Tourist: at Mongla Khulna

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Shamimul Hasan Anindya


Seminer II
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Bachelor of Architecture
Department of Architecture
BRAC University

Summer 2013
Table of contents
Chapter 1: Introduction ....-\-
l.l Background ofthe Project
1.2 Project Brief

1.3 Importance of the Project

1.4 Project Rationale

1.5 Project Objective

1.6 Scope and Limitation

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Tourism

2.2 National Policy and Investment Opportunity

2.3 Aim of Tourism Policy

2.4 Tourism industry in Bangladesh

2.5 Areaback ground of Mongla

2.6 Accommodation

2.7 Transportation from Dhaka

2.8 Place of Tourist Interest in Mongla

2.9 Major points of Sundarbans located near Mongla

2.10 Tourist season & Shooting

2.11 Main attractions of the Sundarban to the tourist

'2.l2Difference between Resort Hotel and General Hotel

Chapter 3: Case Study

3.1 Objective of Case Study

3.2 Misool Eco Resort

3.3. Padma Resort

3.4 Jean-Michel Cousteau Fiji Islands Resort

3.5 Conclusion of Case Study

Chapter 4: Site analysis & Program analysis

4.1 Location of the site

4.2Way to the site analysis of Mongla

4.3 Site Description

4.3.1 Existing surrounding and climate context

4.3.2 Site surrounding analysis

4.3.3 Topography

4.3.4 Vegetation

4.3.5 Consideration of planted and natural tress

4.3.6 Accessibility

4.3.7 Buildings in the vicinity

4.3.8 River breeze and land breeze factor


4.4 The physical environment of the site

4.4.1 Climate

4.4.2 Rainfall

4.4.3 Temperature
4.4.4 Altitude

4.4.5 Relative humidity

4.5 Environmental consideration

4.5.1 Wind

4.5.2 Cyclone

4.5.3 Sea level pressure

4.5.4 Site force

4.6 Implication of the site

4.6.1 Implicasion Observetion of the site in a chart

4.7 Project Program

4.7.1 Importance of the function

4.8 Program

4.9 Program Analysis

4. I 0 Functional space relationship

4.1 I Functional Analysis for Cottage

4.12 Functional Analysis for Restaurant

Chapter 5: Design Consideration

5.1 Concept of the tourist resort at Mongla

5.2 Zoning

5.3 Babble

5.4 Conceptual layout

5.4.1 Conceptual layout of Individual cottages

5.4.2 Conceptual sketches of the resort

Chapter 6: Design Development

6.I Plan

6.2 Perspectives

Figure l: Mongla is the gate way of Sundarbans

Figure 2: Map of Sundarbans and the Mongla site

Figure 3 : Mongal Upazila Map

Figure 4: Accessibility to the Mongla site from Dhaka

Figure 5: Major points of Sundarban located near Mongla

Figure 40: Location of the site

Figure 41: Way to the site at Mongla

Figure 42: Surrounding of the site

Figure 43: Surrounding of the site analysis

Figure 44l.The diagram shows how water enters the site at rainy season

Figure 45: Vegetation in the site

Figure 46: Consideration of planted and natural tress

Figure 47: Maximum trees make the site cooler

Figure 48: Existing large tress give the Road shaded (North East)

Figure 49: A natural boundary and shade form other side (North West)

Figure 50: Building vicinity and infrastructure

Figure 5l: Micro Climate River breeze and land breeze factor

Figure 52: Excellent views from the site (pen aroma)

Figure 53: Average rainfall in mm at Mongla

Figure 54: Average Temperature, Minimum and Maximum Temperature

Figure 55: Maximum Humidity during in summer and pleasant in winter

Figure 56: Mongla free from cyclone storm tracks

Figure 57: Maximum Surge height at Mongla

Figure 58: Changing of river level in Bangladesh and Sea level risks at Mongla
Figure 59: Forces of the site

Figure 60: lmplications from the site

Figure 6l : Three types of facilities

Figure 62: Public functions

Figure 63: Private functions

Figure 64: Service area

Figure 65: Functional space relationship:

Figure 66: Function of large cottage

Figure 67: Function of small cottage

Figure 68: Restaurant

Figure 69: Restaurant Kitchen

Figure 70: Design consideration based on the site and the function

Figure 75: Zoning-Phase I

Figure 76: Zoning-Phase 2

Figure 77:Babble- Phase I

Figure 78: Babble- Phase 2

Figure 79: Conceptual layout with the functions

Figure 80, 81, 88: Conceptual Individual Cottages

Figure 84, 85, 86: Conceptual sketches ofthe Resort

Figure 87: Cottage view

Figure 88: Cottage entry from river

Figure 89: Cottage entry from walkway

Figure 90: View of Sundarban from cottage

Figure 9l : View of Sundarban from cottage

Figure 92,93, and 94: Resort perspectives

Sundarbans the world's largest mangrove forest has got all the potentialities to uphold nature-
based tourism in Bangladesh. Tourists coming from in and outside the country can get the

opportunity to gaze the beauty of Sundarbans in their own eyes if proper accommodation and
recreational facilities are provided which is currently unavailable in this region. On the other

hand the environmental aspect of Sundarbans needs to be considered while building any

structure inside the forest. Mongla is nearest upzila near Sundarbans from where the forest is

easily accessible can be a suitable place for developing tourism facilities. Bangladesh Parjatan

Corporation has realized this fact and planned to build a tourist resort in Mongla. This resort can
work as a transitional space with proper accommodation and relaxation facilities for the tourists
travelling Sundarbans. The aim of the resort is to harmonize with the beauty of Sundarbans
without disrupting the ecological balance of the forest and to provide relaxation in the midst of
the nature for the tourists. A nature based resort in Mongla can certainly accomplish this
objective by regenerating the beauty ofSundarbans.
Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Project Background

Nature tourism is one of the fastest growing segments of world tourism. Nature tourism can be
defined as any tourism based in natural setting and experienced in, about and for the

environment. Adventure based, nature-based, wildlife based and ecotourism are some of the
major kinds of nature tourism. The main reasons behind the growing popularity of nature tourism
are: the widespread changes in the environmental attitude, development in the environmental
education and development of environmental mass media. Gray's travel-motivation theory, gives
us two motives which can help us understand why people prefer natural settings for recreation.
The first motive is the desire to go from a known to an unknown place. Secondly, places that can
provide traveler with special facilities that do not exist in his or her own place or residence. For
example, People who live in cities are motivated to travel as tourists to wilderness areas because
they need to escape from an artificial, monotonous environment. Moreover, according to Pearce,
Morrison and Rutledge (1998) the intrinsic motivation of the tourists can also encourage them to
pursue nature tourism. Four intrinsic tourist motives related to nature tourism are: motive to
experience the environment, motive to rest and relax in pleasant settings, motive to pursue

special interests and skills (scuba-diving, fishing), and motive to be healthy and fit. Meanwhile,
the aim of nature tourism is to create a harmonizing relationship between human and nature
without disturbing the ecological balance. All this statements underline the fact that nature
tourism is indeed a important part of world tourism in today's world.

Sundarbans the world's largest mangrove forest can certainly play a great role in promoting
nature based tourism in Bangladesh. Sundarbans has got all the ingredients to satisfy the intrinsic

and extrinsic motivating factors of the tourists. Sundarbans provide the opportunity to sail in the

solitude of wilderness through its hundreds of river channel, to leam more about the Royal

Bengal Tiger and the possibility to view the majestic creature, to sight the estuarine crocodile on
the mudflat banks, a number of deer and to learn more about the mangrove forest. But due to
lack of proper accommodation and transportation facilities many of the foreign and domestic
tourists do not find it feasible to visit the Sundarbans. Again it will be threatening for the ecology
of Sundarbans if any resorts or such is built inside the forest. As a result recently Bangladesh
Parjatan Corporation has planned to build a tourist resort in Mongla which the nearest upzila of
Sundarbans to encourage the travelers to visit the place. This resort will give the nature tourists
an opportunity to relax in the midst of a natural setting which are different from the usual city-
work-home environment. This is good news for the tourists in and outside the country.
(http ://cmsdata. iucn. org/downloads/tourism.pdf)

1.2. Project Brief:

The project has been titled as the Tourist Resort at Mongla. The site for the project is located at

the Mongla bondor, Mongla, Bagerhat. Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (BPS) is the client of
this project. The project will be funded by Bangladesh Government. Approximate area of this
project is around 12.95 acres. The project can be categorized as the resort for recreation and
Sundarbans sightseeing. The client still has no fixed budged for this project, but they presume it
may cost approximately l2.7Scores. A final budget will be prepared after the cost estimation,
based on the selected design.

