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The Physician and Sportsmedicine

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Acute lateral ankle sprain to chronic ankle

instability: a pathway of dysfunction

Tyler M. Miklovic, Luke Donovan, Omar A. Protzuk, Matthew S. Kang & Mark
A. Feger

To cite this article: Tyler M. Miklovic, Luke Donovan, Omar A. Protzuk, Matthew S. Kang & Mark
A. Feger (2018) Acute lateral ankle sprain to chronic ankle instability: a pathway of dysfunction, The
Physician and Sportsmedicine, 46:1, 116-122, DOI: 10.1080/00913847.2018.1409604

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Published online: 29 Nov 2017.

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VOL. 46, NO. 1, 116–122


Acute lateral ankle sprain to chronic ankle instability: a pathway of dysfunction

Tyler M. Miklovica, Luke Donovanb, Omar A. Protzuka, Matthew S. Kanga and Mark A. Fegera
School of Medicine, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, USA; bDepartment of Kinesiology, University of North Carolina, Charlotte,


Lateral ankle sprains (LAS) have been reported as one of the most common musculoskeletal injuries Received 17 October 2017
observed in sports and in individuals who are recreationally active. Approximately 40% of individuals who Accepted 22 November 2017
sustain a LAS develop a condition known as chronic ankle instability (CAI). Years of research has identified KEYWORDS
numerous impairments associated with CAI such as decreases in range of motion (ROM), strength, Balance; gait;
postural control, and altered movement patterns during functional activities when compared to indivi- impairment-based
duals with no LAS history. As a result, an impairment-based rehabilitation model was developed to treat rehabilitation; postural
the common impairments associated with CAI. The impairment-based rehabilitation model has been control; strength
shown to be an effective rehabilitation strategy at improving both clinical and patient-oriented outcomes
in patients with CAI. To date, the efficacy of an impairment-based rehabilitation model has not been
evaluated in patients with an acute LAS. Prior to implementing an impairment-based model for the
treatment of an acute LAS, similarities between impairments associated with acute LAS and CAI across the
spectrum of the healing process is warranted. Therefore, the purpose of this review paper is to compare
and contrast impairments and treatment techniques in individuals with an acute LAS, sub-acute LAS, and
CAI. A secondary purpose of this review is to provide clinical commentary on the management of acute
LAS and speculate how the implementation of an impairment-based rehabilitation strategy for the
treatment of acute LAS could minimize the development of CAI. The main findings of this review were
that similar impairments (decreased ROM, strength, postural control, and functional activities) are
observed in patients with acute LAS, sub-acute LAS, and CAI, suggesting that the impairments associated
with CAI are a continuation from the original impairments developed during the initial LAS. Therefore, the
use of an impairment-based model may be advantageous when treating patients with an acute LAS.

Introduction treatment algorithm underscores the fact that the vast major-
ity of these deficits are treatable with targeted rehabilitation. If
Lateral ankle sprains (LAS) are the most common musculoske-
we acknowledge that these deficits are treatable in patients
letal injury [1] and contribute to a tremendous healthcare
with CAI, one must wonder whether these deficits were pre-
burden stemming from the high treatment costs [2,3] and
sent following the initial LAS and not adequately treated in
long-term consequences following the initial sprain [4–6]. Up
the acute or subacute settings or perhaps the deficits devel-
to 40% of LAS patients develop a condition known as chronic
oped as a long-term sequela of the initial injury.
ankle instability (CAI) [7,8]. CAI is characterized by a history of
Recent evidence indicates that the vast majority of patients
one significant LAS, subsequent recurrent sprains, episodes of
who sustain a LAS do not receive the recommended super-
the ankle giving way, or self-reported deficits in ankle function
vised rehabilitation following the LAS [13], but it remains
for greater than 1 year following the initial sprain [9,10].
unclear as to whether insufficient treatment contributes to
Countless studies have delved into the complex pathophysiol-
the development of CAI. While it would take extensive pro-
ogy that depict patients with CAI and the equally complex
spective studies to answer what circumstances are required to
rehabilitation and treatment strategies required to address the
prevent the development of CAI, in this narrative review, we
myriad of mechanical and functional insufficiencies that per-
aim to describe acute LAS in terms of the four impairment
sist years after the initial LAS [9,11,12]. A review paper by
domains so that clinically relevant parallels can be drawn
Donovan and Hertel [12] synthesized the vast majority of the
between deficits following LAS and chronic impairments in
rehabilitation literature for treating CAI into an assess–treat–
patients with CAI. Stated more clearly, the purpose of this
reassess treatment algorithm to address the most common
review is to use the same four impairment domains (ROM,
functional impairments observed in patients with CAI. These
strength, postural control, and functional tasks) from the
deficits were categorized into four impairment domains that
Donovan and Hertel CAI rehabilitation paradigm and describe
include limited range of motion (ROM), decreased strength,
which deficits can be observed following acute LAS and at
impaired postural control, and altered movement strategies
which time points during recovery the deficits resemble
when completing functional tasks [12]. This evidence-based

