Robo Sous Chef

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Our goal is simple: better quality with minimal effort, resulting in returning guests time and time again.

RoboSousChef is a pioneer in the automation of cooking, producing top notch meals, as if made by a
professional chef every time. The RoboSousChef is equipped with highly rated recipes, perfected by
master chefs, so you can prepare the best meals without stress or advanced culinary skills. From
breakfast treats to quality dinners, the RoboSousChef prepares the most popular menu items exactly as
they should be. How do we do it? The process is simple.

All one has to do is load up the ingredients into a tray and select the item to be produced, as simple as
selecting an option on a vending machine. The RoboSousChef will do the rest. It automatically dispenses
each ingredient at its particular time, stirring the ingredients at the best speed and frequency, while
maintaining the optimal cooking temperature. The results are delectable! Meats have the perfect sear and
are tender and juicy. Aromatics are released at the end to maintain their quality of freshness and smell.

By incorporating ingredients and sauces at the same exact timing and quantity, not only does one get a
great meal, but one gets a perfect meal every time! One of the hardest processes for a chef to produce is
consistent food every time. Every master has good and bad days; sometimes one dispenses ingredients
a few seconds earlier or later than before, in greater or fewer quantities than before. Despite trying to
produce identical results every time, there is always a margin of change due to the “human” touch. Here,
our automated system removes that fluctuation and standardizes high-quality, consistent results every

Not only is RoboSousChef dependable, but it is also easy to use and efficient. The machine’s interface
has a touchpad display, where one may easily select the recipe one desires to produce. The whole
process is very intuitive. So intuitive that even a child could produce delicious food with the gentle swipe
of a few buttons. With over 100 patents, RoboSousChef has taken the guesswork out of cooking and
allowed even the most novice person in the kitchen to produce phenomenal results.

Want more flexibility?

One can easily switch over to the free cook mode to dispense items and change cooking temperatures
and stirring speeds to add a personal touch to meals. Each machine is equipped with this function, so you
adjust quantities, modify cooking times, and amend recipes to suit your palate. Thus, experienced cooks
can test their own recipes and build new ones on their own. There is no limit on what one may produce.

The RoboSousChef cooks most everything that you can in a pot–American, Spanish, Italian, French,
Chinese, Thai, Malaysian, Vietnamese, Korean, Middle Eastern, Indo-Pak, Asian, African…the
RoboSousChef is only limited by your imagination.

Cooking at elevated temperatures with uniform, constant stirring and mixing of ingredients, food is cooked
evenly and efficiently. Equipped with 8 different compartments to load up a number of different liquids,
effort is reduced as the machine self-dispenses precise quantities of liquids automatically.
RoboSousChef cooks at the speed of cooking. Food takes around the same time to cook as a traditional
stove, but without any need for attention. In fact, with a couple more RoboSousChefs, you can scale up
your cooking without scaling up your effort.

RoboSousChef is a game changer in the food industry. The RoboSousChef currently has two models–the
Cheetah and the Panda. The Cheetah can easily accommodate 6.5 pounds, or 3 kilograms, of food. This
is equivalent to 15 servings of food. Thus, the RoboSousChef can give one the option of producing
personalized meals, family-sized portions, or intimate occasion dining in the Cheetah. On the other hand,
for larger event management, the larger Panda, one can deliver substantial sized meals with high quality
and consistent results. The Panda can easily prepare 55 pounds, or 25 kilograms of substance–that is,
150 servings at a time.


The Cheetah is 24” wide, the width of a standard dishwasher, and with a counter depth of 21,” it can
easily fit in any kitchen. Measuring only 56” tall, RoboSousChef looks like a stylish, modern refrigerator. It
was designed to be in front of the house–not hiding in the back like an unattractive, unpleasant
monstrosity. All you need to do is install a drain, get a water source, plug it into the wall, and set it up to
your wifi. Then, you are all set to cook!

Do I Need an Exhaust?
There is no need for an exhaust! In its self-enclosed “lid” cooking, any food smell is encapsulated within
the unit. Its special state of the art air filtration system, treats the steam particles produced to minimize
food smells and deliver a purified environment. Thus, RoboSousChef can be placed anywhere without
concerns for connecting it to a venting system.

Need to make another batch of food?

Use the self-cleaning function to quickly clean the device, so you can promptly start your next menu item
without slowing down. Want a deeper clean? Use the steam function and/or water hose to remove
stubborn food items and debris.

