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J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2017) 28:18236–18243

DOI 10.1007/s10854-017-7772-y

Coinage metal (Ag, Cu) decorated ­BiFeO3 nanoparticles:

synthesis, characterization and their photocatalysis properties
Harsimranjit Kaur1 · Navjot1 · Alexandr Tovstolytkin2 · Gurmeet Singh Lotey1

Received: 5 June 2017 / Accepted: 19 August 2017 / Published online: 28 August 2017
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2017

Abstract Plasmonic enhanced photocatalytic activity for this may leads to severe damage of ecological balance. After
the degradation of industrial pollutants viz., Naphthol blue the use of dyes, their heavy amount is discharged into the
black and Sudan-I dyes for bare and coinage metal (Ag, water world-wide, every day. This is very alarming situation
Cu) decorated ­BiFeO3 nanoparticles have been presented. and leading to very serious environmental problems viz.,
­BiFeO3 nanoparticles have been synthesized by hydrother- increase of toxicity, chemical oxygen demand, biochemical
mal method and photo-deposition of the coinage metals (Ag, oxygen demand, bad smell, and color in the water. There
Cu) done. The size of the synthesized nanoparticles and the are several non-destructive conventional water treatments
presence of metals on the surface of ­BiFeO3 have been tested methods viz., adsorption, coagulation, flocculation, reverse
by the transmission electron microscopy and X-ray photo- osmosis and ultrafiltration. These said methods just trans-
electron spectroscopy. Red-shift in the band gap of B­ iFeO3 fer the contaminants from their one phase to other phase
has been observed with decoration of metals in the optical and form secondary waste problems [2]. Azo dyes namely
spectra. Time resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy and naphthol blue black dye (NBB) [IUPAC name 4-amino-
action spectra have been done to understand the dynamics 5-hydroxy-3-[(4-nitrophenyl) azo]-6-(phenylazo)-2, 7-naph-
of the charge carriers and average relaxation time. The deg- thalenedisulfonic acid disodium salt], and Sudan-I [IUPAC
radation efficiency of the Ag decorated B ­ iFeO3 found to be name 1-(phenyldiazenyl) naphthalene-2-ol] are amongst
higher than that of the bare and Cu decorated. The mecha- the prime colorants used in various industries [1]. The de-
nism to understand the enhancement of photocatalytic activi- colorization of these dyes releases the effluent of streams in
ties has been presented. air, and results in air pollutions, whiles the treatment of their
liquid discharge, result in water pollution. The task to sort
out these problems is the main accountability of the indus-
1 Introduction tries in which these dyes are used. Therefore, it is an urgent
need of the hour to develop the highly efficient photocatalyst
The speedy development of global industrialization, leads to address above said concerns, and along with this to min-
to the exploitation of the natural resources such as water, eralize the water. Photo-catalytic degradation of above said
air, soil and results in environmental pollution that is get- dyes, decolorizes them and offers the remedy for the puri-
ting worse day by day [1]. Dyes are widely used in textile, fication of water and air pollution [3–5]. In the last decade,
leather, rubber, paper, plastic, and cosmetic industries, and a lot of reports on photo-degradation of various dyes using
­BiFeO3 nanoparticles viz., methylene blue [6], congo red [7,
8], rhodamine [1, 9–11], methyl orange [12–15] have been
* Gurmeet Singh Lotey presented. Also, there are several reports on use of oxide;
for different applications [16, 17]. There is still requirement
Nano Research Lab, Department of Physics, DAV to find efficient photocatalyst for the degradation of indus-
University, Jalandhar, Punjab 144012, India trial dyes such as NBB and Sudan-I. ­BiFeO3 being a direct
Institute of Magnetism, 36b Vernadsky Blvd., Kyiv 03680, energy band-gap semiconductor ­(Eg 2.2–2.8 eV), exhibits
Ukraine excellent properties such as chemical stability, high mobility,

