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Unit 9 Poziom podstawowy Test B

Imię i nazwisko: ____________________________________ Klasa: ____

1 Track 09 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę na temat obejrzanego filmu. Na podstawie informacji

zawartych w nagraniu uzupełnij zdania tak, aby jak najbardziej precyzyjnie oddać sens wysłuchanego
tekstu. Zdania należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.
1 The woman had expected the actors ____________________.
2 As far as the story goes, the woman says that she had no trouble ____________________.
3 The man praises the story in the book and the ____________________.
4 The man thinks that modern films put too much effort into beautiful ____________________.
5 According to the woman, the film will probably ____________________.
___ / 5

2 Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl jedną z liter:
A, B, C albo D.
As a young ballet dancer, I never had a problem with stage fright. When I say that to people who don’t perform
in public, they seem to think that I was never nervous or apprehensive, but nothing could be farther from the
truth. Nearly everyone who does something as challenging as ballet in front of an audience experiences nerves
to some degree. But the truth is, with the amount of practice we do, the chance of messing up is very low.
After suffering a serious injury during a rehearsal, though, everything changed. I had actually broken a couple
of bones in my foot, so I was able to get back to dancing only after an operation and months of rehab. I knew
I was being overcautious, hesitating a little before repeating the steps that had caused my injury, but I was sure
I would get over it with time.
Then came the first performance. I was only dancing one important role, but I had done it so many times that
I felt I could do it in my sleep. However, as I was warming up backstage, I was suddenly overpowered by terror.
It felt as if there was a tight belt around my chest, which made it hard to breathe, my head was spinning, and
my stomach was churning like a washing machine. I could feel sweat breaking out all over my body, and my
legs were trembling to the point that I wondered if I could remain standing. I actually wondered if I was having
a heart attack or something. One of my fellow dancers asked me if I was all right, but all I could do was shake
my head. She managed to calm me down a bit, and while I got through the performance by simply focusing on
the steps and the music, it wasn’t easy. And this was only the beginning of a lengthy battle with stage fright.
It became so bad that I eventually got some professional help. One very helpful thing I learnt was that some
of the greatest performers in the world have had to deal with stage fright as well, but each one has found their
own way of coping with it. It’s been a real learning curve, but I’ve discovered that doing breathing exercises,
not stretching too much before a performance, and picturing myself on stage are the most helpful tactics.
I won’t say I’ve fully overcome my stage fright, but reminding myself that some of the greatest dancers in the
world have successfully dealt with the same issue is always comforting.

1 Which of the following statements about the narrator is not true?

A She had an average level of nervousness as a young dancer.
B Repeated injuries made her afraid to perform.
C The amount of practice she did increased her confidence.
D She understood that all performers experience some fear.

2 After the dancer’s recovery, she

A felt as confident as ever.
B knew she would have to change the way she danced.
C was a little unsure about certain moves.
D continued with physical rehabilitation exercises.

3 When did the dancer experience a panic attack?

A When she was spoken to by a fellow dancer.
B The moment she found it hard to breathe.
C Just after warming up.
D Before appearing on the stage.

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4 In the fourth paragraph, we learn that the narrator
A successfully overcame stage fright without any help.
B had to get professional help to deal with her stage fright.
C has only ever experienced stage fright once.
D is now trying to educate others about stage fright.

5 Which title best suits the story?

___ / 5

3 Read the definitions and write the correct words.

1 the person who directs the members of an orchestra: __________
2 a list of all the actors in a play or a film: __________
3 a newspaper with short sensational articles and lots of photos: __________
4 one of the parts that a book is divided into: __________
5 a person who reads out stories and acts on the radio: __________ __________

___ / 5

4 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

1 I like reading short stories by amateur authors because they often come ________ with some really
unusual ideas.
2 She played the violin so well that she stood ________ from her fellow musicians.
3 The first edition of her new novel sold ________ in less than a week!
4 The host of the comedy show was stuck in traffic, so I had to stand ________ for him until he arrived.
5 When her book of poems came ________, hardly anyone noticed it until a great review was published
in The Times.

___ / 5

5 Complete the text with the correct words. Write one word in each gap.
When Thomas went for his first (1) ___________ for a role in a play after graduating from drama school,
he wasn’t feeling very optimistic. Although he had learnt his lines by heart, and had even done some research
into the type of character he might play in the story, based on a medieval legend, he was afraid he wouldn’t
(2) ___________ out because of his small stature and very youthful appearance. You can imagine his surprise
when he was not only given a part, but went on to be cast in the (3) ___________ role. He was even more
amazed when the play opened to rave (4) ___________, he saw his picture on the cover of a popular magazine,
and someone even stopped him in the street to ask for his (5) ___________! Finding out he was up for an
award for best stage performance by a newcomer, he began to think he was dreaming, but it was just the
beginning of a long and successful career.

___ / 5

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6 Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania.
Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B lub C.
1 Not _____ who was invited came to the meeting, but most of them did.
A anyone B everyone C everything
2 Many critics said that the first Fantastic Beasts film was _____ better than the second one.
A more B less C far
3 You can have _____ cake or pie. Which would you prefer?
A either B neither C both
4 Since no one else seemed willing to help, my sister designed the posters _____.
A himself B themselves C herself
5 These dance shoes are definitely _____. They’re way too small for me!
A mine B hers C your
___ / 5

7 Uzupełnij zdania 1–5. Wykorzystaj w odpowiedniej formie wyrazy podane w nawiasach. Nie należy
zmieniać kolejności podanych wyrazów, trzeba natomiast – jeżeli jest to konieczne – dodać inne wyrazy,
tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność
ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań. Uwaga: w każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie cztery
wyrazy, wliczając w to wyrazy już podane.
1 Why _______________________ (not / you / buy) the tickets for the concert?
2 It is embarrassing for many people _______________________ (listen / them) singing on a recording.
3 _______________________ (either / you / David) will have to make the final decision about the guest list.
4 It is _______________________ (far / easy / learn) to play an instrument if you have a good teacher.
5 I find traditional art _______________________ (slight / little / interesting) than modern works.

___ / 5

8 Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (1–5), przekształcając wyrazy podane w nawiasach tak, aby
powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna
wpisywanych wyrazów.
My sister, who is addicted to romantic films about teens, claims that her (1) ____________ (favour) film,
The Fault in our Stars, is unlike any other. She probably doesn’t realise that it is based on a number of
(2) __________ (tradition) stories about star-crossed lovers. So, no matter how (3) __________ (touch)
she may find the relationship between the main characters, she could find more (4) ___________ (imagine)
stories in the works of Shakespeare and other playwrights. Of course, I know she watches the film for
(5) __________ (relax) rather than education, in much the same way that I play video games, so I guess
I shouldn’t criticise!

___ / 5

TOTAL: ___ / 40

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