A Review and Analysis of Supply Chain Op

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Supply Chain Management: An International Journal

A review and analysis of supply chain operat ions ref erence (SCOR) model
Samuel H. HuanSunil K. SheoranGe Wang
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Samuel H. HuanSunil K. SheoranGe Wang, (2004),"A review and analysis of supply chain operations reference (SCOR) model",
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Vol. 9 Iss 1 pp. 23 - 29
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A. Gunasekaran, C. Patel, E. Tirtiroglu, (2001),"Performance measures and metrics in a supply chain

environment", International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol. 21 Iss 1/2 pp. 71-87 http://
Martha C. Cooper, Douglas M. Lambert, Janus D. Pagh, (1997),"Supply Chain Management: More Than
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1 Introduction
Research note
The concept of supply chain management
A review and analysis of (SCM) can be traced back to just before the
supply chain operations 1960s. Increased study of the field began in the

reference (SCOR) model 1980s, with a dramatic increase in the

publication rate since 1990. SCM research can
be classified into three categories:
Samuel H. Huan (1) Operational: This area is concerned with the
Sunil K. Sheoran and daily operation of a facility such as a plant
Ge Wang or distribution center to ensure that the
most profitable way to fulfill customer
The authors order is executed. Examples include
inventory management (Cachon and
Samuel H. Huang is at the Intelligent CAM Systems
Zipkin, 1997) and production, planning,
Laboratory, Department of Mechanical, Industrial and
Nuclear Engineering, The University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati,
and scheduling (Lederer and Li, 1997).
Downloaded by Universitas Gadjah Mada At 20:50 14 March 2016 (PT)

Ohio, USA. The focus is to develop mathematical tools

Sunil K. Sheoran and Ge Wang are in the Department of that aid in the efficient operation of the
Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering, The supply chain as a whole. Also included are
University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, USA. the development of software and better
manufacturing methods and technologies
(Slats et al., 1995).
(2) Design: Design of the supply chain focuses
Supply chain management, Strategic planning, Modelling
on the location of decision spots and the
objectives of the chain (Mourits and Evers,
Abstract 1995). Four categories of models are found
Research on supply chain management can be broadly in the literature: (1) deterministic analytical
classified into three categories, namely, operational, design, models (Cohen and Lee, 1989), (2)
and strategic. While many analytical and numerical models stochastic analytical models (Lee et al.,
have been proposed to handle operational and design 1993), (3) economic models (Christy and
issues, formal models for strategic planning are scarce. The Grout, 1994), and (4) simulation models
supply chain operations reference (SCOR) model, developed (Towill, 1991). A good design should
by the Supply Chain Council, is a strategic planning tool that integrate various elements of the supply
allows senior managers to simplify the complexity of supply chain and strive for optimization of the
chain management. It is firmly rooted in industrial practices entire chain rather than individual entities.
and is poised to become an industrial standard that enables Information sharing and its control play a
next-generation supply chain management. This paper gives vital role in integration, which requires
a brief introduction to the SCOR model, analyzes its strength highly coordinated efforts of both engineers
and weakness, and discusses how it can be used to assist and managers (Lee et al., 1997).
managers for strategic decision making. (3) Strategic: Strategic decisions are made by
business managers, which requires
Electronic access understanding the dynamics of a supply
The Emerald Research Register for this journal is available at chain and development of objectives for the
www.emeraldinsight.com/researchregister whole chain (Gopal, 1992). This task also
includes critical evaluation of alternative
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is
supply chain configurations and
available at
partnerships, and the determination of
opportunities that can enhance the
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal competitiveness of the firm as a part of the
Volume 9 . Number 1 . 2004 . pp. 23-29
# Emerald Group Publishing Limited . ISSN 1359-8546 supply chain or the network of
DOI 10.1108/13598540410517557 supply chains.
A review and analysis of supply chain operations reference (SCOR) model Supply Chain Management: An International Journal
Samuel H. Huang, Sunil K. Sheoran and Ge Wang Volume 9 . Number 1 . 2004 . 23-29

Many analytical and numerical models, . a framework of relationships among the

stemming from conventional business and standard processes;
engineering principles, have been proposed to . standard metrics to measure process
handle supply chain operational and design performance;
issues (Chopra and Meindl, 2001). In contrast, . management practices that produce best in
models for strategic decisions, which need to class performance; and
deal with the entire supply chain as a whole, are . standard alignment to software features and
scarce. Based on our survey, the most promising functionality.
model for supply chain strategic decision making The four distinct processes for the SCOR
is the supply chain operations reference (SCOR) model are:
model developed by the Supply Chain Council (1) source;
(SCC). This paper briefly reviews the SCOR (2) make;
model, analyzes its strength and weakness, and (3) deliver; and
proposes some enhancements. (4) plan.
These processes are defined in increasing levels
of details beginning with a description of the
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2 SCOR model overall process. The processes are further