J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2017) 28:18236–18243 18237

and non-toxicity, which make it a good candidates to act as 2.2.1 Photocatalytic activity measurement
excellent photocatalyst [18]. Also, it is well known multifer-
roic material exhibiting simultaneously ferroelectricity, and The dye and catalyst in concentrations of 10 mg/L and 1 g/L,
magnetic ordering in a single phase [19–22]. Moreover, the respectively have been dissolved in water and stirred for 1 h
photocatalytic performance of semiconducting photocatalyst in the dark for the adsorption of dye on catalyst and subse-
may be largely improved by decorating them with coinage quently put in sunlight. The photocatalytic activity of cata-
metals viz., Au, Ag, Cu [9, 18, 21]. But Au is very expensive lyst (BFO, Ag-BFO, and Cu-BFO) has been determined by
metals, therefore the decoration using Ag and Cu paved to measuring the degradation of dyes NBB and Sudan-I in the
be effective way to improve the photocatalytic properties. presence of sunlight at 25 °C, after each 10 min.
In the present study, photodegradation of NBB and
Sudan-I dyes by coinage metal decorated B ­ iFeO3 nanopar-
ticles has been investigated. 3 Results and discussion

3.1 Structural analysis
2 Materials and methods
Figure 1 displays the X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of
BFO, Cu-BFO and Ag-BFO nanoparticles. The observed
2.1 Synthesis
XRD peaks 22.55°, 32.01°, 32.26°, 39.69°, 39.72°, 45.84°,
51.55°, 51.65°, 57.19°, 57.28°, 66.70°, 67.18, 71.75°,
Hydrothermal method has been used for the synthesis of
75.95°, 80.64° are indexed to Miller indices (012), (104),
­BiFeO3 [8]. In the typical synthesis procedure, equimolar
(110), (006), (202), (024), (116), (122), (018), (300), (208),
amount of Fe(NO3)3·9H2O and Bi(NO3)3·5H2O has been
(220), (036), (312), (134), respectively. This indexing sug-
dissolved in water and then few drops of ­HNO3 added in it.
gests that the synthesized nanoparticles have rhombohedral
Afterwards, KOH solution of concentration 8 M has been in
structure (R3c) with hexagonal phase as per JCPDS file no.
it along with 3 g poly(ethylene glycol). The above said mix-
86–1518 [18–20]. Also, Fig. 1 shows that XRD patterns of
ture is then shifted to a stainless steel teflon-lined autoclave.
BFO nanoparticles exhibit an additional peak around 27.88°
The autoclave sealed tightly and put in oven at 200 °C for
marked by “*” corresponding to secondary impurities such
a 24 h, and then autoclave is allowed to cool down to room
as ­Bi2Fe4O9, ­Bi24Fe2O39 [19, 20]. No such peak has been
temperature naturally. The nanoparticles of B ­ iFeO3 have
observed in Ag-BFO and Cu-BFO, thereby confirming that
been collected by centrifugation. After the synthesis, the
the decoration of the metals on the surface of BFO results
synthesized nanoparticles have been washed several times
in suppressions of secondary impurities. Also, no peak
with distilled water and then dried at 60 °C. The dried nano-
corresponding to Ag and Cu metal have been detected in
particles have been grinded and used for the decoration with
the XRD patterns. This is precisely due to the very small
coinage metals. The decoration of metals viz., Cu and Ag
1% by weight on the surface of ­BiFeO3 has been done using
photo-deposition method [23]. The synthesized bare B ­ iFeO3,
Cu-decorated ­BiFeO3 and Ag-decorated B ­ iFeO3 nanoparti-
cles are named as BFO, Cu-BFO and Ag-BFO respectively,
for further references.

2.2 Characterization

The structural study has been carried out using an X-ray

diffractometer of PANalytical X’PertPRO MRD (Cu-Kα,
λ = 1.54060 Å). Determination of chemical compositions,
surrounding environment and oxidation states of elements
in BFO, Ag-BFO and Cu-BFO has been carried out by X-ray
photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurement, using VG
MultiLab 2000, Thermo Electron Corp. transmission elec-
tron microscopy (TEM) has been carried out using Hitachi-
H7650 for morphological study. UV–visible spectra and
photo-catalytic studies have been performed using spec-
trometer UV-1800 Shimadzu. Fig. 1  XRD patterns for BFO, Ag-BFO and Cu-BFO

