Module 3, Lesson 1 - Missionary Response-CASTILLO

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Name: CASTILLO, Krissia Pauline C.

Course and Year: BS Architecture 2


The mission is both a gift and a responsibility. How will you fulfill your
calling of being a missionary amidst today's technological
advancements? (Provide your example/s) (25 Points)

It is undeniable that we are now living in a modern world where

technology is quickly developing. Some examples of technological
development that we are experiencing today is the advancement of
gadgets, appliances, and internet. These advancements have helped
us, especially during the pandemic, to communicate with our family,
friends, and other people. Even the clergy of different churches utilized
the internet to be able to still share the word of God to people despite
not being able to go to church because of the virus. That is why just like
them, to fulfill my calling as a missionary in the middle of these
advancements, I will use these as an advantage to do my mission. For
example, I can use the internet to share my faith through different social
media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube. By
doing this, I can reach a lot of people from different places. This simple
act may change a life of one person or even more.

There are several ways that technology can help us. As missionaries,
we can take advantage of these today for us to further widen our
range to reach more people when it comes to promoting faith.

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