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Writing a thesis can be an arduous task, especially when dealing with complex topics such as

analyzing John Proctor as a tragic hero. Crafting a compelling thesis statement requires extensive
research, critical thinking, and proficient writing skills. As one delves into the character of John
Proctor from Arthur Miller's "The Crucible," numerous layers of complexity and depth emerge,
making the task even more challenging.

John Proctor, as depicted in "The Crucible," embodies the essence of a tragic hero, grappling with
internal conflicts, moral dilemmas, and societal pressures. Unraveling his character requires a deep
understanding of the play's context, historical background, and Miller's thematic intentions.

Exploring John Proctor as a tragic hero involves dissecting his flaws, virtues, and the circumstances
that lead to his downfall. Analyzing his internal struggles, conflicts with authority, and ultimate
redemption or demise demands meticulous attention to detail and insightful interpretation.

For individuals grappling with the intricacies of crafting a thesis statement on John Proctor as a
tragic hero, seeking expert assistance can be invaluable. offers professional guidance
and support to navigate the complexities of academic writing. Our team of experienced writers
specializes in developing cohesive, well-researched thesis statements that resonate with scholarly
rigor and analytical depth.

By entrusting your thesis to ⇒ ⇔, you can alleviate the burden of academic
pressure and ensure the delivery of a high-quality, meticulously crafted document. Our commitment
to excellence and attention to detail guarantee that your thesis statement on John Proctor as a tragic
hero will be insightful, original, and academically sound.

Don't let the challenges of writing a thesis deter you from exploring profound literary analyses. Order
your thesis statement on John Proctor from ⇒ ⇔ today and embark on a journey
of academic excellence and scholarly discovery.
If everything is up to your standards, download the text fileor send it to your email for later. In
Arthur Miller's drama, The Crucible, John Proctor, the protagonist, is also a cleat example of the
typical tragic hero. Act I: The entrance of John Proctor to the entrance of Reverend Hale. All details
in a paragraph should support the topic sentence. King Kreon would be considered the protagonist
because he is opposed by an antagonist and is the main character in the play, he has the tragic flaws
of stubbornness and too much self-pride, and these flaws are struck with bad luck. He remained
silent for one reason, and that was to protect himself. These rules will help you write a readable text
without hackneyed phrases and empty expressions with thematic narrow-profile vocabulary and a
clear author's position. A tragic hero often has a choice over what happens in the end. Everything
needs to be argued, accompanied by examples and evidence. Before Betty Parris fell ill, Cotton
Mather had published. The dominant ideology of the time considers the Puritans to be the chosen
people, and it assumes that the devil is always lurking to destroy the society. Proctor, a man who had
been done with Abagail, consistently fought her and the corrupt court system to save his dignity
“You are pulling Heaven down and raising up a whore!” (Miller 94) Due to mounting pressures
during the trials, Proctor admitted truthfully to the affair. The Crucible study guide contains a
biography of Arthur Miller, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters. Soon, the
educated elite of the colony began efforts to end the witch- hunting hysteria that had enveloped
Salem. This society will not be a bag to swing around your head, Mr. Putnam”(I. 242). Essay writing:
structure and main characteristics Even though such an essay is distinguished by free composition, a
certain structure must be observed when writing it. Proctor, like numerous individuals in the 1950s,
was unjustly accused of witchcraft and subsequently blacklisted because of allegations linking them
to Communism. Mention titles of works of literature and authors’ names Give a brief (no more than
a sentence) overview of the story. A tragic hero is a protagonist, a virtuous character in a dramatic
tragedy who is destined for downfall, suffering, or defeat. Each of these two categories possesses a
particular set of conventions and characteristics that can be used to identify plays as either a tragedy
or a comedy. We see John climbing the ladder of heroic status and edging towards the top rung.