CONTACT Luke Donovan Department of Kinesiology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Belk Gym 229, Charlotte, NC, USA
© 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

patients with CAI. We believe this is beneficial to our under- literature also suggests that multiple treatment approaches
standing of LAS and CAI rehabilitation because interventions are effective at restoring those ROM deficits. However, clini-
that have been shown to be effective in patients with CAI are cians should be aware that limitations in arthrokinematic
likely equally effective in the weeks to months following acute motion may persist even after patients return to previous
LAS. Therefore, early recognition of residual impairments fol- levels of activity. This pattern of decreased dorsiflexion ROM,
lowing LAS and implementation of associated interventions restricted posterior talar glide, and improvement with rehabi-
may decrease the long-term consequences for patients with litation is also observed in patients with CAI. The parallels
LAS and CAI. between patients with an acute LAS and CAI may suggest
that patients with a LAS did not perform rehabilitation after
their initial injury, did not return to previous levels of physical
Impairment domains activity, or perhaps the chronic alterations in arthrokinematics
may manifest as limited ROM years following the initial injury.
Range of motion
Regardless of the underlying link between LAS and CAI dorsi-
It is well established that the most common risk factor for flexion ROM deficits, evidence suggests that both patients
sustaining a LAS is a history of a previous LAS [14]. However, with an acute LAS and CAI can be screened for decreased
pertaining to modifiable risk factors, individuals with restricted ROM and treated for arthro- or osteokinematic restrictions as
dorsiflexion ROM have been shown to have an increased risk suggested by Donovan and Hertel’s treatment paradigm for
of sustaining a LAS when compared to individuals with normal patients with CAI.
dorsiflexion ROM [15,16]. In terms of biomechanics, the dorsi-
flexion ROM risk factor makes sense given the fact that ade-
quate dorsiflexion (10° of passive ankle dorsiflexion) is
required for normal gait and descending stairs and that up
to 20–30° of active ankle dorsiflexion is required for running or The ability of skeletal muscle surrounding the ankle to pro-
sprinting [17,18]. To be clear, individuals without the required vide dynamic support during joint decelerations and pertur-
amount of dorsiflexion ROM for the previous functional tasks bations is important for normal ankle function and injury
are still able to complete the tasks; however, these individuals prevention [25]. Following an acute LAS, isometric eversion
must alter their biomechanics in order to account for the strength is diminished when compared bilaterally for up to
limited motion available at the ankle, which in return may 3 weeks following injury [26]. Eversion strength deficits
place the foot in a more injury-prone position [15,17–19]. would make intuitive sense given the inversion mechanism
Immediately following a LAS, in the presence of pain and could cause strain or injury to the peroneal musculature or
inflammation [20], many patients are unable to reach a neutral surrounding structures as they reflexively contract in an
foot and ankle position and can only actively dorsiflex to 4–7° of effort to control the inversion perturbation. However, inver-
plantar flexion. During this same time frame, even with the sion strength deficits have also been described in the first
application of overpressure, patients are only able to achieve few weeks following a LAS and thus both invertor and ever-
7–8° of passive dorsiflexion [21]. After simple calf stretching, tor muscle strength may be equally important during early
regardless of the duration of stretch (30 s vs. 1 min vs. 2 min), phases of LAS rehabilitation [27]. Inversion weakness may be
patients demonstrated the ability to improve to 7° and then 11° a form of reciprocal inhibition in which musculature that
of active dorsiflexion by weeks 2 and 4 post sprain [20]. would generate the same movement as the injurious
Similarly, college athletes can regain 10° of sagittal plane mechanism would be inhibited from maximal contraction
motion in the first two weeks following a LAS with progressive during recovery [28].
rehabilitation [22]. Passive dorsiflexion ROM, however, may After 4 weeks, clinically assessed muscle weakness (via
actually improve up to 24° with just 2 weeks of conservative manual muscle testing) may be undetectable following stan-
management of rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) [21]. dard RICE treatment protocols, but instrumented measures at
Application of anterior–posterior joint mobilizations has this time point have unveiled deficits in plantar flexion
been shown to help patients achieve full passive dorsiflexion strength [29]. Other instrumented studies [30] have demon-
ROM and normal dorsiflexion during gait faster than conser- strated deficits in plantarflexion, eversion, and inversion
vative treatment alone [21]. If utilized in the early months of strength up to 6 weeks following a LAS when measured iso-
rehabilitation following a LAS, Mulligan’s ankle mobilizations metrically, whereas eccentric eversion strength appears to
with movement are able to increase weight-bearing dorsiflex- return to baseline levels when compared bilaterally at this
ion ROM after a single session [23]. Even though dorsiflexion same 6-week time point [26]. Interpreting the mechanism of
ROM is limited acutely after a LAS, evidence suggests that strength deficits in the acute setting is quite difficult. During
once athletes return to unrestricted athletic participation, early healing, one could surmise that strength deficits are
these deficits are unlikely to persist past 6 months. However, related to prior insufficiencies present before the initial injury,
even once dorsiflexion ROM returns to baseline levels when muscle inhibition associated with pain and swelling due to the
compared bilaterally, there may still be restricted posterior acute inflammatory process, or acute strain of surrounding
glide of the talocrural joint indicating a chronic alteration in musculature. As functional status of the ankle improves,
arthrokinematics following LAS [24]. patients often return to normal ambulation and sport [31]
Although the literature indicates that active and passive before strength deficits are restored [26,30]. Clinicians should
dorsiflexion ROM is limited following an acute LAS, the be aware of persistent strength deficits in the first two months

