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A',noocToR 01scovERs vERMONT's secREr I Health News I


Did you knOw that: Tucked away i11 ll1e rusric norlhean
You were designer! hy nature to live an average age of purtiu11 of llie United States, Vcnnont
105? is indeed a beau.ffful state where pea.
* A high pYotien - /uw carbohydrate diet is unnaturr!/ for pie li~e l:lo~·e Lu tile land and tile anl-
ma/J. **Plulfos coJJrtesy of the Greater
you and dangerous ro your health? Vemwnt Clramhcr ofCummeri:e,
* Overweight is caused by bad nutritioti. which a/sa CJJ.uses dilion on the acid side. Blood
other common visible disorders such as loss of hair, acne, which leans toward the alkaline
arthritis; nervous tension, insomnias, etc. side is a health hazard. Medical
* Senility, and loss of productivity in old age r11n he school studies show that harm.fut
avoided and in fact is not in na1ures plan? bacteria breeds best in an alka-
* The average A mcrican diet creates a perfect blood cliem- line environment. Also, alkaline
islry far the growth of harmful bac/i;ria that leads to blood is thicker than acidic blood.
both minor and serious diseases~ This makes it more difficult for
* You can get high without the u:re of drugs if you have the hlood to nourish cells, and in-
the proper nourishment that nature intended. creases the probability of heart
"" Everything you need 10 lead a longer, healthier life is attacks.
right at your local grocery store? So, everyday Americans arc
Tllese are just a few of lht: discoveries made by Vcrmoril killing themselves with high pro-
doctur. D. C. Jarvis M. D., in hfa life-long study of the un- tien-low carbullydrale diets which
believably effective health practice known as VERMONT contain many wheat prcducts. In
FOLK MEDICINE. VERMONT FOLK MEDICINE is a turn, the diets are 1) hard on the
._,~J:,G.?.J,'..<,;~ ,
pradice that can help you achieve good health, increast:
your life span, avoid senility, become more attrnctivc and system, 2) do not provide the cur·
reel elements for nutrition.J)Pro- '· _..., .... _
more productive. For 200 years, before publications by duce lhe bad alkaline condition in the blood. Many of these fever, 9) colic in babies.
Dr. Jarvis. practice has been known only to native Ver- diets are the result of weight WHtchine. Little do these pco- * flow to apple l'idcr vint!gar, cauor oil. and coni uil
monters. pie know that ovcrweigltt is caused by I) b3d nutrition of to l) produce beautiful healthy skin and bring cofor back
VERMONT POLK MEDlCJNE was developed by count- the glands, 2) a blood condition which is not acidir: and 3) a 2) clear up blemishes, 1) get rid of dandruff: 4) grtJw
Jess generations of Vermonters. Dr. Jarvis M. 0., a respecled wrong carbohydrate consumption. The correct carbohy~ healthy hair 11nd eyelashes, 5) cure hives, 6) cure hem or·
doctor of modern mellicine himself, states that VERMONT dptes bum up instantly and do not turn in to exec~~ fat. roids, 7} get rid af moles, 8} relin•e lameness, 9} treat
FOLK MEDICINE is superior to modern medicine for the The following arc symptoms of bad nutrition and a diet poison ivy, 10) /real shingles, ll} eliminate night sweats,
following reasons: that is contrary to nature's plan: ]ow energy, depression, lJ) gel rid of varicnse viens, /J} get rid of ring worm, 14}
,. VHRlffONT FOl.K 1ifEDICINE was developed from na· insomnia, itchy skin, chronic l:eadache, sensitivity to !em- treat impetigo, 15) get rid of hangover.
tures plan - not man's. It was developed by walching tile pcrature, sinus trouble, lingering colds, dizzy spells, gas !low to get your daily rrquir.:menl nf llu: all import(J.11t
a11imals whu rely un /heir i1istincts provided by nature. and indigestion, poor blood c:irc1>.lation, fulling hair, dan- minerals phnsperuus and potussium which: I) fonn
This is the same way the super·effective defense urts of druff, blemishes, lack of skin color, and overweight. healthy bones, teeth and //air; 2} m11int11in proper grow1/r
Judo, Karate aud Kung Fu werr. developed. How can Two important foods in VERMONT FOLK MEDICE-lS co11tro/; J) n:plar:r wonio111 tissue; 4} fight disease; 5)
anyone w~pC'ct to develop a better system than the de- are honey and apple cider vinegar. They are a m:ijor contri- cure high blood pressure; 6} cure heart tro11hle, 7} e11re
signer of it all - Mother Nature? bution toward providing tllC correct carbohydrates, !he cor- migra11e headache.r.