Abigail holds a grudge on John Proctor and his wife Elizabeth and when the hysteria starts she has a
chance to get revenge. However, when Elizabeth finds out about it, she is hurt that he lied, and
suspicious of his reasons for doing so. Elizabeth even asked him to go into the court and tell them
that Abigail is a fraud. The structured paragraphs are great for remediating with struggling writers.
Where as the couple blamed each other in the past, now they blame themselves, “You take my sins
upon you, John,” to which he replies, “No, I take my own, my own!” He and Elizabeth reconcile, and
it is one of the most poignant moments in the play, when, just before his death, Proctor finally gains
the forgiveness of his wife. During the play The Crucible, a play written by Arthur Miller, the
character John Proctor suffers a change in fortune from happiness to misery. Proctor knows that his
children will never live past the shadow that their father was a sorcerer and they would be forever
shamed. Support Jamie was very friendly and helped me to fill in my order form. Okonkwo 's
redeeming qualities are not entirely limited to his outward status, though, as he does have a deep
love for his tribe and a desire to see it flourish.
How does he fit in to the tradition of tragic heroes e.g. Macbeth, Oedipus, Hamlet. While he is
ashamed of what he has done, he cannot speak about this flaw due to his pride and readiness to keep
his reputation clean. We see John climbing the ladder of heroic status and edging towards the top
rung. As this was happening, Miller began seeing parallels between the actions of the committee and
the witchcraft trials in Salem two hundred years ago: “What was manifestly parallel was the guilt,
two centuries apart, of holding illicit, suppressed feelings of alienation and hostility toward standard,
daylight society”. At the end of the play, John Proctor is accused of witchcraft and is subjected to be
hanged. Later in the course of the play, Elizabeth forgives Proctor for his mistakes. Proctor’s free
choice is reached towards the end of the novel when he is faced with two options: One choice leads
to his safety at the dispense of multiple others’ lives and the other choice leads to his death, but a
death of. Topic Sentence 2: John Proctor is a tragic hero because he lost his reputation and freedom.
John has seemed to develop a new personality as has Reverend Hale. He also thought that Mary
would provide him with enough evidence so that he didn't need to reveal his affair to the court. One
character who stands out among the chaotic conflagration is the tragic hero John Proctor. John
Proctor as a Tragic Hero in “The Crucible” 2019-03-04. Decide whether you agree with this
classification of the play. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. There are
classifications according to content and literary form. A tragic hero is a person who has sacrificed
their lives for a principle. Thesis statement. The thesis statement usually creates the strongest
impression when it is the first or last sentence in the. Tragic heroes typically have heroic traits that
earn them the sympathy of the audience, but also have flaws or make mistakes that ultimately lead to
their own self-awareness and downfall, which they accept with. Despite being religious himself,
Proctor openly denounces the witch trials while hiding a secret that could bring down the main
accuser, Abigail Williams. He carries a heavy guilt and relies on his love for. The magistrate sits in
your heart that judges you,” meaning Proctor is punishing himself for his sins, and channelling his
guilt by blaming his wife. Bringing all of these parts together, we can say that John Proctor is truly a
tragic hero. We almost always feel that the tragic hero could have avoided the tragic end. The actual
reversal of fortune is evident in the play: the hysteria and witchcraft upending the relatively
uneventful lives of the people of Salem. He does not want to go to the gallows with the others and
have anyone think of him as a martyr because he refuses to confess out of spite. John refers to the
winter here, “it's winter in here yet.” Miller often refers to their relationship as cold. Proctor is an
honest, brave man that carries a hidden fact, a fatal flaw. Writing an essay provides a freestyle
presentation. Proctor certainly made mistakes, and he paid for them with his life. Third, the lack of
structure destroys the fragile structure of the text. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and
They skillfully combine their artistic abilities in writing texts with a set of individual requirements for
different types of work, including essays. John starts becoming more heroic after he hears his wife
will be saved for a year but he battles on to save his friends from being executed. Abigail describes
John as a kind man who “put knowledge in my heart.” There was an obvious danger in rejecting
Abigail, as she tries to get John for herself, and in doing this, she starts the hysteria that leads to the
hanging of the innocent people in Salem. John strong mindedness gains respect from the audience to
John because he isn’t easily influenced by others views. Johns fails to keep our admiration when the
audience realize that he won’t go to court to tell the about Abigail’s dancing in the woods, when he
withholds the information from the court allows the witch-hunt to escalate into madness. He starts
off the play as a respected and successful farmer whose main focus is himself above all else. Proctor
is a truthful man fighting for his pride and wrongly accused death. A tragic hero is a character whose
flaw or mistake ultimately leads to their downfall. This horrible thing has somehow brought him
peace and he realizes that by dying, he will gain his goodness and his name will not be dishonored.