following a LAS [26,30] even after most patients will return to indicate alterations in central somatosensory processing,
unrestricted activity [31]. which may pose considerable risk for subsequent sprain if
In the general population, aforementioned deficits in four- patients return to activity too early during recovery. Altered
way ankle strength return to baseline levels at 4 months with somatosensory processing may lead to compensatory strate-
or without supervised rehabilitation [30]. However, in active gies in which patients utilize proximal musculature (hip) to
military soldiers that suffer a LAS, plantar flexor and evertor accommodate perturbations when trying to balance on one
muscle weakness may be present when compared bilaterally limb [42]. It is intriguing to consider that central mechanisms
to the uninjured limb 2 months following injury, and in more appear to alter somatosensory processing involved in the
severe injuries, plantarflexion deficits may even be present reflexive restoration of balance manifesting in detectable bilat-
6 months post-initial sprain [32]. When comparing the poten- eral deficits, whereas the aforementioned strength deficits
tially conflicting results of military personnel to the general (unilateral in nature) indicate that the contralateral (to the
public, it appears that higher physical function prior to injury injured ankle) corticospinal motor pathway appears to be
(active military) may actually prolong the time it takes for unaffected.
recovery when the standard for comparison is the contralat- It is not surprising that the presence of static balance deficits
eral uninjured limb. While this is speculative, we believe it is in the initial two weeks following an acute LAS coincides with
an extremely important consideration when translating these dynamic postural control deficits during the same time frame
results to LAS patients participating in athletics where it may when patients reach in anterior, posteromedial, and postero-
take even longer to recover symmetric strength profiles. lateral directions on the SEBT [43,44]. These bilateral deficits
Strength deficits have been identified in numerous studies again suggest the presence of local and global deficiencies that
[33–36] in patients with CAI, but other studies [37–39] have may compromise the efficiency of the somatosensory system.
shown conflicting results, suggesting strength deficits are likely Fractal dimension (FD) analysis of center of pressure can be
present in some but not all patients with CAI. This is interesting used to assess how effectively patients can integrate somato-
considering that the current literature suggests strength deficits sensory afferent information and utilize their base of support
often resolve in the first year following an acute LAS. This when maintaining balance. This unique method allows for
collective body of evidence may suggest that the long-term assessment of postural control during traditionally ‘failed trials’
consequences of a LAS, including decreased physical activity, that are often excluded from analysis because a patient lost
reduced ankle ROM, and altered movement patterns, may con- balance during testing. FD analysis demonstrates that patients
tribute to potentially re-emergent strength deficits in the subset with an acute LAS are unable to utilize their entire base of
of patients that go on to develop CAI or perhaps that looking at support during eyes closed single limb stance [45] and during
LAS cohorts as a whole neglects to consider the few LAS dynamic [44] balance trials. While the aforementioned studies
patients hidden within the group means that never regain highlight the presence of bilateral deficits in postural control,
normal strength. While we cannot be certain of the true expla- other results underscore the expected reality that postural
nation for the obscure relationship between acute LAS strength control is impaired to a greater extent in the injured limb
deficits and those deficits present in some patients with CAI, compared to the uninjured limb, and with rehabilitation the
rehabilitation following a LAS or in patients with CAI, should injured limb appears to recover slower than the uninjured limb
involve screening for and treating potential deficits as well as [46]. Supervised rehabilitation has the potential to restore pos-
continued strength training even after clinically assessed defi- tural control to pre-injury levels after 2 weeks [40]; however,
cits appear to be resolved in the acute recovery of a LAS. deficits persist much longer in untreated patients and deficits in
dynamic postural control have been identified at 1 month [47],
6 weeks [30], and even 6 months post injury [44].
Postural control Strength [48], proprioceptive [48], and balance training pro-
Postural control has been defined as the act of maintaining, grams [49] have all demonstrated that rehabilitation can help
achieving, or restoring a state of balance during any upright restore postural control following a LAS, whereas other results
stance [40]. Patients with an acute LAS or CAI are often eval- have demonstrated that postural control is similar with or with-
uated utilizing some form of singe limb stance (static) or tasks out supervised rehabilitation at 6 weeks post injury if compared
like the Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT) (dynamic) to isolate bilaterally [30]. However, recent evidence suggests that bilateral
the injured limb during postural control testing. deficits may persist up to 6 months post LAS [50] and that the
Prospective assessment indicates that postural control def- aforementioned side-to-side percent differences used to com-
icits are present in both the injured and uninjured sides during pare rehabilitation to no rehabilitation may have erroneously
single-limb balance immediately following an acute LAS when concluded that there is no net benefit of rehabilitation.
compared to pre-injury levels in collegiate athletes. After Static and dynamic postural control is impaired bilaterally
1 week of supervised rehabilitation, postural control returns following a LAS but only unilateral deficits have been reported
to baseline values in the uninjured limb, whereas deficits in in patients with CAI [51]. These results suggest that the central
the injured limb persist for 2 weeks [40]. From a general mechanisms influencing postural control within the first year
population perspective, first time patients who sustain a LAS following a LAS may not persist and thus bilateral comparison
also demonstrate bilateral impairments during eyes closed of postural control may only be sufficient when screening
single-limb-balancing tasks [41]. The uniform presence of patients with CAI but not patients with an acute LAS for
bilateral deficits across various patient populations may balance deficits. Furthermore, balance training is without a