* VERA10N1' FOLK J\fHD!CINE works. It was developed rect nutrition and an acidic blood condiUon. Huw you can rebuild your body after age 50 and be
by trial and error over a 200 year period. This also Why honey'? Nature intended that we have a trickle of alert, active and productive in your eighties and beyo1td,
means it has passed the acid test of lime. sugar passing thru the intestinal walls at aU times and one * llow lo lose weight a11d maintain your proper wcig/!J
* Although it contains some of the best cures known to teaspoonful of sugar in our h!ood stream at all times, The
mun, which cannot be found in medical boo/.:.s, the main level with a special method using apple dder vinegar.
latter is ultra critical. In honey, the sugu has already betln * What diet you should have aecnrding to your sex ana-
design of VER!r!UNT FOLK i'IIED!CFNE is to prevent digested in the bee's stoinach. Then~forc, honey contains
disease heftJre it starts. Jl,fodern A-Iedidne is directed, tomy, race and native origi11,
two natural sugars dextrose and levalose, which go into the
mainly at curing disease - diseases you should never have hlood slream immediately. Hont:y is free from bacteria. Ex- At this point I would like to insert the opinion of the
in the first place, periments show that hadcria will not live in honey, Horicy wriler. Today there arc many cxageratcd claim~ and false-
is a mild, natural sedative which is calming lo !he body. hoods. I can !ell you that everything you see written here
VERMONT FOLK MEDJCINE i~ Honey is a mild, natural Jaxilive. Honey is nonirritating to is !rue. VERMONT FOLK MEDICINE and Dr. Jarvis's
based on the premise thal man does the digestive track. HonP.y is, of all sugars, handled best by sludics do exist. A phone t:all or letter to any official office
nnt have to undergo psysical impair- lhf! kidneys. Honey is rich in vital minerals from the flow- such as lhe Greater Vermont Chamber of Commerce will
ment and weakening with age. In ers. By an infallible instinct, !he bee has a way of knowing \'Ctify this. As a reporlt:r, I rarely gel excited about a pro-
Vermont you i:an see people in their which flowers are high in quality and which are not. There- ject, But, before writing !his llrlicle, I used the diets and
eighties putting in a full days work fore, honey is a perfect food derived from onjy the health- mclhods described in Dr. Jarvis's hook for 3 monlhs. Few
in the fields with sound minds and iest pfonls. In Vermont then~ is a saying, "We've got to Americans have any ideil what it is like to be truly healthy
bodies. tru~t ~umeone - why not let it be the bee?" as nature intended, Life was meanl to be very pleasant.
VERMONT FOLK MEDICINE Why apple and vinegar? Apple cider vinegar carries with VERMONT FOLK MEDICINE has had !he following effect
was Ue~ignetl lo help man live his full it all the vital life clements of lhe apple. Apple cider vinc- on me: I feel very calm and nl peace wilh the world. I have
average life whlch by nature's plan gal' maintains the proper acid level of the blood. Apple an ahundaru.:e of energy and endurance, I look better anll
should be 105 years. Yes, it's true. I! cider vinegar can maintain your proper weight. Dr. Jarvis's healthier. But, most of all, I just foci good aU over. Jn fact,
is a common fact that an animal lives book describes a method apple cider vinegar where at limes, I feel so good thal r tingle all over and feel like
to be 5 times his maturity age, A the person eats normally but will gradually lose weight I'm walking on air. If people would only know what it's
horse matures al 4 years and ea;;ily until the body finds its proper Wllight level. With this meth- like to feel as nature intcndell, they would never take drugs.
lives 10 be 20. A cow matures at od women will gradually sec their dress size go from 20, to Nature's plan allows you to get high without drugs.
