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January - June 2019, Vol 10(01), 33 – 40

ISSN (Print) : 0975-7988 DOI: 10.52184/msrmr.v10i01.18

A Study on Students Attentiveness Towards

Indian Stock Market
A. Manorselvi* and Ulchi Venkata Sumalatha
Department of Commerce, St. Peter’s Institute of Higher Education and Research,
Chennai, India

Article Type: Article Abstract

Article Citation: A. Manorselvi, The present article emphasizes on the need for the stock market
Ulchi Venkata Sumalatha. A study on efficiency as it gives sufficient knowledge to the shareholders
students attentiveness towards Indian before investing the money in the share market. Shareholders
stock market. M.S. Ramaiah Institute
of Management. 2019; 10(01), 33-40. come to understand the volatility of the market thereby investing
DOI: 10.52184/msrmr.v10i01.18 in the best investment proposals. Moreover, it paves way for return
on investment after the thorough analysis. The objectives of the
Received date: December 02, 2018
study are to measure the association between age and financial
Accepted date: February 10, 2019
instruments traded in stock market and to evaluate the importance
*Author for correspondence: of information technology facilities on spreading of stock market
A. Manorselvi Department of news. The data used for this study are accompanied by primary and
Commerce, St. Peter’s Institute of Higher
Education and Research, Chennai, India
secondary data. Primary data were obtained from Post graduate
students from the selected sample list of educational institutions.
The Chi-Square Analysis and Mann Whitney U Test was used to test
the hypothesis.

Keywords: EMH, IT, NSE, BSE and SENSEX

1. Introduction advantage in predicting a return on a stock

price because no one has access to informa-
When money is put into the stock market, tion not already available to everyone else.
the goal is to generate a return on the capi- The nature of information does not have
tal invested. Many investors try not only to to be limited to financial news and research
make a profitable return, but also to outper- alone; indeed, information about political,
form, or beat, the market. However, market economic and social events, combined with
efficiency - championed in the efficient how investors perceive such information,
market hypothesis (EMH) formulated by whether true or rumored, will be reflected
Eugene Fama in 1970, suggests that at any in the stock price. According to the EMH,
given time, prices fully reflect all available as prices respond only to information avail-
information on a particular stock and/ able in the market, and because all market
or market. Fama was awarded the Nobel participants are privy to the same informa-
Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences tion, no one will have the ability to out-
jointly with Robert profit anyone else.
Shiller and Lars Peter Hansen in 2013. In efficient markets, prices become not
According to the EMH, no investor has an predictable but random, so no investment

© 2020 The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original author and source are credited.
A Study on Students Attentiveness Towards Indian Stock Market

pattern can be discerned. A planned are gaining greater efficiency. IT allows for
approach to investment, therefore, can- a more effective, faster means to dissemi-
not be successful. This “random walk” of nate information, and electronic trading
prices, commonly spoken about in the allows for prices to adjust more quickly to
EMH school of thought, results in the fail- news entering the market. However, while
ure of any investment strategy that aims to the pace at which we receive information
beat the market consistently. In fact, the and make transactions quickens, IT also
EMH suggests that given the transaction restricts the time it takes to verify the infor-
costs involved in portfolio management, it mation used to make a trade. Thus, IT may
would be more profitable for an investor to inadvertently result in less efficiency if the
put his or her money into an index fund. quality of the information we use no lon-
Three identified EMH classifications ger allows us to make profit-generating
aim to reflect the degree to which it can be decisions.
applied to markets:
• Strong efficiency – This is the strongest 2. Review of literature
version, which states that all informa-
Market Capitalisation is probably the fore-
tion in a market, whether public or pri-
most vital criterion in assessing the scale
vate, is accounted for in a stock price.
of a capital market. market capitalization
Not even insider information could give
equals to price of listed shares divided by
an investor an advantage.
nominal GDP. The magnitude relation has
• Semi-strong efficiency – This form of
been wide adopted within the literature as
EMH implies that all public information
a stable live of exchange potency for var-
is calculated into a stock’s current share
ied reasons. First; it’s a proxy of the sized
price. Neither fundamental nor techni-
of the exchange that is completely related
cal analysis can be used to achieve supe-
with the flexibility mobilise capital and
rior gains.
diversify risk. Secondly, it’s likely to incor-
• Weak efficiency – This type of EMH
porate companies past preserved profits
claims that all past prices of a stock are
and future growth prospects in order that
reflected in today’s stock price. There-
a better magnitude relation to GDP signi-
fore, technical analysis cannot be used
fication growth prospects and exchange
to predict and beat a market.
development (Bekaert et al., 2001; Levine
In the real world, markets cannot be & Zervos, 1998).
absolutely efficient or wholly inefficient. The key weakness of this magnitude
It might be reasonable to see markets as relation is that a high magnitude relation
essentially a mixture of both, wherein daily exclusively driven by appreciated price of
decisions and events cannot always be few companies with very little or no modi-
reflected immediately into a market. If all fication within the quantity of funds raised,
participants were to believe that the market and no modification within the breadth
is efficient, no one would seek extraordi- of the exchange could also be understood
nary profits, which is the force that keeps as exchange potency. Growth within the
the wheels of the market turning. market capitalization as a share of GDP is
In the age of information technology related to a rise within the range of listed
(IT), however, markets all over the world companies (Adelegan, 2008).

