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Answers   25

Do metals conduct? (page 102)

conduct heat?
liquid or gas?

corrode when
Is it ductile?

Is it shiny?
Is it solid,

Does it

Does it

Does it
Is it
Solid No No No No No No
(solid roll)
Iron Solid Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Lead Solid Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Solid No No No No No No
(charcoal block)
Only on
Aluminium Solid Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
the surface
1. a. The elements very similar to copper are iron / lead / aluminium. They are metals.
b. The elements sulfur / carbon are very different from copper. They are non-metals.
2. a. The element mercury is a dense, shiny, silvery liquid at room temperature; it is an excellent
conductor of electricity. Frozen mercury can be bent and stretched. Mercury is more like copper than
sulfur, so it is a metal and not a non-metal.
b. It is liquid at room temperature.
c. Shiny, malleable, ductile, and conductors of heat and electricity.

Where are metals found? (page 104)

Across Down
3. Lead 1. Calcium
5. Iron 2. Chromium
6. Magnesium 4. Zinc
8. Copper 6. Mercury
9. Aluminium 7. Gold

Physical changes (page 104)

1. A = Evaporation and B = Condensation.
2. Sun
3. gravity

Chemical changes (page 105)

1. A = Steam/water vapour, B = Carbon dioxide, C = Ash.
2. A: Steam rises to form clouds; rain enters the soil and trees absorb the water through their roots.
B: Carbon dioxide is released into the air and trees absorb it through their leaves/stomata.
C: Ash/minerals enter the soil and trees absorb the minerals through their roots.

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