United States of America Election 2020

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Several United States TV networks late Thursday halted live coverage of Donald Trump's
first public appearance since election night after concluding that the president was Trump
unleashed a flood of incendiary and unsubstantiated claims in a 17-minute address, The
insisting that Democrats were using “illegal votes” to “steal the election from us.”
president spoke as late vote counting in battleground states showed Democrat Joe.

“OK, here we are again in the unusual position of not only interrupting the president of
the United States but correcting the president of the United States,” said MSNBC anchor
Brian Williams, as the network quickly ended its live cover.

NBC and ABC News also pulled the plug on their live coverage of Trump.

“What a sad night for the United states of America to hear their president say that, to
falsely accuse people of trying to steal the election,” said CNN's Jake Tapper.

He described it as “lie after lie after lie about the election being stolen,” with no evidence,
“just smears”.

In fact, there is no evidence that any votes cast illegally are being counted or that the
process is unfair and corrupt.

Trump delivered his statement before reporters in the White House briefing room and left
without taking questions. It came after Trump and his allies spent a second day watching
and waiting with the rest of the nation as vote totals pushed further in Biden’s direction in
some key battlegrounds.

Hours earlier, Biden offered reassurances that the counting could be trusted, projecting a
more presidential appearance while urging patience from Americans.

The candidates’ sharply contrasting postures intensified a national moment of uncertainty

as the nation and the world waited to learn which man would collect the 270 electoral
votes needed to capture the presidency. Trump pursued legal options with little success,
working the phones and escalating efforts to sow doubt about the outcome of the race.

His path to victory narrow, Trump pushed unsupported allegations of electoral

misconduct in a series of tweets and insisted the ongoing vote count of ballots submitted
before and on Election Day must cease. And in his first public appearance since late on
Election Night, he amplified the conspiracy theories amid the trappings of presidential

“This is a case when they are trying to steal an election, they are trying to rig an
election,” said Trump of Democrats, whom he accused of corruption while providing no
He made similar claims about election integrity during the 2016 campaign, which he
went on to win. This time, he was speaking not as a candidate, but as the sitting president
of the United States.

Biden took a different tack, speaking briefly to reporters after attending a Covid-19
briefing to declare that “each ballot must be counted”.

“I ask everyone to stay calm. The process is working,” said Biden. “It is the will of the
voters. No one, not anyone else who chooses the president of the United States of

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