18238 J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2017) 28:18236–18243

concentration of these metal particles on the surface of BFO. around 781.7 eV, called the satellite peak, observed owing to
Williamson-Hall formula has been used to calculate the the shake-up process occurred during the measurement [27].
crystallite size and strain in the synthesized nanoparticles Figure 3b shows the enlarged view of the XPS spectrum
[24]. The crystallite size is found to be 12.69, 12.34 and of Ag-BFO, revealing the photoemission peaks around 368
12.69 nm for BFO, Ag-BFO and Cu-BFO, respectively. The and 374 eV which correspond to the Ag 3­ d5/2 and Ag 3­ d3/2
value of the strain calculated for all the samples has been respectively. This implies that Ag nanoparticles exhibit the
found to be 0.0105 for all samples. The observed same value fcc structure in its metallic form on the surface of ­BiFeO3
of strain for all the samples indicate that the metals Ag and [28].
Cu are present on the surface only and not become the part Figure 3c shows the enlarged view of the XPS spectrum
of the crystal structure. of Cu-BFO nanoparticles. The two photoemission peaks
located around 934 and 954 eV consigned to the binding
3.2 Morphological analysis energy of Cu 2­ p3/2 and Cu 2­ p1/2, respectively. This provides
evidence of the presence of the C ­ u2+ ions. In addition to this,
The presence of the deposited Ag and Cu nanoparticles on two peaks around 942 and 962 eV are corresponding to the
the surface of B
­ iFeO3 has been tested by the TEM images as extra shake-up satellite peaks, thereby confirming the exist-
shown in Fig. 2. It has been found that the average particle ence of unfilled Cu 3­ d9 orbitals. These may be due to the
sizes of BFO and Ag nanoparticles are 19 and 5 nm in Ag- +2 oxidation state of Cu [29]. Other than above mentioned
BFO respectively (Fig. 2a), while in those of BFO and Cu- peaks, there is no extra peak observed in Fig. 3. Therefore,
BFO are 16 and 5 nm (Fig. 2b). The size of the metal nano- it may be concluded that there is no additional impurities or
particles play a very important role in the photo-catalytic secondary phase in the synthesized nanoparticles.
activities of metal decorated semiconductor nanoparticles
[25, 26]. These results are further consistent with XRD study 3.4 Photochemical analysis
as will be explained in Sect. 3.1.
3.4.1 Optical analysis
3.3 Chemical composition analysis
Figure 4a displays UV–visible spectra of synthesized nano-
XPS spectra for the synthesized nanoparticles of BFO, Ag- particles. It shows that the synthesized nanoparticles absorb
BFO and Cu-BFO are shown in Fig. 3. The background cor- light in visible region of electromagnetic spectrum. This
rection using Shirley background subtraction with use of illustrate that the synthesized nanoparticles can be used as
non-linear least square fitting along with the mixed Gauss- efficient visible-light catalyst. Figure 4b is Tauc’s graph used
Lorentz function has been done to calculate the oxidation to find energy band gap of the synthesized nanoparticles
state of Fe in all three samples, between the ranges from 705 using following relation:
to 735 eV as shown in Fig. 3a.
Figure 3a shows two peaks located around the 710.9 and ( )n
𝛼h𝜈 = A h𝜈 − Eg 2
724.7 eV. These peaks are corresponding to the spin–orbit
doublet ­2p3/2 and ­2p1/2 of Fe, thereby approving the +3 oxi- ­ g stand for absorption coefficient,
where α, h, ν, A and E
dation state of Fe. In addition to this, there is another peak Plank’s constant, frequency, absorbance and band gap

Fig. 2  TEM image for Ag-BFO

and Cu-BFO

J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2017) 28:18236–18243 18239

Fig. 3  XPS spectra for a BFO,

b Ag-BFO and c Cu-BFO

Fig. 4  a UV–visible spectra

and b band gap calculation
using Tauc’s relations of BFO,
Ag-BFO and Cu-BFO

respectively [30]. The value of n is taken as 1 because surface plasmon resonance absorption of metallic silver and
­BiFeO3 is a direct band semiconductor. The band gap has copper on the ­BiFeO3 surface [9, 18, 21].
been calculated by extrapolating graph to abscissa. The band
gap of BFO, Ag-BFO and Cu-BFO has been found to be 3.4.2 Action spectra
2.82, 2.40 and 2.14 eV respectively. It has been observed
that the deposition of metals results in the decrease of band The standard procedure has been followed to measure the
gap ­BiFeO3. The decrease in band gap indicates red shift in action spectra [21]. The action spectra of synthesized pho-
the absorption edge. This could be attributed to localized tocatalysts are shown in Fig. 5. It clearly reveals that in