divided into process elements, tasks, and
Figure 1 schematically illustrates the supply
activities. Each basic supply chain is a ``chain''
chain infrastructure based on the SCOR model.
of source, make, and deliver execution process.
According to SCC (1999), SCOR model
Each interaction of two execution processes
integrates the well-known concepts of business
(source-make-deliver) is a ``link'' in the supply
process re-engineering, benchmarking, and chain. Planning sits on top of these links and
process measurement into a cross-functional manages them.
framework, which contains: The SCOR model contains three levels of
. standard descriptions of management process detail. Level I is the top level that deals
processes; with process types. Level II is the configuration
level and deals with process categories. Level III
Figure 1 The SCOR model-based supply chain
is process element level and is the lowest level in
the scope of the SCOR model. Table I gives the
SCOR model configuration toolkit. The SCOR
model endorses 12 performance metrics. The
SCOR model levels II and III supporting
metrics are keys to these 12 level I metrics,
which fall into four categories and are shown in
Table II.
By providing a complete set of supply chain
performance metrics, industry best practices,
and enabling systems' functionality, the SCOR
model allows firms to perform very thorough
fact based analyses of all aspects of their current
supply chain. With its inception in 1996 by
SCC, the model is still in its infancy and might
need a strategy to become accepted as an
industry standard.

3 Analysis

A major objective of the SCOR model is to

improve alignment between marketplace and
A review and analysis of supply chain operations reference (SCOR) model Supply Chain Management: An International Journal
Samuel H. Huang, Sunil K. Sheoran and Ge Wang Volume 9 . Number 1 . 2004 . 23-29

Table I The SCOR model configuration toolkit

Process category
Supply chain operations reference model (SCOR) processes
Plan Source Make Deliver
Process type
Planning P1 P2 P3 P4
Execution S1-S3 M1-M3 D1-D3
Infrastructure P0 S0 M0 D0
Notes: P0 - Plan infrastructure; P1 - Plan supply chain; P2 - Plan source; P3 - Plan make; P4 - Plan deliver; S0 - Source
infrastructure; S1 - Source stocked products; S2 - Source make-to-order products; S3 - Source engineer-to-order products;
M0 - Make infrastructure; M1 - Make-to-stock; M2 - Make-to-order; M3 - Engineer-to-order; D0 - Deliver infrastructure;
D1 - Deliver stocked products; D2 - Deliver made-to-order products; D3 - Deliver engineered-to-order products

the strategic response of a supply chain, on the management decision making in a changing
premise that the better the alignment, the better environment.
the bottom-line performance. The problem in
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the past has been that different metrics were 3.1 Change management
used to measure the performance at different Just as humans change their behavior in
levels. Market researchers and corporate different situation or environments, so do
strategists use entirely different language to companies and markets. The major factor
describe the marketplace and supply chain driving the need for change management is the
activities. The strength of the SCOR model is accelerating change in technologies, mainly in
that it provides a standard format to facilitate the field of information technology. The rapid
communication. It is a useful tool for the upper growth in Internet awareness among the
management of a firm to design and reconfigure customer base requires a strong change
its supply chain to achieve desired performance. management strategy. We recommend that
Specific advantages of the SCOR model have change management be included as an element
been widely publicized by the SCC and will not in the plan supply chain (P1) process category
be repeated here. Rather, we focus on of the SCOR model, since managing change
discussing the weakness of the SCOR model deals with management of any of the nodes of a
and how it can be enhanced to facilitate supply chain.
The first issue to be addressed in change
management is market analysis. The market is
Table II SCOR model level I performance metrics
the structure, conditions and forces for change
Delivery reliability in a given industry, all of which shape a range
Delivery performance of customer buying behaviors. Developing an
Fill rate intimate relationship with customers is
Order fulfillment lead time
essential to the success of a firm. The most
Perfect order fulfillment
effective way to develop a close customer
Flexibility and responsiveness relationship is by understanding customer
Supply chain responsiveness buying behaviors and designing and sustaining
Production flexibility a supply chain tailored to deliver value to each
Cost customer segment. Customer segments may
Total logistics management cost typically include the cost conscious buyers, the
Value-added employee productivity time sensitive payers and those with specialized
Warranty costs requirements, among others. Sometimes,
circumstances move customers from one
Assets segment to another in an instant. Market
Cash-to-cash cycle time
analysis is the key input to the future strategic
Inventory days of supply
decisions of the SCOR model and should
Asset turns
receive proper attention.
A review and analysis of supply chain operations reference (SCOR) model Supply Chain Management: An International Journal
Samuel H. Huang, Sunil K. Sheoran and Ge Wang Volume 9 . Number 1 . 2004 . 23-29