Want to grow your capacity?

No problem. Increase your productivity by running multiple units in parallel to each other in the same
facility. Thus, there is no need to worry that one process needs to be completed fully for the next machine
to run. Simply select a recipe from the cloud and create cuisine from recipes perfected by chefs from all
across the world. One machine can be preparing exquisite Italian cuisine, while its neighbor is
constructing a Chinese delight. Using the world-wide connected system, there is an extensive range of
reliable recipes to select and enjoy.

Done cooking a menu item in one machine, while the others are still in process?
RoboSousChef can be rapidly rinsed and reloaded back into action, despite what stage the other devices
are in. The machines run in parallel to one another–not in a series. Thus, the function one RoboSousChef
is programmed to do is independent of any other RoboSousChef devices in your collection. Thus, build
intricate meals with many dishes simultaneously.

In a matter of years, RoboSousChef will be in millions of homes, offices, and establishments across the
world! Currently, the device can be found in restaurants, hotels, hospitals, and government facilities.
Employed in a variety of environments, RoboSousChef has been tested in a manner of methodologies
over the last 5 years. Recently, more than 50,000 units have already been sold.
It took over 15 years to develop the RoboSousChef. While its style allows one to cook effortlessly and
efficiently produce quality meals with the click of a button, the architecture of the device is complex.

At Soyea, we used our 23 years of experience in manufacturing reliable commercial and residential
appliances into making the RoboSousChef a superior product. Challenging years of research and
development were spent to manufacture this advanced self-cooking machine–a machine that not only
cooks, but does so perfectly, precisely every single time. There is nothing else in the market today that
compares to it in its abilities, reliability, or scale.

Own a convenience store?

Increasingly, convenience stores have become places to feed people,1 as the demand for convenient
food has correspondingly increased. Nationally, those convenience stores succeed when they offer fresh
meal options. Unfortunately, this same industry suffers with one of the worst employee turnovers. In 2021,
convenience stores reported turnover rates of 150%,2 as opposed to retail stores who had a turnover rate
of 60%3. Thus, as employers have carefully selected, hired, and trained their employees, their employees
are quick to run out of the store. How can businesses improve their profit margins if their trained
employees repeatedly leave the workplace?

The solution is RoboSousChef! Deliver fresh, delicious food to your customers with the click of a button
24 hours a day-7 days a week, 365 days of the year. With labor costs on the rise, no need for a highly-
trained employee to operate the machine. A simple attendant can tap on the image of a menu item to
produce restaurant-quality meals effortlessly and consistently.

In today’s age, anyone who has traveled by road in the middle of the night knows how hard it is to find
real food. Restaurants are closed, including most fast food chains. Most stops only serve cold
sandwiches, nuts, and unhealthy snacks. With as many as 3.5 million truck drivers running long haul
routes across the country, a simple convenience store can gain a substantial profit by offering warm,
convenient, fresh meals to its customers. With minimal training, one’s staff can provide 5-star homestyle
meals with 1-star effort. Thus, the late shift from 9 PM to 11 AM in the morning could turn a quiet night
into a store’s peak sales profit hours.

Hotels no longer should be a place just for sleep!

Traditionally, on vacation, people are exhausted after a long flight, car rental, and their commute to the
hotel. The last thing one wants to do after checking-in to a hotel is to start their search for a decent meal
in their new surroundings. Guests want a meal and many happily pay for food service through popular
apps, including UberEats, DoorDash, and GrubHub. Hotels can easily turn these lost opportunities for
profit by offering their own food service. “How?” you may ask. The answer is simple: RoboSousChef.

Now, a hotel does not need to employ a costly kitchen and staff to provide these services. The
RoboSousChef may be placed in any space, without the need for an exhaust. If placed in the reception
area, the staff already at the front desk can simply press a button to cook high-quality foods effortlessly.
This not only increases profit margins for the company, but it also brings loyal customers to repeatedly

return to your hotel. Thus, RoboSousChef does not just increase the sale of the food, but also increases
the engagement of your brand.

Want to take it to the next level?

With RoboSousChef, you can serve premium menu items at a fraction of the cost. Want to corner a
market, use RoboSousChef to provide exclusive high-end items that only your business can provide. Not
to mention, based on the holiday season, your company can quickly and easily introduce menu items
available “for a limited time only” to increase sales. There is no ceiling on what you can offer your clients
with RoboSousChef.

