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Activity report Nr___________

TOPIC 5: Digestion and absorption of the gastro-intestinal tract.

Questions for practical lessons:
1. Exocrine function of the pancreas. Composition of pancreatic juice. Mechanism and regulation of
pancreatic secretion.
2. Bile secretion by the liver: functions of the biliary tree. Functional anatomy of bile secretion. The
role of bile salts in the secretion and absorption of fats.
3. Liver. Features of metabolism and liver function.
4. Intestinal digestion. Motor and secretory functions of the intestine. Regulation of intestinal secretion
and motility
5. Fundamental principles of intestinal absorption.
Guyton and Hall Tratat de fiziologie a omului, editia a 13-a, capitolul 63.pag.825-847, 881-884
Despopoulos A., Silbernagl S., Atlasul de fiziologie capitolul 10
Walter F. Boron Fiziologie medicală, ediția a 3-ea, capitolul 48
1. The image below shows pancreatic acinar cells. Fill in the cells according to the stages of
pancreatic juice formation.
Figure 1. Stimulation of NaCl secretion by acinar cells

2. Explain in empty cells the stages (1-5) of bicarbonate formation by cells of the pancreatic ducts.
Figure 2. Mechanism of HCO3 secretion

3. Name the stimuli and mediators of the phases of pancreatic secretion in the following table:
Table 1. Stimuli and mediators of pancreatic secretion phases
Phase Stimulus Mechanism of secretion initiation

Cephalic (20%)

Gastric (5-10 %)

Intestinal (70-75%)

4. Specify the enzymes with the role of food digestion from the table below:
Table 2. Pancreatic enzymes.
Enzymes secreted by the Pancreas
Digestion of proteins Carbohydrate digestion Lipid digestion

5. Explain the effect of chyme on duodenal I or S cells with a role in regulating pancreatic
secretion based on the scheme below. (Fill in the blanks):
Figure 4. Effect of humoral regulation by intestinal endocrine cells on pancreatic secretion

6. List the components of the bile in the blank boxes. Explain their importance:

7. List in the empty boxes, the stages of bile secretion regulation.
Figure 5. Bile secretion

8. Write in the empty boxes the stages of bile formation and excretion.
Figure 6 Formation and excretion of bile

9. In the figure below, the enterohepatic circulation of bile acids is demonstrated.

Using the diagram given, write down the stages of the enterohepatic circulation.
Figure 7 Enterohepatic circulation of bile acids

10. Explain the importance of the longitudinal and circular muscles in intestinal motility in Figure
8. Note the mechanism of acetylcholine, nitric oxide, and gut peptide in gut motility in Figure 9.
Stage 1.
Stage 2.
Stage 3.

Figure 8. Importance of longitudinal and circular muscles in intestinal motility

Figure 9. Mechanism of acetylcholine, nitric oxide and intestinal peptide

11. The transport of fatty acids is possible with their transformation into micelles. List the
importance of bile salts in the given process as well as the enzymes E1 and E2. Name the

Figure 10. Transport of fatty acids

12. Write down in the empty boxes the components of Chylomicrons. Explain their importance.
Figure 11 the components of Chylomicrons


3. List in the open boxes the types of transport and stages of carbohydrate digestion and absorption.
Figure 12 Carbohydrate absorption by enterocytes

13. List in the open boxes, the enzymes that participate in the digestion and absorption of proteins.
Write down their functions.
Figure 13 Protein absorption by the small intestine





13. List in the blanks the stages of lipid transport, digestion and absorption.
Figure 14 Stages of lipid transport, digestion and absorption


PHYSIOEX 9.0 Chemical and Physical processes of Digestion (CAPITOLUL 8)

Activity 1 Assisting lipase in the digestion of fats

Write down the results and complete the table.
Tab.3.2 The effect of lipase in fat digestion.
№ Tube Reagent 1 Reagent 2 Reagent 3 Reagent 4 Time Temperature pH


Work Nr. 1. The influence of bile on lipids

The purpose of the work. Establishing the role of bile in the processes of emulsification and
hydrolysis of fats in the digestive tract.
Materials and suspensions needed: stand, test tubes, funnels, pipette, fresh ball, vegetable oil, filter
paper, water.
Work technique:
1. We place filter paper in the funnels, one soaked with water, the other - with bile, and arrange the
funnels in the test tubes in the stand.
2. Pour 10 ml of vegetable oil into each of them. After 45 min, we determine the amount of fat that has
filtered into each of the test tubes.
Explain the action of bile on lipids:

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