (15 ft). The plug must be wired as follows:

Tip: Connect the plug tip to the N.O. contact of the switch. When the
door is closed, the N.O. switch contact to be connected to switch

Shaft: Connect the plug shaft to switch COM, connect to the switch
common contact.





REAR P66 (48V
PANEL Interlock

Installation Instructions Novus Spectra Service Manual

2-8 PB-002141-02 REV B
2.9 Operational and Safety Checkout

Note: The following procedure is to be completed after installation, system

relocation, or after any service work has been done to the Novus Spectra
console or delivery device.

1. Check laser power out of the Optical Delivery assembly.

a. Initiate [Service/Diagnostic Mode] software routines

i. Move switches 1&2 on SW2 on the CPU board toward the
front of the laser
ii. Turn the laser on ( ≡ is displayed on DS1 on the CPU board)
iii. Return switches 1&2 on SW2 on the CPU board toward the
back of the laser.
iv. Turn the laser on ( ⊏ is displayed on DS1 on the CPU board
& ≡CAL is displayed in the front panel count display.)
b. Attach a straight plug with any value resistor to the SMA Plug.
c. Place the power meter head against the straight plug so that no
reflected light can escape
d. Measure the following power levels and verify they are within
the tolerances of the table specified below.

Displayed Expected Power Expected Power

Power Thermal Head In Optical Head In
In mW mW mW
50 20-30 40-60
500 200-300 400-600
1000 400-600 800-1200
2000 800-1200 1600-2400
2500 1000-1500 2000-3000

Aim Beam – no greater than 1.0 mW at maximum setting. (635 nm).

Note: The wavelengths indicated in the () are the wavelength values that must
be entered into the power meter, when using a wavelength specific power
meter, before measuring the power out at the specific wavelengths.

2. Verify power calibration.

With the power meter still connected as above, activate User mode
operation, and then confirm the power calibration at minimum, mid range
and maximum power settings. The power as indicated at the power
meter must be within ± 10% of the selected power (at the control panel)
for each power setting.

Novus Spectra Service Manual Installation Instructions

PB-002141-02 REV B 2-9
3. Verify pulse duration (pulse width, or on-time).

To check the exposure time, connect oscilloscope to TP17 on the Analog

I/O PCB (located at the top of the stack). Select 100 mW power.
Confirm that actual exposure time is within ± 10% of the selected
exposure time, across the range of selectable exposure times.

4. Verify pulse interval (time between pulses).

With the oscilloscope still connected as in the previous step, test the
interval mode timing by selecting repeat mode at each of the repeat
mode intervals, minimum to maximum. Verify proper treatment intervals
are within ± 10%.

5. Check out the slit lamp delivery system (if installed).

a. Check the slit lamp illumination and the visual focus (refer to Slit
Lamp service manual).
b. Check the aiming beam movement and coincidence to
treatment beam.
c. Check ESF operation. Check for proper movement and confirm
the Novus Spectra will not fire if the ESF is held out of the
viewing path (remove the binoculars, restrain the filter, try to
d. Place power meter at focal plane and confirm calibration
through slit lamp at 100 micron and 50 micron spot sizes.
Delivered power must be within ± 10% of displayed power
across the power range at 100 microns and ± 20% of displayed
power across the power range at 50 microns.
e. Make test burns. Confirm spot sizes match those on the yellow
test burn card (p/n ?), using the power settings, exposure times
and spot sizes printed on the card.

6. Check out the LaserLink Z (if installed).

a. Check safety filter operation.

b. Check for proper movement and confirm the Novus Spectra will
not fire if the ESF is held out of the viewing path (remove the
binoculars, restrain the filter, try to fire).
c. Do the pretreatment procedure to establish correct working
distance and focus. Attach a target card at the chin rest, visible
through the slit lamp. Set magnification to maximum, focus the
slit lamp on the target using the joystick, and set the slit lamp for
no slit walk.

Installation Instructions Novus Spectra Service Manual

2-10 PB-002141-02 REV B
d. Turn on the Novus Spectra and get an aiming beam projected
onto the target.

Caution: It is very important that the LaserLink be adjusted for focus at 50

microns, and not at any other spot size.

Select a 50 micron spot size, adjust the laser spot position for centering in the
illumination and field of view, then adjust the laser beam focus control for
smallest spot on the target.

e. Check the power calibration.

Check power at minimum, maximum, and across the range using a
calibrated power meter. Measured power must be within ± 10% of
requested power at 100 micron spot size.

f. Make test burns.

Confirm spot sizes match those on the yellow test burn card, using
the power settings, exposure times and spot sizes printed on the

7. Check out the LIO (if installed).

a. Check LIO illumination.

b. Confirm the focal distance and spot size out of the LIO.
Connect the LIO fiber to a fiber port. The LIO comes with either of
two lens assemblies installed. Each of the two available lens
assemblies has a different focal distance, allowing the system to be
set up for a particular doctor's reach. Check to see which lens
assembly is installed, then confirm that the laser spot out of the LIO
is focused at the distance and size indicated below.

c. Confirm the power calibration.

Check delivered power at minimum, maximum, and across the
range using a calibrated power meter. Delivered power as indicated
on the power meter must be within ± 10% of selected power across
the range, and is typically much better.

8. Test external connections and switches.

a. Attach a footswitch, remote interlock, accessory (eye safety

filter), and delivery system fiber, then turn on the system.
b. Verify key switch operates properly and that the key cannot be
removed except in the "0" position.

Novus Spectra Service Manual Installation Instructions

PB-002141-02 REV B 2-11
c. Once the system goes to STANDBY, select READY, then
remove the interlock plug from the rear panel (or open room
door if interlock is connected to door switch).
Verify the system goes to STANDBY, that ILoc is displayed, and that
the system will not go to READY.

d. Replace the interlock connector (or close room door), select

READY, then disconnect the delivery system fiber from the fiber
Verify the system goes to STANDBY, that E300 is displayed, and
that the system will not go to READY.

e. Replace the fiber, select READY, then disconnect the

Verify the system goes to STANDBY, that E200 is displayed, and
that the system will not go to READY.

f. Replace the footswitch, insert a straight plug with a 124 ohm

resistor, select READY, insert the ESF, then remove the ESF
Verify that E400 appears on the control panel, and that the system
will not go to READY.

g. Replace ESF, and fire the laser into a power meter detector.
While firing, press the emergency off button. Verify the treatment
laser shuts off, that EOFF is displayed, and that the system will not
go to READY. Press the emergency off button again, select
READY, and verify the laser will fire again.

9. Test Footswitch(es)

a. Standard Footswitch (if installed)

With the console off, depress and hold the foot switch down. Turn
the console on and verify that F203 is displayed. Lift up on the
switch, and verify that the system cannot be placed in READY.
Cycle power to reset this error.

b. Smart Footswitch (if installed)

With the console off, depress and hold the foot switch down. Turn
the console on and verify that F203 is displayed. Lift up on the
switch, and verify that the system cannot be placed in READY.
Cycle power to reset this error.

Installation Instructions Novus Spectra Service Manual

2-12 PB-002141-02 REV B
Connect a moving physician filter (ESF). With laser on and READY,
place foot in switch housing and verify that the filter moves into the
physician's viewing path. Remove foot from switch housing and
verify that the filter moves out of the physician's viewing path.

Without blocking the "Smart" foot detector (the IR path across

entrance to the foot switch housing), depress the foot switch. Verify
that the filter moves into the physician's viewing path before the
laser fires.

c. Power Ease Footswitch (if installed)

With the console off, depress and hold the foot switch down. Turn
the console on and verify that F203 is displayed. Lift up on the
switch, and verify that the system cannot be placed in READY.
Cycle power to reset this error.

Depress the switch on the right side of the footswitch and verify the
power display increases. Depress the switch on the left side of the
footswitch and verify the power display decreases. With laser on
and READY depress the center switch and verify the laser fires.

10. Test operate the system.

a. Confirm the system turns on, passes through self-tests and

goes to STANDBY.
b. Confirm the system operates across the range of power and
exposure times with all available delivery systems (see Operator
Manual for parameter table).
c. Confirm all operator controls operate properly.
Front Display panel LED segments and indicator lights work

Front Display panel control buttons work

Remote Control panel buttons and icons illuminate (if installed)

Remote Control panel control buttons work

2.10 Periodic Maintenance

Preventive Maintenance must be performed annually, or more often as required.

Preventive Maintenance must be performed by a Lumenis certified technician.

Required Tools and Test Equipment – refer to Section 6.

Novus Spectra Service Manual Installation Instructions

PB-002141-02 REV B 2-13
PM Check List:

1. Perform a visual inspection of the laser console.

2. Perform a visual inspection of all delivery systems and accessories

used with the Novus Spectra laser.

3. Perform Section 2.9, Operational and Safety Checkout.

Installation Instructions Novus Spectra Service Manual

2-14 PB-002141-02 REV B
3.0 Alignment, Adjustment and
3.1 Overview

This section contains procedures for the field checks and adjustments required to
maintain the Novus Spectra. The procedures assume the reader has
successfully completed a Lumenis service department training course on the
Novus Spectra. The information in this manual is subject to update by field
service bulletins and service manual revisions.

Whenever any preventive or corrective maintenance is performed on the Novus

Spectra, the system must pass all portions of the Operational and Safety
Checkout (Section 2.9) before the system is returned to the user.

3.1.1 Procedure List

The procedures should be performed in the order presented, from beginning to

end. If only a portion of the procedure is done, the servicing technician must
consider the possible effect of doing just that portion of the procedure (i.e., there
may be adjustments done earlier or later in the procedure that impact or are
impacted by the portion performed).

Topic 3.2, Resonator (Laser) Plate Alignment – performed whenever active or

passive optical components within the resonator plate are changed or if the
resonator power is low. This procedure must be performed in a clean and dry

Topic 3.3, Output Delivery (Aiming Beam) Alignment – provides instructions

to align the photocells, coaxially align the treatment beam and aiming beams,
and to center the lasers at the fiber port for maximum transmission.

Topic 3.4, Electrical Adjustments – performed to set operating temperatures of

the TEC (Thermo-Electric Cooler) circuits to provide optimum temperature to cool
the pump diode and to heat the KTP crystals, and to set up current limit
parameters for the pump diode.

Topic 3.5, Mechanical Adjustments – performed for fiber alignment.

Topic 3.6, Power Calibration – calibrates the voltage output per watt (V/W) of
two internal power detection circuits when compared to the service technician’s
external power meter.

Novus Spectra Service Manual Alignment, Adjustment and Calibration

PB-002141-03 REV B 3-1

• Calibrated Digital Voltmeter with true RMS capability (such as Fluke 77).
• Calibrated power meter (such as Coherent FieldMaster with LM2* head or
Ophir Nova with PD-300 head).
• Calibrated oscilloscope, TekScope Autoranging 60 MHZ Scope/DMM or
• Calibrated Current meter, Tektronics A622 AC/DC or equivalent.
Special purpose test equipment/tools:

• PC to Novus Spectra serial cable

• SMA straight plug (any resistor value)
• Multimeter
• Potentiometer adjustment tool
• PC with Novus Spectra Calibration Utility REV E Software and Upload Utility
REV B1 software installed with calibration files.

Note: Some power meters may not provide accurate power readings when used
in close proximity to the Novus Spectra. If power readings fluctuate, use
the power meter on battery power (to eliminate electrically induced noise
from the meter’s power cord) and keep the cable between the power
meter display and head away from other electrical components as much
as possible.

3.2 Resonator (Laser) Plate Alignment

The Resonator Plate and Beam Plate are aligned on a special test fixture with a
separate HeNe laser for aligning the laser cavity in a clean room environment.
This fixture is mounted on a laser test bench with the Resonator Plate and Beam
Plate mounted horizontally to the test fixture.

The Resonator Plate is highly susceptible to dust particles damaging the optics in
the laser beam path when the Resonator is opened in a non-clean room
environment. Due to this condition, currently there are no procedures and test
fixtures available for performing a Resonator Plate alignment in the field.

3.3 Output Delivery (Aiming Beam) Alignment

3.3.1 Purpose and Scope

Alignment, Adjustment and Calibration Novus Spectra Service Manual

3-2 PB-002141-03 REV B
The purpose of this section is to describe the aiming beam alignment procedure for SMA
laser systems including the Novus Spectra and Elite.
3.3.2 Procedure

The laser beam alignment is done through a 50um fiber. The alignment is done
by a push pull system with the 4 (3/32’’) screws on the optical delivery. The
screws are positioned at 12 and 6 o’clock and at 3 and 9 o’clock, and are turned
simultaneously to produce a dot with sharp edges.

Warning: Laser diodes are very static sensitive and should only be
handled when the proper ESD precautions have been taken.

Note: Aiming beam alignment is best accomplished in a somewhat dark room. Aiming Beam Collimation

1. Remove the laser diode clamp mounted on the y pivot adjustment

assembly (2-3/32’’ screws) with the diode housed in the clamp.
Point laser diode in a safe direction for alignment.

2. Loosen the aiming diode clamp screw (3/32) enough for movement,
but leave it somewhat snug to reduce undesirable slippage. Push
the laser diode all the way forward, so the front of the Delrin aiming
diode insulator makes contact with the bottom of the counter-bore
in the clamp. Then turn the laser diode on for comfortable viewing

3. With the laser diode pressed all the way in, point it toward a stable
target and slowly pull it back until the beam becomes a visible
rectangular/oval spot approximately 1 1/2 mm x 3mm in length at a
distance of about 20cm (8 in.).

Novus Spectra Service Manual Alignment, Adjustment and Calibration

PB-002141-03 REV B 3-3
a. Once the desired spot size is achieved at the 20cm distance,
move the diode back to 1m, then 3m, while maintaining its
position through the beam path. Verify that the beam spot does
not deviate in size and is still 1 1/2mm x 3mm in length plus or
minus 1/2mm. If the spot size is out of range at any of the
distances, pull the laser diode back in the clamp and recheck
the spot sizes at the distances above until an adequate spot
size is achieved at all three distances.

Note: The key to achieving a good collimated aiming beam output is always to
start with the laser diode pushed all the way forward into the clamp, and
never pull the laser diode back far enough to where the beam waist
focuses tightly and propagates from it’s converging state to a diverging
state before the length of a 3 to 4m distance range. Doing so will likely
guarantee adequate coupling of the aiming beam into a 50-µm fiber every

Alignment, Adjustment and Calibration Novus Spectra Service Manual

3-4 PB-002141-03 REV B Aiming Beam Alignment

1. Once the aiming beam has been aligned in the housing, attach the
laser diode housing to the Y Pivot Assembly. On the Y Pivot
Assembly there are two (3/32) screws; the bottom one is a push
screw to move the beam up and the top one is a pull screw to move
the beam down. With these two screws you will be able to achieve
the vertical alignment portion of the aiming beam.

2. The aiming beam mirror assembly is mounted to the top of the

shutter block assembly. This is used to accomplish the X
adjustment for the aiming beam alignment. Loosen the two (3/32)
mirror locking screws and use the two spanner wrench holes to
adjust the X alignment. Insert a spanner wrench into the holes and
move the mount from side to side. Attach a 50um fiber to the SMA
fiber port and work back and forth between the Y pivot adjustment
and the X alignment adjustment until the desired aiming beam
profile (crisp and uniform spot throughout) is achieved.

3.4 Electrical Adjustments

There is a temperature set point for the KTP crystal and one for the laser head.
The laser head temperature and the current limit are set in calibration and should
not be separated. The KTP temperature is set by a set point set by measuring
between TP1 (GND) and TP5 (SET). The KTP and laser head temperature are
listed on a sheet that should come with the laser head. The current limit should
always be 42 Amps.

Novus Spectra Service Manual Alignment, Adjustment and Calibration

PB-002141-03 REV B 3-5
3.5 Mechanical Adjustments

3.5.1 Fiber Alignment

Using a 50µ fiber and power set to minimum. Adjust alignment

using the 4 screws on the optical delivery in a push pull manner till the
beam is as sharp as possible.

3.6 Power Calibration

3.6.1 Required Equipment/Tools

The following equipment/tools are required for calibration:

• FieldMaster (or equivalent) power meter.

• LM-2 detector head w/1000:1 attenuator (or equivalent) detector head.
• Potentiometer adjustment tool.
• DVM, Fluke 77 or equivalent.
• Laser safety eyewear
• SMA straight plug (392KΩ resistor value)

Warning! Dangerous laser radiation and lethal electrical current is exposed

when the protective covers are removed. Only Lumenis Service
Representatives or Lumenis certified technicians should work on the laser
with the protective covers removed.

3.6.2 Prerequisites

• The Novus Spectra laser CPU board “Flash” memory must be programmed
with the “Boot Block” code.
• For the Novus Spectra laser to be calibrated, it must be assembled correctly
and pass all startup tests in calibration mode, i.e., it must be able to reach the
standby state with “ECAL” displayed in the count display and without any
“FXXX” error codes.

Alignment, Adjustment and Calibration Novus Spectra Service Manual

3-6 PB-002141-03 REV B
3.6.3 Calibration Procedure

1. Remove the top cover

2. Set the laser to the following setting:

Power: 1000mW
Duration: .10 s
Interval: .10 s

3. Connect a volt meter between TP17 and TP22 on the Analog I/O
board. The Analog I/O board is the first full length board in the

4. Connect a straight plug with a 392KΩ resistor on it to the SMA

connector on the front of the unit.

5. Position a Power Meter in front of the straight plug.

NOTE: If using a Coherent LM2 meter head make sure you have a
latch box connected and set to pulse mode.

NOTE: If you are using an optical head like the LM2 you will see the
requested power on the meter head. If you are using a thermal head
like an Ophir 30A-SH-V1 you will see half of the requested power, i.e.
request 1W meter will read 500mW.

6. Place the laser in ready mode.

7. Fire the laser and adjust R29 on the Analog board until the required
power is seen on the power meter.

Caution: Adjust r37 on the Analog Board if the value on the volt
meter exceeds ±100mV otherwise an F503 or F504 will occur. If this
happens adjust R29 back 2 full turns from were it is and restart the

8. Adjust R37 on the Analog board until the volt meter reads as close
to zero as possible, no more then ±5mV.

9. Verify power settings at 50mW, 1000, and 2000mW are within ±20%.

Novus Spectra Service Manual Alignment, Adjustment and Calibration

PB-002141-03 REV B 3-7 Eye Safety Filter Test

1. Connect a ‘Y’ adapter and an eye safety filter to the laser. Verify
that the filter opens and closes correctly when the footswitch is

2. Verify that when a foot is inserted into a smart footswitch, the eye
safety filter closes and opens when the foot is removed.