Proctor, like numerous individuals in the 1950s, was unjustly accused of witchcraft and subsequently
blacklisted because of allegations linking them to Communism. Because John cannot control his
desire and resist temptation, his life is being destroyed by the jealousy and need for revenge of
Abigail, indicating the beginning of his downfall and road to becoming a tragic hero. On the other
hand, John’s sin of adultery isn’t the greatest flaw that he possesses. Order now Get a quote 6
Reasons To Trust Us We won’t let you down. At this time, his pride would not allow him to ruin his
reputation in the village of Salem, therefore, it allowed Abigail to continue her plan to seek his love.
He had two sons and was married to Elizabeth Proctor. The Crucible study guide contains a
biography of Arthur Miller, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters. This is what
the witch hunt in Salem was trying to do, and in some respects did. In reading this passage, from
Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, I have come to believe that John’s relationship with Elizabeth and
Elizabeth’s relationship with John are two completely different things. I have confessed myself; it is
enough!” The refusal is motivated less by pride, but by love. Look at Abigail Williams relationship
with John Proctor. Hale goes to Proctor’s house and asks him to list the Ten Commandments. Don’t
settle for less, use free revisions to ensure your writer dots the i’s and crosses the t’s. 2 On-time
Delivery Being late is against our principles. She accuses many people, especially Elizabeth, of
witchery to protect herself. The play is mainly set inside the buildings of Salem Which are described
to be very gloomy, dark places. Proctor is still scared for his reputation, but the arrest of Elizabeth is
the catalyst of his future development. She influenced him to betray his wife Elizabeth, leaving her
lonely and forgotten. This is because of the relationship that John had with Abigail, which, along
with his hubris, his pride, is his fatal flaw. The dominant ideology of the time considers the Puritans
to be the chosen people, and it assumes that the devil is always lurking to destroy the society. This
allowed the people of Salem to realize for themselves that there can be redemption for their sins.
Some people support the idea that if Proctor really was a sincere, brave and decent man, that he
wouldn’t leave his sons and wife behind with no one to take care of them.
As such, his fear of public humiliation is so great that he is reluctant to act when Elizabeth urges him.
Thesis Statement. The thesis statement sums up the entire essay in one complete sentence. Moreover,
he is distinguished by exceptional courage, aiding him to fight for a cause. Children's Hospital at
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Researchers. This is what the witch hunt in Salem was trying to do, and in some respects did.