18240 J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2017) 28:18236–18243

time resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy (TRL). Fig-

ure 6, shows the dynamics of the charge carriers measured
by exciting the samples with the help of nitrogen pulse laser
and corresponding decay curves are obtained. The average
life time has been found to be 9, 13 and 16 ns for BFO, Cu-
BFO and Ag-BFO respectively. This is mainly associated
with the band edge of the lifetime as well as the trappings/
defects states. It has been found that the relaxation time of
electron–hole pairs increases as it move from bare BFO to
Cu-BF, Ag-BFO samples. The large value of the relaxation
time has been observed for Ag metal and this confirmed that
it exhibiting maximum electron capturing as well as storage
capacity and acting like better electron reservoir as compare
to Cu-BFO and BFO [31]. This is because of the fact that the
presence of metal nanoparticles always promotes the non-
Fig. 5  Action spectra for BFO, Ag-BFO and Cu-BFO radiative recombination.

3.4.4 Photocatalysis
visible range of spectrum, Ag-BFO and Cu-BFO exhibit
high quantum efficiency as compared to BFO. The observed In order to evaluate the photocatalytic activity of synthe-
high quantum efficiency for Ag-BFO and Cu-BFO can be sized photocatalyst BFO, Ag-BFO and Cu-BFO, the photo-
ascribed to the generation of localized surface plasmon reso- degradation of NBB and Sudan-I dyes has been carried out
nance in the metal nanoparticles of Ag and Cu, which this with aqueous suspension of dyes with photocatalyst under
may lead to enhancement of their photocatalytic activities. solar light irradiation. The time course curves between the
extent of degradation (C/C0) versus time has been shown in
3.4.3 Time resolved photoluminescence spectra Fig. 7, here C is the absorbance of substrate solution at each
interval of time of irradiation and C ­ 0 is the absorbance of
The electron transfer from metal nanoparticles to semicon- the initial concentration. It is clear from the Fig. 7 that 90%
ductor nanoparticles and vice-versa along with the dynamics of the NBB and Sudan-I dyes photodegraded with Ag-BFO
of the charge recombination can be well understood with catalyst, while 40 and 62% with Cu-BFO and there is very

Fig. 6  Time resolved photo-

luminescence decay curves for
BFO, Cu-BFO and Ag-BFO

J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2017) 28:18236–18243 18241

Fig. 7  Time course graph for the photocatalytic degradation of a Sudan-I and b NBB dye

small variation with BFO in 40 and 50 min, respectively. of sun light. Bismuth ferrite is n-type semiconductor,
This is revealing that photodegradation efficiency of Ag- therefore Fermi level of it lies just below the conduction
BFO is highest amongst the synthesized catalyst. Also, the band (CB), as shown in Fig. 8. The Fermi levels of metal
time taken for the photodegradation of NBB dye is less than nanoparticles are lower than that of BFO. As the metal
that of Sudan-I. This can be well illustrated with the help of and semiconductor are placed in contact, electrons in the
schematic energy diagram as shown in Fig. 8. It is instituting n-type semiconductor can lower their energy by travers-
the proposed mechanism involving the various processes in ing the junction. As the electrons leave the semiconduc-
the photocatalysis of Ag-BFO and Cu-BFO. The enhanced tor, a positive charge, due to the ionized donor atoms,
photocatalytic activity Ag-BFO and Cu-BFO than BFO can stays behind called hole. This charge creates a negative
be explained due to following reason: field and lowers the band edges of the semiconductor.
Electrons flow into the metal until equilibrium is reached
• Formation of Schottky barriers Fig. 8 reflects the pos- between the diffusion of electrons from the semiconduc-
sible electronic transitions at metal/semiconductor inter- tor into the metal. There is shifting of Fermi level of
face in the vicinity of the Fermi level of the synthesized exited metal nanoparticles near the conduction band of
photocatalyst due to the charge equilibration, before and the ­BiFeO3 nanoparticles, because of increase in electron
after the contact with one another under the irradiation accumulation at the Fermi level of metals, and this is in

