Twinkies Descriptive Writing

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● When I saw it, it looked like a sponge. I couldn’t see its under but after, I saw it included

white cream. I thought it was sweet, syrupy and creamy. Distinctly, it looked soft and

silky. Like gold, it was great shapely and bright. When I touched its packaging, there was

a sound like crackle and ear-splitting because it was made of plastic. It was transparent

and we could see twinkies easily. Then, we opened it with ripped its packaging. When I

held it, it was soft, velvety and silky as I thought before. The Famous American cake was

a little bit wet because of the cream and dough’s stiffness. Slowly, I brought it closed

towards my nose. Softly, It smelled delicious and aromatic as I waited. Obviously, it

smelled more syrupy and sweetness than I thought when I saw it. Curiously, the

expected moment had come. I took it and I bit it with huge delight. Despite the large

amount of sugar and cream, I liked it exceptionally much. It tasted gooey and insipid. It

was sugared professionally and cream tasted delicious. It was an amazing experience

for me to eat cake.

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