Dr. D. C. Jarvis 2Yi years anC! easily lives to 12. A dog 18 1 to 16 and gradually stop at their naturnl body si:i:e. Men For those interested in obtaining J copy of Dr. Jarvis's
matures at J!h years and easily lives will see a 40 inch waist Line drop to 38, then 36 finaUy to hook; FOLK MEDICINE, the followin~ infonnation is
to be over 8-many live much longer. Man is an animal. BUT, the proper size as the body properly burns off excess rat given: The book is being dis!ribuied by PCA - The Publish-
THE AVERAGE MAN IN THE U.S WHO MATUREB'A'J because it is in the proper chemical ~fate that nature in- ing Corporation of America. On a blank piece of paper
FWfLL DIE A I AGE 62 THAT'S 43 YEARS BEFORE lemled. write the words, "FOLK MEVICINE," followe.-:1 hy your
HIS TIME! With the exception of a notorious retirement It is not enough, however, to only know the ingredients name and address. Mail this nlong with $9.95 in cash, check
state, which can't he counted, Vermont J1~ads all other of good health. You must know how and in what combin- or money order to P,C,A.; Dept. C-J"!; 6233 Whipple Av~­
states in percentage of population over 65. Not long ago ation to use honey, vini;gar and other vital products of nue N.W.; Canton, Ohio 44720. The price includes postage
if"-nad 40,000 persons over Lhal age, and each year nearly n;iture. Dr. Jarvis l1as publi~hed the resulls of his life long and handling. Make check.~ payable to rcA.
2500 reach it! siudy of VERMONT FOLK MEDICINE in his book tilled Today, if you wish, you can get this hook at a large dis-
Short lives,- senility, excessive disease, and so on are not FOLK MEDICINE. In every day language h<'. !ells you how count. P,C,A., in a survey, would like to know what age
in nature's plan. What's the culprit? The free will of man! to use VERMONT FOLK .MEDICINE. Here are some of group is inlllrcstcd in this book. During this survey, those
Although free will is indeed a wonderful thing, it does have the highlights of thi~ book: who includt: their date of birlh along wilh their order will
some _bad side effects. Unlike the animals, we stray away ., , !low VERJl.-!ONT FOLK AIEDJC!NE can help you Jive get a bonus discount, The cos! to you, if you submit your
from our childhood instincts. a longer, fulfer, heallhier life. date of birth, is only $6.95. You get a full 30% discount.
The first thing discovered by VERMONT FOLK MEDI- ,. flow lo use lwney 1md apple cider vinegar to: lJ gain To qualify, simply wi-ite your month, day and year of birth
CINE is that each species it> designed to have a different renewed health and energy, 2) as part of prenatal care after your address.
diet. N<1ture's plan for man's diet requires a high intake of to produce fl ssrong healthy hahy, 3) Produce sound Should you spend a couple minules and a few dollars to
carboftydrates represented by fruits, berries, edible leaves, sleep, 4) Redrice yor1r susceptibility to disease, 5) Re- acquire this valuable health knowledge? Studies show that
and honey, and a low in take of protien represented by duce the chance of heart attacks, (!/Produce a relaxi~d people will think nothing abuul spending hundreds or thou-
eggs, meat, milk, cheese, etc. 'Man was also designed to eat comfortahJe stale uf being. sands of dollars on homes and cars, but <ire reluctant to
1k1ods derived from corn and rye and not from wheat, "" flow to use honey arid apple cider vinegar to cure: spend a few cenls on themselves. As the proverb goes:
which produces an alkaline blood condHinn. I) morning sicknesJ, 2) sinus_. 3) migrain headaches, 4} "When you have your health you have everything - lose
Na tu re designed nearly all animals to have a nah1ral bload con- dizziness, SJ arlhritu.~. fi) bed-we1tmg, 7) coughs, 8} hay your heu Ith und nothing else really mailers."

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