doubt effective for bilateral restoration of balance in patients are correlated with the patient’s level of pain, suggesting
with a LAS [40,49] and unilateral restoration of balance in resolution of the acute inflammatory process may also be
patients with CAI so clinicians should be aware of these required for restoration of normal gait patterns [59].
potential deficits and screen for these treatable insufficiencies As patients with a LAS approach 6 months post injury
[12,25]. without subsequent reinjury, most have returned to normal
activity and gait retraining is not likely a continued goal of
treatment in most clinical settings. Interestingly, at this time
Functional tasks
point, there appears to be a mixed gait strategy that is similar
‘Functional tasks’ with respect to the CAI impairment domains to both patients with an acute LAS and patients with CAI. At 6
include tasks such as walking, running, and jump-landing. months post LAS, patients exhibit bilateral increases in knee
From a clinical perspective, restoration of normal gait is flexion, which is consistent with the gait profile of a patient
often an early goal for the rehabilitation following a LAS with an acute LAS [7]. Interestingly, a subset of patients at this
with progression to more functional tasks as patients return 6-month time point who report diminished levels of function
to their previous level of physical activity. We have presented exhibit increased ankle frontal plane motion, which is consis-
evidence suggesting that dorsiflexion ROM, strength, and pos- tent with gait patterns observed in both patients with an
tural control are all impaired during the first few weeks to acute LAS and in patients with CAI [7]. These results are
months following an acute LAS and now we aim to demon- particularly important because recent evidence has proven
strate how these functional insufficiencies may contribute to that altered gait patterns in patients with CAI can be improved
altered movement strategies when completing functional with gait retraining [60] and now there is a clear link suggest-
tasks. It is important to consider that while even though ing these gait patterns (increased frontal plane ankle motion)
these functional insufficiencies could intuitively contribute to should be screened for and treated during recovery from an
the following functional deficits, research has demonstrated acute LAS in a similar fashion to the recommended treatment
that simply treating ROM, strength, and postural control is of CAI gait pathomechanics. This recommendation appears to
inadequate for restoring functional mechanics in patients be particularly important for patients with decreased self-
with CAI [52,53] and is likely the same story in patients with reported function that persists for 6 months post-initial ankle
an acute LAS, although the latter is speculative. sprain.