3. Verify that when the eye safety filter is blocked, the laser displays a
F402 error.

4. Remove the eye safety filter and verify that the laser displays a
E400 error.

5. Reverse the connection on the ‘Y’ adapter and repeat the above
test. Footswitch Test

Basic Footswitch

1. Plug in the basic footswitch.

2. Press down on the footswitch. The system should deliver the

selected parameters.

3. While the laser is firing, release the footswitch and verify that the
laser stops firing.

4. Unplug the footswitch and verify that the E200 error is displayed
and the system goes to Standby.

Smart Footswitch

1. Plug in the Smart footswitch.

2. Insert your foot into the footswitch housing. The eye safety filter
should engage when your foot is inserted and disengage when your
foot is removed.

3. Press down on the footswitch and the system should deliver the
selected parameters.

Alignment, Adjustment and Calibration Novus Spectra Service Manual

3-8 PB-002141-03 REV B
4. While the laser is firing, release the footswitch and verify that the
laser stops firing.

5. Unplug the footswitch and verify that the E200 error is displayed
and the system goes to Standby.

Power Ease Footswitch

1. Plug in the Power Ease footswitch.

2. Insert your foot into the footswitch housing.

3. Kick the right side "power up" switch, and the power setting on the
LCD display should increase to the next available value.

4. Kick the left side "power down" switch, and the power setting on
the LCD display should decrease to the next available value.

5. Press down on the footswitch and the system should deliver the
selected parameters.

6. While the laser is firing, release the footswitch and verify that the
laser stops firing.

7. Unplug the power ease footswitch and verify that the E200 error is
displayed and the system goes to Standby. Illumination Accessory Test

1. Verify that the illumination adjusts properly. Remote Control Test

1. While the system is powered on, connect the remote control to the
rear panel Lemo connector.

2. Test the functionality of all buttons and displays.

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Alignment, Adjustment and Calibration Novus Spectra Service Manual

3-10 PB-002141-03 REV B
4.0 Theory of Operation

4.1 Introduction

The Novus Spectra, a portable, air-cooled, diode pumped solid-state, frequency

doubled Nd:YAG (output 532 nm) ophthalmic laser product, is intended to
perform photocoagulation and endo-photocoagulation in private offices, clinics
and operating theaters. Laser light will be delivered through an optical fiber to a
variety of delivery devices including slit lamps, slit lamp adapters, optical fiber
probes, and Laser Indirect Ophthalmoscopes (LIO). Indicated procedures
include retinal photocoagulation, trabeculoplasty and iridotomy where color
specific absorption, small spot size, and high power densities are required. This
product is designed for worldwide sales.

The Novus Spectra Ophthalmic Laser is comprised of the following functional


• A Main Console, including -

o Power Switching, Conditioning, and Distribution
o Temperature Control System
o Control Electronics
o Laser Power Supply
o Optical Components
o Software
o User Interface
ƒ LED Pushbutton
ƒ Footswitch
ƒ Remote Interlock\
ƒ Optional Remote Touch Display
• Delivery System
o LaserLink attachment to Slit Lamp
o Laser Indirect Ophthalmoscope (LIO)
o Endoprobe
• Physician Filter (Eye Safety Filter)

4.1.1 Main Console

Novus Spectra Service Manual Theory of Operation

PB-002141-04 REV B 4-1
The main console of the Novus Spectra houses the power supply, control
electronics, laser system and optical components, thermoelectric heating/cooling
system, heat sink and fan. Various delivery devices can be attached to the
console at the fiber port. The system is primarily controlled by front panel
switches surrounding an LED display. The system can also be controlled via an
optional Remote Control panel.

4.1.2 Delivery Systems

The Novus Spectra laser system is intended for use with several types of delivery
systems. It can be used with Zeiss and Haag-Streit slit lamp laser attachments.
It can be used with Heine and Keeler Laser Indirect Ophthalmoscopes. Laser
light can also be delivered via straight or angled Acculite and EndoOto
disposable probes. Slit lamps will have their own power cords plugging into wall
power. Slit lamps and the LIO have their own illumination power supplies.

4.1.3 Physician Filter (Eye Safety Filter)

The physician filter (eye safety filter) connects to the main console via cable to
the Accessory port. The console can drive either linear motor or solenoid driven
filters. The system auto-selects the mode of operation for the eye safety filters.
Filters can be used in fixed, moving, selectable, or smart selectable modes. The
eye safety filter will have clinically acceptable visibility for the treatment (green)
and aiming (red) laser wavelengths.

4.1.4 Footswitch

The footswitch activates the laser treatment. The footswitch connects to the rear
panel of the main console via a cable. For additional safety, the footswitch main
pedal contains two redundant switches. Three footswitch models are available:

Standard – a footswitch assembly containing one pedal with the ability to

determine positions UP (laser firing disabled) and DOWN (laser firing enabled).
Upon pressing down on the pedal, the eye safety filter moves into the beam path,
and the laser fires treatment pulse(s) at the requested parameters.

“Smart” – a standard footswitch assembly with additional optical (IR) sensors

located at the housing entrance to detect the presence of the physician’s foot.
When the system detects the “foot-in-switch” condition to be true, the eye safety
filter moves into the beam path.

Power Ease – a standard footswitch assembly that incorporates two horizontally

opposed pedal switches above and around the main pedal. The left pedal, when
pressed, reduces output power by one step for each press. The right pedal,

Theory of Operation Novus Spectra Service Manual

4-2 PB-002141-04 REV B
when pressed, increases the output power by one step for each press. While
firing the laser (with main pedal), the left and right pedals are ignored.

4.2 Power Switching, Conditioning & Distribution

4.2.1 Main Input Power

The Novus Spectra laser is designed to meet UL2601-1, IEC 60601-1-1, 60601-
1-2, 60601-1-4, 60601-1-22, and 60825-1, and CSA 22.2 No. 601 requirements.
The laser is available in one electrical configuration with a universal, 100-240
VAC, 5.0 A power input.

The supplied hospital-grade power cord should be used with a standard 110-
120VAC 15A wall outlet.

4.2.2 Power Distribution

Power input enters the system via the IEC 320 compatible line filter in the rear of
the unit. The main input power is dual fused with two T-type 5x20mm 250 V, 5A
Slo Blo. The fuses are located in the fuse holder directly below the main power
receptacle on the rear of the system. The front panel key switch is in series with
both AC mains poles to provide direct interruption of line and neutral to the XPIQ
AC to DC power supply AC to DC Power Supply Module

The AC to DC power supply board converts 100-240VAC to 48VDC (Two 24VDC

Bricks) @480 Watts. Its output modules provide open collector, active low status
signal; PWR VALID 1\ and PWR VALID 2\ to the 48V INTERLOCK. A separate
5V, 50mA line provides power for the interlock control circuitry. Low Voltage Monitor

There are two sets of low voltage signals; the first set (+12V, -12V, +5V) is
monitored by U3; the second set (+3.3V, +2.5V, +1.8V) is monitored by U4. If
the first set of voltages is normal, U3 generates an active-low output signal
LV_UNDER_1\. If one of the monitored voltages goes 10% low LV_UNDER_1\
will send a high signal to the CPLD on the 48 Volt Interlock which will shut off the
Solid State Relay which supplies voltage to the Power Supplies for the Diode
Drive Base and the TEC Heater/Cooler.

LV_OVER_1 is an active high and is not dedicated at this time, but if this signal
goes low the CPLD on the 48 Volt Interlock will shut the Solid State Relay down.
If the second set of voltages are normal, U4 generates an active-low output

Novus Spectra Service Manual Theory of Operation

PB-002141-04 REV B 4-3
LV_UNDER_2\. If one of the monitored voltages goes 10% low then
LV_UNDER_2\ will send a high signal to the CPLD on the 48 Volt Interlock which
will shut down the Solid State Relay, which supplies power to the power supplies
for the Diode Drive Base and the TEC Heater/Cooler. If either of these fault
conditions happens the system will generate an error code though the FPGA on
the Digital board and CPU and the system will not fire. (See the Low Voltage
Monitor Loop figure below.)

Low Voltage Monitor Loop

There are three Interlock Status bits (ILOCKSTATUS0-2) that are generated in
the CPLD of the 48 Volt Interlock board and are accessible with a probe on the
Low Voltage Monitor (TP 13-15). They are sent to the FPGA on the Digital
board. The table below shows the different states and their causes.
2 1 0 Interlock Status
0 0 0 No faults. Laser head enabled
0 0 1 Emergency stop active. Laser head disabled

Theory of Operation Novus Spectra Service Manual

4-4 PB-002141-04 REV B
0 1 0 Room interlock open. Laser head disabled
0 1 1 Low voltage failure +12, -12, +5. Laser head disabled
1 0 0 Low voltage failure +3.3, +2.5, +1.8. Laser head disabled
1 0 1 Low voltage failure over. Laser head disabled
1 1 0 Laser head disabled by CPU
1 1 1 Not Used Laser head disabled 48 Volt Interlock

The fuses for the internal part of the system are located on the 48 Volt Interlock.
There are six fuses; five are used and one is not used or stuffed on the board
(F3). F1 is a 3 Amp. 125V Fast Blow for the Diode Drive. F2 is a 7 Amp. 125V
Fast Blow for the TEC Heater/Cooler. F4 is a 2 Amp. 125V Fast Blow for the
Fans. F5 is a 5 Amp. 125V Fast Blow for the 48V to the Auxiliary Power Supply.
F6 is a 2 Amp 125V Fast Blow for the 24V to the Auxiliary Power Supply.

The 48 Volt Interlock has a CPLD that monitors Room Interlock signal
(ROOM_OK\), the E-stop switch signal (E_STOPPED) and the low voltage
signals from the Low Voltage Monitor. If one of these signals has a fault
condition, the CPLD will shut off power to the Solid State Relay that runs the
power supplies for the Diode Drive Base and TEC Heater/Cooler, then it sends a
signal to the FPGA on the Digital board via the Interlock Status signals to send
the error to the Front Panel.

Note: The 48 Volt Interlock has 3 different electrical grounds: IGND, DGND, and
SSIGND, are all optically isolated to eliminate ground loops. Care should
be taken during all troubleshooting to avoid erroneous readings. Cross
probing may cause laser interlock damage. CPU Board

The CPU Board uses the DD-TEC HC EN\ signal to shut the power down
through the 48 Volt Interlock if there is a problem in the stack other then low

4.3 Temperature Control Systems

The cooling system for the Novus Spectra consists of three DC fans to move air
through the inside of the console, heater/cooler to heat and cool the head, and
the KTP heater to heat the crystal to a given set point.

4.3.1 DC Fans

The three DC fans consist of a large fan mounted under the head, and two
smaller fans mounted on the rear of the system. The air is blown up onto the

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head assembly though the heat sink on the bottom of the head and then out the
back of the unit (see figure below).

DC Fans

4.3.2 Heater/Cooler PCB

The Heater/Cooler’s primary function is to provide temperature control for the

laser diode. It does this by providing current to peltier devices (TEC’s) mounted
between the laser engine and heat sink. The output current is controlled by the
software control loop, which provides linear control as well as switching the
polarity of the output via the H bridge. The stack monitors a 100k ohm NTC
thermistor, which is mounted to the laser diode and controls the TEC
Heater/Cooler though two digital outputs and one analog output. Power Supply Interface

The Heater/Cooler power supply (Vicor) is a 48 volt DC in 5-17 volts DC out. It

has two means of control, the Primary Control Pin (PC pin) and the Secondary
Control Pin (SC pin). The primary control pin can be used to disable the module
but is by default enabled. When the module is enabled 6VDC can be measured
on the PC pin with respect to –IN. To disable the module the PC pin needs to be
pulled low. The secondary control pin is used to linearly control the output of the
module. With the SC pin the module can be controlled from 10% to 110% of the
nominal voltage.

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PB-002141-04 REV B 4-7 Digital Interface

P46 provides the interface to the Digital I/O board, which provides the following

• HEAT\ activates Q2 and Q4 via ISO1 U3B and U4A allowing current to flow
through the TECs in the direction that causes the TECs to heat on the laser
cavity side.
• COOL\ activates Q1 and Q3 via ISO2 U3A and U4B allowing current to flow
through the TECs in the direction that causes the TECs to cool on the laser
cavity side.
• TEC OFF\ allows the stack to shutdown PS1 via ISO3, which when active
shorts the PC pin on PS1 to – IN.
• DGND is the Digital ground point for the digital power supplies on the board.
• D+12V is the Digital +12 volt power supply.
• D-12V is the Digital –12 volt power supply. Analog Interface

P48 provides the interface to the Analog I/O. TEC DRIVE – and TEC DRIVE +
are differential signals whose potential ranges from 0.256 to 0.883. This
differential signal is converted to a single-ended signal through U1 and then
buffered through U2 to drive the SC pin on PS1. D2 and D3 assure that the SC
pin is not driven above the specified 1.5 volt maximum. This results in an output
range of 5 to 17.2 volts from the +OUT and –OUT pins of PS1. TEC Failure Detect Circuit

U6 monitors the output voltage of the TEC Heater/Cooler while U5 monitors the
output Current of the TEC Heater/Cooler. These two values are compared at
U7A. If a TEC failure occurs and the output current drops to 91% of the
expected 0.542 amps per volt, while the COOL\ signal is active, the output of
U7A will latch high lighting LED3 and sending an active high signal to the stack.

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Digital Heater/Cooler Control Loop

4.3.3 KTP Heater

The KTP Heater’s function is to maintain the KTP crystal temperature above the
set point determined by the head alignment technician. The optimal temperature
for the KTP is 40 degrees C; the set point is located on the spec sheet that
comes with the head.

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When the temperature of the KTP crystal drops low enough that the voltage drop
across the 100K ohm NTC (Negative Temperature Coefficient) thermistor
mounted on the KTP crystal exceeds the set point, (determined by the voltage
divider adjustable by R5 measured on TP5), the current through Q1 is increased,
at 5mV per mA, to heat the 100 ohm resistor also mounted on the KTP crystal
until the voltage drop across the thermistor matches the SET voltage. (See
schematic for KTP Heater section 8)

4.4 Control Electronics

4.4.1 Overview

The Control Electronics execute software instructions to provide overall control of

the Novus Spectra. The Control Electronics monitor all events that occur when
the system is functioning properly and displays messages and status to the Front
Panel. When the Control Electronics detect a fault, they will determine the nature
of the fault and how the system should handle the fault. Some faults will control
the hardware to disable the system while other faults may just send messages to
the Front Panel indicating no footswitch, ESF, etc.

4.4.2 The Stack

The stack is a group of 4 boards mounted together on spacer blocks, and

consists of the Analog I/O, Digital I/O, CPU, and the Auxiliary Interface board.
For individual circuit descriptions please see below.

4.4.3 Analog I/O

The Analog I/O has a 16-bit interface to the CPU bus, which has 4 functions:

• Sense and control of analog system levels during normal operation using 12-
bit, parallel loading DACs and ADCs.
• Hardware sense of light emission safety circuits: Overpower, Pulse Detect,
and Inadvertent Exposure.
• Accommodate self-diagnostic of analog safety channels during laser standby
mode through loop back of safety critical channels.
• Set gain on light and current sensing channels. Power Supply Interface

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The analog board interfaces with the Auxiliary Power Supply through J3. It
receives all the low voltages, which are then filtered to minimize power supply
noise, and can be measured as follows:
Test Point Voltage
TP1 +5V
TP2 +12V
TP3 -12V
TP4 -5V
TP5 +2.5V
TP6 +3.3V

Digital ground (TP7&8 DGRD) also enter the board through J3. It is then filtered
to create analog ground (TP9&10 AGND) and shield (SGND) grounds. System Bus Interface

J1 and J2 combine to form the 16-bit control interface between the Analog I/O
and the CPU board. The FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) functions as a
data transceiver/decoder between the system bus and the data converters.
PROM (U3) contains the HDL software that is serially downloaded to the FPGA
on power-up. When this is completed correctly the red DONE LED (D5)
illuminates. Analog to Digital

There are eight analog input channels:

• four are differential input, high-speed programmable gain (Main and Safe
LTFB, Current, Fiber Resister)
• two are differential input, low offset (ESF Resistor 1 & 2)
• two are dedicated thermistor sense channels.

All channels are programmed for gain of 1 and accept voltage levels in the –10V
to +10V range. Light feedback channels are gain adjustable (R29 & R37) for
calibration. Digital to Analog

There are eight analog output channels:

• four are fully differential signals (Light Drive, Current Clamp, Aiming
Beam, & Illumination)
• four are AGND referenced signals. All of these are jumper configurable
as either system outputs or Safety Comparator inputs. Three are
currently being used as safety inputs to feed the Overpower, Pulse

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Detect, and Inadvertent Exposure signals, the other one is the TEC Drive
signal and is the only one that leaves the board.

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4.4.4 Digital I/O

The Digital I/O board is used for digital communication and control between
external boards and the FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) that resides on
the board. There are 24 inputs and 18 outputs from the FPGA. Main Circuit Description

The FPGA is the primary component on the Digital I/O board. The FPGA is
programmable from PROM (U25) upon reset, or power up. When the FPGA has
loaded correctly D30, a red LED, will be illuminated. For a normal load from the
PROM there needs to be a jumper between pins 2 & 3 on JP13. The 24 input
signals are run through receivers (U5, U6, U18, & U19) to translate the +12V
signals to +5V signals that the FPGA can accept. The inputs are broken down
into INPUT 0-16 and FSW 0-6. Refer to the table below:

INPUT Signal Comes From Name of Signal

Signal Outside of Digital
INPUT 0 From Optical Delivery OD SHTR SWITCH 1\
INPUT 1 From Optical Delivery OD SHTR SWITCH 2\
INPUT 2 From the Accessory Interface SF1 CLOSED\ **
INPUT 3 From the Accessory Interface SF2 CLOSED\
INPUT 4 From Remote\Footswitch Interface REMOTE
INPUT 5 From TEC Heater\Cooler TEC FAIL\
INPUT 6-16 Terminated at the Digital I/O Harness
FSW0 From Foot Switch FOOTSW CODE0
FSW1 From Foot Switch FOOTSW CODE1
FSW2 From Foot Switch FOOT IN
FSW3 From Foot Switch PWR DWN
FSW4 From Foot Switch PWR UP
FSW5 From Foot Switch FS NO
FSW6 From Foot Switch FS NC
** (SF=safety filter)

The 18 output signals run through output drivers (U7-U16) before leaving the
board so that the 3.3V output signal from the FPGA can be changed to +12V.
The outputs break down into OUTPUT 0-10 and SAFETY 0-8. Refer to the table
that follows:

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OUTPUT Signal Goes To Name of Signal
Signal Outside of Digital
OUTPUT 0 To TEC Heater\Cooler HEAT\
OUTPUT 1 To TEC Heater\Cooler COOLl\
OUTPUT 2 To TEC Heater\Cooler TEC OFF\
OUTPUT 3 To the Remote\Footswitch Interface REMOTE PWR ON\
OUTPUT 4- Terminate on the Digital Harness
10 Adapter
SAFETY 0\ To the Diode Drive Control PULSE EN\
SAFETY 1\ To the Diode Drive Control LASER EN\
SAFETY 2| To Optical Delivery OD SHUTTER OPEN\
SAFETY 3\ To the Accessory Interface SFSOL EN\
SAFETY 4\ To the Accessory Interface SFSOL DRV\
SAFETY 5\ To the Accessory Interface SFMTR SEL0
SAFETY 6\ To the Accessory Interface SFMTR SEL1
SAFETY 7\ To the Accessory Interface SF1 MTR SOL
SAFETY 8\ To the Accessory Interface SF2 MTR SOL

U20 is a 54 MHz crystal oscillator that is used by the FPGA for independent
pulse and interval timing. This allows the FPGA to provide a safety check that
prevents the laser from firing pulses that are either too long or too short because
of a CPU clock error. Power

HD+12V is not used on the Digital I/O board, however it is sent out to the Optical
Delivery board, the Remote/Footswitch board, and the Accessory Interface
board. The +3.3V is used to power the FPGA and serial PROM. The +2.5V is
used to power the FPGA internal core logic. D+12V is used for both the input and
output drivers. D+5V is use for the I/O drivers and also supplies power to the

4.4.5 CPU Board

The Coldfire CPU board is a processor board with Flash memory, SRAM, two
UARTs, two I2C serial ports, and a small EEPROM. An FPGA on the board
buffers control lines, drives a seven Segment display, and generates an audio
output signal. Circuit Description

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The processor is a Motorola Coldfire 5407 RISC processor, and is the largest
part on the board. It runs at 162Mhz internally, derived from an external 54Mhz
clock. The data bus is 32 bits wide, and address lines from A0 to A21 are
connected to external devices.