Performers of student work will help solve the problem. Hamartia is the weakness, usually an error
in judgement. John Proctor is a key in showing this theme by being characterized as the tragic hero
as he breaks down the walls of his pride to save Salem from crumbling beneath lies. Although what
makes the downfall to great sorrow happen is that fact he tries to avoid the prophecy. Miller wrote
the play for modern audiences and while John Proctor's path is similar to the one defined by
Aristotle, there are a number of differences. He has a number of flaws that lead to his reversal of
fortune: pride, fear of humiliation, weakness and self doubt. Adultery is voluntary sexual intercourse
between a married person and a partner other than the lawful spouse.First, John Proctor willingly
commits adultery. Modern audiences admire integrity and personal sacrifice, so modern tragic heroes
stand alone, unaided, and when the time comes, fall, not through personal flaws, but through the
choice of doing what is hardest, but right. Ultimately, this fails when Mary Warren turns on him and
he is forced to admit to being an adulterer, putting aside his dignity in order to rescue his wife. Topic
Sentence 1: Topic Sentence 2: Topic Sentence 3. The term nobility means the hero gains superiority
by birth, or by way of knowledge, wit, and strength of character. And there is a solution to this
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It was Abigail’s hate and envy that lead something that wasn’t a big thing, into a big confusion. He
lacks moral courage and strength: strength to do what is right and courage to act, despite the risks on
his own reputation. Later in the play The Crucible, Proctor realizes his flaws and tries to fix them but
it is too late. Moreover, he is distinguished by exceptional courage, aiding him to fight for a cause.
Report this resource to let us know if this resource violates TPT’s content guidelines. He makes his
share of mistakes, just as many human beings do. He starts off the play as a respected and successful
farmer whose main focus is himself above all else. On the other hand, John’s sin of adultery isn’t the
greatest flaw that he possesses. During the play The Crucible, a play written by Arthur Miller, the
character John Proctor suffers a change in fortune from happiness to misery. She tells him he is not
the only one to blame for his sins. John Proctor is fundamentally a good man, with respectable
intentions and an appropriate moral code. Proctor doesn’t accept the fact that innocent people are
dying because of a made-up story. He is also clearly anguished, for he admits now that through his
weakness he has failed his own principles.
The actual reversal of fortune is evident in the play: the hysteria and witchcraft upending the
relatively uneventful lives of the people of Salem. Need a Refresher? Click Here for a Detailed Act-
by- Act Plot Summary of The Crucible. Topic Sentence 3: John Proctor’s realization, that he must
confess to lies and hold on to his dignity, enables him to identify with the ideal tragic hero. John,
although distant from Salem and it's people, still has a sense of responsibility for what has happened
to them and he feels that he has to help them as he is indirectly to blame. That she was a cold, and
frigid women which also contributed to his affair with Abigail. It is precisely such difficulties that
very often exacerbate the ability to write high-quality work yourself. This curious form of an
introduction might, in fact, be the most important part of the play, for it explains the symbolic
motivations that created the conditions that made the witch hunt possible, and, as Miller argues,
such a witch hunt is not necessarily a relic of history. Click here for an analysis of how characters
represent themes and thematic issues in The Crucible by Arthur Miller. Hale goes to Proctor’s house
and asks him to list the Ten Commandments. By doing so he finally saves his own name, his truth,
and his life. He bravely faces the fact that sadly enough in Salem, the liars have a greater chance of
living because of a great influence mixed up with hysteria and trators. Proctor tremendously regrets
his flaw and feels guilt even though Elizabeth forgave him. Some heroes may result in devastating
ends to preserve what they believe is right, even if it costs them their lives. This illustrates John's
perseverance in attempting to redeem himself for his sin and wants to make right the troubles his
mistake brought upon him. Topic Sentence 2: John Proctor is a tragic hero because he lost his
reputation and freedom. The affair also caused Elizabeth Proctor to distrust her husband, John, who
for seven holiday was trying to get into her good graces and is tired of her suspicion. This leads him
to bring Mary into court and as her confession didn't have any affect he had to use his last resort, to
confess himself and face the consequences. Therefore, the audience perceives that the affair between
John and Abigail is the instigator of all the hysteria surrounding the witch trials, signifying the
consequences of a small human error. A period of atonement soon occurred in which Samuel Sewall,
one of the judges, issued a public confession of guilt and apology, and Reverend Parris admitted
errors in judgment. He needs to analyze the given topic and express his personal opinion. Tragic
heroes in classical literature include Captain Ahab and Hamlet. Other girls, including Ruth Putnam
and Mercy Lewis also exhibited similar symptoms. However, actual events diverge from the narrative
of the play. He is at a point where he has nothing else to topple her. I highly recommend him if you
need an assignment done ”. He has a strong determination to protect and maintain. He accuses all of
the judges of hypocrisy, knowing that the girls are lying but continuing because a change of face
would mean admitting mistakes. A working thesis statement and strong topic sentences are
necessary. John Proctor as a Tragic Hero in “The Crucible” 2019-03-04. The witch trials of the past,
the hysteria, the paranoia and the innocence destroyed may be seen just as vividly within the
McCarthy trials to detect communist subversion. He is trying so hard to prove himself to Elizabeth,
to make her trust in him again.