34 / 40 M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Management Vol 10(01), DOI: 10.52184/msrmr.v10i01.18, January - June 2019
A. Manorselvi and Ulchi Venkata Sumalatha

Debjiban Mukherjee (2007) created a growing capitalization, market liquidity,

comparative analysis of Indian exchange and mobilization of resources. The emer-
with International markets. His study cov- gence of personal company Debt market
ers NY securities market (NYSE), port is additionally an honest innovation com-
securities market (HSE), national capital mutation the banking mode of finance.
securities market (TSE), Russian secu- However, the market has witnessed its
rities market (RSE), Korean securities worst time with the recent world money cri-
market (KSE) from varied socio- politico- sis that originated from the U.S. sub-prime
economic backgrounds. each the metropo- mortgage market and cover to the whole
lis securities market (BSE) and therefore world as a contagion. The capital market of
the National securities market of Indian India delivered a sluggish performance.
restricted (NSE) are employed in the study
as a district of Indian exchange. The most
objective of this study is to capture the 3. Statement of the
trends, similarities and patterns within problem
the activities and movements of the Indian
exchange as compared to its international Despite having several awareness pro-
counterparts. The fundamental quan- grammes by Indian Stock Exchanges,
tity has been divided into varied eras to investors associations and SEBI, there’s a
check the correlation between the assorted heavy lack of awareness within the public
exchanges to prove that the Indian markets and thus awareness to the knowledge has
became additional integrated with its world remained an enormous challenge to the
counterparts and its reaction area unit in potency of the Indian Stock Exchanges
cycle thereupon area unit seen globally. The and to the investors themselves. However,
assorted stock exchanges are compared on the access to those programmes among
the premise of capitalization, range of listed students is incredibly low thanks to either
securities, listing agreements, circuit filters, existence of attending fees or temporal
and settlement. It will safely be aforesaid order or being by selection to some cat-
that the markets do react to world cues egories of audience particularly to inves-
and any happening within the world state tors solely. several researchers are created
of affairs be it economic science or coun- in market potency in Asian nation by test-
try specific (foreign trade channel) have an ing on either weak style of efficient market
effect on the assorted markets. hypothesis (EMH) or stochastic process
Ahuja (2012) presents a review of hypothesis of stock costs and returns. they
national capital Market & its structure. In need been mistreatment daily closing infor-
last decade around, it’s been determined mation for the indices like S&P, (NSE) and
that there has been a paradigm shift in BSE SENSEX during a specific time period.
national capital market. the applying of the This study seeks to handle this gap.
many reforms & developments in national
capital market has created the national cap-
ital market comparable the international 4. Need of the study
capital markets. Now, the market options
a developed regulative mechanism and a The need for the study is to look at the extent
contemporary market infrastructure with of awareness among post graduate students