The second issue to be addressed is computational intelligence techniques (such as

integration to synchronization. To be successful genetic algorithms), are irrelevant in decision
in a highly dynamic marketplace, firms can no making. Rather, determining the right objective
longer afford to compete as individual entities. function(s) is the most important task.
Rather they need to compete as networks or Naturally, management of a firm wants to
chains of trading partners. It is now common optimize their supply chain performance.
wisdom for firms to identify potential partners However, this objective is not quantifiable and
and develop the kinds of organizational and cannot be used by network modeling tools to
technological capabilities that facilitate seamless generate a solution. As previously mentioned,
flows of goods and information between their SCOR provides 12 performance metrics. The
organizations. As networks of supply chains question is ``can these 12 metrics be used to
compete with each other, the SCOR model derive a quantifiable supply chain performance
needs to provide a working platform for them. measure?''
These networks are bound to be dynamic. The There are two ways of handling multiple
SCOR model's strategy should be to strive to objectives in classical optimization, namely,
synchronize these alliance dynamics. This kind weighted sum and preemptive optimization.
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of synchronization requires a very high level of The weighted sum approach requires
flexibility and agility in the SCOR model determination of relative importance of
strategy itself. different performance metrics; while the
The third issue concerns the use of network preemptive approach requires determination of
modeling tools to support change management absolute priority. In both cases, decisions are
decisions. Network modeling tools are software made without considering the available
tools that can explain the dynamics of supply solutions. In supply chain decision making, e.g.
chain relative to one's firm. They apply supplier selection, a firm usually has a number
sophisticated computer modeling techniques to of alternatives. Intuitively, a more appropriate
determine the impact of business scenarios on a objective function can be developed if the
firm's operations and costs. When used performance of these alternatives can be
effectively, they significantly contribute to measured and taken into consideration. There
enhancing supply chain decision making and exists such a method, namely, the analytical
eventually supply chain profitability, especially hierarchy process (AHP) proposed by Saaty
in a changing environment. However, these (1980). AHP involves the following steps:
tools are costly and complex, requiring . Problem decomposition and hierarchy
specialized database building and manipulation construction. The top level of the hierarchy is
tools, expertise in computer programming the overall objective, say, overall supply
systems and the skills to decipher the optimizer chain efficiency. The next level are the
outputs and error codes. There are also criteria. When using SCOR model, there
compatibility issues since different firms might are four criteria, namely, the four categories
use different network optimization tools. These of performance metrics including: delivery
issues can be addressed efficiently if network reliability, flexibility and responsiveness,
modeling tools can be integrated with the cost, and assets. Below this level are the
SCOR model. sub-criteria, which will be the 12 SCOR
performance metrics.
3.2 Network optimization using SCOR . Determine alternatives. The decision
performance metrics alternatives, e.g. different suppliers under
Network modeling tools use optimization consideration, are constructed and added
techniques to generate optimal solutions with to the lowest level of the hierarchy. Figure 2
respect to one or a set of objective functions shows such a hierarchy.
while satisfying certain constraints. From a user . Pair-wise comparison. Pair-wise comparison
perspective, the optimization techniques used, aims at determining the relative importance
whether they are traditional operations research of the elements in each level of the
methods (such as linear programming or hierarchy. It starts from the second level
dynamic programming) or emerging and ends at the lowest level. The decision
A review and analysis of supply chain operations reference (SCOR) model Supply Chain Management: An International Journal
Samuel H. Huang, Sunil K. Sheoran and Ge Wang Volume 9 . Number 1 . 2004 . 23-29

Figure 2 Network optimization using AHP and SCOR metrics

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maker needs to express his/her preference facilitate decision maker's easy understanding
between each pair of the elements. from a human factor point of view. The SCOR
. Weight calculation. Mathematical model is also a hierarchical model that consists
normalization methods are used to of different process levels. The performance
calculate the priority weights for each level. metrics it uses are also hierarchical in nature.
. Consistency check. A consistency ratio (CR) Therefore, it seems natural to apply AHP with
is calculated. If it is greater than 10 per SCOR metrics to construct an overall objective
cent, then the decision maker is not function (overall supply chain efficiency) for
consistent in making the pair-wise network optimization. Although it seems
comparison. He/she should review the unlikely that SCC should endorse a certain
comparison and make adjustment. network optimization/decision making
. Hierarchical synthesis. The calculated technique, the introduction of an overall supply
priority weights at different hierarchy levels chain efficiency measure will be beneficial to
are integrated to allow overall evaluation of industrial practitioners.
the alternatives.
. Determine priority for all alternatives. The 3.3 Decision making using analytical
alternative with the highest overall priority hierarchy process
weight is chosen. It should be pointed out that there is a debate
on the rigor of using AHP for decision making.
AHP was developed to reflect the way people While we believe the use of AHP with the
naturally behave and think. It is a decision SCOR model is valid, it is necessary to
making tool that can help describe the general examine the issues raised by AHP opponents
decision operation by decomposing a complex to justify our belief. The first issue is regarding
problem into a multi-level hierarchic structure the axiomatic foundation of AHP. Belton and
of objectives, criteria, sub-criteria and Gear (1984) argued that AHP lacked a firm
alternatives. AHP's hierarchic structure reflects theoretical basis and an axiomatic approach
the natural tendency of the human mind to sort compared to multi-attribute utility theory
elements of a system into different levels and to (MAUT), hence it was a flawed theory in
group like elements in each level, which can analyzing decisions. Saaty (1986) then
A review and analysis of supply chain operations reference (SCOR) model Supply Chain Management: An International Journal
Samuel H. Huang, Sunil K. Sheoran and Ge Wang Volume 9 . Number 1 . 2004 . 23-29

