WATCH Karachi Bank Gets 'Misprinted' Rs1,000 Notes

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KARACHI: In a shocking development, a bank in the bustling metropolis received notes that were

apparently misprinted.

It isn’t clear whether a customer had spotted them or the bank staff had seen the issue themselves.
However, in these testing times when inflation is skyrocketing, getting a misprinted banknote would’ve
been devastating for a person.

In a video doing rounds on social media, it can be seen that two Rs1,000 notes were misprinted. They
had the facade, but the bank was plain — literally.

In response, the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has started an investigation to get to the bottom of the

But while this issue was spotted, people also tend to get fake Rs1,000 notes, so it is imperative that you
know how to spot the original one.

In January, the central bank had said that it has initiated the process of designing and issuing a new
banknotes series of all existing denominations, a move that analysts view would help fight counterfeit
currency and encourage the documentation of the economy.

In Pakistan, the notes with denominations of 10, 20, 50, 75, 100, 500, 1,000, and 5,000 rupees are
currently accepted as legal tender.

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