M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Management Vol 10(01), DOI: 10.52184/msrmr.v10i01.18, January - June 2019 35 / 40
A Study on Students Attentiveness Towards Indian Stock Market

towards potency of the stock exchange as 6.3. Sample area and design
so much as they’re daily exposed numerous
The respondents were selected using strati-
business ideas not solely from faculty info
fied sampling, simple random sampling.
however additionally from social learning
The sample size of 100 is divided equally to
and education programmes go by various
four colleges in Chennai city.
capital market participants.
The present article emphasizes on the
need for the stock market efficiency as it 6.4. Sampling tools
gives sufficient knowledge to the sharehold- 1. Chi-Square Analysis
ers before investing the money in the share 2. Mann Whitney U Test
market. Shareholders come to understand
volatility of the market thereby investing in
the best investment proposals. Moreover,
6.5. Data analysis and results
it paves way for return on investment after discussion
the thorough analysis. Chi-Square test was applied to find the sig-
nificant association between two variables
by cross tabulating.
5. Objectives of the H0: There is no association between age
study and awareness of instruments traded
H1: There is association between age and
1. To measure the association between
awareness of financial instruments traded.
age and financial instruments traded in
Interpretation: The below table indi-
stock market.
cates that the value of Chi-Square is 1.438;
2. To evaluate the importance of informa-
degree of freedom is 2 with p-value 0.487
tion technology facilities on spreading
at 5% significance level. Since the p-value
of stock market news.
is greater than 0.05. Null Hypothesis is
accepted. Hence, there is no significant
6. Research methodology association between age and awareness of
financial instruments traded in stock mar-
6.1. Sources of data ket (Table 1).
The data used for this study are accom- H0: There is no association between
panied by primary and secondary data. gender and awareness of stock market as
Primary data were obtained from Post easy way to mobilise funds.
graduate students from the selected sample H1: There is association between gender
list of educational institutions. Whereas and awareness of stock market as easy way
Secondary data were elicited through to mobilise funds.
journals, SEBI, BSE, NSE annual reports, Interpretation: The below table indi-
News Papers, Brokerage Firms Reports, cates that the value of Chi-Square is 4.816;
and Reports from World Federation of degree of freedom is 1 with p-value 0.028
Exchanges. at 5% significance level. Since the p-value is
less than 0.05. Null Hypothesis is rejected.
Hence, there is association between gender
6.2. Sample size and awareness of stock market as easy way
Besides, the sample size for the study is 100. to mobilise funds (Table 2).

36 / 40 M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Management Vol 10(01), DOI: 10.52184/msrmr.v10i01.18, January - June 2019
A. Manorselvi and Ulchi Venkata Sumalatha

TABLE 1. Relationship of age and financial instruments traded in stock market

Cross Tabulation
Age of the respondents

20–22 28 and
23–25 26–28 above Total
Financial Yes Count 26 43 2 0 71
instrument % within respondent’s 81.3% 72.9% 100.0% 0.0% 76.3%
traded College/University
No Count 6 16 0 0 22
% within respondent’s 18.8% 27.1% 0.0% 0.0% 23.7%
Total Count 32 59 2 0 93
% within 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0%
Source: Primary Data
Chi-square data
Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 1.438a 2 0.487

TABLE 2. Relationship between gender and stock market as easy way to mobilise funds
Cross Tabulation
Male Female Total
Stock Market Yes Count 34 39 73
is easy way to % within gender 75.6% 92.9% 83.9%
mobilise funds
No Count 11 3 14
% within gender 24.4% 7.1% 16.1%

Total Count 45 42 87
% within gender 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Source: Primary Data
Chi-Square Data
Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 4.816a 1 0.028

H0: There is no association between year 2.431; degree of freedom is 1 with p-value
of the study and awareness of stock market 0.119 at 5% significance level. Since the
news via internet service. p-value is greater than 0.05. Null
H1: There is association between year Hypothesis is accepted. Hence, there is no
of the study and awareness of stock market association between year of the study and
news via internet service. awareness of stock market news via inter-
Interpretation: The below table indi- net service.
cates that the value of Chi-Square is

M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Management Vol 10(01), DOI: 10.52184/msrmr.v10i01.18, January - June 2019 37 / 40
A Study on Students Attentiveness Towards Indian Stock Market

