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8F Weekly Overview

4th March to 8th March 24


Checkpoint Past Paper 1

Text A 'Honey for money'.

Text B 'My life with bees'.

Reading the texts for meaning & for understanding.

Comprehension Questions of both the texts.

Composition: Unusual Hobbies.

Write an article for your school magazine about an unusual hobby you have recently taken

The article should be of a persuasive nature, in which you will try to persuade the readers to
take up such a hobby.


• Reinforcement of topics.

• Solving past papers checkpoint 2018 April and October examination.


*Structure of nephron

*Past paper discussion.

Social Studies:

History chapter 5:languages of Pakistan was completed. Students completed the 14 marks
question in class.
Revision for sessional exams was done.


Q1) Give a detailed account of Prophet Muhammad PBUH's experience of the first
revelation (10 marks)


Meaning and importance

Reading and discussion

Key points are written in the notebook.

Prayer log (the project is explained )

Students need to maintain thr prayer log for 4 weeks and bring it every week to get it signed
by the teacher. Parents are requested to sign it too.

Q1) What is the meaning and importance of Prayer? Give a detailed account of Muslims
faith in prayer. (10 marks)


PYTHON Practical 25 Marks

Individually make a program or program using While a Loop and For Loop and explain how
they work.


Test topics


Adjectives, comparative and superlative



Modal Verben

‫‪Sessional Test‬‬


‫‪Revision of futur proche‬‬

‫‪Revision of irregular verbs‬‬

‫‪March sessional is taken.‬‬


‫سبق ۔ ابتداٸی طبی امداد‬


‫محاورات معانی اور جملے‬

‫ضرب اال مثال‬

‫کلوز پیسج‬

‫مشابہ الفاظ‬

‫مکالمہ نویسی‬

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