provided theorems to prove that AHP was axioms and outcomes of AHP and MAUT.
based on an axiomatic theory. Dyer (1990) Harker and Vargas (1990) argued that the
questioned the validity of Saaty's axioms. axioms of AHP provided by Saaty (1986) are
Saaty (1990), together with Harker and Vargas different from those of traditional utility
(1990), defended their standpoints that the theory, and they indicated the reason for rank
axioms of AHP are different from that of reversal is because the alternatives depend on
traditional utility theory, and they are valid. It what alternatives are considered, hence,
appears to us that if one agrees that AHP is a adding or deleting alternatives can lead to
different approach from MAUT, then its change in the rank.
axiomatic validity should not be questioned. Many researchers are still working on the
This is a matter of opinion and should not rank reversal problem using sensitivity
hinder the applicability of AHP in decision analysis. So far, no definite conclusion has
making. been made. In our opinion, the rank reversal
A more serious problem under debate is rank problem occurs under certain conditions,
reversal. Belton and Gear (1984) criticized that some of which are created manually that do
any addition of alternatives caused a rank not occur (or can be easily dealt with) in real
reversal in AHP. Harker and Vargas (1987) and
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life, e.g. adding exact copies of alternatives.

Saaty (1986) defended the attack by indicating Nonetheless this is a problem that any users of
that: AHP should recognize and pay attention to.
. . . the rank reversal was because Belton and Gear We believe the use of AHP with SCOR
applied MAUT weights on the AHP derived eigen performance metrics will not cause the rank
vectors to derive the rankings, which is an
reversal problem because of the following
incorrect method. If the AHP method of deriving
the ranked preferences were followed, then the reasons:
rank reversal would not have occurred. The . The set of criteria and sub-criteria to be
weights that are considered to be equal in MAUT compared, which are SCOR model level I
have to be transformed in AHP to preserve not performance metrics, does not change.
only the preference but also the ratio among the Therefore, there is no multiple choice to
cause rank reversal.
Saaty (1990) further pointed out that: . SCOR performance metrics use absolute
. . . with the absolute measurement of the AHP, measurements, so the addition and/or
there can never be reversal in the rank of the deletion of alternatives will not cause any
alternatives by adding or deleting other reversal ranks.

Dyer (1990) pointed out that a static set of

AHP weights can lead to arbitrary rankings 4 Conclusion
when multiple alternatives (e.g. multiple
suppliers) are selected at one time. For The SCOR model provides a common
example, suppose there are three suppliers A, supply-chain framework, standard terminology,
B and C, in order of their AHP weighting common metrics with associated benchmarks,
preference. Now if A is selected first, it is and best practices. It can be used as a common
possible that the AHP weightings of B and C model for evaluating, positioning, and
might change if A were no longer included in implementing supply-chain application
the set of paired comparisons. Saaty (1990) software. It is in its growing stage of life cycle
pointed out that Dyer (1990) built certain and enjoys a leverage to become an industry
expectations about AHP, because he assumed standard. This paper argued that the SCOR
that there is a unique way to deal with decision model should consider change management
problems, more or less along the traditional and discussed issues related to the use of SCOR
lines of utility theory largely reflected in his performance metrics for decision making. It is
own work. Saaty (1990) also indicated two intended to serve as a catalyst for SCC to
flaws in Dyer's (1990) logic. The first one is to further enhance the SCOR model and
do with change in criteria weights and rank eventually succeed in making it an industry
reversal, and the second one is about the standard.
A review and analysis of supply chain operations reference (SCOR) model Supply Chain Management: An International Journal
Samuel H. Huang, Sunil K. Sheoran and Ge Wang Volume 9 . Number 1 . 2004 . 23-29

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