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Dr.Tharwat Hassane
1 GR Principle
2 Basic GR Uses
3 Spectral GR
4 GR parameters
5 GR limits
6 GR for unconventional Resources
7 GR Normalization
8 GR and ECS interpretation
9 VSH Calculation & GR and Deposition Environment
10 Conclusion
GR Principle
The Gamma Ray log is a measurement of the
formation's natural radioactivity.
Gamma ray emission is produced by three
radioactive series found in the Earth's crust.
Potassium (K40) series.
Uranium series. (U)
Thorium series. (TH)

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Basic GR Uses
The gamma ray log is used for:
Lithology/mineralogy, e.g. shaliness.
A major use of the tool is to identify marker beds
and thus allow well-to-well correlation.
Subsidence logging:
Subsidence logging is carried out in densely populated countries
(e.g. Holland) where there is a need to monitor the surface
movement (if any) over the reservoir production period.
Tracer logging:
A radioactive fluid is ejected by a tool at a chosen level.
The fluid movement is monitored by the gamma ray and will show
thief zones and channels in the cement behind the casing.
Clay Typing :
From Th and K we can identify the clay typing
Depositional Environment

From GR shape the depositional environmet

can be identified .
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Spectral GR Using In carbonate
The three radioactive elements measured by the
NGT occur in different parts of the reservoir. If
we know the lithology, we can obtain further

U - indicates phosphates, organic matter

and stylolite's.
Formation A

Th - indicates clay content.

K – indicates
clay content, radioactive
Formation A in Gulf Area
It is calcite and little dolomite with
Illite content in The Sabriyah Field

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GR and ECS Using In carbonate

High GR due
to radioactive
not Shale

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Spectral GR Using In Clastics
In Sandstones:

Th - indicates clay content,

heavy minerals.

K - indicates micas,
micaceous clays and

In Shales:

U - in shale, suggest a source rock.

Th - indicates the amount
of detrital material
or degree of shaliness.

K - indicates clay type and mica.

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GR in Clastics

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GR in Clastics

High GR
due to Hot

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GR and ECS in Clastics

GR Show High reading

and ECS Show Siderite

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GR-ECS -Coal

ow GR reading
High Neutron
ow Density will
ndicate Coal

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GR parameters

No formation is perfectly clean, hence the GR readings

will vary. Limestone is usually cleaner than the other two
reservoir rocks and normally has a lower GR.

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GR limitations GR@ 41.6 ft

GR NPHI @ 34.8 ft
- Organic materials (see the uranium as
- Micas (sees micaceous sands as shaly).

Spectral GR :- TLD

- Barite in the mud (reduces the count rate
but can be partially corrected for). 21.9 ft

- KCI mud (Potassium in the mud masks

the formation response but can be
partially corrected for).
or AIT
- Large boreholes decrease the count rate AIT - 7. 9 ft
hence increase the statistics.
- Statistical errors.
SP - 0 ft & Rm

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GR for unconventional Resourses

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Shale Distribution and GR Log

❑The density porosity/GR

(or linear Vsh) triangular
crossplot is the primary
method used to determine
the volume of laminated
shale (and, thus, volume of
laminated sand) and sand porosity

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Clay type from SGR Tool

The particular minerals

occur in the following
ranges of the
Th/K ratio:
–– feldspars: < 0.6,
–– glauconite: 0.6÷1.5,
–– micas: 1.5÷2.0,
–– illite: 2.0÷3.5,
–– mixed-layered: > 3.5.

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GR Normalization

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GR and Depositional Environment

Modified after Cant (1992)
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VSH Calculation from GR

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Core and Log GR
Once the core arrived in the lab the core GR
Recording the natural radioactive in the
core will be used in the GR Log Correlation

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GR Correction

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GR and SGR( Spectral GR) can be used to :-
• Lithology identification.
• Study of depositional environments.
• Investigation of Clay types.
• Investigation of shale distribution.
• Identification of organic material and source rocks
• Shale volume Calculation.
• Study of a rock's diagenetic history.
• GR can be run in Both Open and Cased Hole.
• In hot sand be carful when use GR for Shale Calculation .
• GR should be corrected for Cased hole and the Barite in the Mud.

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• [5 Schlumberger Chart Book
• [6 Schlumberger Intepretation Book .
• KUWAIT (by Moath Al-Qaod) Thesis Msc

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Thank You

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