The 5407 processor has 2 UARTs. These signals get buffered by Maxim
MAX3224 RS232 driver/receivers (U22 and U23). The RS232 connectors on the
board are P6 and P8 and are used for serial communication to a PC for
calibration and communication with the remote unit.

The 5407 processor also has an I2C serial port. A serial EEPROM (U12) is
connected to this port, and is used for scratchpad memory that will retain its
contents when power is removed (intended for most recently used settings for
the laser). An I2C buffer (U10), a MAX3373, drives two I2C connectors, P7 and

A reset signal to the processor is generated at power-on by U3. Pushing the

momentary switch S1 also generates a reset signal.

JP1, JP2, and JP5 are used for software debug. JP1, a 26-pin header, connects
to a background mode emulator. JP2, a 14-pin header, connects to parallel port
pins on the processor. JP5 connects to processor timers

Flash memory is two 16-bit wide 29LV400B boot block devices, connected so
that code can run at a full 32 bits wide. When J2 pin 12 is left floating, the board
boots from flash. When it is grounded, such as by a CPU Boot Memory card, the
board boots from an off-board flash, using J2-13 as the chip select for that flash.

SRAMs are two 16-bit wide 7C55V400AFT parts, connected in parallel so that
the SRAM function is 32 bits wide.

The FPGA is a Xilinx XC2S30, and loads itself on power up from a XC17S30
serial prom (U19). When the prom is done loading (the FPGA is ‘configured’),
LED D15 turns on. JP7 is a JTAG header that allows loading or testing the FPGA
from a serial cable. JP12, JP13, and JP10 control M0, M1, and M2 respectively,
and by default are jumpered from pins 2 to 3, so that the FPGA loads from the
serial prom on power-up. JP11 pins 1 and 2 are normally left connected. If JP11
pins 2 and 3 are momentarily connected, the FPGA will reload.

DS1 is a 7 segment LED driven by the FPGA, and is used for status monitoring.

JP9 is driven with a pulse width modulated signal that is used to generate an
audio output.

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J1 and J2 are stack connectors with data bus, address bus, and control signals
from the processor. These signals are buffered by either ‘245 buffers (for the
data bus) or ‘244 buffers (for address lines and control signals).

SW1 and SW2 are slide switches that are used to select calibration mode,
upload mode, and configuration defaults. Normal operation is set by having all
the switches ON position.

o Calibration mode is selected with SW2, the 2 position DIP switch. Set both
switches on SW2 to the OFF position (toward the front of the system), turn
the system power off then on, and then set both switches back to the ON
position. The 7 segments LED digit will blink ‘C’ to indicate calibration
o Upload mode is selected setting switch 1 of SW1 to OFF position (toward
the front of the system), then cycle power off then on. The 7-segment
display will blink ‘L’ to indicate upload mode. To exit upload mode, return
switch 1 of SW1 to the ON position and cycle power.
o To load configuration defaults, set switch 4 of SW1 to the OFF position
(toward the front of the system). Return the switch to the ON position
when done, or the system won’t use uploaded configuration values. Power

All the ICs use 3.3V for power. The 5407 processor also uses one.8V for the
core voltage, and the XC2S30 uses 2.5V for the core voltage. The processor is
damaged if the 1.8V and 3.3V sequencing isn’t correct, and D4 thru D7 keep the
difference between 1.8V and 3.3V from getting too large. JP6 jumpers from pins
1 to 2, so that the processor core gets 1.8V. The I2C buffer also uses 5V to drive
the I2C serial connectors.

4.4.6 Auxiliary Interface Board

The Auxiliary Interface board provides a current limit to the remote control unit,
24VDC for the fans, and an adjustable 6V supply for external LIO illumination

If the 5VDC to the remote control from the Digital I/O FPGA is shorted, U1 will
provide 5V for the remote control, to power the remote. This voltage can be
measured between TP1 to TP2.

24VDC is applied to the auxiliary interface board though J22 from the Auxiliary
Power Supply board, and is supplied to the cooling fans, and the KTP Heater via
P78, P79, and P89.

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The illumination circuit has a voltage range (0V to 4.096VDC) supplied via the
Analog I/O, which drives a switching regulator (U2) which can be measured at
TP9 with respect to ground (TP4). The chart below shows the different output of
U2 in respect to the input voltage from the Analog I/O:

Voltage from Analog I\O Voltage at TP9 Voltage across TP5 and
0VDC 4.096VDC 0VDC
4.096VDC 0VDC 6VDC

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4.4.7 Diode Drive Control

The Diode Drive Control serves as an interface between the Digital and Analog
I/O and the Diode Drive Base.

Note: To fully understand the function of the Diode Drive Control the Functional
description for the Diode Drive Base should be read and understood. Digital Interface

Through P17, two digital control signals are fed into the Diode Drive Control from
the Digital I/O, PULSE_EN\ and LAS_EN\. When the laser is placed into ready
LAS_EN\ goes active turning on both ISO2 and LED2. When the laser is fired
LAS_EN\ not also goes active turning on both ISO1 and LED1. When both of
these signals are active the Diode Drive Base is enabled through J21and only
requires an analog control signal to fire. Analog Interface

Through P16 a fully differential control signal is received from the Analog I/ O this
is LIGHT DRIVE- and LIGHT DRIVE+. This signal is fed into U1 which functions
as an input buffer as well as converting the signal to a single ended signal. The
single ended signal is fed into U2, U2 is a high current buffer design to drive a
capacitive load. The output of U2 is fed through J20 down to the Diode Drive
Base to drive the SC pin (the linear control pin) on the Diode Power Supply.

4.4.8 Diode Drive Base

The Diode Drive Base serves as an interconnect between the Diode Drive
Control and the diode power supply. It also has circuitry to disable the diode
power supply until the laser is ready to fire.

Note: To fully understand the function of the Diode Drive Base the Functional
description for the Diode Drive Control should be read and understood. Diode Power Supply

The Diode Power supply is a 48 volt in 2 volt nominal out module. It has two
means of control the Primary Control (PC pin) and the Secondary Control (SC
pin). The primary control pin can be used to disable the module but is by default
enabled. When the module is enabled 6volts can be measured on the PC pin
with respect to –IN. To disable the module the PC pin needs to be pulled low.
The secondary control pin is used to linearly control the output of the module.
With the SC pin the module can be controlled from 10% to 110% of the nominal
voltage. The voltage necessary on the SC pin for the nominal output voltage is

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1.23 volts, the output voltage of the module changes in direct proportion to
voltage change on the SC pin.

Example: SC pin=0.615 volts Module Output= 1 volt. The Peak output voltage
while firing is typically between 1.7 and 1.9 volts therefore the SC control voltage
during normal operation should be between 1.04a and 1.17 volts. Typical output
current is between 15 and 45 amps depending on the Laser power level
selected. Digital Interface

Q1 and Q2 are redundant means of disabling the power supply module (U1) until
the laser is ready to fire. Q1 and Q2 are held active by the voltage drop across
D1 and D2 respectively. This pulls the PC pin to a low state disabling the
module. When the laser is placed into treat an opto- isolator on the Diode Drive
Control is enabled which through pin 2 of P21 pulls the gate of Q1 low and turns
off Q1. When the laser is fired a second opto-isolator on the Diode Drive Control
is enabled which through pin 1 of P21 pulls the gate of Q2 low turning Q2 off.
With both FETs turned off U1 is enabled. Analog Interface

When the laser is firing the SC pin is driven dynamically between 1.04 and 1.17
volts by a signal fed through P19 from a high current buffer on the Diode Drive
Control. Whenever the laser is not firing this pin should be at 0 volts.

4.4.9 Main and Safe Light Feedback

The flow charts below give a visual reference to the Light Feedback Loops:

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4.4.10 Interfaces Head Interface

The Head Interface (DPR-05-009) provides an electrical interface between the

inside and the outside of the laser engine. This PCB is epoxied to the laser
cavity in order to seal the laser cavity. The head interface also provides
mounting and electrical connections for the KTP heater PCB.

Diode Thermistor Interface

P2, P3, and P4 provide the interface for two thermistors that will be mounted to
the laser diode providing a redundant means of verifying and controlling

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KTP Heater Interface

P5 provides a header for the KTP heater board to connect to. This header feeds
through to P9, which provides a header for the harness that feeds to the KTP
heater resistor and the KTP thermistor.

TP1, TP2, TP3, and TP4 provide test points that allow measurement of the KTP
thermistor as well as the output drive level of the KTP heater board. LED 1
provides a visual indication to the technician that the KTP heater PCB is
functioning. Remote/Footswitch Interface

The remote/footswitch interface provides a connection for communication and

control between the external remote and external footswitch to the Digital I/O,
CPU, and Auxiliary Power Supply boards. All inputs to and outputs from the
interface are filtered with LC filters.

Digital I/O Interface

The footswitch only interfaces with the Digital I/O board. The Digital I/O board
provides HD+12V (high current) and DGND (digital ground) to the footswitch.
There are three types of footswitches that may connect to the Remote/Footswitch
Interface: Basic, PowerEase, and Smart footswitch. All footswitches have the
FS_NC and FS_NO signals in common. The PowerEase footswitch also has the
PWR_UP and PWR_DWN signals and the Smart footswitch has the FOOT_IN
signal. FOOTSW_CODE[1:0] are used to signify the type of footswitch that is
connected to the interface. The table below shows the codes for each type of

Footswitch Type Footcode[1:0]

Basic 11
Smart 10
Power 01

Each action that is performed and the signal that is affected is shown in below.

Signal Value Action

FS_NC & FS_NO 00 Footswitch is broken
FS_NC & FS_NO 01 Footswitch is not pressed
FS_NC & FS_NO 10 Footswitch is pressed
FS_NC & FS_NO 11 Footswitch is disconnected
PWR_UP 0 Increases power

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PWR_DWN 0 Decreases power
FOOT_IN 0 Tells the CPU the foot is in
The remote communicates with the Digital I/O board by grounding the connection
on the REMOTE_CONNECTED\ signal line when it is plugged in. Once the CPU
receives this signal via the Digital I/O FPGA, it supplies power to the remote by
asserting REMOTE_PWR_ON\ (also via the DIO FPGA). Asserting this signal
turns on the PMOS transistor, Q1, allowing +5V through the drain and powering
the remote.

CPU Interface

The remote communicates with the CPU through an RS-232 serial connection.

Auxiliary Power Supply Interface

The Auxiliary Power Supply provides the +5V that is connected to the source of
Q1. Optical Delivery Interface

The Optical Delivery Interface Provides three functions:

• An isolated connection between the safety shutter and the Digital I/O
• An adjustable aiming beam control circuit to drive an regulate the aiming
beam diode
• A resistor recognition circuit to identify which fiber is attached to the laser

Safety Shutter Interface

When OD SHUTTER OPEN\ is active, a low is provided to pin 2 of ISO1. This in

conjunction with D+12V activates ISO1. With ISO1 active the gate of Q2 is high
causing Q2 to sink current from HD+12V through the safety shutter solenoid to
HDRTN opening the safety shutter and lighting LED2.

With the safety shutter open a magnet attached to the blade of the shutter
activates two reed switches, which are wired in series and mounted to the top of
the safety shutter. This pulls OD SHTR SWITCH1\ to a low state and LED4 will
light. When the shutter returns to the closed position another magnet attached to
the blade of the shutter activates two reed switches mounted to the bottom of the
safety shutter, OD SHTR SWITCH2\ will go low, and LED5 will light. OD SHTR
SWITCH1\ and OD SHTR SWITCH2\ are fed back to the Digital I/O to tell the
control module what position the shutter is in.

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Analog Interface


A differential control signal from 0 to 5 volts is sent from the Analog I/O board in
to pins 2 and 3 of U3. U3 produces a single ended control signal that is fed into
pin 3 of U4 and compared to the feedback from U1A. The difference between
these two signals is seen on pin 6 of U4 and drives pin 5 of U1B. The voltage on
pin 5 of U1B determines the current through Q1 and through the laser diode. For
every millivolt seen on pin 5 of U1B one mA of current will conduct through the
aiming laser diode. Feedback to control the output of the aiming laser diode is
provided by a photodiode mounted inside the laser diode package. Current from
this photodiode is sunk through R19 and creates a voltage that drives pin 3 of
U1A. The gain of U1A can be adjusted with R34 so that the feedback to pin 2 of
U4 is the correct voltage for a given amount of light out of the laser diode.


When a fiber is attached to the SMA adapter, the resistor in the fiber is placed in
series with a 200-ohm resistance mounted on the SMA Sensor PCB, which is
mounted inside the SMA receptacle. Through P13 these two resistors are placed
in series with R12, R14, R15, and R16. D1 provides a 10 volt 0.1% tolerance
voltage reference that is buffered through U2A. This places a precise 10-volt
level for the voltage divider on the top of R12. The voltage drop across all these
resistors, accept R12 is placed on the pin 5 of U2B. U2B buffers this voltage and
through P11 the voltage level is sent to the Analog I/O for fiber recognition.
Expected voltages at TP2 are shown below:

Fiber Expected
Resistor Requires voltage At
Value Attachment Color Efficiency Filter TP2
392,000 Calibration ALL 100% No 9.515VDC
124 Endo Probe ALL 91% Yes 0.174VDC
280 Fiber Flex ALL 90% No 0.249VDC
432 400 uM Collimated Handpiece ALL 90% No 0.320VDC
576 800 uM Collimated Handpiece ALL 90% No 0.387VDC
887 1500 uM Collimated Handpiece ALL 90% No 0.529VDC
1,050 Coh K/H LIO G, Y, R 87% No 0.602VDC
1,370 Coh K/H LIO G, R 87% No 0.741VDC
2,150 Coh K/H LIO G 87% No 1.063VDC
80,600 Endo Extender ALL 83% Yes 8.016VDC
221,000 Coherent Lsrlink-Z G, Y, R 82% Yes 9.171VDC
3,090 HGM K LIO G 80% No 1.424VDC
12,100 Coherent Lsrlink-HS G, R 80% No 3.814VDC
23,700 Coherent Lsrlink-HS G 80% No 5.447VDC

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3,650 Planar M G 79% No 1.625VDC
6,340 Planar M G, R 79% No 2.473VDC
732 HGM Slit lamp G, Y, R 67% Yes 0.459VDC Accessory Interface

The accessory interface board provides a control interface for both motor-driven
and solenoid-driven physician’s filters by providing control and communication
between the Digital I/O and the Analog I/O boards and the filters. It also provides
a path from the illumination power supply to external illuminating devices.

There are two separate circuits to drive each type of filter that can be attached to
the accessory interface. One circuit is for a motor-driven filter and the other
circuit is for a solenoid-driven circuit. There is also a resistor sense circuit that
determines which type of filter(s) is attached to the accessory interface. All
inputs from and outputs to external devices are filtered via LC filters.

Solenoid Driver

The circuit that drives the solenoid closed primarily consists of a high side driver,
U2, and an NMOS transistor. The high side driver is controlled by the
SFSOL_EN\ signal. When the signal is asserted, U2 sends +24V to the output.
When the signal is de-asserted, D2 sends out +12V to the output. The signal will
be asserted for 60 ms to drive the solenoid closed with 24V and then de-asserted
to keep the solenoid closed with 12V. SFSOL_DRV\ must be asserted during
both these operations to provide a return. SFSOL_DRV\ turns the NMOS
transistor, Q1, on and off. When the transistor is on, a return is provided to
SFX_RTN. When the transistor is off, an open circuit will be seen at the output,
allowing the spring in the solenoid to open the filter. SFSOL_EN\ and
SFSOL_DRV\ are provided via the Digital I/O interface and are generated by the
Digital I/O FPGA. The table below shows the signal values that control the


0 0 +24V GND The filter closes.
0 1 +12V OPEN This scenario should not occur,
however, the filter will open.
1 0 +12V GND The filter is held closed.
1 1 +12V OPEN The filter will open.
*logic levels represent +12V and GND

When the filter(s) is(are) closed, there are reed switches that close because of
the magnet attached to the filter. When the reed switches close they completes
the circuit from the ground pin on J14 to SFX_CLOSED\. Safety Filter 1 uses
ground pin 3 and Safety Filter 2 uses ground pin 5.

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PB-002141-04 REV B 4-25
Motor Driver

U3 consists of two inverting drivers controlled by SFMTR_SEL0 and

SFMTR_SEL1 that will provide 12V or GND to the motor filter to drive it open or
closed. The motor is driven for 50 ms in both directions. The table below shows
the input vs. output values that control the motor:

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4-26 PB-002141-04 REV B
0 0 +12V +12V The filter is in an open position.
0 1 +12V GND The motor drives the filter open.
1 0 GND +12V The motor drives the filter closed.
1 1 GND GND The filter is in a closed position.

The motor-driven filter uses the same reed switch design as the solenoid-driven
filter to assert SFX_CLOSED\.

