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What is your family’s story about the city where you live in now, since when has your

family been from that city?

We moved here to Nuevo Leon 10 years ago when my father was transferred here due to
his job, we lived before in Tampico, Tamaulipas.

Do you know where your parents, grandparents come from?

My grandfather is from Oaxaca

My grandmother is from Tampico, Tamaulipas
My mother is from Tampico, Tamaulipas
My father is from a little village in Tampico called “Manuel”

Where did they come from and where did they first settle? Why?
My grandfather worked in the navy, due to that he was constantly moving from place to
place. When he moved to Tampico he meet my grandmother and well they fell in love and
they had their children and that is why my parents are from Tampico.

Was the decision to come theirs or someone else’s?

It was mainly because of his job

Did your family stay in one place or have they moved from house to house, city to

We just move once when we got to Monterrey and recently my father bought a house here in
Valle Alto, we lived in San Pedro before.

How did they come to live where they are now?

The old house where we were living, wasn’t ours we were renting it. My father was looking
for a house at a good price and here in Valle Alto he found one and that’s where we are
Has your family shared stories about the most difficult part of their journey?
Yes, as mentioned before my father is from a little town in Tamaulipas. His father, my
grandfather in his young days he was poor. He struggled but kept on fighting until he owned
a Hotel and many clothing stores in that town. My father didn’t live that but he had to work
every day with my grandfather after school hours. On holidays and “vacations” they had to
work and that type of stuff. All of that taught my dad that everything is earned by working
hard and that is something he has taught my sister and me.

What have you heard about what they missed most?

My father misses the people, in a small town everyone knows each other and in a way there
you can always be yourself, there will be no judgment. Everyone cared about each other and
its just a different vibe than living in a big city.

What do you know about your family name—like its history, origins, or changes?
I didn’t have a specific answer to this question, there haven’t been any changes on our
family “name”

What traditions from your family’s country/city—like celebrations, foods, or songs—

do you still enjoy?
Since I have memory, we always get together for new years eve, and that’s something we do
every year. That kind of makes the family closer.

Do you have family heirlooms, scrapbooks, or mementos that tell your families’
moving story?
Not really just the stories that my dad and my mom have.

What were your relative(s)’ dreams in coming here? How did those dreams compare
with reality?
The “dream” of my parents by moving here to Monterey was for or¡ur sister and me to be in
a good school and have the best education possible.

What people or events helped, or got in the way, of achieving those dreams?

Did your family ever feel unwelcomed because they were newcomers or outsiders?
No, all the people we have encountered are always good to us.

How would things be different for your family if they hadn’t migrated?
Everything would be different, I wouldn’t be here, my whole life would have changed. I
would still be in Tampico.


• Have you ever considered tracing your roots or going back to your family’s
Maybe when I become an adult I would love to have a house in Tampico and even where my
dad is from Manuel.

• Do you see connections between your family story and that of today’s immigrants?

Not really, just eh fact that we are both moving from places, but the reasons arent nothing
• Is there anything you would like to add that that has not been asked?

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