Walking Jump-landing
One of the most commonly reported biomechanic alterations LAS occurs at a high rate during tasks that have a flight/
during walking observed in patients with CAI consists of preparation phase and a loading phase such as landing from
increased ankle inversion in the affected limb prior to, at, a jump. Regarding patients with CAI, single-limb landing and
and following initial contact, which is similar to the pattern drop vertical jumps are often used to analyze the strategy
of increased inversion at initial contact that is seen in the first patients use to dissipate vertical ground reaction forces asso-
few weeks following an acute LAS [54–57]. In patients with a ciated with the landing. When analyzing patients 2 weeks after
LAS or CAI, increased inversion during gait has been specu- their LAS, they demonstrate reduced plantar flexion on the
lated to be a risk factor for recurrent sprain and episodes of side of the injury during bipedal drop vertical jumping tasks
instability as the inverted position places patients closer to the [61]. These patients also exhibit reduced flexor moments dur-
mechanism of injury. Interestingly, patients with a LAS have ing the loading phases compared to uninjured participants,
also been shown to have bilateral decreases in plantar flexion which is believed to represent a protective strategy to decele-
at ground contact with concurrent increases in bilateral knee rate the body in a more controlled manner [61]. Unfortunately,
flexion. Collectively, these results may be related to the afore- this protective mechanism results in asymmetry between
mentioned limitations in sagittal ankle motion or central limbs as evidenced by increased extensor patterns in the
mechanisms trying to maintain a ‘closed packed’ ankle posi- uninjured side, which may increase injury risk to the healthy
tion leading to greater force attenuation at more proximal limb if these patients complete functional tasks or return to
joints. Furthermore, during force generation and propulsion sport before limb symmetry has been restored [61]. Similarly,
phases of gait, patients with a LAS demonstrate bilateral when landing on only the injured limb 2 weeks following
increases in ankle inversion, bilateral decreases in ankle plan- injury, patients exhibit increased hip flexion in an attempt to
tar flexion, and ipsilateral decreases in hip extension [54]. decrease peak impact force and protect the injured ankle [62].
These biomechanical alterations manifest as a shorter stride At 6 months post LAS, patients exhibit reduced plantar
length, slower walking speeds, shorter single-leg support time, flexion and increased inversion in the injured limb and
and decreased maximum power during the first month follow- demonstrate bilateral increases in knee flexion during a drop
ing an acute LAS [47]. Passive joint mobilization has proved to vertical jump task [42]. When completing a single-limb landing
be more effective at increasing stride speed and step length task at this 6-month time frame, again there is increased
symmetry during the first two weeks following a LAS when inversion around initial contact and increased hip flexion dur-
compared to RICE protocol [21], which is likely related to ing loading [42]. This landing profile at 6 months post LAS is
quicker recovery of dorsiflexion ROM. These findings are simi- also (in a similar fashion to walking) a mix of characteristics
lar to those that demonstrate that once patients regain full with features reminiscent of patients with an acute LAS and of
passive dorsiflexion ROM spatial and temporal gait parameters patients with CAI. Specifically, increased motion at the hip is
also normalize [58]. Walking speed and step length at 4 weeks similar to patients with an acute LAS, whereas the increased