Resistor Sense

There is a resistor sense circuit for each filter and each circuit consists of op
amps and several series resistors. One op amp, U5A, provides a voltage
reference for both resistor sense circuits. Op amps 5B and 6A are used as
buffers for the resistor sense voltage. The series resistors are used to provide a
sufficient variance in voltage for the array of resistor values that will be used in
the filters that connect to the accessory interface. When a filter is plugged in, its
resistor value is put in series with the resistor sense circuit and the voltage is
sent to the Analog I/O board so it can determine which type of filter is attached to
the accessory interface. Once the filter type is determined, the Digital I/O FPGA
will assert the SFX_MTR_SOL signals to apply the correct drive voltages to the
filters. If a motor filter is present, SFX_MTR_SOL = 1. If a solenoid filter is
present, SFX_MTR_SOL = 0. The default for the motor/solenoid selection is 1,
but if the Analog I/O board does not sense that a filter is present, the driver
signals will not be asserted. The SFX_MTR_SOL signals control K1 and K2 so
that the right drive signals are applied to the appropriate outputs.

Auxiliary Power Supply Interface

The illumination voltages are fed from the Auxiliary Power Supply through the
accessory interface. It provides a maximum of 6V and 3A.

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PB-002141-04 REV B 4-27
Fiber Resistor Value Color Expected voltage At TP3 and/or 8
732 Fixed G,Y,R 0.367
Crossover Value 0.403
887 Moving (Motor) G,Y,R 0.438
Crossover Value 0.475
1,050 Moving (Solenoid) G,Y,R 0.512
Crossover Value 0.548
1,210 Moving (Motor) G,R 0.584
Crossover Value 0.619
1,370 Moving (Solenoid) G,R 0.654
Crossover Value 0.691
1,540 Moving (Motor) R 0.728
Crossover Value 0.770
1,740 Moving (Solenoid) R 0.813
Crossover Value 0.859
1,960 Moving (Motor) G 0.905
Crossover Value 0.944
2,150 Moving (Solenoid) G 0.983
Crossover Value 1.027
2,370 Moving (Motor) Y 1.071
Crossover Value 1.119
2,610 Moving (Solenoid) Y 1.166

o Crossover values are values between two valid values and will cause the
laser to have intermittent problems.
o Yellow and Red only filters are not valid on the Spectra but are included in
the table for troubleshooting purposes.

4.4.11 Front Panel

The Front Panel is used to interface with the system. It allows the user to
change the Treatment Power (50mW to 2500mW out of an endo-ocular probe);
Duration (.01-3.0 Sec.); Interval (.05-1.0 Sec.); from Standby to Ready; intensity
of the Aiming Beam; intensity of the LIO illumination; and clear the shot counter.
The Front Panel also displays any errors the system may have in either the
treatment power window or the count window. The ACC port is used to connect
the ESF in the front of the system for better accessibility (Not shown in picture

Theory of Operation Novus Spectra Service Manual

4-28 PB-002141-04 REV B
Mode Aiming Beam Brightness Count n=0


Treat Power Duration Interval

The Front Panel interfaces with the CPU using momentary Sutton switches for
inputs, and 7-segment displays for outputs.

4.5 Optical Components

Optical schematics of the laser module and beam delivery optics for the Novus
Spectra Photocoagulator Systems, diagrams of the various delivery devices for
use with the system and a block diagram providing the main physical
components are provided in Section 8.

1064 + 532 532

M2 1064 OC

LD1 L2 M4 L2
635 + 532


Optical Schematic, Laser Plate

Novus Spectra Service Manual Theory of Operation

PB-002141-04 REV B 4-29
4.5.1 Optical Description

The Novus Spectra laser module consists of a frequency-doubled, diode-pumped

solid-state laser. The laser resonator contains a pump diode laser, LDA1, an
Nd:YAG rod, a KTP crystal for frequency doubling, two high reflector end mirrors,
M1 and M2, and one folding mirror, or output coupler, OC1. The pump diode
laser, LDA1 serves as the excitation source, emitting nominal 806 nm light to
populate the lasing levels of Nd:YAG. Green light is generated by frequency
doubling of the 1064 nm Nd:YAG emission. The end mirrors, M1 and M2, are
designed to be highly reflective to the fundamental infrared wavelength. M2 is
also reflective to 532 nm. The fold mirror, OC1, is coated to be highly
transmissive to the doubled frequency to serve as an output coupler.

The output of the 532 nm laser is collimated by lens L1 with the majority of the
beam reflecting off combining mirror, M4, to the window, W2. Some green light
transmits through M4 to another window, W1, through filters F1 and F2, to a
single detector with two amp circuits, D1/D2, that provide redundant power-
monitoring signals to insure correct power delivery. The 532 nm treatment beam
is combined with the 635nm aim beam. At the optical delivery assembly (fiber
port), a final objective lens, L2 is used to converge the aim and treatment beams
to produce a focus for fiber transmission to the various delivery devices. Sensors
at the optical delivery assembly (fiber port) detect the presence and type of
attached delivery device.

There are three classes of delivery system that are used with the Novus Spectra:

• The LaserLink slitlamp adapter kit.

• The Laser Indirect Ophthalmoscope (LIO).
• The Acculite and EndoOto probe systems.

The delivery systems attach to the laser console using an optical fiber. In all
cases, the optical fiber connector contains encoding (resistor value) to identify
the delivery system that is connected to the laser console. The console
automatically adjusts treatment laser power for the known "programmed"
transmission efficiency of the delivery device to maintain the requested delivered
power at the focal plane of the delivery device.

1. LaserLink:

The LaserLink slitlamp adapter kit consists of three assemblies that

adapt a diagnostic slitlamp for use as a laser delivery system. The
components of the kit are: the LaserLink slitlamp attachment, a split
illumination mirror assembly, and a laser filter attachment for the slitlamp

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4-30 PB-002141-04 REV B
The LaserLink slitlamp attachment consists of an optical fiber to transport
light from the laser console to the slitlamp, and an optical assembly
attached to the slitlamp. The input end of the optical fiber has a custom
plug that attaches to the laser console to receive the laser power and
identify the delivery system. The LaserLink optical assembly combines
the laser beam with the slitlamp so that it is coaxial and par focal to the
slitlamp microscope optics. A zoom lens assembly, in the LaserLink
optics, permits adjustment of the laser beam size over a range of 50 to
1000 microns at the microscope focal plane.

The laser filter attaches to the slitlamp microscope in the optical path
between the main housing and the eyepieces. The filter is constructed
such that, when energized, laser radiation passing through the
microscope optical path is blocked. When de-energized, no light
traveling through the microscope is blocked. The filter assembly is
interlocked so that delivery of the treatment laser beam is only possible
when the filter is energized and in position.

A second, optional, filter assembly is also available provides laser filters

that are permanently fixed in the microscope optical path.

Compatibility with slitlamp microscopes is determined by the eyepiece

interface format, the “tonometer” mount format, and the slit illumination
assembly. Adaptations to some slit lamp microscopes are available.
These include: the Zeiss SL130, the Zeiss 30SL, and the Zeiss 20SL.

2. Laser Indirect Ophthalmoscope (LIO):

The LIO consists of a diagnostic Indirect Ophthalmoscope with

permanently attached laser delivery optics and laser blocking filters.

The laser delivery optics consist of an optical fiber, a lens, and a mirror.
The input end of the optical fiber has a custom plug that attaches to the
laser console to receive the laser power and identify the delivery system.
The optical fiber transports the laser energy from the console to the LIO
headset. The lens forms an image of the output end of the optical fiber
located in the focal plane of the indirect ophthalmoscope. The mirror
folds the laser beam to combine with the optical path of the indirect
ophthalmoscope, from a position centered between the viewing and
illumination apertures of the system. The mirror is adjustable to allow
precise centering of the laser beam in the field of view of the indirect
ophthalmoscope. The laser spot size at the focal plane of the LIO is
nominally 900 to 1000 micron diameter.

There are two models of the LIO, based on two different brands of
indirect ophthalmoscope: Keeler, and Heine indirect ophthalmoscopes.

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PB-002141-04 REV B 4-31
The laser blocking filters for both are attached in the optical path of the
indirect ophthalmoscope between the laser fold mirror, and the users
eyepieces. In the Keeler version, the filters are in the housing just
behind the laser mirror. In the Heine version, the filters are in the
mounted in the eyepieces. Two redundant filters are permanently
installed, in all optical paths, in both versions, so that treatment laser
radiation is always blocked from transmission to the LIO user.

3. Acculite and EndoOto probe systems:

The Acculite and EndoOto probe systems consists of three parts. These
parts are; the Acculite or EndoOto probe (optical fiber with SMA threads,
trunk fiber, and hand piece), a microscope mounted eye safety filter for
the treatment laser, and an optional fiber optic coupler/extender cable.

The endoprobes consists of a probe, fiber and an SMA connector that

screws into the laser console. The input end of the optical fiber has a
custom plug that attaches to the laser console to receive the laser power
and identify the delivery system type by resistor value. At the output
end, the probe consists of a handle for holding the device, and a straight
or angled needle. The needle exits axially from the handle, and is about
30mm long.

The endoprobes can plug directly into the laser console, or into a
coupler/extender cable that plugs into the laser console. The
coupler/extender cable is used to transport laser energy to the
endoprobe while the laser console to be positioned away from the
surgical field. The system recognizes the presence of the
coupler/extender cable and adjusts for the known efficiency of this
option, when used. A laser aperture label is attached to the output end
of the coupler/extender cable.

As with the LaserLink, the eye safety filter attaches to an operating room
microscope in the optical path between the main housing and the
eyepieces. The filter is constructed such that, when energized, laser
radiation passing through the microscope viewing optical path is blocked.
When de-energized, no light traveling through the microscope viewing
optical path is blocked. The filter assembly is interlocked so that delivery
of the treatment laser beam is only possible when the filter is energized
and in position.

Compatibility with operating room microscopes is determined by the

eyepiece interface format. Adaptations to a number of operating room
microscopes are available. These include: the Zeiss OPMI-6 interface,
the Wild (Leica) interface, and the Leica M840 series of microscopes.

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Novus Spectra Service Manual Theory of Operation
PB-002141-04 REV B 4-33
4.6 Software (User and Service Mode Software)

4.6.1 Overview

The Novus Spectra system EPLD includes both User and Service mode software
routines. User software is always enabled at system power-on; Service mode is
available any time from User mode. For complete instructions on User mode
operation, consult the Novus Spectra Operator Manual.

At system turn on, the system performs specific self-test routines, loads the last
User mode configuration, and waits in the Standby (idle) state in User mode.
Typically, the user will configure the system (change treatment parameters) to
perform a certain treatment, place the laser in the Ready state, and fire the laser.
During the treatment, laser performance and safety circuits are monitored. Any
malfunction halts the treatment, and the system reports detected fault conditions.
Some fault conditions are clearable by the user, while others are permanent and
may require service. If the system remains in Ready state for more than 5
minutes without user interaction, the laser will automatically return to Standby

Mode Aiming Beam Brightness Count n=0


Treat Power Duration Interval

Typical User Mode Display

The service technician typically uses Service mode software during system
installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting. The system can be put into
calibration mode (service mode) by moving both switches on SW2 on the CPU
board to the forward position (toward the front of the laser), cycling power to the
system, then returning both switches on SW2 to the rear position. The 7-
segment display on the CPU will blink “C” to indicate calibration mode.

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4-34 PB-002141-04 REV B
4.6.2 Safety Monitoring

The software monitors certain hardware functional and performance

characteristics of the laser during operation depending upon the current "state" of
the system. Some or all of the following signals are checked:

• Safety shutter (ESF) position status.

• Footswitch status.
• Fiber connection status.
• Power supply interlock.
• Inadvertent exposure signal.
• Over (treatment laser) power signal.
• (Treatment laser ) power low or high.
• Pulse timer function.
• Temperature signal.
• Accessory (ESF) connection status.
• Room Interlock (remote interlock) status.
• Remote Control panel status.

4.6.3 User Mode Routines (System Start-up, Standby, and Treatment) Start-up (Initialization and Self-test) State

As soon as possible system after power-on, the software performs initialization

and testing of the following systems and signals to ensure the laser comes up in
a safe state. User inputs are not processed while the system in the start-up
state. During the Start-up State, the software can change from Start-up State to
Shutdown State, Warning State, or Standby State (in order of priority).

• Initialize CPU and registers for correct operation.

• Initialize and test RAM.
• Initialize CPU board 7-segment display driver.
• Check main power interlock status; insure main power supply is in a safe
• Set all digital and analog outputs to default (safe) states.
• Test safety shutter (ESF); verify shutter is closed.
• Test inadvertent exposure detection circuit.
• Test over power detection circuit.
• Test footswitch.

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PB-002141-04 REV B 4-35
• Test pulse timer.
• Test ADC and DAC channels.
• Check laser head temperature (must be within ±10°C of set-point temp).
• Test main and safety photodiodes.
• Test fire laser; verify power calibration.
• Wait for head temperature to equal set-point temperature, or 30 seconds,
whichever comes first.
• Initialize serial communication with display panel. If communication fails, shut
down system in safe state.
• Initialize control panel displays.
• If any error is detected, display on panel. If computer is not able to display
error on display panel, indicate error on 7-segment display (on CPU board).
• If bus error, wrong instruction, or other time-out is detected, microprocessor is
halted without indication to user. System appears to be "locked up." User
must cycle power to clear error.
• If no errors, system moves into the "Standby" state. Standby State

The system performs the following functions when the system is placed in the
Standby State. During the Standby State, the software can change from Standby
State to Shutdown State, Warning State, or Ready State (in order of priority).

• Close safety shutter (ESF) and disable pump diode current.

• Illuminate "Standby" on display panel.
• Perform safety monitoring (see Section 4.7.2).
• Monitor control panel button presses and releases.
• Update control panel display as required.
• Transition to Warning State if non-fatal error is detected; display warning error
• Transition to Shutdown State if fatal error is detected.
• Transition to Ready State if mode button is pressed.
• If footswitch is depressed when the mode button is pressed, remain in
Standby State and display error code. Ready State

The system performs the following functions when the system is placed in the
Ready State. During the Ready State, the software can change from Ready

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4-36 PB-002141-04 REV B
State to Shutdown State, Warning State, Treatment (Fire) State, or Standby
State (in order of priority).

• Illuminate "Ready" on display panel.

• Perform safety monitoring (see Section 4.7.2).
• Transition to Shutdown State if fatal error is detected.
• Delay for 2 seconds upon entry to Ready State before allowing transition to
Treatment State.
• Monitor control panel button presses and releases.
• Update control panel display as required.
• Transition to Ready State if mode button is pressed.
• Transition to Treatment State upon depression of footswitch.
• Monitor 5-minute idle timer.
• Transition to Standby State if 5-minute idle timer expires. Treatment (Fire) State

The system performs the following functions when the system is placed in the
Treatment (Fire) State. During the Treatment State, the software can change
from Treatment State to Shutdown State, Warning State, or Ready State (in
order of priority).

• Fire the treatment laser.

• Transition to Ready State if footswitch is released.
• Give audible indication that laser emission is occurring.
• Perform safety monitoring (see Section 4.7.2).
• Except for the mode button, ignore all other control panel button presses.
• Transition to Standby State if mode button is pressed.
• Transition to Shutdown State if fatal error is detected. Warning State

The system performs the following functions when the system is placed in the
Warning State. During the Warning State, the software can change from
Warning State to Shutdown State, Warning State, or Standby State (in order of

• Close the safety shutter (ESF) and disable the laser power supply.
• Display warning error code on display panel that caused software to enter the
Warning State.

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PB-002141-04 REV B 4-37
• Perform safety monitoring (see Section 4.7.2).
• If warning condition changes while in the Warning State, update displayed
error code to reflect highest priority condition that may lead into a transition to
Shutdown State.
• Remain in Warning State until all warning conditions have been cleared, then
transition to Standby State. Shutdown State

The system performs the following functions when the system is placed in the
Shutdown State. During the Shutdown State, the software can change from
Shutdown State to Shutdown State.

• Close the safety shutter (ESF) and disable the laser power supply.
• Display numeric error code on display panel that caused software to enter the
Shutdown State.
• Remain in Shutdown State until power is cycled off (there is no exit from
Shutdown State).

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4-38 PB-002141-04 REV B
5.0 Troubleshooting

5.1 Overview
The Novus Spectra laser is designed to require little adjustment or calibration,
and to detect and report malfunctions by error or fault code or message as
displayed on the front panel LED display. System failures are generally repaired
by replacing a high level assembly, often described as a FRU (Field Replaceable
Unit). A FRU is built specifically to support a field repair, and consists of a part or
group of parts determined to be suitable for field replacement. When a part fails
that is a part of a FRU, the FRU is replaced, not the individual part.

Corrective or preventive maintenance must be performed by a service engineer

or technician who has completed the Lumenis certification service training for the
Novus Spectra laser system.

Field calibration and adjustment is covered in detail in Section 3. Special

purpose tools are required to repair and maintain the Novus Spectra laser
operation at factory specifications. The tools are listed in Section 6.

The entire optical path is sealed inside the laser head. Removing the head cover
exposes the interior contents to foreign matter (i.e. dust, humidity, contaminants,
etc.), and therefore removal of the head cover voids any warranty for the entire
laser head assembly. In general, do not remove the laser head cover. If it is
absolutely necessary to remove the cover, minimize exposure by removing the
head cover only in an environmentally controlled clean-room. Use a clean plastic
sheet to cover the head while the head cover is off, and replace the head cover
as soon as the repair inside the head is complete.

After power up, and before the Novus Spectra moves to its standby condition, the
software performs a series of self-tests. Self-test failures result in fault codes
displayed on the LED display. These error or fault codes provide an indication of
what malfunction was detected, which should point to a specific area of the
system for further investigation. Explanations of the fault codes are included in
this section. Most hardware malfunctions will be detected at this time.

During normal operation the software continues to monitor for system

malfunctions, and to report any detected malfunctions by fault code on the LED

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PB-002141-05 REV B 5-1
5.2 Interior Access and Part Location

Note: There are no User Serviceable parts within the system console.

Caution: Electrical Shock Hazard when system console covers are removed.
Potentially lethal voltages are present inside the console whenever the system is
plugged into a live electrical circuit. Service is to be performed by certified field
service and technical personnel only.

Access to the console interior is gained by removing the top and bottom covers.
Always disconnect the console from electrical service before removing any cover.

5.2.1 Top Cover Removal

To remove the top cover, turn the console over and set it on its top. Locate the 4
#6 Phillips pan head screws along the bottom edges and the 2 #6 Phillips pan
head screws at the top of the rear panel. Once the screws have been removed,
pull the top cover toward the rear, away from the console to disengage the
locking tabs at the front edge. Once the tabs are disengaged, continue to slide
the cover until it clears the rear of the system. Lift the cover from the console
and set it aside.

Note: These two screws are only about an inch from the edges of the covers!

