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Case Study 1:

Bhavik and Ratul were two students studying hotel management course in a city college.
They hailed from Kolkata a metropolitan city and Pune respectively. They became good
friends during the course of their education. Bhavik hailed from an upper class family with his
parents in influential Government jobs. Ratul hailed from a lower middle class family with his
single parents which means his mother depend on farming for their livelihood. They both
shared a long ambition to become successful in their life working independently.They both
were intelligent and were creative compared to others and both were intent on startinga
restaurant in one of their respective places by the name Khana Khazana. Bhavik was against
the idea of Ratul starting her clinic in a Pune. He felt that people of pune already have so
many options of restaurants that they won’t explore new one. Bhavik had a strong view that
people of pune are more into fast food as majority of the population of pune are out-station
students and the concept which they have for their restaurant which is homemade food
won’t be accepted by the population of pune. But Ratul was strong in his view that because
he crowd is youth and most are away from home so they will love to have homemade food.
Answer the following Questions
 What are the characteristics of a good entrepreneur bhavik and ratul are missing
because of which it is taking time for them to come to conclusion about the venture?
 This business is example of which type of entrepreneurs?

Case no 2 Marketing Mix (4ps) Analysis Of Nike

The marketing mix is an interesting and important analysis to determine the right product for
selling at the right place with the right promotion at the right price. This report is going to
analyse the Marketing mix of a footwear company, Nike. The company sells shoes, apparel
and other equipment and by which it gained significant market revenue. In this report, the 4P
marketing mix will be analysed to determine the strategies for product, price, place and
promotion of Nike.
The company focuses on the new variants of its traditional products to attract new
customers. Although it is a footwear company; however, Nike focuses on clothing and other
accessories as well. The accessories include bottles, dumbbells, bags, sunglasses and many
more. These products along with shoes and clothes come under three broad product mixes;
such as Apparel, Shoes and Accessories. Reports suggest that this company invests in their
research and development (R&D) to develop its existing products ( 2022a). Shoes
are the key product mixes of Nike and different variants are introduced to the customers;
such as tennis shoes, running shoes, cricket shoes, football spike shoes and many more.
Clothing includes shorts, yoga pants, jerseys, sunglasses and so on. Accessories include
Hurley, Converse and Air Jordan. This product mix requires the right price at the right place
with the right promotion for capturing the market.
The price mix analysis is done for both generating sales and gaining market share. The
pricing strategy for those products can be “Premium pricing strategy” which is also known as
skimming. It will generate significant market sales if a particular segment of customers is
targeted. The customer segment will purchase the product at a premium price when their
demands will be met (Tarasovych and Vlasenko 2020, p. 26). Moreover, setting a premium
price at the initial place will allow the company to have a space for a price reduction if the
sales are not generated. Therefore, the price reduction strategy by understanding the sales
rate will generate more sales in return.
Another pricing strategy is “Value-based pricing strategy” or “Neutral pricing strategy"
which is achieved by understanding the opinion of customers. Apparently, the economic
value of the Nike product is considered before setting the conditions
Nike products are sold mostly at the retail stores, and building retail stores near the selected
customer segments generate more sales. For example, there is a great chance the products
will attract customers in the urban area, beside playgrounds and stadiums geographic
location influences sales. Moreover, designing the stores will influence customers to explore
new innovative products. Most importantly, distribution channels in the urban area will
generate sales more than in the rural area because the company makes a valued product
and follows a premium price strategy. Neutral pricing and price reduction in rural areas will
also not generate significant sales. Medium size enterprise (MSE) of Nike has a positive
impact on the business as it allows the retailers to understand customer needs
The promotion of sales has a positive impact on the volume of sales. Moreover, the company
builds MSE with brand promotion to improve brand loyalty. Reports suggest that advertising
increases sales). Advertising to target the viewer's feelings and emotions has a significant
possibility to catch the market ( 2022b). The below figure 2 shows the
advertisement of Nike which targets human emotion through a famous tennis player
promotion mix for Nike to target emotions and feelings of customers Other promotion
strategies include providing coupons and price discounts. Apart from those, Nike has direct
marketing and personal selling mix through which they train their store retailers to guide
their customers for buying the right products. Moreover, through this promotion mix, they
motivate their customers to buy certain other products also.
Question :Conduct the marketing mix of the nike company and suggest the strategies in the
above mentioned scenario

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