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Jheziel Jans A.

BCH 1-1 March 2, 2024


Paired t-Test

Consider the following study in which standing and supine systolic blood pressures were
compared. This study was performed on twelve subjects. Their blood pressures were measured in
both positions.

STEP 1: Ho: There is no significant difference between the standing and supine systolic blood

STEP 2: Ha: There is a significant difference between the standing and supine systolic blood

STEP 3: Paired t-Test



132 136
146 145
135 145
141 147
139 142
162 160
128 137
137 136
145 149
151 158
131 120
143 148

Computed Value: Critical Value:

Jheziel Jans A. Abalos BIOSTATISTICS
BCH 1-1 March 2, 2024


Since the Computed Value (|-1.646|) is smaller than the Critical Value (±2.201) and P-value > 0.05,
Accept the Null Hypothesis.


N Mean Std. Deviation df t value P value Decision

Standing 12 140.83 9.49 11 -1.646 > 0.05 Accept
Supine 12 143.58 10.70

A paired t-test was run on a sample of 12 subjects to determine whether there was a statistically
significant mean difference between the standing and supine systolic blood pressures. The blood
pressures of the subjects were measured in standing (𝑥̅ = 140.83, SD = 9.49) and supine (𝑥̅ = 143.58,
SD = 10.70) positions; with the computed value of -1.646. The p-value 0.137 is greater than the level
of significance (0.05). This means that both positions do not affect the measures of their blood
Jheziel Jans A. Abalos BIOSTATISTICS
BCH 1-1 March 2, 2024

Unpaired t-Test

A research study was conducted to examine the differences between older and younger adults on
perceived life satisfaction. A pilot study was conducted to examine this hypothesis. Ten older
adults (over the age of 70) and ten younger adults (between 20 and 30) were giving a life satisfaction
test (known to have high reliability and validity). Scores on the measure range from 0 to 60 with high
scores indicative of high life satisfaction, low scores indicative of low life satisfaction. The data are
presented below. Compute the appropriate t-test.

STEP 1: Ho: There is no significant difference between older and younger adults on perceived life

STEP 2: There is a significant difference between older and younger adults on perceived life

STEP 3: Unpaired t-Test



Older Adults Younger Adults

45 34
38 22
52 15
48 27
25 37
39 41
51 24
46 19
55 26
46 36
Jheziel Jans A. Abalos BIOSTATISTICS
BCH 1-1 March 2, 2024


Since the Computed Value (4.259) is greater than the Critical Value (±2.101) and P-value < 0.05,
Reject the Null Hypothesis.


N Mean Std. Deviation df t value P value Decision

Older 10 44.5 8.68 18 4.259 less than Reject
Younger 10 28.1 8.54 0.0001

An unpaired t-test was conducted to examine the differences between the older and younger adults
on perceived life satisfaction. Ten older adults over the age of 70 (𝑥̅ = 44.5, SD = 8.68) and ten
younger adults between 20 and 30 (𝑥̅ = 28.1, SD = 8.54) were giving a life satisfaction test; with a
computed value of 4.259 and a p-value less than the level of significance (0.05). Therefore, the
difference between the two means is statistically significant different and it means that age does
influence how they perceive life satisfaction.
Jheziel Jans A. Abalos BIOSTATISTICS
BCH 1-1 March 2, 2024

Analysis of Variance

Step 1: There is no significant difference between the treatments.

Step 2: There is a significant difference between the treatments.

Step 3: Analysis of Variance

Step 4:

T1 T12 T2 T22 T3 T32 T4 T42

60 3600 50 2500 48 2304 47 2209
67 4489 52 2704 49 2401 67 4489
42 1764 43 1849 50 2500 54 2916
67 4489 67 4489 55 3025 67 4489
56 3136 67 4489 56 3136 68 4624
62 3844 59 3481 61 3721 65 4225
64 4096 67 4489 61 3721 65 4225
59 3481 64 4096 60 3600 56 3136
72 5184 63 3969 59 3481 60 3600
71 5041 65 4225 64 4096 65 4225

SST = 2257.1 dfB = 3 MSB = 65.5

SSB = 196.5 dfW = 36 MSW = 57.23888889
SSW = 2060.6
Jheziel Jans A. Abalos BIOSTATISTICS
BCH 1-1 March 2, 2024

N Mean Std. Deviation F P value Decision

T1 10 62 8.717798 1.144 0.3445 Accept
T2 10 59.7 8.49902
T3 10 56.3 5.65784
T4 10 61.4 6.97933

Degrees of freedom = 3 and 36

Significant at 0.05

Step 6:

Since the P-value (0.0048) is less than the significance level (0.05), Accept the Null Hypothesis.

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