inversion [56] and knee flexion [63] is a landing profile that has deficits are shared between both patient populations the
been demonstrated in patients with CAI. Clinicians should be mechanism causing the deficit may differ depending on
aware of these emergent maladaptive strategies 6 months where in the acute inflammatory or recovery process a patient
after LAS that may be some of the earliest reported links to (LAS or CAI) is during assessment. Meaning, the specific inter-
CAI pathomechanics. vention required to resolve the deficit may also differ between
patient populations. For example, immediately following an
acute LAS, acute inflammation may be a primary cause of
Speculation, limitations, and future directions ROM, strength, balance, and functional movement deficits
but as previously outlined, these four impairments appear to
Currently, it has been shown that 70% of patients with an
remain well past the acute inflammation phase, which sug-
acute LAS return to their sport or activity within 3 days [31].
gests additional mechanisms of dysfunction (Figure 1).
One theory for this relatively early return is that the acute
Therefore, as acute inflammation subsides, although all four
inflammation phase of tissue healing only lasts for approxi-
of the reported impairments will have significantly improved,
mately 3 days [64]. During the acute inflammation phase, the
it appears these impairments are not fully restored and new
ankle joint is often characterized as painful due to the chemi-
mechanisms of impairment should be sought and resolved.
cal reactions and swelling associated with tissue healing [64].
Stated differently, clinicians must be able to not only assess for
We theorize that once the patient moves out of the acute
impairments, but also be able to ascertain the primary driving
inflammation phase the reduction in pain stemming from a
force for each limitation and implement an intervention strat-
cessation of chemical processes provides patients with a false
egy that targets the mechanism of impairment.
sense of healing. At this time, treatments such as non-steroidal
Although we provide these recommendations, we recog-
anti-inflammatory drugs and external ankle support devices
nize that many of the previously mentioned studies are cross-
(braces and tape) allow patients to participate in their previous
sectional in nature and that longitudinal studies are needed to
sport or activity relatively pain-free. Consequently, these
truly understand the progression of impairments over time. In
patients have a 30% chance of reinjuring their previously
addition, although the focus of this paper was to review the
sprained ankle [65]. We believe the high recurrence rate of
literature and demonstrate that an impairment-based model
LAS is most likely due to the injured tissue not being fully
may be an appropriate treatment strategy for both patients
healed prior to return to sport and many of the aforemen-
with an acute LAS and for patients with CAI, this approach
tioned impairments.
may be appropriate when completing a general injury risk
Based on our review of the literature, patients with acute
assessment and implementing preventative exercises based
LAS often exhibit similar deficits within the same four impair-
on the impairments observed during the assessment prior to
ment domains (ROM, strength, postural control, and functional
athletic participation in clinical and research settings.
activity) that have been identified in patients with CAI. As a
result, we speculate that the rehabilitation paradigm for
patients with CAI proposed by Donovan and Hertel [12,52]
may also be an appropriate rehabilitation paradigm for
patients with acute LAS. Therefore, we propose that clinicians We aimed to describe patients with an acute LAS in terms of the
and researchers utilize an assess–treat–reassess treatment four impairment domains established for the evidence-based
model that is comprised of the same four impairment domains treatment of patients with CAI so that parallels could be drawn
[12,52]. However, we must recognize that although similar between the two populations during the rehabilitation of LAS and

Figure 1. Summary and time course for lateral ankle sprain and chronic ankle instability domains in relation to the initial injury and natural healing process.
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