Remove these 2 screws (plus

x4 screws on bottom) to
remove top cover


IP 20

Troubleshooting Novus Spectra Service Manual

5-2 PB-002141-05 REV B
Screw Locations, Top Cover
5.2.2 Bottom Cover Removal

To remove the bottom cover, turn the console over and set it on its top. Locate
the 4 blind 7/64 Hex Captive Screws inside the access holes (one hole located
near each rubber foot). Once the screws have been loosened, carefully pull the
bottom cover up and way from the chassis and set is aside.

these 4
screws (plus Loosen these
x2 on rear 4 blind screws
panel) to to remove
remove top bottom cover

Screw Locations, Top Cover and Screw Access Holes, Bottom Cover

5.2.3 Front Panel Removal

The Top Cover must first be removed to gain access to the Front Panel mount
screws. To remove the front panel, locate the 4 #6 Phillips-head screws, 2
screws along each side. Once the screws have been removed, carefully pull the
front panel forward and away from the main console.

Note: Cabling exists between the front bezel and console. Carefully pull front
panel assembly away from main console.

Novus Spectra Service Manual Troubleshooting

PB-002141-05 REV B 5-3
Interior, Top View from Left

Interior, Top View

Troubleshooting Novus Spectra Service Manual

5-4 PB-002141-05 REV B
5.3 Error Codes and Fault Isolation

The safety circuits monitor system functions to detect and report various error or
fault conditions within the system and connected accessories. When an error is
detected, the microprocessor is halted, places the system into the Standby state,
and displays the error condition with a numeric error code on the LED display

Error conditions can be: warning (clearable), fatal (permanent), and service

• Warning (clearable) errors notify the user of an abnormal condition that

prevents the system from normal operation. The system cannot be placed in
the Ready state (or if in the Ready state will drop to the Standby state) if such
condition exists. The user is notified of such an error by a displayed code, in
format Exxx, and a sound.
• Fatal (permanent) errors place the system in a safe, non-firing condition that
prevent normal operation until the fault condition is resolved (normally by
service intervention, part replacement or repair, etc.). The user is notified of
such an error by a displayed code, in format Fxxx (or CA01), and a sound.
• Service (diagnostic) errors place the system in a safe, non-firing condition that
cannot be cleared without restarting the system. Restarting the system will
clear the error, but if the fault condition is still present, the error will occur
again. The user is notified of such an error by a displayed digit (one, 7-
segment LED) and a sound.

Errors are classified by the following group numbers (hundreds):

100 Physician Filter (ESF) or Safety Shutter

200 Footswitch
300 Delivery Fiber
400 Accessories
500 Laser (treatment) Power
600 Pulse Duration/Interval
700 Temperature
800 Interlock
900 Hardware
A00 Software

Status Indicators

EOFF Emergency Stop

Iloc Room Interlock
---- Waiting to reach temperature

Novus Spectra Service Manual Troubleshooting

PB-002141-05 REV B 5-5
ECAL Calibration Mode

Service Information Codes

‘d’ Startup in progress

‘L’ Program update mode
‘ ’ Will enter Calibration mode when switches are reset
‘C’ Flashing – Calibration mode
Snake Operate mode

The following Error Code Table lists error (fault) codes that are reported by
system software. The error codes may change with software revision. Contact
Technical Support for verification of error codes. The Error Code Table below
contains the following fields with descriptions:

Error displayed error code (may be more than one)

Type (W) Warning, (F) Fatal, (SI) Service Information, or (SE) Service Error
Serv is Yes, error is monitored while in service mode
Description text of what is really going on
Action(s) what to do/check/replace, etc.

Most error conditions may be cleared by cycling system power (or by resetting
the microprocessor). Always verify that power supply outputs are correct, all
socketed IC’s are properly inserted, and that all cables and connectors are
properly terminated.

Error Type Serv Description Action(s)

E200 W Footswitch not present No footswitch is attached, or both switch
contacts are open. Check connectors,
cables and switches for open circuit.
Replace footswitch. If it continues check
the Remote/Footswitch board or the Digital
E300 W Fiber not connected Fiber sense switches/circuits not detecting
presence of fiber at fiber port. Check for
presence of fiber and resistance value.
Check the voltage on TP2 of OD Interface
board and compare it against chart in OD
Interface description. Replace OD
Interface board or Analog I/O.
E301 W Fiber not compatible Fiber sense circuitry cannot recognize fiber
type. Verify “Lumenis” delivery device.
Check fiber and resistor value. Check the
voltage on TP2 of OD Interface board and
compare it against chart in OD Interface
description. Try different fiber. Replace
OD Interface board or Analog I/O.

Troubleshooting Novus Spectra Service Manual

5-6 PB-002141-05 REV B
Error Type Serv Description Action(s)
E400 W Accessory (ESF) not Accessory sense switches/circuits not
connected detecting presence of accessory at
accessory port. Check accessory,
accessory cables and connectors. Check
the voltage level on TP3 & TP8 of the
Accessory Interface against the values in
the table in the circuit description. Replace
Accessory Interface or Analog I/O.
E401 W Accessory (ESF) not Accessory sense circuitry cannot
compatible recognize accessory type. Verify
“Lumenis” Accessory. Check accessory,
accessory cables, and connectors. Check
the voltage level on TP3 & TP8 of the
Accessory Interface against the values in
the table in the circuit description. Replace
Accessory Interface or Analog I/O.
E501 W Power low If fault persists, schedule service. Check
laser output and power calibration against
external power meter. Calibrate as
needed. If fault continues, replace Light
Feedback boards or Analog I/O.
E502 W Power high If fault persists, schedule service. Check
laser output and power calibration against
external power meter. Calibrate as
needed. If fault continues, replace Light
Feedback boards or Analog I/O.
E503 W Power over range (Calibration mode only)
E504 W Power under range (Calibration mode only)
E701 W Temperature high System is too hot (laser temp more than
10°C higher than temp set-point). Check
resistance of thermistors on P3 and P4 of
Head Interface board; if open or shorted
have head repaired. Check voltage on
TP5 (between +5VDC & +16VDVC) of
Heater/Cooler. If there replace
Heater/Cooler; if not replace Analog I/O.
E702 W Temperature low System is too cold (laser temp more than
10°C lower than temp set-point). Allow
laser time to come up to normal operating
(room) temperature. Check resistance of
thermistors on P3 and P4 of Head
Interface board; if open or shorted have
head repaired. Check voltage on TP6
(between +5VDC & +16VDVC) of
Heater/Cooler. If there replace
Heater/Cooler; if not replace Analog I/O.

Novus Spectra Service Manual Troubleshooting

PB-002141-05 REV B 5-7
Error Type Serv Description Action(s)
F100 F Internal shutter not Check cables P15 on OD Interface. Adjust
present position of setscrew on OD Shutter for
proper movement of shutter blade. Cycle
power to clear error. If fault persists
replace shutter assembly OD Interface or
Digital I/O.
F101 F Internal shutter broken Check cables P15 on OD Interface. Cycle
power to clear error. If fault persists
replace shutter assembly OD Interface or
Digital I/O.
F102 F Internal shutter error Check cables P15 on OD Interface. Cycle
power to clear error. If fault persists
replace shutter assembly OD Interface or
Digital I/O.
F201 F Footswitch broken Switch contacts are both closed (switch
detected as being up and down
simultaneously). Replace the footswitch
assembly or the Digital I/O.
F202 F Footswitch bouncing Switch contacts are changing state
(bouncing) too rapidly.
F203 F Footswitch pressed Switch contacts indicate footswitch is
pressed. Verify footswitch pedal is up,
then cycle power. Check footswitch wiring.
Replace the footswitch assembly or the
Digital I/O.
F204 F Footswitch error Check the Footswitch and wiring. Replace
the footswitch assembly or the Digital I/O.
F302 F Fiber error Check fiber, and resistor value. Check the
voltage on TP2 of OD Interface board and
compare it against chart in OD Interface
description. Try different fiber. Replace
OD Interface board or Analog I/O.
F402 F Accessory error Check accessory wiring and connectors.
ESF did not function Try different ESF. Check the voltage at
correctly. TP19 and TP22 and compare them to the
charts in the circuit description of the
accessory Interface. Replace Accessory
Interface or Analog I/O.
F503 F Over power error Check output of system with Power Meter;
calibrate as needed. If fault continues
replace Light Feedback boards or Analog
F504 F Under power error Check output of system with Power Meter;
calibrate as needed. If fault continues
replace Light Feedback boards or Analog
F505 F Inadvertent exposure Reset system. If problem continues
error replace Current Sensor Board, Analog
Board, or Digital Board.

Troubleshooting Novus Spectra Service Manual

5-8 PB-002141-05 REV B
Error Type Serv Description Action(s)
F601 F Pulse duration long Connect a photocell board to a straight
error plug and an oscilloscope and measure the
pulse duration. If the duration is off,
replace the Current Monitor, Analog,
Digital, or CPU.
F602 F Pulse duration short Connect a photocell board to a straight
error plug and an oscilloscope and measure the
pulse duration. If the duration is off,
replace the Current Monitor, Analog,
Digital, or CPU.
F603 F Pulse interval long Connect a photocell board to a straight
error plug and an oscilloscope and measure the
pulse interval. If the interval is off, replace
the Current Monitor, Analog, Digital, or
F604 F Pulse interval short Connect a photocell board to a straight
error plug and an oscilloscope and measure the
pulse interval. If the interval is off, replace
the Current Monitor, Analog, Digital, or
F605 F Single pulse lockout Reset system. If fault persists replace the
error Current Monitor, Analog, or Digital.
F703 F Temperature high System is too hot (laser temp greater than
error 50°C). Check the LEDs on the
Heater/Cooler Board (Yellow for Heat,
Green for Cooling); if green, check
resistance of thermistors on P3 and P4 of
Head Interface board; if open or shorted
have head repaired. If OK check voltage
on TP6 (between +5VDC & +16VDVC) of
Heater/Cooler. If there replace
Heater/Cooler; if not replace Analog I/O.
F704 F Temperature low error System is too cold (laser temp more than
10°C colder than set-point temp). Check
the LEDs on the Heater/Cooler Board
(Yellow for Heat, Green for Cooling); if
yellow, check resistance of thermistors on
P3 and P4 of Head Interface board; if open
or shorted have head repaired. If OK check
voltage on TP5 (between +5VDC &
+16VDVC) of Heater/Cooler. If there
replace Heater/Cooler if not replace
Analog I/O.
F705 F Temperature out of System temp is either less than 10°C or
range error greater than 59°C. Allow the laser time to
come inside normal operating temperature
range. Check resistance of thermistors on
P3 and P4 of Head Interface board; if open
or shorted have head repaired. If OK
replace Analog I/O.

Novus Spectra Service Manual Troubleshooting

PB-002141-05 REV B 5-9
Error Type Serv Description Action(s)
F706 F Temperature sensor Temperature sensor reading indicates
broken sensor is either an open or short circuit.
Check resistance of thermistors on P3 and
P4 of Head Interface board; if open or
shorted have head repaired. If OK replace
Analog I/O.
F803 F Power interlock error One of the low voltage signals has gone
10% Low. Check the fuses on the 48 Volt
Interlock board. If Ok check voltages on
Aux power supply board. If they are OK
replace the Low Voltage Monitor, 48 Volt
Interlock, or Digital I/O.
F902 F Digital I/O error Currently not used
F903 F Analog I/O error System failed Analog Loopback Test.
Reset system. If fault persists replace
Analog I/O, or Digital I/O.
F904 F Inadvertent exposure System failed Inadvertent Exposure
detection error Detector Test. Reset system. If fault
persists replace Current Monitor, Analog
I/O, or Digital I/O.
F905 F Accessory Position Check the position of the accessory
Error connected to the system. Its in one
direction when the system thinks it should
be in the other.
F906 F Over power detection System failed Over Power Detector Test.
error Reset system. If fault persists replace
Light Feedback, Analog I/O, or Digital I/O.
F908 F Pulse timer error System failed Pulse Timer Test. Reset
system. If fault persists replace Current
Monitor, Analog I/O, or Digital I/O.
F90A F Single pulse lockout System failed Single Pulse Lockout Test.
detection error Reset system. If fault persists replace
Digital I/O, or Analog I/O.
FA00 F Software error This error is given whenever the software
detects a software condition that should
not occur. T he potential causes of this
error are many and varied. Further
analysis is needed.
Error Code Table

Troubleshooting Novus Spectra Service Manual

5-10 PB-002141-05 REV B
5.4 Test Point, Connector and LED Arrangement

5.4.1 ColdFire CPU Board

CPU Board
Connectors J1 8-bit I/O Bus Connects to
J2 16-bit I/O Bus Connects to
J3 Power Bus Connects to
J4 Safety Bus Connects to
P7 I2C Serial #1 Port Connects to
P10 I2C Serial #2 Port Connects to
JP1 Background Debug Used to
Mode/JTAG Port program
JP2 Debug Port

JP4 WDO Enable

JP5 Timer I/O Port
JP7 JTAG Port For programming U14.
JP9 Not labeled.
JP10 Not labeled.
JP11 Not labeled.
JP12 Not labeled.
JP13 Not labeled.
Switches S1 Reset

Novus Spectra Service Manual Troubleshooting

PB-002141-05 REV B 5-11
(Switches, SW1 4-bit Config. Switch
SW2 2-bit Config. Switch
Jumpers JP6 Microprocessor VCC See also JP8 Jumper across pins 1-2 for
Select and JP14. 5407 CPU, or across pins 2-3
for 5307 CPU.
JP8 Microprocessor VCC See also JP6 Jumper across pins 1-2 for
Select and JP14. 5407 CPU.
JP14 Microprocessor VCC See also JP6 Jumper across pins 1-2 for
Select and JP8. 5307 CPU.
Test Points TP1 RST0*
TP5 R/W*
TP8 D+3.3V
TP9 D+2.5V
TP10 Ground
TP11 D+1.8V
TP12 D+5V
TP13 Not labeled.

Troubleshooting Novus Spectra Service Manual

5-12 PB-002141-05 REV B
5.4.2 Optical Delivery Interface

Optical Delivery Interface

Connectors P11 Analog I/O notes Connects to
P12 Aim Diode
P13 SMA Sensor
P14 Digital I/O
P15 Cavity Shutter
Test Points TP1 Diode Current To Aim Diode Laser
TP2 Sense Out
TP3 A+12V
TP4 A-12V
TP5 Sense In From SMA Fiber Port Sensor
TP6 Switch 2
TP7 Switch 1
TP8 Ground
TP9 Shutter Open
TP10 Aim Power
LED2 -12V OK
LED3 Solenoid Active
LED4 Reed Switch 1

Novus Spectra Service Manual Troubleshooting

PB-002141-05 REV B 5-13
(LEDs, cont.) LED5 Reed Switch 2
Potentiometers R34 Aim Laser Feedback Amplifier Adjust to limit aim laser output
Gain power?

5.4.3 Digital I/O Board

Digital I/O Board

Connectors J1 Power Bus Connects to
J2 16-bit I/O Bus
J3 8-bit I/O Bus
J4 Safety Bus
J5 60-pin header
J6 60-pin header
JP1 JTAG Port For programming U4
JP2 Not labeled
JP10 Not labeled Programming port
JP11 Not labeled Programming port

Troubleshooting Novus Spectra Service Manual

5-14 PB-002141-05 REV B
JP12 Not labeled Programming
(Connectors, port
JP13 Not labeled Programming
Jumpers BUS1 Add jumper across pins 1-8 to
connect HD+12V from J3 to J6
BUS2 Add jumper across pins 1-8 to
connect HDRTN from J3 to J6
JP44 Analog I/O Add jumper across pins 1-2 to ?
Test Points TP1 Digital
Ground - D
TP2 D+12V
TP3 D-12V
TP4 D+5V
TP5 D+3.3V
TP6 D+2.5V

LED D3 Fiber Optic OUT11

D4 Fiber Optic OUT12

5.4.4 Analog I/O Board

Novus Spectra Service Manual Troubleshooting

PB-002141-05 REV B 5-15
Analog I/O
Connectors J1 8-bit I/O Bus notes Connects to
J2 16-bit I/O
J3 Power Bus
J4 Safety Bus
J5 Analog I/O
JP1 PGM FPGA For programming U3
JP2 JTAG Port For programming U2
JP44 Analog I/O Add jumper across
ID pins 1-2 to ?
Jumpers BUS1- Add jumper across
SGND pins 1-8 to connect
SGND from J3 to J5
BUS2- Add jumper across
HD+12V pins 1-8 to connect
HD+12V from J3 to
BUS3- Add jumper across
HDRTN pins 1-8 to connect
HD+12V from J3 to
JP6 Configurable jumper for Jump across pins 1-
selectable S DAC OUTPUOT 2.
to ADC IN Safety
JP7 S DAC OUT 4 to ? Jump across pins 1-
JP8 S DAC OUT 4 to ? Jump across pins 1-
JP9 S DAC OUT 4 to ? Jump across pins 1-
JP10 Configurable jumper for Jump across pins 1-
selectable S DAC OUTPUT 2.
to ADC IN Safety
JP11 S DAC OUT 4 to ? Jump across pins 1-
JP12 Configurable jumper for Jump across pins 1-
selectable S DAC OUTPUT 2.
to ADC IN Safety
JP13 Configurable jumper for Jump across pins 1-
selectable S DAC OUTPUT 2.
to ADC IN Safety

Troubleshooting Novus Spectra Service Manual

5-16 PB-002141-05 REV B
JP14 Configurable jumper for Jump across pins 1-
selectable ADC channel to 2.
drive Safety Comparator
JP15 Configurable jumper for Jump across pins 1-
selectable ADC channel to 2.
drive Safety Comparator
JP16 Configurable jumper for Jump across pins 1-
selectable ADC channel to 2.
drive Safety Comparator

Novus Spectra Service Manual Troubleshooting

PB-002141-05 REV B 5-17
(Jumpers, JP17 Configurable jumper for Jump across pins 1-2.
cont.) selectable ADC channel to drive
Safety Comparator
JP18 Configurable jumper for Jump across pins 1-2.
selectable ADC channel to drive
Safety Comparator
JP19 Configurable jumper for Jump across pins 1-2.
selectable ADC channel to drive
Safety Comparator
JP20 Configurable jumper for Jump across pins 1-2.
selectable ADC channel to drive
Safety Comparator
JP21 Configurable jumper for Jump across pins 1-2.
selectable ADC channel to drive
Safety Comparator
JP22 Configurable jumper for Jump across pins 1-2.
selectable ADC channel to drive
Safety Comparator
JP23 Configurable jumper for Jump across pins 1-2.
selectable ADC channel to drive
Safety Comparator
JP24 Configurable jumper for Jump across pins 1-2.
selectable ADC channel to drive
Safety Comparator
JP28 Add jumper across pins
1-2 for unity gain [ADC IN
JP29 Add jumper across pins
1-2 for unity gain [ADC IN
JP30 Add jumper across pins
1-2 for unity gain[TEMP
IN 3]
JP31 Add jumper across pins
1-2 for unity gain [TEMP
IN 4]
JP32 +5V REF, Add jumper across pins
Tests ADC 1-2 for unity gain [ADC IN
U4 4]
JP33 +5V REF, Add jumper across pins
Tests ADC 1-2 for unity gain [TEMP
U6 IN 6]
JP34 Add jumper across pins
1-2 for unity gain [TEMP
IN 5]
JP35 Add jumper across pins
1-2 for unity gain [ADC IN
JP36 DAC U27 Add jumper across pins
1-2 for unity gain [D DAC
OUT 1]
JP37 DAC U27 Add jumper across pins