Mann–Whitney U-Test Interpretation: The above table indi-

cates that the value of Mann–Whitney U
The Mann–Whitney U-test is a non-para-
Test is 886.500 with p-value 0.051 at 5% sig-
metric test that allows two groups or condi-
nificance level. Since the p-value is greater
tions or treatments to be compared without
than 0.05. Null hypothesis is accepted.
making the assumption that values are
This means that the distribution of level of
normally distributed. It measures distribu-
awareness is the same across categories of
tion of two groups of independent variable
gender (Table 4).
across dependent variable (Table 3).
H0: There is no difference between levels Test statistics
of awareness across categories of gender. Level of awareness
H1: There is difference between levels of Mann–Whitney 907.000
awareness across categories of gender. Asymp. Sig. 0.093
Test statistics
Level of awareness
Mann–Whitney 886.500 H0: There is no difference between lev-
Asymp. Sig. 0.051 els of awareness and attitude to follow stock
(2-tailed) market news on TV.

TABLE 3. Relationship between year of the study and stock market news via internet
Cross Tabulation
Year of study
MBA 1st year
MBA 2nd year Total
Follow stock market news Yes Count 40 13 53
on Internet % within 51.9% 72.2% 55.8%
year of study
No Count 37 5 42
% within 48.1% 27.8% 44.2%
year of study
Total Count 77 18 95
% within year of study 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Source: Primary Data
Chi-Square Data
Value Df Asymp. Sig.(2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 2.431a 1 .119

TABLE 4. Distribution of level of awareness across gender

Gender N Mean rank Sum of ranks
Level of awareness Male 49 43.09 2111.50
Female 47 54.14 2544.50
Total 96
Source: Primary Data

38 / 40 M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Management Vol 10(01), DOI: 10.52184/msrmr.v10i01.18, January - June 2019
A. Manorselvi and Ulchi Venkata Sumalatha

TABLE 5. Distribution of level of awareness across attitude to follow stock market news
on Television

Follow stock market news on TV N Mean rank Sum of ranks
Level of awareness Yes 42 53.90 2264.00
No 54 44.30 2392.00
Total 96
Source: Primary Data

H1: There is difference between levels of bring more people into the folds of the
awareness and attitude to follow stock mar- financial market.
ket news on TV. In reality, investors do not receive all
Interpretation: The above table indi- information freely; they have to decide
cates that the value of Mann–Whitney U whether and which information to gather
Test is 907.000 with p-value 0.093 at 5% sig- prior trading and investors end up stay-
nificance level. Since the p-value is greater ing afloat in a sea of uncertainty which in
than 0.05. Null hypothesis is accepted. turn affects their level of awareness. This
This means that the distribution of level of study reveals that the majority of manage-
awareness is the same with those who fol- ment students are more selective on ways
low stock market news on TV (Table 5). to follow stock market news as they prefer
newspapers and the use of internet services
rather than financial news on TV. Also, it
6.6. Findings has been revealed that they are aware of
So far as there is no significant association financial instruments traded, returns on the
between variables such as age, gender and investment in the market and they realise
years of the study of the respondents against that the stock market is one way among the
the knowledge and awareness on the ways easy way to mobilise funds for companies
to use to follow stock market news, knowl- to operate although they are facing trouble
edge of the common financial instruments to follow stock market news due to unaf-
traded, return on investment in the market fordable expenses. On the other hand, the
in this study. overall level of awareness is high though it
has been contributed specifically by years
of the study of the respondents, gender and
7. Suggestions and respondent’s college or University mean-
while age was not significant determinant
on it. Therefore, the study reveals that man-
The study suggests that all Indian stock agement students are aware on the stock
exchanges and SEBI as they have taken market efficiency concept. This is the best
upon a mandate to promote financial liter- indicator that Indian stock markets will
acy to use various methods and approaches continue to grow and more important to be
of disseminating information in order to efficiency.

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A Study on Students Attentiveness Towards Indian Stock Market

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40 / 40 M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Management Vol 10(01), DOI: 10.52184/msrmr.v10i01.18, January - June 2019

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