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Vessel Positioning check

Project Title: Rig Move / DAGDA from OAK-S1A platform to SKM platform Model: Trimble SPS-855
Vessel Posit System #1
Project No: 2019-CA-POS-049 Vessel: DAGDA Rig Serial No: 5319K43144
Date/Time: 11/11/2019 21:00 to 23:00 Location: OAK-S1A Platform Model: C-NAV 3050
Vessel Posit System #2
Observed By: DNA Latitude: 04° 13' N Serial No: 13587
Checked By: DNA Purpose of Exercise Pre-operation check

Datum : Manoca 1962 (EPSG: 4193)

Positioning comparison
Spheroid Clarke 1880 (IGN) 467,103.0
Semi-Major Axis a 6 378 249.200 meters
Inverse Flattening (1/f) 293.46602129362 467,102.5

Projection UTM 32 North (EPSG: 2215)

Latitude Of Origin 0o 00’ Equator

Central Meridian 9o 00’ East
False Easting 500,000.0m 467,101.5
False Northing 0.00m
Scale Factor On C.M. 0.9996 467,101.0

Datum Shift Parameters


Spheroid WGS 84 (EPSG: 4326)

Semi-Major Axis a 6 378 137.0 meters 467,100.0
Inverse Flattening (1/f) 298.257 223 563

DX: +70.9 meters Rot X: 0.0 seconds Scaling
DY: +151.8 meters Rot Y: 0.0 seconds 0.0ppm
C-NAV 3050 #2 points SPS-855 #1 points C-NAV 3050 #2 average SPS-855 #1 average
DZ: +41.4 meters Rot Z: 0.0 seconds

Vessel Positioning System Start Time End Time No of Observations No of Rejections % Rejected
Trimble SPS-855 21:00 23:00 1099 0 0.00%

dE Min dE Max E C-O St Dev dN Min dN Max N C-O St Dev

-0.73 1.16 0.04 0.52 -0.55 0.93 0.31 0.28

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