1.3. Importance of the Project

Mongla is the second sea port of Bangladesh located in Bagerhat District the south-western part
of Bangladesh. It was formerly located at khulna, about l1 miles (18 km) upstream on the Pussur
River, but it is now located 48 km south of Khulna city, as established on l1 December 1954.
The Port is surrounded as well as well protected by the Sundarbans mangrove forest. The name
Mongla originated from Mongla River presently known as Mongla Nulla. Mongla River is
originated from the Pussur and Rampal rivers. (

Mongla is the gateway to the Sundarbans. Sundarbans is well-connected with Mongla through
waterways. Tourists can sail through the rivers of Pussur and Rampal to move towards the
Sundarbans. People touring the Sundarbans come to the Mongla port through the Khulna-

Mongla highway and hire water transports to visit the forest. As a result Mongla has become an
important tourist hub. In general trip to the Sundarbans is a tiresome fixture. Tourists have to

walk in the forests for long hours. Moreover tourists want to get the real experience of the
Sundarbans by staying close to the forest for some days. So, an intermediate space is very

important for the tourists where they can revive themselves as well as can get the authentic
exposure of the Sundarbans. A resort at Mongla can play the role of such a transitional space

where the tourists can relax in the midst of nature. But still the authority has not come up with
any proper accommodation and recreation facilities in Mongla.

Mongla site



Figure 1: Mongla is the gate way of Sundarbans

Sundarbans has got all the ingredients that a tourist desires. Some of the features of Sundarbans


l. The wilderness and condition of one of the largest mangrove forest on the world.
2.The variety of wildlife (specially birds).
3. The importance of one of the remaining natural habitats of the Royal Bengal Tiger, education

and conservation awareness initiatives and studies.

4. Life in the river, the Riverside experience in Sundarbans.

As a result by developing proper accommodation and transportation facilities in Mongla

Sundarbans can be tumed into the ultimate tourist destination in Bangladesh.

1.4. Project Rationale:

Sundarbans is the haven for photographers and travelers, is the biggest mangrove forest in the

world and is a treasure island of biodiversity. But it is a matter great regret that few tourists are
able to gaze this beauty in their own eyes due to lack of accommodation facilities. Tourists

coming from in and outside the country do not get any proper relaxing place near Sundarbans.
As a result the tour to Sundarbans becomes very hectic. On the other hand we need to consider
the environmental aspect while building any structure inside the Sundarbans. It will be
threatening for the ecology of the Sundarbans if any resorts or hotels or any such structure is
built inside the Sundarbans. Moreover, Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation does not encourage any
such buildings inside the forest. This problem can be solved by building proper accommodation

facilities near Sundarbans.

Monula is surouuclctl
thc S'tinclarblns.


Figure 2: Map of Sundarban and the Mongla site

Mongla is nearest upzila near Sundarbans from where the forest is easily accessible. Moreover,
Mongla is surrounded by the Sundarbans. As a result the natural beauty of the Sundarbans can be
explored from Mongla. Furthermore, the natural aspects of the Sundarbans such as moonlit night
or monsoon in the forest can also be experienced from here. A Three most tourist point of
Sundarbans such as Hiron Point, Koromjol Point, Katka Point can be visited by boat from

Mongla. That's why the resort proposed by Parjatan Corporation at Mongla can be an ideal
tourist resort having comfortable accommodations, recreational facilities, catering, sightseeing
and other facilities for the visitors. Tourist can use this resort as an intermediate space while

visiting Sundarbans. The plan is to build this resort in a natural surrounding near the Pusur and

Mongla Nula River.