The least labor intensive type of restaurant today are buffets. Unfortunately, most buffets also offer the
lowest quality of food, stewing away in their canisters, drying out under heat lamps, throughout the day.
Want to have fresher food with little to no waste? Prepare your dishes with the RoboSousChef!

The Panda and Cheetah are both ideal in restaurants. As orders come in, pop your ingredients tray into
the machine and watch as YOUR RECIPES are produced in a fraction of the time, using YOUR
INGREDIENTS. Wastage will diminish as leftover food does not need to be tossed out, and the popularity
of your business will grow as customers will appreciate the freshly prepared meals, produced at a fraction
of the price.

Worried about the availability of chefs?

No need. Chefs can prepare the ingredients tray in advance, just as they would do their catering trays.
Once the trays are completed, they are free to go home and enjoy the rest of their day. Or, businesses
can easily dispatch their chefs to other locations to set them up in parallel. With our cloud controlled robot,
you can have the same exact recipe being created over multiple locations with consistency. Now, no need
to fret that your seasoned chefs are overwhelmed by creating multiple orders at the same time.
RoboSousChef will create a wide-array of meals with the same extraordinary results every time.

Thus, your business can grow in numerous places, without increasing your labor costs, while maintaining
the consistency that your customers will enjoy. Leverage our experience in central kitchens, so you reach
consistent and high-quality results that only the top companies in the world have been able to achieve.

Using the “Click, Cook, Serve” methodology, staff is liberated from watching over a pot to becoming
“Client Forward.” Staff is available to talk to customers, providing key services to harness the culture of
hospitality and ample accommodation. As your guests feel that they have been heard and received
quality treatment in various warm, friendly, generous environments, your brand will get the recognition
you dreamed of. Having RoboSousChef is like hitting a hole in one every single time. Now, you not only
can provide the best experience in the culinary realm, but with liberated staff you can also achieve
superior performance in a variety of other services that you provide for your clients.


Currently the average hourly rate for restaurant staff is $30/hour4. Based on a normal work week, the cost
of labor is:

$30/hour x 12 hour/days x 7 days/week x 52 week/year =

$2,520 per week, or $131,040 annually,
or simply put, that is $10,920 per month.

Financing RoboSousChef can cost you as little as $649.99/Month5. Thus, in less than the amount you
would pay a staff member to work in your restaurant for 2 days, you could enjoy the convenience of
RoboSousChef for a month. No more sick days, no more disruptions due to staff shortages.
RoboSousChef is always available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. No vacations, no holidays.

RoboSousChef is not something that one owns only for a month, though. Realistically, one would want to
have it for at least a year. RoboSousChef costs a marginal $7,799/Year. Thus, if one considers that a
human employee costs about $2,520 per week, one will have a return on their investment in as little as
three weeks of owning RoboSousChef. Putting it in another way, as there are 52 weeks in a year,
RoboSousChef is profitable 17:1 as compared to a hired staff member. That, by the way, only considers
the benefit in obtaining this fabulous machine, these calculations ignore all the additional profit one may
achieve by having returning customers as RoboSousChef serves superior, consistent results.

Financing not an option? Prefer a lease?

Leasing RoboSousChef is also possible. Lease RoboSousChef for $1,500/month6, $0 due at signing. This
is a deal if you consider that an employee costs $10,920 per month. Thus, as compared to having an
employee work as your staff for 4 days, you can lease RoboSousChef for a month. That is, there is a
straightforward 7:1 benefit ratio to leasing the RoboSousChef superior cooking machine.

How about the utility fees?

Currently, RoboSousChef operates with an electricity energy cost of $0.8257/hour (.02 per serving) vs
$0.238 (.005 per serving) for natural gas. These figures are negligible when one considers the high cost of

Why does your business need RoboSousChef?

The RoboSousChef is unique because you may simply push a button and fresh ingredients are converted
into high-quality meals without any monitoring or additional input of a chef. Atkins, South Beach Diet,
Ketogenic diets, low carb, low gluten, low calorie, high protein, low salt, little oil, low sugar…as customers
are turning away from processed foods and towards meals employing more meat and vegetables, the
RoboSousChef is perfectly suited in producing flavorful dishes in a short period of time with accuracy and
little to no effort.