Fig. 8  Schematic diagram

representing various electronic
transitions in Fermi level for
bare and metal (Ag, Cu) deco-
rated BFO nanoparticles

18242 J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2017) 28:18236–18243

well agreement with Wood et al. [32]. This would inhibit tion of coinage metals behave like electron reservoirs.
the recombination
) rate of photogenerated electron–hole These internment the photo-generated electrons and
pair h+VB + e−CB and increase the light harvesting proper- leave behind the holes on the photocatalyst surface,

ties [33]. The various reactions involed in the degrada- thus, they could inhibit the recombination of photogen-
tion of dyes are illustrated below: erated electron–hole pairs and enhance the photocata-
lytic activity [4, 35, 36].
BiFeO3 + h𝜈 (photon) → BiFeO3 h+VB + e−CB
( )
• Localized surface plasmon resonance In addition, the
h+VB + H2 O or OH− → OH⋅ localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) effect
observed in the action spectra and UV–visible spectra,
2e−CB + O2 + 2H+ → H2 O2 Figs. 5 and 6 also play an important role and influence
the photocatalytic activity. Among modified noble met-
H2 O2 + e−CB → OH− + OH⋅ als, Ag is one of the most suitable for industrial appli-

cations because of its low cost and easy preparation

• Lower quantum yield The action spectrum is suggesting
that the quantum efficiency of the Ag-BFO is highest
amongst the synthesized photocatalyst. Further, it is
clear from the photo catalytic properties (Fig. 7) that
the degradation of dyes is higher in Ag-BFO than Cu-
The hydroxyl radicals produced during the chemical BFO and BFO. Therefore, it can be hypothesized that
reaction reacts with pollutants, i.e., dyes—NBB and photo-generated electrons having high energy are local-
Sudan-I and dissociates them into the simpler form ized and actively participate in degradation of organic
viz., carbon dioxide and water and these are environ- compounds. These electrons are highly reactive, and
ment friendly [34]. possess higher quantum yield.
• Size of deposited metal nanoparticles The photocatalytic • Red-shift in band gap The observed red-shift in the
properties of metal decorated semiconductor nanopar- band-gap of Ag-BFO and Cu-BFO compare to BFO
ticles is dependent on the size of metal nanoparticles. leads to increase in the scattering of light and this pro-
Basically, the photocatalytic process involves the photo- cess is size-dependent, i.e., depends upon the size of
induced electron-transfer process. The capability of metal on metal nanoparticles [21, 30]. Hence, it can be drawn
nanoparticles to accept electrons from excited semicon- that when sun light falls on the suspension solution of
ducting nanoparticles is size-dependent, and occurs if photocatalyst and dyes, then metal nanoparticles (Ag
and only if, the size of the deposited metal nanoparticle and Cu) acts like pool of electrons and this impedes the
is ≤5 nm [25, 26]. In present case the size of the Cu and recombination of electrons and holes. The scavenging
Ag decorated nanoparticles is 5 nm, thereby their photo- nature of metal nanoparticles increases the rate of the
catalytic properties are superior to BFO. But, however, photoreaction and hence photodegradation [21].
in Lu et al. [9] size of the decorated Ag metals nanopar- • High volume to surface ratio of atoms The synthesized
ticles is bigger, i.e., 20–50 nm and show less efficiency photocatalyst are of nanosized as confirms from Fig. 2
to degraded methyl orange dye. and have high volume to surface ratios of atoms. It is
• Electron reservoirs It has been found that the modifi- well known fact that rate of reaction is directly propor-
cation of semiconductor nanostructures by the decora- tional to the surface area. Therefore, higher the surface
tion of coinage metals such Au, Ag, Cu enhances their area higher will be rate of photo-degradation of dyes.
photo-catalytic performance [4, 35, 36]. The decora-

J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2017) 28:18236–18243 18243

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