Troubleshooting Novus Spectra Service Manual

5-18 PB-002141-05 REV B
1-2 for unity gain [D DAC
OUT 2]
JP38 DAC U27 Add jumper across pins
1-2 for unity gain [D DAC
OUT 3]

Novus Spectra Service Manual Troubleshooting

PB-002141-05 REV B 5-19
(Jumpers, JP39 DAC U27 Add jumper across pins 1-2 for
cont.) unity gain [D DAC OUT 4]
JP40 DAC U28 Add jumper across pins 1-2 for
unity gain [S DAC OUT 1]
JP41 DAC U28 Add jumper across pins 1-2 for
unity gain [S DAC OUT 2]
JP42 DAC U28 Add jumper across pins 1-2 for
unity gain [S DAC OUT 3]
JP43 DAC U28 Add jumper across pins 1-2 for
unity gain [S DAC OUT 4]
Test Points TP1 A+5V
TP2 A+12V
TP3 A-12V
TP4 D+5V
TP5 D+2.5V
TP6 D+3.3V
TP7 DGND Digital Ground
TP8 DGND Digital Ground
TP9 AGND Analog Ground
TP10 AGND Analog Ground
Potentiometers R13 Zero Offset Adjust for
ADC IN 2 Signal
R21 Zero Offset Adjust for
TEMP IN 3 Signal
R29 Zero Offset Adjust for
TEMP IN 4 Signal
R37 Zero Offset Adjust for
ADC IN 1 Signal

Troubleshooting Novus Spectra Service Manual

5-20 PB-002141-05 REV B
5.4.5 Head Interface Board

Head Interface Board

Connectors P2 Diode Thermistors notes Connects to
P3 Diode Therm1
P4 Diode Therm2
P5 KTP Heater
P9 KTP Heater
P22 To OD Interface
P42 Aiming Diode
Test Points TP1 +24V

5.4.6 Diode Drive Base Board

Novus Spectra Service Manual Troubleshooting

PB-002141-05 REV B 5-21
Diode Drive
Base Board
Component description notes Connects to
Connectors P16 48V
P17 Sense+ Jumper pins 1-2 to keep
sense line local to board.
P18 Sense- Jumper pins 1-2 to keep
sense line local to board.
P19 Analog I/O
P20 Diode Drive
P21 Diode Drive

5.4.7 a013e_2 Board

[a013e_2] Board
Component designator description notes Connects to
Test Points

Troubleshooting Novus Spectra Service Manual

5-22 PB-002141-05 REV B
5.4.8 Low Voltage Monitor Board

Low Voltage Monitor

Connectors P51 Power Bus Connects
P52 Safety Bus
P53 8-bit I/O Bus
P54 16-bit I/O Bus
P55 +48V Distribution

Jumpers JP1 D+12V voltage Jump pins 1-2 to monitor
monitor D+12V supply
JP2 D+5V voltage Jump pins 1-2 to monitor
monitor D+5V supply
JP3 D+3.3 voltage Jump pins 1-2 to monitor
monitor D+3.3V supply
JP4 D+2.5V voltage Jump pins 1-2 to monitor
monitor D+2.5V supply
JP5 D+1.8V voltage Jump pins 1-2 t monitor
monitor D+1.8V supply
Test Points TP1 HDRTN
TP2 HD+12V
TP3 D+3.3V
TP4 D+2.5V
TP5 D+1.8V
TP6 D+12V
TP7 D-12V
TP8 D+5V

LED D1 HD+12V OK ON if supply voltage is

Grn present
D2 D+1.8V OK ON if supply voltage is
Grn present
D3 D+2.5V OK ON if supply voltage is
Grn present

Novus Spectra Service Manual Troubleshooting

PB-002141-05 REV B 5-23
(LEDs, cont.) D4 D+3.3V OK ON if supply voltage is present
D5 D+5V OK ON if supply voltage is present
D6 D+12V OK ON if supply voltage is present
D7 D-12V OK ON if supply voltage is present

5.4.9 Front Panel Board

Front Panel Board

Connectors JP1 ICSP Connects to
JP4 PROG Remove after programming.
Switches SW1 Power UP Switch bank A
SW2 Power DOWN Switch bank A
SW3 Duration UP Switch bank B
SW4 Duration DOWN Switch bank A
SW5 Interval DOWN Switch bank A
SW6 Interval UP Switch bank B
SW7 Aim UP Switch bank A
SW8 Aim DOWN Switch bank A
SW9 Count Reset Switch bank B
SW10 Illumination UP Switch bank A
(Switches, cont.) SW11 Illumination DOWN Switch bank A

Troubleshooting Novus Spectra Service Manual

5-24 PB-002141-05 REV B
SW12 Mode Switch bank B
Test Points TP1 OSC1/4 ? kHz clock
LED3 W(atts)
LED4 J/cm2

5.4.10 KTP Heater/Cooler Board

KTP Heater/Cooler Board

Connectors P50 Aux P.S. notes Connects to
J8 KTP Heater/Termistor
Test Points TP1 DGND
TP2 +24V
LED2 Heater Level
Potentiometers R5 Temp Set Point

Novus Spectra Service Manual Troubleshooting

PB-002141-05 REV B 5-25
TEC Heater/Cooler Board
Connectors P43 48V Interlock notes From 48V Interlock Adapter
P44 Analog I/O From Analog I/O
P45 Digital I/O From Digital I/O
P46 Aux Power From Aux Power Supply
P48 TEC Module From TEC Module
Jumpers J1 Jumper across pins 1-2 to ?
Test Points TP1 TEC Drive-
TP2 TEC Drive+
TP5 TEC Heat
TP6 TEC Cool
TP8 TEC Voltage
TP9 TEC Current
LED2 -12V OK

Troubleshooting Novus Spectra Service Manual

5-26 PB-002141-05 REV B
5.4.11 Digital I/O Harness Adapter Board

Digital I/O Harness Adapter

Connectors P24 DIO Inputs notes Connects
P25 DIO Outputs
P26 Foot Switch
P28 Diode Drive
P29 Optical Delivery
P30 Accessory Device
P31 [not labeled] Serial Com
JP45 Test Header
Test Points TP1 Input 6
TP2 Input 7
TP3 Input 8
TP4 Input 9
TP5 Input 10
TP6 Input 11
TP7 Input 12
TP8 Input 13
TP9 Input 14
TP10 Input 15
TP11 Input 16
TP12 Output 4
TP13 Output 5
TP14 Output 6
TP15 Output 7
TP16 Output 8
TP17 Output 9
TP18 Output 10
TP19 On P28
TP20 On P28

Novus Spectra Service Manual Troubleshooting

PB-002141-05 REV B 5-27
TP21 On P28
TP22 On P31
TP23 On P31
TP24 On P31
TP25 On JP45
TP26 On JP45
TP27 On JP45
TP28 On JP45
TP29 On JP45
TP30 On JP45

5.4.12 Analog I/O Harness Adapter Board

Analog I/O Harness Adapter Board

Connectors P32 Analog I/O 60-pin Connects to
P33 Light Feedback A
P34 Optical Delivery
P35 Light Feedback B
P36 Diode Drive Control
P37 Aux Power Supply
P38 TEC Heater/Cooler
P39 Current Monitor
P40 Head Interface
P41 Accessory Interface

Troubleshooting Novus Spectra Service Manual

5-28 PB-002141-05 REV B
5.4.13 Diode Drive Control Board

Diode Drive Control Board

Connectors P16 Analog I/O notes To Analog I/O Board
P17 Digital I/O To Digital I/O Board
P20 Diode Drive Base
P21 Diode Drive Base
Test Points TP1 LAS_EN\
TP3 A-12V
TP4 A+12V

Novus Spectra Service Manual Troubleshooting

PB-002141-05 REV B 5-29
5.4.14 Current Monitor Board

Connectors P49 Analog I/O notes Connects to
Analog I/O
Wire Diode
through U1 Current
Test Points TP1 CURRENT+ Current through U1 (LEM)
equals 1A/50mV as measured
across TP1 and TP2.
TP2 CURRENT- Current through U1 (LEM)
equals 1A/50mV as measured
across TP1 and TP2.
TP3 A+12V
TP5 A-12V
LED2 -12V OK

Troubleshooting Novus Spectra Service Manual

5-30 PB-002141-05 REV B
5.4.15 Aux Power Supply Board

Aux Power Supply:+5, +12 Vdc

Connectors P74 Power In notes From AC-DC
P80 Aux Fan +24Vdc to fan To Aux Fan
J17 Power To Board Stack
J18 Aux IF To Aux IF?
Test Points TP1 48V
TP2 12V
TP4 5V
TP5 5V
TP7 12V
TP8 12V
TP10 -12V
TP11 -12V
TP12 3.3V
TP13 3.3V
TP14 2.5V
TP15 2.5V
TP16 1.8V
(Test Points, cont.) TP17 1.8V

Novus Spectra Service Manual Troubleshooting

PB-002141-05 REV B 5-31
Jumpers JP46

5.4.16 Aux Interface Board

Aux Interface
Connectors J19 Not labeled notes Connects
J22 Not labeled
P75 Not labeled Illumination control – LIO lamp
P76 Remote ?
P77 Accessory
P79 Not labeled
Jumpers JP52
Test Points TP1 5V REMOTE

Troubleshooting Novus Spectra Service Manual

5-32 PB-002141-05 REV B
6.0 Selected Part Numbers
The Bill-of-Materials for the Novus Spectra DPSS Ophthalmic Photocoagulator
system is maintained under document control by Lumenis Inc., and is subject to
change without notice. The following list of parts is provided for convenience.
Always confirm the part number for a given part with the Technical Support
Department before ordering.

6.1 Service Tools

Service Manual PB-002141-00
Operator Manual 0642-543-01, REV A

6.2 User Replaceable Sub-Assemblies

Footswitch, Smart 0642-508-01
Footswitch, Power Ease 0642-509-01
Footswitch, Standard 0642-507-01
Interlock Plug DP-02-056
Key 311 5107-0170 or 5107-0146

6.3 System Circuit Boards

Front Panel Display PCB SP-916000

KTP Heater, PCB EAS116000

Coldfire CPU PCB SP-917000

Novus Spectra Service Manual Selected Part Numbers

PB-002141-06 REV H 6-1
Analog I/O PCB SP-918000

Analog I/O Harness Adapter PCB EAS103000

Digital I/O PCB SP-919000

Digital I/O Harness Adapter PCB EAS102000

Low Voltage Monitor PCB SP-920000

Auxiliary Power Supply PCB EAS127000

Selected Part Numbers Novus Spectra Service Manual

6-2 PB-002141-06 REV H
Light Feedback PCB (2 EA.) E075-05-029

Optical Delivery PCB EAS620000

Head Interface PCB DPR-05-009

Diode Drive Base PCB DPR-03-012
Diode Drive Control EAS120000

Diode Drive Module SP-921000

TEC Heater Cooler Module SP-922000

Safety Filter Acsry PCB EAS124000

Novus Spectra Service Manual Selected Part Numbers

PB-002141-06 REV H 6-3
48 Volt Interlock SP-923000

Current Monitor EAS122000

Auxiliary Interface EA-1039960

Footswitch / Remote Interface EAS183000

48 Volt Interlock Adapter EAS126000

Selected Part Numbers Novus Spectra Service Manual

6-4 PB-002141-06 REV H
6.4 Laser Power Supply
DUAL 24V 10A

6.5 Chassis Electrical

FUSEBLOCK W/2A NANOFUSE SMT (F4 & F6 48 Volt Interlock) FH0200001
Fuse holder HSS474000
FUSE 7.0A 125V FAST NANO 2 SMF (F2 48 Volt Interlock) FU0200001
FUSE 3A 125V FAST NANO 2 SMF (F1 48 Volt Interlock) FU0200002
FUSE 5A 125V FAST NANO 2 SMF (F5 48 Volt Interlock) FU0200003
FUSE,SLO-BLO,250V 5A,5X2 0,HI SURGE,LOW BREAK (Input 2EA.) FU0200005
FUSE,SLO-BLO,250V 5A,5X2 0,MED SURGE,LOW BREA (Alternative For above) FU0200007
Power Cord, 125V W-247
Power Cord, 250V W-126
Key Switch (High Voltage) K-382

Novus Spectra Service Manual Selected Part Numbers

PB-002141-06 REV H 6-5

6.6 Cooling System

Blower HSS14200
Cooling Fans HSS14300

6.7 Optical Components

Optical Deliv SMA Spectra SAS199000
Laser Head (Engine?) Assembly SAS401000
Refurbished Head Assembly RSAS401000

Mech Assy, Shutter/Aiming Block Open/Closed SAS417000

Aim beam Assm. SP-924000
Single Port Shutter Assembly KTS835100

Selected Part Numbers Novus Spectra Service Manual

6-6 PB-002141-06 REV H
6.8 Dual Port Spectra

6.9 Covers & Skins

Top Cover Assy. MS-002059
Power Supply Cover MS-002060
Front Panel Assembly DPR-03-016
Remote Control SP-930000
Front Panel Skin Only MH-002148
Front Panel Skin Only w/ Buttons SAS184000

6.10 MISC. Parts

STAND-OFF, NYLON, 1/4 DIA, 9/16 LG H13-054
STANDOFF, 3/8in HEX/RND M/F 8-32 X 1/4in LG N H13-114
STANDOFF, 3/16 HEX, 1IN LONG, F/F, 4-40,ALUMI H13-143
STANDOFF, 3/8 HEX, 8-32 F/F, 2.375 LG, ALUMIN H13-145
STANDOFF, 3/16 HEX 4-40 X 1/2 LG, F/F, ALUMIN H13-154
STANDOFF,4-40 X 9/16in L G, 3/16 HEX, M/F, NY H13-164
Spectra Hard Travel Case PK0200042
Interactive Training Tool DVD PB-1030090

Novus Spectra Service Manual Selected Part Numbers

PB-002141-06 REV H 6-7
6.11 Delivery Systems
LaserLink HS 532 0642-936-01
LIO Keeler 0642-172-01
LaserLink Z SL130 0642-715-01
Automatic ESF Domestic/Japan SL130 0642-737-01
Automatic ESF CE European SL130 0642-739-01
Fixed Filter SL130 0642-761-01
LaserLink Z 20SL 0642-717-01
LaserLink Z 30SL 0642-716-01
LaserLink Z 125SL 0642-718-01
Automatic ESF Domestic/Japan 20/30/125 SL 0642-805-01
Automatic ESF CE, European 20/30/125 SL 0642-806-01
Fixed Filter 20/30/125 SL 0642-807-01
Lanyard FXD Filter Spectra (Dummy Plug) 0643-002-01
Lanyard for Y cable 0643-004-01
SL 130 Laser Link Fiber 0631-257-01
LIO Laser Mirror 0612-565-01
LIO Replacement Fiber 0642-957-01
HS Replacement Fiber 0642-956-01
LaserLink Replacement Fiber 0624-243-01
Laser Mirror Haag 0617-847-01
LIO Illumination Bulb 3901-0151

6.12 Special Tools

Harness Assembly, Serial Communication Cable HSS640000
Upload Utility Software SWS447000
Straight Plug DPR-11-012
Fiber Circuit board 0622-973-01
392KΩ Resister R392KN1TF
532 Safety Glasses 0629-268-01
532 Safety Goggles 3303-0196

Selected Part Numbers Novus Spectra Service Manual

6-8 PB-002141-06 REV H
7.0 Field Service Bulletins and Technical Notes

7.1 Introduction

The information in this Service Manual is subject to change without notice. As

required, Lumenis' Technical Support Department releases Field Service
Bulletins (FSB) and/or Technical Notes (TN) to update its Field Service personnel
on technical issues concerning this product. At its release, the FSBs become
part of the Service Manual.

Place the FSB and TN Index and all distributed FSBs and TN’s for this product's
Service Manual behind this page.

7.2 Index

FSB or TN Number Date Title

TN 001 May 03 Novus Spectra Design Changes

TN 002 May 03 Novus Spectra Mandatory Upgrade for

Coldfire CPU (DPR-05-001).

TN 003 May 03 Novus Spectra Upgrade for Analog I/O

Board (DPR-03-008)

TN 004 May 03 Novus Spectra Upgrade for Light

Card (E075-05-029)

TN 005 July 03 Add Loctite to the Shutter Blade

Adjustment Screw

TN 006 July 03 Change to Base Pan Harnesses

TN 007 July 03 Change to Rev D. of the Digital I/O


TN 008 July 03 Change to Front Panel Ground Harness

TN 009 July 03 Release of a New Test Fixture Harness

TN 010 Oct 03 Analog I/O Lasing Threshold

Novus Spectra Service Manual Field Service Bulletins

PB-002141-07 REV H 7-1
FSB or TN Number Date Title
TN 011 Sept 04 Novus Spectra Remote Software

TN 012 Dec 04 Novus Spectra Update Utility Release

TN 013 March 05 Spectra Shutter Blade Upgrade

TN 014 July 06 Ground potential between CPU and

Front Panel

TN 015 Nov. 06 Software and Hardware change for

Heine LIO

TN 016 Jan 07 Verdi to Spectra Accessory Upgrade

TN 017 Oct 08 Dual Port Spectra

TN 018 Jan 09 Aux Interface Adaptor Board and


TN 019 Jun 09 Spectra Single Port Shutter Assembly

Upgrade Kit

TN-1089180 Jan. 11 New FRU Part Numbers for Spectra,

Selecta II and Varia

Field Service Bulletins Novus Spectra Service Manual

7-2 PB-002141-07 REV H

Lumenis Service Department

2400 Condensa St.
Santa Clara, CA 95021 USA
Tel: 408.764.3000

Technical Note Product

TN Proprietary and Confidential
Novus Specta
TN No. Issue Date Rev. Rev. Date Written By: Jim Murray
001 29-MAY-03 A 29-MAY-03 Signature:

TN Title Approved By: Avi Farbstein

Page 1 of 6
Novus Spectra Design Changes Signature:

This Technical Note describes design changes that have been implemented prior to
the REV A release of the Novus Spectra Manual.

