Aix Exam Questions

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1. What is a constant speed propeller?

a. Fixed pitch propeller
b. Constant RPM at all phases of flight
c. Propeller changes its RPM according to the phases of flight
d. Both a and b
2. Axial type compressor:
a. Velocity Increases and pressure decrease at every stage
b. Pressure Increases at all stages
c. Both a and b
3. Yaw damper function
4. Differential Ailerons
5. REM stage of sleep
6. After scuba diving what happens when you go for flying.
7. VOR interception question. 100nm North of VOR 30 degree radial heading 150 (answer
210 right 210 (oxford question)
8. Localiser frequency
9. Difference between geostrophic and gradient wind
10. In which stroke does spark ignites. (Just before compression)
12. Turbulence positive controls, altitude change-
a. Light
b. Moderate
c. Heavy
13. Which one is Primary Radar?
a. DME
b. SSR
c. NDB
d. AWR
14. AWR does not detect
a. Snow
b. Hail
c. Dry hail
d. Wet Hail
15. In a supersonic flow what happens in a divergent duct?
a. Velocity decrease pressure Increase
b. Pressure decrease velocity decrease
c. Increase Increase
d. Decrease decrease
16. Fuel in kg varies with
a. Varies with temp
b. Increase with decrease with tem
c. Decrease with Increase with temp
d. Varies with temp
17. Thrust with respect to the following
a. Increase with temp
b. Decrease with temp
c. Increase with altitude
d. Decrease with altitude
18. Max theoretical range varies with
a. PPS
b. PRR
c. Beamwidth
d. Pulsewidth
19. Validity of class1 Medical
a. 1 y upto 60 after that 6 months
b. 1 year upto 65
c. Irrelevant options
20. Pitot leaks what happens to ASI
21. Weather associated with closed isobars (easy options)
22. Before flight pilot needs to make sure of the following (Wx, Crew, Preflight – pretty
straight fwd options)
23. Conditions required for low level fog. (Calm winds and clear sky)
24. What is Detonation?
a. Combustion
b. An explosion rather than progressive combustion
c. Unwanted particles in cylinder
d. Irrelevant option
25. Airborne DME equipment is able to discriminate between pulses intended for itself and
pulses intended for other aircraft because:
a. Each aircraft has its own frequency allocation.
b. Aircraft will only accept unique twin pulses.
c. Aircraft reject pulses not synchronized with its own random pulse recurrence rate.
d. Aircraft transmit and receive on different frequencies.
26. Most dangerous form of icing
a. Clear
b. Rime
c. Hoar frost
27. CAT is found in (Not sure about the options)
a. Trough of polar jet stream at the colder side
b. Ridge of equatorial jet stream
c. Ridge of ---
28. Function of boundary fences
29. Above 0.7 mach air is
a. Compressible
b. Increaseompressible
c. Irrelevant
30. PROB40 2102 question
31. Effect of CG on stall speed.
32. If you are yawing to the left which side should the trim tab turn.
33. When you deploy flaps what will you do to maintain a level flight?
a. Increase AOA
b. Decrease AOA
c. Increase Thrust and Increase AOA
d. Decrease thrust and AOA
34. Position error:
a. Decreases with decreasing altitude
b. Decreases with increasing altitude
c. Decreases as the speed approaches LSS
35. With Hoar Frost
a. Stall with occur at lower AOA
b. Stall with occur at higher AOA
c. Drags value will be so high that it will be impossible to take off
36. Forces balancing gradient wind
a. PGF, coriolis, friction, centrifugal
b. PGF and and Coriolis force
c. PGF Coriolis and Centrifugal Force
37. Weather System Occurs due to:
a. Heat exchange
b. Wind
c. Rotation of earth
d. All of the above
38. Which one is correct regarding troposphere?
a. Constant height above earth
b. Abrupt change in temperature lapse rate
c. clouds formation stops after this (similar)
d. All of the above
39. Winds form due to:
a. Rotation of the earth
b. Pressure differential
c. Temperature
40. Altostratus is which type of cloud?
a. High
b. Medium
c. Low
41. Longitudinal stability is determined by :
a. Rudder
b. Ailerons
c. Tailplane
d. None
42. A ques related to Low pressure
a. Cu
b. Cb
c. Nb
d. St
43. SIGMET is issued for:
a. Only heavy a/c
b. Only light a/c
c. All a/c
d. Only commercial
44. Height of transmitter FL360 and receiver 900 ft(DME range)
45. Convention for offences/crimes committed on board
a. Tokyo
b. Chicago
c. Warsaw
d. Montego
46. Lines of zero Dip
a. Isogonic
b. Agonic
c. Two other randoms
47. MSL charts pressure lines are represented by
a. Isobars
b. Isogons
c. Irrelevant
48. What is QNH? (Str. Fwd option)
49. VLo
a. When a/c first becomes airborne
b. When aircraft first rotate
50. By screen ht/ 35 ft which speed must be achieved?
a. V1
b. V2
c. Vmca
d. Vs
51. V2 is? 1.2Vs
52. 1st Segment- Landing gear retraction.
53. Max theoretical range question. (500 prr) find max range.
54. Anti-podal points find departure
55. A vendor bought 6 toffees for a rupee. How many toffees should he sell for a gain for
56. Ram travels 4/9 th of the total journey by bus, 5/18 th by rail, and the remaining 10 km
on foot. Find the distance of the total journey.
57. Distance A passenger train takes one hour less for a journey of 100 km if its speed is
increased by 5 km/hr from its usual speed. Find the usual speed of the train.
58. Hypoxia early symptoms:
59. Constituents of atmosphere: 78, 21, 0.03. other
60. You have a cold in flight what will happen?
61. You are getting a stronger 150 Hz signal than 90 Hz signal what will be your corrective
62. What is correct about a wing with equal thickness? (Not sure about option language)
a. Wing will drop…
b. Cp will move back equally
c. Pitch up moment
d. Will stall equally
63. With a cambered aerofoil:
a. Cl increases with AOA
b. Cl increases with same AOA
c. Cl stays the same
d. ….
64. Security Annexure (Annexure 17)
65. Runway end lights (colour/ omni/uni?)
66. Obstacles around runway at or above height of 160 metres should be lighted as:
67. RVR Definition (Tricky options)
68. Lift/Weight corresponds with
a. Wind Loading
b. Load Factor
c. –
d. –
69. As you’re banking why do you increase angle of attack? (Options were related to the
horz./vert components of lift/weight)
70. GPWS
71. TCAS
73. NDB uses surface wave
74. Dme location collocated 600 nm question
75. Range =C/2*prf
76. ILS frequency 110.3
77. ILS MM Morse code and colour
78. GPWS takes input from flaps and landing gear retraction
79. 1:60 rule question
80. Boundary fence
81. What longitudinal stability happens when? CG in middle of between fore and aft limit
B)for CG forward of for limit C)CG rear of rear limit
82. For stalling device leading edge wing used
83. Annexure 17 –security
84. Flight duty definition question was the answer A)mixed duty B)flight duty period C)….
85. Direction of vortices: Root to tip to root question direction of flow
86. Wake turbulence? sinks after aircraft B) stays on runway C) dissipates

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