Before submitting a project, it is recommended to proofread the work several times, checking
sentence structure, spelling, etc. I have known her.” In this scene are very courageous as he is giving
away his good name and risking charges from Abigail. She tells him he is not the only one to blame
for his sins. Thanks to WayWrite I managed to kick my professors butt and party all the night.:)
Name: Joanna Had some minor typos to fix but overall the content was great. He wrote the book to
try to explain the dangers in moral absolutism. She accuses many people, especially Elizabeth, of
witchery to protect herself. I think not.” It is evident that what she says is true, but, because of this,
Proctor immediately jumps to his own defence, “I confessed, confessed. This will have a positive
impact on your future grades in the subject. A period of atonement soon occurred in which Samuel
Sewall, one of the judges, issued a public confession of guilt and apology, and Reverend Parris
admitted errors in judgment. This persuasive essay will explain how John Proctor is a tragic hero in
the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller, by showing how his tragic flaw, actually lead him in the right
direction to become the hero. Propose an argument and write an argumentative essay on “The
Crucible” in which you state your belief about the inevitability of the witch- hunt, and explain how
the fear tactics employed convinced otherwise rational people to believe very irrational ideas. His
initial silence proved to be the downfall of not only himself, but of his fellow townspeople as well.
The long-term consequence of his affair with Abigail is the cause of his tragic death. Other girls,
including Ruth Putnam and Mercy Lewis also exhibited similar symptoms. However, actual events
diverge from the narrative of the play. The begging of John Proctor to preserve his name is as
prideful as it is useless. This added to suspicions of witchcraft by Tituba, and led to the slave
becoming one of the first women accused, along with Sarah Good and Sarah Osburn. John Proctor is
somewhat removed from society, and this is emphasized by the fact that they live on the outskirts of
Salem. It includes 1.) the topic 2.) the time or era 3.) your claim. 1.) the topic, 2.) the time or era,
and 3.) your claim. Topic Sentences (The First Sentence of Each Body Paragraph ). This shows that
he is intelligent enough to learn from his mistakes, which a tragic hero needs to be. Common
Openings. To what extent How much, to what degree, what quantity Assess Determine degree of
accuracy of a given statement Analyze Separate, breakdown into parts, show relationships Evaluate.
By showing he was a good and decent person, this exemplifies he is a tragic hero. As such, his fear
of public humiliation is so great that he is reluctant to act when Elizabeth urges him. Although
Aristotle’s tragic hero would be a character in a high social or political standing, Arthur Miller
portrays John Proctor as a common farmer that is honest and living a respectable life in a Puritan
town with a wife and three children. Miller wrote the play for modern audiences and while John
Proctor's path is similar to the one defined by Aristotle, there are a number of differences. God forbid
I take it from him!”(IV. 305). Elizabeth knows that Proctor has turned into a good man and that he
represents the symbol of purity. Decide whether you agree with this classification of the play. The
affair with Abigail is his downfall because it provokes the witch trials. The term catharsis means the
purging of feelings or an emotional discharge. Proctor’s free choice is reached towards the end of the
novel when he is faced with two options: One choice leads to his safety at the dispense of multiple
others’ lives and the other choice leads to his death, but a death of.

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