Consumers no longer want pre-packaged foods loaded in salt, nor dehydrated packages with
substandard taste. Instead, consumers are shifting their trends to stir-frying options, loaded with protein
and vegetables, produced fresh to order, the same day and typically within minutes of being consumed.
Stir-frying, however, can be extremely difficult for a business owner to produce because of the high-cost
associated with having a dedicated chef to produce these meals, quickly and regularly. Even then, one
cannot guarantee that the meal will be cooked properly every time. This is not the case with
RoboSousChef, however. No need to hire an additional chef; let the RoboSousChef do your cooking for
you! Simply load the tray and push a button. As you tend to your other tasks, the RoboSousChef will

5 For well qualified buyers

6 Based on 12 month contract for well qualified buyers
7 Based on the commercial electric rate of $0.135 per kilowatt hour.
produce the perfect meal at the right temperature and for the right amount of time, delivering delicious
results that your customer’s will crave time and time again.

Each device offers an ingredient tray in which you can load the machine with a series of ingredients to be
dispensed at different times. No need to stand over a pot of sauteing onions to wait to add the next
ingredient. The RoboSousChef already knows how and when to do that. In addition, the RoboSousChef
can add common liquid ingredients already loaded in the machine, such as oil, water, vinegar, soy sauce,
or other seasonings. They can be added to the dish at the appropriate times. Now you can enjoy
restaurant quality food at the touch of a button, without knowing or worrying about how to cook a dish.
Sales Models



A PURCHASE Y $5.00 $637.41 $8,363 1312%

B PURCHASE N $3.50 $637.41 $10,350 1623%

C RENTAL Y $5.00 $1,500.00 $7,500 590%

D RENTAL N $3.50 $1500.00 $8,850 500%

E PROFIT SHARE Y $5.00 $0.00 $4,500 na

F PROFIT SHARE N $3.50 $0.00 $5,850 na

Product Comparison

Name Cheetah Panda

Cooking Capacity 3 Liters/KG. 25 Liters/KG.

Max liquid capacity: Max liquid capacity:
Approx 2.2 L Approx 18.33 L

Ideal Usage Fourth: 3 L Full tray (21” x 13” x 2.5”): 12 L

Eighth: 1.5 L Half Tray (10” x 13” x 2.5”): 6 L
Large Serving: 1 L Fourth: 3 L
Medium Serving (Quart): 0.5 L

Volume 0.1 kilo to 3 kilo 0.5 kilo to 25 kilo

Servings Per Cook 1-15 5-80

Servings Per Hour Up to 60 Up to 500

Which RoboSousChef best suits your needs?z

The Cheetah
A compact, fast, agile machine that can produce consistent, delicious meals in a fraction of the effort of
cooking on the stovetop. It is perfect for cooking individual servings, as well as larger portions that can
feed 15 servings at a time.

The Cheetah is versatile. It is the perfect choice to be used in establishments where businesses cook to
order. Dishes cook quickly and can be served immediately. It is best suited for motels, offices,
convenience stores, gas stations, Uber restaurants, universities, and assisted care facilities.

The Cheetah is the perfect springboard to develop new recipes that can be multiplied into extra-large
portions to be executed in the Panda. Thus, start with a smaller unit. Once you understand the process of
your recipe you can move it to the Panda.

The Panda
A larger capacity, heavy-weight machine, the Panda cooks a variety of dishes fast and with precision. It is
the perfect choice for bulk cooking, preparing 5-80 servings at a time! Need to produce a series of full-
sized 21”x13” catering dishes in a short time? The Panda is the machine that can get it done.

Like the Cheetah, it cooks stir-fries, stews, curries, pasta, noodle dishes, lentils, vegetables–all with
spectacular results. It can cook everything that the Cheetah can, but in much more massive quantities. It
is a caterer’s dream!
Need to prepare a series of catering trays for a fundraising event, birthday party, graduation event,
wedding, or other ceremony? Cooking is a snap with the RoboSousChef’s Panda machine. No need to
stress that you need to produce a variety of high-quality, fresh meals, all on the same day of the event.
Allow the RoboSousChef to cook for you! But that’s not all.

The Panda can also be your gateway to expand your business to produce high-quality meals with low
cost for buffets, cafeterias, schools, amusement park stalls, or any business model where one wants to
produce a high volume of fresh food with speed and precision.

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