Design changes have been implemented in the following areas:

The following systems are affected by these changes:

2017318 2017328 3017540

2017320 3017469 3017541
2017321 3017478 3017542
2017322 3017485 3017576
2017323 3017536 3017577
2017324 3017537 3017578
2017325 3017538 3017579
2017326 3017539 3017580

Change made to main software:
1 Software / Boards
Rev B Rev C
Rev Beng1 to Rev C on the CPU board.
C DPR-03-002 PCB SA, COLD FIRE CPU changed from Rev A to Rev B

2 Temperature Control:
A Temperature Min/Max limits changed
B Temperature settings were made part of the Calibration Upload
C Temperature Control Algorithm was changed
D Temperature Set Point was added to the Calibration Utility
E Ordering of the Configuration Object was changed (Not compatible
with the older Software)

3 Eye safety Filter:

A Corrected occasional problem of letting the laser fire when the ESF was not

B Added resistor value (1.96K) for the Motorized ESF into the valid resistor table

C Added error code for hardware detected ESF fault.

Novus Specta TN 001 Rev. A Page 1 of 6

Lumenis Service Department
2400 Condensa St.
Santa Clara, CA 95021 USA
Tel: 408.764.3000

The system will give an error code F602 if the ESF has a problem during the
duration of the pulse. If a problem happens with the ESF during the interval of the
pulse the system will produce an F905 error. If the ESF doesn’t close when it should
the system will produce an F402.
This is done according to the priority of the error codes.

NOTE: Previous versions of software will give an E401 if you plug in a motor driven

4 Aiming Beam:
A Default level set to 30% (previous was 0%)

5 Temperature Time In During Startup

Older versions of software would continue to try to load if the interlock failed during
time in. Now if the interlock fails during time in the system will generate an F803

Changes made to the Front Panel:

1 Software / Boards
A SWS425000 PROG CHIP DOCUMENTATION changed from Rev 0 to Rev B
B PDS425000 PROG CHIP ASSEMBLY changed from Rev 0 to Rev A
C DPR-03-016 PCB SA, FRONT PANEL changed from Rev A to Rev B
D DPR-05-015 PCB SA, SOLDERED, FRONT PANEL changed from Rev A
to Rev B

Software was revised to alleviate occasional lockup problems

Changed resistance value of R25 on DPR-05-015 from 10K
(R10KA5TA) to 3.3K (R3.3KA5TA) to speed clock up to 4 MHz., which also
helps with the occasional lockup.

Changes made to the Analog I/O:

1 Software / Boards
from Rev 0 to Rev A

Changes made to the Digital Board:

1 Software / Boards
changed from Rev A to Rev B
changed from Rev 0 to Rev A
C DPR-03-005 PCB SA, DIGITAL IO changed from Rev A1 to Rev B

NOTE: This board MUST be upgraded with the Main Software it has a
secondary safety detect in the FPGA to make sure the ESF is closed.

Added hardware check to verify the ESF closed before allowing the laser to
fire. Also changed to filter all level detect signals for greater noise immunity.

Page 2 of 6 Novus Specta TN 001 Rev. A


Lumenis Service Department

2400 Condensa St.
Santa Clara, CA 95021 USA
Tel: 408.764.3000


Changes made to the Accessory Interface:

1 Software / Boards
Rev B to Rev C
from Rev A to Rev C

Added a diode (ALD-001) across solenoid driver to eliminate inductance

kickback when the system switches from 24 volts to drive the ESF closed to
12 volts to hold the ESF closed.

Changes made to Calibration Software:

A SWS449000 Spectra Calibration Utility / Windows changed from Rev 0 to Rev

Added Temperature setting capabilities. Range from 10 degrees C, to 50
C. Ideal setting will be located on the data sheet for the head in question. Set
the head temperature, save the file to the hard drive, upload the new file that
you just saved, then run the system through calibration.

Novus Specta TN 001 Rev. A Page 3 of 6

Lumenis Service Department
2400 Condensa St.
Santa Clara, CA 95021 USA
Tel: 408.764.3000

B Added Auto Update import file to attached laser. You can import a
calibration file from an older version of software into the new Rev. (D9) then
save it and upload it into the system.
C Added prompt to save when exiting non-default file.
E Re-enabled Diode Drive Voltage Limit Field. Range from 800 to 900
F Re-enabled Current Limit Field. Range from 1 to 100
G Disabled Safe Offset Voltage field. Removed it from screen.
H Added flexible screen width option. Under Special Functions select Expand

Page 4 of 6 Novus Specta TN 001 Rev. A


Lumenis Service Department

2400 Condensa St.
Santa Clara, CA 95021 USA
Tel: 408.764.3000


Novus Specta TN 001 Rev. A Page 5 of 6

Lumenis Service Department
2400 Condensa St.
Santa Clara, CA 95021 USA
Tel: 408.764.3000


A.43-510-01 SPECTRA, INTEGRATED LASER SYSTEM changed from Rev 0

to Rev A
from Rev D to Rev E (added above rev of the Novus Spectra)
C DS-002351 CONFIG TRACKER, SPECTRA changed from Rev 0 to Rev A
(was reintroduced for use with the Spectra)

Page 6 of 6 Novus Specta TN 001 Rev. A


Product Support
2400 Condensa Street
Santa Clara, CA 95051
Tel: (800) 367-7899
Fax: (408) 764-3890

Technical Note Product

TN Proprietary and Confidential
Novus Spectra Systems
TN No. Issue Date Rev. Rev. Date Written By: Jim Murray
002 29-MAY 03 A 29-MAY 03
TN Title Approved By: Avi Farbstein
Page 1 of 1
Novus Spectra Mandatory Upgrade Signature:
for Coldfire CPU (DPR-05-001).
The purpose of this Novus Spectra laser system technical note is to notify the field of
a mandatory upgrade to DPR-05-001.

Pull-up resistors on the Coldfire CPU Board are causing front panel lock-ups.

The Coldfire CPU Board (DPR-05-001) has been modified from REV A to REV B.
The R14 and R15 (330-ohm resistors) have been removed.

Schematic DPR-03-002 has been modified from REV A to REV C. The part value of
R14 and R15 has been changed from 330 ohm to “Not Stuffed.”

Remove R14 and R15 from DPR-05-001. This is a mandatory upgrade that should
be performed at the next service or maintenance call. All new boards should be
upgraded to reflect this change.

1 TN 002 REV A

Lumenis Service Department

2400 Condensa St.
Santa Clara, CA 95021 USA
Tel: 408.764.3000

Technical Note Product

TN Proprietary and Confidential
Novus Spectra System
TN No. Issue Date Rev. Rev. Date Written By: Jim Murray
003 29-MAY-03 A 29-MAY-03 Signature:

TN Title Approved By: Avi Farbstein

Page 1 of 1
Novus Spectra Upgrade for Analog I/O Signature:
Board (DPR-03-008)

The purpose of this Novus Spectra laser system technical note is to notify the field of
an upgrade to DPR-03-008.

A 200-microsecond delay has been causing self-test errors on Analog I/O (DPR-03-
008). Four filters and their components need to be removed from the Analog I/O
Board, which has been modified from Rev. A to Rev. B.

C77, C78, C79, C80, C81, C82, C83, C84, R71, R72, R73, R74, R75, R76, R77, R78
are all part of four filters that where placed on the outputs of four of the D to A
converter channels. These filters where designed to smooth the steps in the output of
the DAC but also slow down the rise and fall time of the DAC.

Given the resolution of the DAC and the application for the four DAC channels the
filters are unnecessary for smoothing and hinder the light control system because of
the slower response times of the DAC channels.

Remove C77, C78, C79, C80, C81, C82, C83, and C84 from board. Replace
R71, R72, R73, R74, R75, R76, R77, R78 with 0 ohm resistor (R0.0P1TH). All
new boards will have this change done by the vender, board should be
upgraded or replace during next service.

Spectra TN 003 Rev. A Page 1 of 1

Lumenis Service Department
2400 Condensa St.
Santa Clara, CA 95021 USA
Tel: 408.764.3000

TN Technical Note Product

Proprietary and Confidential Novus Spectra System
TN No. Issue Date Rev. Rev. Date Written By: Jim Murray

004 29-MAY-03 A 29-MAY-03 Signature:

TN Title Approved By: Avi Farbstein

Page 1 of 1
Novus Spectra Upgrade for Light Signature:
Card (E075-05-029)

The purpose of this Novus Spectra laser system technical note is to notify the field of an
upgrade to E075-05-029.

U2 case temperature was exceeding 70 degrees Celsius and is unnecessary for the
function of the circuit.

Novus Spectra Light cards (E075-05-029) have been modified from Rev B1 to Rev B2.


Harness HSS153000 Rev A should be replaced with HSS497000 Rev A.

Harness HSS152000 Rev A should be replaced with HSS498000 Rev A.

Remove U2 (ALI-359) from board, replace R2, R3, R4, and R5 (R390P.1TH) 390 Ohm
resistors with 0 Ohm resistors (R0.0P1TH) The new harnesses (HSS497000 and
HSS498000 Rev. A) are to be used with the updated Light Cards Rev B2. This upgrade
should be performed if problems persist. All new boards to be done by vendor will
reflect this change.

Novus Specta TN 004 Rev A Page 1 of 1


Product Support
2400 Condensa Street
Santa Clara, CA 95051
Tel: (800) 367-7899
Fax: (408) 764-3890

Technical Note Product

TN Proprietary and Confidential
Novus Spectra Systems
TN No. Issue Date Rev. Rev. Date Written By: Jim Murray
005 08-JUL 03 A 08-JUL 03
TN Title Approved By: Avi Farbstein
Page 1 of 2
Add Loctite to the Shutter Blade Signature:
Adjustment Screw
The purpose of this Novus Spectra laser system technical note is to inform Field
Service Engineering and the Depot Center to add loctite to the shutter blade
adjustment screw of the Mechanical Shutter Assembly (SAS417000). This assembly
is used on both the Spectra and the Elite SMA.

Revision A1 of Assembly SAS417000 (Mech. Assy, Shutter/Aiming Block
Open/Close) used on systems built before May 13, 2003, were built without loctite on
the shutter blade adjustment screw.

Vibration of the system, weather from shipping or normal use may cause the screw to
move. If the screw moves in too far, it may cause the system to give an error F100,
indicating that the safety shutter is not present.

All revision A2 assemblies should have loctite on the screw. When an A1 revision is
found to be in a system:

1. Remove the screw.

2. Apply loctite (1605-0013) to the screw.
3. Reinsert the screw into the Shutter block most of the way through the hole (see
the figure).

1 TN 005 REV A
Page 2 of 2

4. Turn system on.

5. After some time in, the system should show F100. Back the adjustment screw out
half a turn and reset the system.

6. Repeat Step 5 until the F100 does not come up in the power treatment window.

2 TN 005 REV A

Product Support
2400 Condensa Street
Santa Clara, CA 95051
Tel: (800) 367-7899
Fax: (408) 764-3890

Technical Note Product

TN Proprietary and Confidential
Novus Spectra Systems
TN No. Issue Date Rev. Rev. Date Written By: Jim Murray
006 08-JUL 03 A 08-JUL 03
TN Title Approved By: Avi Farbstein
Page 1 of 4
Change to Base Pan Harnesses Signature:

The purpose of this Novus Spectra laser system technical note is to inform Field
Service Engineering and the Depot Center of a change to the base pan, AC feed thru-
Power Supply harness, AC Inlet harness, and to add a ground cable for safety filter
accessory interface assembly.

Units built before May 15, 2003 may have an old style base pan (MS-002058 Rev A),
AC feed thru Power Supply harness (HSS135000), and AC inlet harness
(HSS131000). It may become necessary to replace the base pan if the AC feed thru
harness or AC inlet harnesses are damaged. Also, a ground harness has been added to
the Safety Filter Accessory Interface Assembly to provide a solid ground to chassis.

If harness assembly HSS131000 AC Inlet Assembly or harness assembly HSS135000

Key switch-Power Supply are damaged and need to be replaced, use old harnesses if
available. If they are not available and the base pan does not have the cut out shown
in the Figure 1 below, replace with a new one (MS-002058 Rev A1).

Figure 1

1 TN 006 REV A
Page 2 of 4


Replacing Base Pan, AC Feed Thru Power Supply Harness, and AC Inlet
1. Attach feed through connector (CN0200037) and spacer (MM-002140) to base
pan using two H13-151 standoffs. Underneath the base pan, label the
connector “14 13 24 23” as shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3.

Figure 2 Figure 3

2. Remove Power Supply from Base Pan if not already removed. Remove three
screws from both long sides of power supply, and one screw from bottom of
power supply cover (Figure 4).

NOTE: When removing power supply cover be careful not to damage fan harness.


Figure 4

3. Plug the J1 end of harness HSS473000 AC Feed Thru-Power Supply into J1

on the power supply. Place Kapton tape (H7-009) over connector of power
supply. Feed both wires through the opening of the bottom cover. Replace
power supply cover and all seven (7) screws.

Figure 5

4. Attach the AC Inlet harness (HSS474000) to the AC inlet bracket. Attach AC

inlet ground wire to the base pan ground post.

2 TN 006 REV A
Page 3 of 4

5. Reattach power supply to base pan if needed. Route new harnesses around to
the front of unit, placing them behind the tab on the base pan and tie wrap both
harnesses to the tab. Connect harnesses to connector CN0200037 using the
numbers written on the connector earlier and the numbers on the harnesses.

Figure 6

NOTE: Before connecting the new key switch harness perform the procedure for
adding the ground harness for the Safety Filter Accessory Interface Board.

6. Connect the new key switch harness (HSS475000), to the feed thru connector.
Attach the Front Panel to the unit, then plug in the blue connector on the end
of the key switch harness into the key switch by lining up the notch on the
blue rim with the top groove on the key switch. Block is completely seated
when you hear it snap in.

Figure 7 Figure 8

Adding the Ground Harness for the Accessory Board

1. Remove the silver faceplate nut from Lemo on safety filter accessory

2. Place a washer (HA0200023) Harness (HSS472000) and washer

(HA0200023) on the Lemo, in that order.

3 TN 006 REV A
Page 4 of 4

Silver face
plate nut


Figure 9

3. Place Lemo connector back through the front panel and screw silver faceplate
nut onto the front flush with Lemo. Red square on nut should be on top.
Tighten nut on backside of Lemo.

4. Attach bracket (MS-002117) to safety filter accessory interface board and

front panel using two (HS-727) screws. Attach two (HS-727) screws to the
board and front panel opposite the bracket.



Figure 10

5. Attach ground harness (HSS472000) to bracket using one HW-019 washer

and one (H13-151) nut.

4 TN 006 REV A

Product Support
2400 Condensa Street
Santa Clara, CA 95051
Tel: (800) 367-7899
Fax: (408) 764-3890

Technical Note Product

TN Proprietary and Confidential
Novus Spectra Systems
TN No. Issue Date Rev. Rev. Date Written By: Jim Murray
007 08-JUL 03 A 08-JUL 03
TN Title Approved By: Avi Farbstein
Page 1 of 1
Change to Rev D. of the Digital I/O Signature:
The purpose of this Novus Spectra laser system technical note is to inform Field
Service Engineering and the Depot Center of a change to the Digital I/O FPGA to
reduce the likelihood of an F402 error when using the smart footswitch.

It was observed that if the beam path for the smart footswitch is made and broken
very quickly, the system will give an F402 error. This is not a safety issue but is an
annoyance to the user.

If the system is being used with a smart footswitch and is giving an F402 error,
replace the Digital I/O FPGA (SWS419000) from Rev C. to Rev D. Check the
operation of the smart footswitch to determine that no error occurs. Check output
parameters and calibrate as needed.

1 TN 007 REV A

Product Support
2400 Condensa Street
Santa Clara, CA 95051
Tel: (800) 367-7899
Fax: (408) 764-3890

Technical Note Product

TN Proprietary and Confidential
Novus Spectra Systems
TN No. Issue Date Rev. Rev. Date Written By: Jim Murray
008 08-JUL 03 A 08-JUL 03
TN Title Approved By: Avi Farbstein
Page 1 of 1
Change to Front Panel Ground Signature:
The purpose of this Novus Spectra laser system technical note is to inform Field
Service Engineering and the Depot Center of a change to the ground harness for the
front panel of the Novus Spectra to eliminate problems with the front panel freezing

Ground bounce was observed on the Front Panel (DPR-03-016). This is caused by
the fact that the harness supplying the ground to the front panel is of insufficient
gauge. Harness (HSS161000) has been revised to a 22 AWG wire rather than the 26
AWG wire that was originally specified.

Replace harness (HSS161000 Rev A.) that runs from the CPU board to the front panel
with the new harness (HSS161000 Rev B). Check all output parameters and calibrate
as needed.

1 TN 008 REV A

Product Support
2400 Condensa Street
Santa Clara, CA 95051
Tel: (800) 367-7899
Fax: (408) 764-3890

Technical Note Product

TN Proprietary and Confidential
Novus Spectra Systems
TN No. Issue Date Rev. Rev. Date Written By: Jim Murray
009 08-JUL 03 A 08-JUL 03
TN Title Approved By: Avi Farbstein
Page 1 of 1
Release of a New Test Fixture Signature:
The purpose of this Novus Spectra laser system technical note is to inform Field
Service Engineering and the Depot Center of the release of a new test fixture harness
for the Novus Spectra.

With the implementation of the new AC feed thru harness it has become necessary to
use an extension harness (HSS476000) when working on the Spectra with the front
panel removed.

The harness is to be used between the key switch harness and the feed thru connector.
The harness allows the technician to remove the front panel and still have the system
turned on.

1 TN 009 REV A

Product Support
2400 Condensa Street
Santa Clara, CA 95051
Tel: (877) 586-3647
Fax: (408) 764-3837

Technical Note Product:

TN Proprietary and Confidential
Novus Spectra Systems
TN No. Issue Date Rev. Rev. Date Written By: Jim Murray
010 13-OCT-03 A 13-OCT-03
TN Title Approved By: Avi Farbstein
Page 1 of 1
Analog I/O Lasing Threshold Signature:

To inform the field and depot technicians of an upgrade to the Analog I/O board
(DPR-03-008) from Revision B to Revision C.

Laser diode improvements have resulted in a lower lasing current threshold for the
laser head, and this necessitates a change in the lasing reference voltage for pulse
detection and inadvertent exposure circuits on the Analog I/O board.

R4 and R43 have been added to the Analog I/O (DPR-03-008) in order to divide the
current reference for the pulse detect and inadvertent exposure comparators in half.