The Sundarbans has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Sundarbans cover an
area of 38,500 sq km, of which about one-third is covered in water/marsh areas. Since 1966 the
Sundarbans have been a wildlife sanctuary, and it is estimated that there are now 400 Royal
Bengal tigers and about 30,000 spotted deer in the area.
(http ://www.parj atanbd. com/print_details.php ? id:27 )

This forest has got the credit of having large number of Sundari trees and some claim that
Sundarban derived its name from these trees. One who likes nature in its wildest forms, for him

Sundarbans is the prime location which is not to be missed. Sundarbans offers an extra ordinary

wild journey for a life time to recall.

Meandering rivers, springs, creeks and beautiful estuaries, Sundarbans is ruled by the unique
natural beauty of its surroundings. Wildlife flourishes in Sundarbans, leading with the Royal
Bengal Tiger. The mighty Royal Bengal Tiger, ultimate and unopposed king of the forest, is
majestic, cunning and merciless to its prey. It is the natural habitat of many other famous wild
life animals like jungle fowl, giant lizards, spotted deer, wild boar, crocodiles and many more
that the nature lovers would get a very good chance to have a close look. Migratory group of
Siberian ducks is an attraction in some seasons, a beautiful scene of these ducks flying over sail
boats fully loaded with many items like timber, fuel wood, honey, fish and shell adding to the
serene natural attractiveness of the Sundarbans.

The main tourist point is Nilkamal known also as Hiron Point for watching vociferous wild
animals and natural beauty. Katka is another place where wind animals mare freely and also
good for bird watching. Vast area of verdant valleys starting from Katka to tiger point in

Kachikhali provides opportunities for adventurous wild trekking. Tin Kona Island is well known
for deer and wild tiger and Dublar Char Island for fishermen. It is a beautiful island where flocks
of spotted,deer are frequently seen to is also the perfect place for the ordinary holiday
makers who desire to rest or roam around at will to refresh their mind and feast their eyes with
the rich treasure that nature has so fondly bestowed.

1.5 Project Objectives

. Relaxation in the midst of the nature for the tourists.
r Promoting nature based- tourism in the Sundarbans without disrupting the ecological
balance of the forest.

' Building a transitional space with proper accommodation and relaxation facilities for the
tourists travelling Sundarbans.
r Endorsing visitors' consciousness towards the observation of the forest.
r Creating alternative income generation ways for the local people.

' Designing and implementing a program of habitat management and restoration.

1.6 Scope and Limitation:

The proposed site for the project is enriched with natural amenities such as the view of river and

the Sundarbans gives a great opportunity to design a resort for the tourists visiting the
Sundarbans. The site for the proposed resort has also been chosen considering the environmental

factors of the Sundarbans. The project itself has great potentialities as it can encourage numerous
foreign and local tourists to visit the Sundarbans which can certainly brought about positive
changes in the socio-economic conditions of the inhabitants of Mongla and the Sundarbans.

However, there are some limitations of the project too. This project is handled by Bangladesh
Parjatan Corporation which is a public authority and there is a trend of bureaucracy in the public

organizations of Bangladesh which may extend the time frame of the development of this
project. Last of all I had time and resource constrains to properly find out the possibilities and
threats of this project.
Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1. Tourism:

Tourism is travel for recreational, leisure or business purpose. Intemational Association of

Science Experts in Tourism (AIEST) says. "Tourism is the sum of the phenomena and

relationships arising from the travel and stay of non-residents in so far as they do not lead to
permanent residence and are not connected with any earning activity." Tourism is the business of

transport, care, feeding, and entertainment of the tourist." People who travel to and stay in places
outside their usual environment for more than twenty four hours and not more than one
consecutive year for leisure, business and other purpose can be called as tourists. Tourism is an
Industry which aims in enhancing social and geographical mobility of the human by performing
a verity of functions to fulfill various human motives with a view to earning profit.

2.2 National Policy and Investment Opportunities:

Government of Bangladesh recognized tourism as an industry and declared a National Tourism

Policy for the development of domestic and intemational tourism in Bangladesh. The policy
underlines marketing strategies and development of infrastructures and human resources.

Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation, National Tourism Organization QrITO) need to play the role as

a promoter of the industry in a more efficient way. They should effectively engage in creating
facilities for local and foreign investors to develop the tourism sector. Some of the potential areas
for such investments need to be outlined and welcome International investors to Bangladesh in
order to participate in the development of profitable tourism sector.

In order to attract tourist to visit Bangladesh through marketing of its tourist attractions the
following facilities will also have to be developed in the country:

Arrangement of accommodation

Arrangement of safe travel within the country by roads, river and airways

. Arrangement of food and drinks
o Arrangement of recreation environment
o ArranBement of sight-seeing tours
o Arrangement of sale of souvenirs or handicrafts
o Arrangement of safety and security for tourist keeping recreations of movement within the
country to the minimum
(http://www.unescap.orglttdw/pu blications/TPTS_pu bs/pu b_L7 a8/pub_1748_CR-A.pdf)

2.3 Aim of Tourism Policy:

The national tourism policy in our country has been introduced with certain objectives which
have been discussed below:

o Increasing foreign exchange earnings by attracting foreign tourist.

o Increasing interest in tourism activities among the people and creating low cost tourists
facilities for them.
o Development, preservation and maintenance of tourism resources of the country.
. Taking steps for alleviation of poverty by creating employment opportunities for greater
number of people.
o Creating a favorable image of Bangladesh abroad.
. Opening up a recognized field of investment for capital.
o Creating recreational facilities for foreign tourist and people.
. Development the handicrafts and cottage industries consolidation of national solidarity and
consensus through fostering and development of culture, heritage and of the country.



Although all those objectives are yet to be achieved by the tourism industry of Bangladesh but I
would certainly considering these factors while developing architectural concepts for my project.

2.4 Tourism Industry in Bangladesh:

Despite of greater possibilities Bangladesh is still one of the countries in the South Asian region
with the least number of tourist arrivals and with the lowest revenue earned from the tourism
industry. Due to the potential of fast expansion in the tourism sector, it was identified as the
thrust Sector by the government. The Lonely Planet Guide, world's leading published travel
guide elected Bangladesh as one of the top ten interesting travel destinations of the world in

2009. In Bangladesh, real GDP growth for travel & tourism economy is expected to be 1.7

percent in 2010 and to average 6.4Yoper annum over the coming 10 years. According to the
World Travel and Tourism Council estimate, the GDP contribution is 3.9% (BDT 265.9bn) in
2010. (http://traavelba ngladesh.blogspot.c om/2011,/03/new-a pproach-needed-to-develop.htm l).
Growth trend of tourism in current decade shows a sharp increase in both domestic and foreign
tourists in spectacular natural reserves of Cox's Bazar, the Islands in Teknaf and St.Martin, the
largest mangroves of the Sundarbans, the Chittagong Hill Tracts, and wetlands of the Sylhet

district. Besides these nature reserves, many cultural and heritage sites located across the country
have been gradually attracting domestic and foreign tourists. According to Bangladesh Parjatan

Corporation, there are at least 43 tourist destinations in Bangladesh with natural, cultural and
archeological interests. According to WTTC, Bangladesh Travel & Tourism economy is ranked

. 82 in absolute size worldwide;

. 173 in relative contribution to national economies;

.23 in long-term (10-year) growth.

(http://traavelbangladesh.blogspot.c om/201,1,/03/new-a pproach-needed-to-develop.html)

Tourism in Bangladesh is primarily characteized by outdoor and nature tourism peaking during
the winter months and short public holidays. In 2005-2006 periods, a total of 757,640 visitors
travelled to different natural reserves and national parks. Peak period, recorded as November-
March was 76oh of total visitors in 2006. This is primarily a weekend tourism market, with
travelers coming by overnight bus from Dhaka on Thursday night and returning to Dhaka on
Saturday night. An example of increase of tourism in St. Martin's Island indicates that 83,000

travelers visited in2007 and 123,390 in 2008. Bengali nature lovers interested in these
attractions represent roughly less than l% of the visitors to Cox's Bazar and 5o/o of the visitors
traveling to St. Martin's Island in 2008.Thus, potential of revenues from tourism alone opens up
a new impetus to the country's economy.
( php?option=com_content&view=a rticle&id=258)

