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Parte 1: Conocimientos Pasivos
Sólo una de las alternativas es correcta. No es necesario terminar la prueba: en el momento en que las
preguntas se hagan demasiado difíciles, déjelo y devuélvalo al examinador. Ponga una ✘ en la casilla (A, B,
C o D) para indicar la respuesta correcta a las preguntas.
1 16
2 17
3 18
4 19
5 20
6 21
7 22
8 23

9 24
10 25
11 26
12 27
13 28
14 29
15 30

Summary of placement test results

Passive: / 30 (ALTE: ) Active: / 30 (ALTE: ) Oral:

Overall ALTE ICT

Parte 1: Conocimientos Pasivos

1. This is my boss, name is Ms Jones.

A. his B. her C. your D. she
2. “What does Michael do?” “ taxi driver.”
A. His job is B. He is C. He’s one D. He’s a
3. “Are those your books?” “ ”
A. Yes, they are B. Yes, there are C. Yes, they’re D. Yes, these are
4. How many rooms in your house?
A. there are B. are there C. are they D. is there
5. I speak English however Juan Spanish.
A. also speak B. also speaks C. also does speaks D. also do speak
6. “Do you like whisky?” “Yes, .”
A. I do like B. a lot C. I like D. I don’t
7. I old films.
A. like watching B. like to watch C. likes to watch D. like watch
8. What time ?
A. opens it? B. it opens C. does it open D. it does open
9. I in Barcelona. Now I am in Seville.
A. have gone B. was C. would have been D. were
10. I get up at 7 o’clock but at the weekend I never get up before 9 o’clock.
A. never B. sometimes C. always D. usually
11. like some coffee?
A. Would you B. Can you C. Should you D. Do you
12. How Euros are there in a dollar?
A. number B. many C. much D. long
13. you enjoy the conference?
A. Did B. Are C. Was d. Do
14. “What ?” “They wanted some wine.”
A. did they want B. they wanted C. do they want D. did they wanted

15. Where on holiday next year?
A. will you go B. do you go C. are you going D. did you go
16. you write your name on this piece of paper please?
A. Could B. Did C. Must D. Shall
17. to Italy?
A. Were you ever B. Have you ever been C. Did you ever went D. Has you ever been
18. “Have you read the report?” “Yes, I it last week.”
A. have read B. read C. did read D. was read
19. Richard to a woman when I saw him.
A. was talking B. has talked C. did talk D. talked
20. Oh dear, it’s raining. You take your umbrella.
A. can B. should C. must D. may
21. Madrid is than Valencia.
A. more big B. bigger C. very big D. the most big
22. Mount Everest is mountain in the World.
A. the highest B highest C the higher D the most high
23. I went to India 2 years .
A since B ago C ever D past
24. My car was very old I bought a new one.
A because B then C so D because
25. I here for ten years and I don’t want to move.
A live B had been living C have lived D lived
26. Unless it rains, at home.
A we didn’t stay B we’d not stay C we wouldn’t stay D we won’t stay
27. “Why was your hair wet?” “because ”
A I’ve swum B I had been swimming C I was swimming D I swam
28. If there was more demand, there more courses available.
A would be B will be C should be D will have been
29. Peter has broken his leg so he come to work for a few weeks.
A couldn’t B won’t be able to C won’t manage D can’t be able

30. If I had had a lot of money, I .
A will have retiredB shall have retiredC would have retired
D retired

Parte 2: Conocimientos Activos

Termine las frases a continuación. Más de una posibilidad puede existir.

1. He...................................................................................................................Australian.
2. She............................................................................breakfast at eight o’clock every day.
3. What time.................................................................................................... finish work?
4. Can I............................................................................................................ a message?
5.................................................................................................................a good journey?
6. Have you ever................................................................................................................?
7...............................................................................................cinema with us this evening?
8. How........................................................................................................................cost?
9........................................................................................................ the railway station is?
10. When I was a child……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
11. I’m afraid the Euro………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
12 ……………………………………………………………………………………………..than Madrid.
13 ………………………………………………………………………………………………..last week?
14. How long ago…............................................................................................................?
15. Romeo and Juliet...............................................................................William Shakespeare.
16. This is the second time ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
17. Next year, the education sector in Spain ……………………………..……………………………………
18.....................................................................................paid the mobile phone bill yet?
19. You’ll remember to send her an email.........................................................................?
20. Prices at the service stations...............................................dramatically in the last year.
21. If we could cut down on buying clothes ……………………………………………………………………..
22. We have to.......................................................................................savings next year.
23. Laura, would you mind................................................................................................?
24. Did you know that the flight..................................................................until tomorrow?
25. I wish you…...............................................................................................last Monday.

26. If I’d known about this before, ………………..………………………….…………………………………..
27. They’re carrying out this part of the city.
28. What..................................................................................if you had been in my position?
29. Dinner...........................................................................................when the guests arrived.
30. Lunch…..........................................................................when you finish tidying your room!

Writing -
A friend is thinking of a lifestyle change and would like to leave Madrid and find a small village to
live in. He/She asked you for advice, write between 120/150 offering your opinions on the
advantages/ disadvantages of living in a large city and decide if you think this is a good move for
your friend.

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