If receiving timing errors (600 series) when set for powers below 100mW, installing a
Revision C Analog I/O board may rectify the problem if it is due to lower lasing

The Revision C Analog I/O board may be used with previous systems with no known

1 TN 010 REV A

Product Support
2400 Condensa Street
Santa Clara, CA 95051
Tel: (800) 367-7899
Fax: (408) 764-3890

Technical Note Product

TN Proprietary and Confidential Novus Spectra
TN No. Issue Date Rev. Rev. Date Written By: Jim Murray
011 9/15/04 A 9/15/04

TN Title Approved By: Avi

1 of 1 Novus Spectra Remote Software
Upgrade Signature:

Purpose: To inform the FSE and the depot of a change to the

software for the remote control for the Novus Spectra.

Background: Hardware components for the remote had created a

timing gap that prevented the remote from consistently
successfully communicating with the Spectra system.

Parts Needed: PDS432000 Rev. B

Procedure: Replace U16 on the remote PCB with the revision of the
software, if you are encountering communication
problems between the remote and the system.

Lumenis Service Department

2400 Condensa St.
Santa Clara, CA 95021 USA
Tel: 408.764.3000

Technical Note Product

TN Proprietary and Confidential
Novus Spectra
TN No. Issue Date Rev. Rev. Date Written By: Jim Murray
012 13-Dec-04 A 13-Dec-04 Signature:

TN Title Approved By: Avi Farbstein

Page 1 of 3
Novus Spectra Update Utility Release Signature:

Purpose: To inform Field Service, the Depot, and all

Distributors of a new Utility Program to facilitate the
updating of software in the field.

Background: Novus Spectra software was updated in order to

eliminate F504 and F602 errors on start up, by
implementing a minimum 20 sec. delay to allow the
KTP temperature to reach its optimum setting
before commencing initial test fire sequence. This
utility allows system with the previous three
revisions of software to be updated to the most
recent revision more easily. This procedure should
be applied to all Novus Specta Laser Systems with
software (part number SWS428000) Rev. F, G or H.
upon next service. This update will take the software
to Rev. J


1 Computer with Windows 95 or newer Microsoft operating system

installed and an optical drive capable of reading CDs.

2 Novus Spectra upload cable “HSS640000 Rev B”

3 Calibration Update Utility SWS801080Rev2 (A) Installed.


SW 2
SW 1



Figure 1
Novus Spectra TN 012 Rev. A Page 1 of 3

Lumenis Service Department

2400 Condensa St.
Santa Clara, CA 95021 USA
Tel: 408.764.3000

1 Connect the serial cable between the PC and the laser system (P8
on the CPU Board see figure 1).

2 Change SW2 (both switches see figure 1) forward (front of the

laser) and turn on the system.

3 DS1 (see figure 1) should display three bars (≡).

4 Change SW2 back to the back of the system (both switches).

5 Verify the laser comes up in calibration mode (blinking ‘C’ on the

CPU LED display DS1).

6 Start the Calibration update utility. Utility should be in the following

location “C:\Program Files\Lumenis\Update Calibration\Update

7 A window will briefly appear that reads “Retrieving existing

calibration settings. Do not touch the laser”.

Note: Do not click OK until you’ve completed

Step 11
8 Once all settings are retrieved a second window will appear that
reads”Switch the Spectra to load mode”.

9 Move switch 1 of SW1 on the CPU board towards the front of the
laser system.

10 Cycle the power on the laser.

11 Verify DS1 on the CPU is flashing “L”.

12 Click the “OK” button on the screen.

13 A screen will appear that reads “Updating software files. This may
take some time”

14 The computer will take approximately 5 minutes to send the

updated files to the laser.

15 After the updates have been sent a message box will appear that
reads “Update completed successfully”

16 Return switch 1 of SW1 on the CPU board back towards the rear
of the laser system.

17 Click the “OK” button

18 Click the “Exit” Button

19 The update is now complete.

Novus Spectra TN 012 Rev. A Page 2 of 3

Lumenis Service Department
2400 Condensa St.
Santa Clara, CA 95021 USA
Tel: 408.764.3000

20 Attach a footswitch

21 Attach a Straight plug with a 280 ohm resistor.

22 Cycle power on the laser and verify no errors are displayed.

Novus Spectra TN 012 Rev. A Page 3 of 3


Lumenis Service Department

2400 Condensa St.
Santa Clara, CA 95021 USA
Tel: 408.764.3000

Technical Note Product

TN Proprietary and Confidential
Novus Spectra
TN No. Issue Date Rev. Rev. Date Written By: Jim Murray
013 15-Mar-05 A 15-Mar-05 Signature:

TN Title Approved By: Avi Farbstein

Page 1 of 3
Spectra Shutter Blade Upgrade Signature:

The purpose of this technical note is to inform the Depot, Field Service, and
Distributors of a retrofit that needs to be checked upon next service and upgraded if
needed to increase reliability of shutter assembly.

The magnets on the shutter blade may have not been placed on the shutter blade in an
orientation repelling each other. This could cause the magnetic field to not be as
strong as it could be. Also the screws that mount the solenoid to the shutter block
were of poor quality from current manufacturer and have been changed.

1 Remove the shutter block from the head, without removing the optical

2 Test the polarity on a shutter blade by applying one end of an un-mounted

bar magnet (K-234) individually to each of the mounted magnets on the tip
end of the shutter, as shown in figure 1. Like polarities repel and opposite
polarities attract, therefore, the un-mounted magnet should be either
repelled or attracted by both of the mounted magnets when tested on the
same end of the shutter. A failure would be if one mounted magnet attracts
and the other mounted magnet repels the un-mounted test magnet.

Figure 1: Testing the Shutter Blade Magnets

Novus Spectra TN 013 Rev. A Page 1 of 3

Lumenis Service Department
2400 Condensa St.
Santa Clara, CA 95021 USA
Tel: 408.764.3000

Note: All shutter assemblies that fail must have the shutter replaced with one
that has the proper oriented magnets.

Refer to Figure 2 for the following steps.

3 If the shutter blade fails the test in step 2, remove the shutter blade by
removing the 2 screws on the side of the block that hold the solenoid in and
throw them away.

4 Remove the 2 C-clips that hold the shutter blade to the solenoid. The pin that
goes through the shaft of the solenoid by be loose be careful to not drop it.


Mounting screws for


Figure 2: Inside the Shutter Block

5 Replace the shutter blade with the new one (KTS702200) from the Fru, Shutter
Blade Assembly (KTS702220).

6 Connect the 2 C-clips that hold the shutter blade to the solenoid.

NOTE: It is recommended that Loctite 222 (Lumenis Part Number 1605-0013)

be applied to the screws before they are used in step 7 below.

7 Remount the solenoid using the 2 screws (HS-634) from the Fru, Shutter Blade
Assembly (KTS702220).

8 Remount the Shutter Block with the optical delivery to the head.

Page 2 of 3 Novus Spectra TN 013 Rev A.


Lumenis Service Department

2400 Condensa St.
Santa Clara, CA 95021 USA
Tel: 408.764.3000

9 Check the alignment of the fiber output and adjust as needed.

10 Check the calibration of the output, and calibrate as needed.

Novus Spectra TN 013 Rev. A Page 3 of 3

TP-0036510 rev A
Test Procedure

Title: Novus Verdi to Novus Spectra accessory Re-work form ECO- 9406 Effective: 1/22/07
Old Part Number:
0636-963-01 LLZ 20SL, 30SL, and 125SL for Novus Verdi
0636-962-01 LLZ 130SL for Novus Verdi
0642-457-01 LLHS for Novus Verdi
0636-794-01 LIO Novus Verdi
New Part Number:
0640-731-01 LLZ 20SL, 30SL and 125SL for Novus Spectra
0631-427-01 LLZ 130SL for Novus Spectra
0642-463-01 LLHS for Novus Spectra
0642-180-01 LIO Novus Spectra
Serial Number of device ___________________________________
Work performed:
Recognition resistor on fiber for the delivery device has been replaced to allow the device
to be recognized by the Novus Spectra. This procedure changes the device from the old
part number circled above to the new part number circled above.
Power Measurements of New Device:
Verify the efficiency of the fiber on the accessory by measuring the power out of the
Spectra using a straight plug with the proper resistor value for the accessory:
LLZ 221KΩ (Lumenis part number SA-0030920)
LLHS 23.7KΩ (Lumenis part number SA-0030930)
LIO 2.15KΩ (Lumenis part number SA-0036550)
Set the system to 500mW and fire into a power meter and note the output power of the
system. Connect the fiber for the accessory the system, make sure that the same resistor
value is on the fiber that was used on the straight plug and fire the system into the power
meter and note the output of the accessory. For Laser Links use a 200µ Spot Size.
Output of the accessory
x 100 = Accessory efficiency
Output of the system
Output of the accessories is as follows:
Accessory Efficiency % Measured %
Laser Link Zeiss >80%
Laser Link Haag Streit >80%
LIO >87%

Work done by: ___________________________ Date: ___________________

When form is complete it MUST be faxed to Lumenis Document Control

Document Control Please place this form in the DHR file for the above listed serial

GSO (Global Service Organization)

3959 West 1820 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84104
Tel: (801) 656-2300
Fax: (801) 972-4884

Technical Note Product

TN Proprietary and Confidential
TN No. Issue Date Rev. Rev. Date Written By:
Michael Serr
017 10/31/08 A 10/31/08

TN Title Approved By:

Jeff Voyles
Dual Port Spectra

This tech note is to inform the Service Department of the new Dual Port
Spectra mechanical and electronics assemblies. These changes will only be
on the new Dual Port Spectra systems. The following procedure is to explain
how to align the dual port delivery system.

The Dual Port Spectra is a new design that offers the ability to attach two
separate delivery systems to the one Spectra laser system which allows the
operator to switch from one port to port two with a press of a button (Port 1 &
Port 2). The changes made to the system will also improve the ability and time
to align the treatment beam and the aiming beam, and increase the longevity
of the assemblies involved.

The Dual Port Spectra uses many assemblies that are already in use on
current systems such as the Varia and Omni as a reference for further

1.1. Fiber Ports alignment:

1.1.1. Check the fiber ports and confirm that
they are flush with the front of the
mounts. To adjust loosen the clamp
screw on the fiber focus mount which will
allow the fiber connector to slide in and
out to where it is flush


Page 1 of 3 TN 017 Rev. A

1.1.2. Install a fiber focus lens and a GRIN lens
tool in port 1.

GRIN lens 0642-048-52

Note the locations of fiber port adjustments: X&Y ADJUST



1.1.3. Adjust X and Y to get one solid spot.

Lock down X and Y adjustments.
1.1.4. Adjust Z to make the spot as small as Z: FIND
possible. Lock down the Z adjuster. MAIN SPOT
(Don’t adjust Z when it is locked.)
1.1.5. Repeat X and Y adjustments if needed.
1.1.6. Install the customers laser link, Endo, or TOGETHER
LIO fiber and fine-tune X and Y for SPOT
maximum efficiency (must be >82%).
1.1.7. Repeat for port 2.

Page 2 of 3 TN 017 Rev. A

1.2. Fine alignment of aiming laser:
1.2.1. Fire through port 2 using the GRIN lens.
Set a target on the center of the green
1.2.2. Confirm the aiming beam centered onto
the target and adjust the aiming beam
mount as needed.

1.2.3. Fire through port 1 without the GRIN

lens. Set a target on the center of the
green beam.

1.2.4. Loosen the bolts on the aiming laser

mount slightly and translate until the red
beam is centered on the target.

1.2.5. Repeat until the aiming beam is aligned

in both Port 1 and Port 2.

Perform alignment and the efficiency check list to confirm outputs from
port one and port two with respect to beam requirements reference
section 3 of the service manual (3.3 and 3.5).

Page 3 of 3 TN 017 Rev. A


GSO (Global Service Organization)

3959 West 1820 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84104
Tel: (801) 656-2300
Fax: (801) 972-4884

Technical Note Product

TN Proprietary and Confidential
TN No. Issue Date Rev. Rev. Date Written By:
Michael Serr
018 1/9/09 A 1/9/09

TN Title Approved By:

Page 1 of 5
Aux Interface Adaptor Board and Harness Jeff Voyles

This technical note is to inform and instruct the service department on the changes
made to the Auxiliary Interface Adaptor Board, the KTP Heater Board, and the
adaptor board/ KTP board Harness.

Due to the obsolescence of the style of connector on the Auxiliary Interface Adaptor
Board, the KTP Heater Board and the Interface KTP Harness, when any of these
boards are replaced an upgrade kit will have to be installed.

Auxiliary Interface Board EAS129000 becomes EA-1039960

Harness assy. Aux interface – KTP heater HSS140000 becomes HS-1036710

In the case that any of these boards need to be replaced or if a replacement head
has the KTP Heater board with the new connector then the kit (KT-1040470) should
be ordered so that all of the boards will be compatible. The (KT-1040470) will have
the new Auxiliary Interface Adaptor Board (EA-1039960) and the Harness Assy. Aux
Interface-KTP Heater (HS-1036710).

The Auxiliary Interface Adaptor Board EA-1039960 is shown in figure 1

Figure 1

TN 018 Rev. A Page 1 of 5

Page 2 of 5

In figure 2 the Aux adaptor Board connector P78 is the new connector the
connectors next to it are P79 and P89 these are the old style of connector and are
not used.

Old style New style

Figure 2

The Harness Assy. Aux Interface-KTP Heater HS-1036710 changes from the old
style HSS140000 as seen in figure 3 and 4

Figure 3 old style

Figure 4 new style

Page 2 of 5 TN 018 Rev. A

Page 3 of 5

To replace the Auxiliary Interface Adaptor Board the four screws holding the control
stack must be removed and the entire stack lifted out of the way so that the Aux
interface board can be accessed

Remove the four connectors from P78, P76, P77, and P75

Then remove the four screws holding the board to the base plate and cut the zip tie
holding the cables together. The board will pull off around the stand offs.

Page 3 of 5 TN 018 Rev. A

Page 4 of 5

Once the old board is removed then the new EA-1039960 board can be put in place
while making sure that it is connected to the Aux power supply correctly.

Then the four screws can be reinstalled and the three cables can be reconnected to
P75, P76, and P77 and the new cable HS-1036710 connected to P78.

And connect the HS-1036710 cable to the KTP Heater board on the head

Reconnect the control stack to the Aux Interface Board and reinstall screws. Turn on
system and test operations.

Page 4 of 5 TN 018 Rev. A

Page 5 of 5

Page 5 of 5 TN 018 Rev. A

GSO – Global Service Organization

Technical Note Product

TN Proprietary and Confidential Vision
Issue Date Revision Revision Date
TN No. Technical Audit: Nir Pialkov
TN-1089180 01-10-2011

TN Title
New FRU Part Numbers for Spectra, Selecta II
1 of 2
and Varia

The purpose of this Technical Note is to inform the service organization of new
FRU part numbers for the Spectra, Selecta II, and Varia.

These new FRU part numbers were created to add testing and packaging.

Applicable ECO

ECO 11795

The table below shows the old part numbers, the new replacement FRU numbers
and their description

This document is confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.
Any unauthorized dissemination or copying of this document, and any use or disclosure of any information contained in
it, is strictly prohibited and may be illegal. If you have received this document in error, please notify the sender at
abernstein@lumenis.com.com and delete it from your system.

-1- TN-1089180 Rev. A

GSO – Global Service Organization

Old Part New FRU

Numbers Numbers Part Discription
DPR-03-016 SP-916000 FRU, Front Panel Display PCB Soectra
EAS451000 SP-920000 FRU, Low Voltage Monitor PCB Spectra
EAS180000 SP-921000 FRU, Diode Drive Module Spectra
EAS117000 SP-922000 FRU, TEC Heater Cooler Module Spectra
DPR-03-013 SP-923000 FRU, 48 Volt Interlock Spectra
SA-1034140 SP-924000 FRU, Aiming Beam Assembly DP/NSP
0642-512-01 SP-930000 FRU, Spectra Remote
Selecta II
0640-959-01 SP-1076560 FRU, SEL II ESF Assy.
SA-1024300 SP-1076570 FRU, SEL II Controller PCB, w Preprog SW
0639-654-01 SP-1076580 FRU, SEL II Motor 2 Half Wave Plate
0633-481-01 SP-1076590 FRU, Selecta II Shutter Assembly
0640-957-01 SP-1076600 FRU, Selecta II Delivery Mirror
0641-314-01 SP-1076610 FRU, SEL II Delivery Mirror/ Chassis Assy.
0643-660-01 SP-1076620 FRU, SEL II Diode Module Assembly
0634-499-01 SP-1076630 FRU, Selecta II Remote
0622-627-01 SP-1076640 FRU, Varia Fiber Focus Assembly
0641-539-01 SP-1076650 FRU, Varia Dual Fiber Selector
0641-647-01 SP-1076660 FRU, Varia Safety Shutter Assembly
0641-940-01 SP-1076670 FRU, Varia Remote

If there are any questions concerning this tech note please contact

GSO Tech Support Engineer

Mike Serr
Office: 801-656-2569

-2- TN-1089180 Rev. A

8.0 Drawings and Schematics
This section includes a selection of schematic diagrams and drawings for the
Novus Spectra DPSS Ophthalmic Photocoagulator system as produced at the
release of this manual.

Name Drawing Number Number of Pages

Simplified System Block Diagram n/a 1 Page

Novus Spectra Laser System DPR-27-001 1 Page

Wiring Diagram

Optical Schematic n/a 1 page

Coldfire (CPU) Board DPR-03-002 6 Pages

Optical Delivery Interface EDS620000 1 Page

Digital I/O Board DPR-03-005 5 Pages

Analog I/O Board DPR-03-008 3 Pages

Head Interface DPR-05-009 1 Page

Diode Drive Base DPR-03-012 1 Page

48 Volt Interlock DPR-03-013 1 Page

48 Volt Interlock Adapter EDS126000 1 Page

Low Voltage Monitor EDS451000 1 Page

Front Panel Board DPR-03-016 2 Pages

KTP Heater EDS115000 1 Page

Digital I/O Harness Adapter EDS102000 1 Page

Analog I/O Harness Adapter EAS103000 1 Page

TEC Heater/Cooler ED-1051840 1 Page

Diode Drive Control EDS120000 1 Page

Current Monitor EDS122000 1 Page

Safety Filter Accessory Interface EDS124000 2 Pages

Aux Power Supply, +5V, +12V EDS128000 2 Pages

Novus Spectra Service Manual Drawings and Schematics

PB-002141-08 REV E Effective: 12/15/09 8-1
Aux. Interface EDS129000 1 Page

Remote/Footswitch Interface EDS182000 1 Page

Light Feedback EO75-05-029 1 Page

Optical Delivery I/O Dual Port ED-1031980 1 Page

Port Selector Dual Port ED-1031990 1 Page

Drawings and Schematics Novus Spectra Service Manual

8-2 PB-002141-08 REV E

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