2.5 Area Background of Mongla:

Mongla Upazila (Bagerhat district) with an area of 1461.22 km is bounded by Rampal upazila on
the north, the Bay of Bengal on the south, Morrelganj and Sarankhola upazilas on the east,
Dacope lupazlla on the west. Main rivers in this area are Pasur and Mongla. Mongla (Town)
stands on the river Pashur. It is the second biggest seaport of the country. It consists of 9 wards
and 13 mahallas. Mongla municipality was established in 1991 . The area of the town is
17 .79 krn. Mongla upazlla consists of I municipality 7 union parishads, 37 mouzas and 77

villages. ( http://en.wikipedia.orglwiki/Mongla_U pazila )

2.6 Accommodation:

Currently there is a limited range of accommodation facilities in Mongla. Most of the

Accommodation facilities of Mongla are situated near the Mongla port. There is one Pusur Hotel
near the Mongla port where a very small number of tourists can stay. Other than that there are no

such hotels and resorts in Mongla for the tourists.


1 0 1 2km



E 22"-
z 10'

Figure 3 : Mongal Upazila Map

2.7 Accessibility from Dhaka:

Mongla is accessible from Dhaka by road, by water and by air. If one wishes to reach Mongla by
Bus than he or she can choose from luxurious bus services. After reaching Khulna one can take

the option of small buses or reserve a CNG to reach Mongla through Khulna-Mongla highway.
Instead of buses one can choose trains towards Khulna from Dhaka which is a much safer option.

A jet-set businessman flying from Dhaka would reach Jessore in just under half an hour. Then he
can travel by car for a distance of about 70km to the Mongla. A leisurely visitor would however;
tempted to travel by "Rocket" steamer from Dhaka a joumey of 20 hours through the scenic
southern part of the country which can be observed from the steamers during the day time.

Figure 4: Accessibility to the Mongla site from Dhaka

2.8 Place of Tourist Interest in Mongla:

Mongla is the nearest Upzila from Sundarban. Three of the most important tourist point of
Sundarbans located very near from Mongla. Moreover, The Shat Gambuj Mosque of Bagerhat is

accessible from Mongla.

2.9 Major points of Sundarbans located near Mongla:

Some of the major sights of Sundarbans that can be visited from the proposed resort at Mongla:

Katka-Kachikhali: Katka-Kachikhali gives a good image because of its beautiful khals, flore,
fauna and proximity to the Bay of Bengal. This khals offers possibilities to see deer, monkeys,

masked fin-foot, monitor lizard, snakes and chance to see a tiger crossing a khal. There is a

beach and an observation tower on the open grass land where large number of deer can be seen

and sometimes tiger can be found. This is the most hot spot of Sundarban. It can be reached
within seven hours by boat from the resort at Mongla.

Dubla Island: It is the only permissible largest fishing center especially for dry fish for winter
season. Every year in November in full moon Rash mela a religious festival takes place here.

Nill Komol / Hiron Point: It is another good potential area for tourists. This is the place from

where the World Heritage Sites plague has been erected. This place can be reached by boat from
the resort within six hours.

Mandarbaria: It is situated in the south west side of the Sundarban and it is very isolated and
quiet. Tourists like this place for exclusive wilderness. It takes around 12 hours by boat to reach
this place from the resort.

Karamjal: It is the main entry gate to the Sundarban Reserved Forest where number of day
visitors comes. This place can be developed as a visitor and interpretation center. Some wildlife
has already been kept there in captivity; there is a mangrove arboretum in Karamjal. This place

can be visited from the Mongla port within only three hours.

tr'luorescent plankton: During the winter months quite often the river water in the sea face is
found to glow at night, due to the pressure of millions of microorganisms. The entire atmosphere
turns into a fairyland. Even the forests flanking the steams are illuminated by swarms of fireflies.
This beauty can also be observed from the resort located in the Mongla.


Karamja lto;.

Su nda rba n


Hiron point

Man tl
I t


Figure 5: Major points of Sundarban located near Mongla

2.10 Tourist season & Shooting:

Best time to visit the Sundarbans is from November to March. Exciting honey collection season

is during April-May because of full monsoon is from June to September. The annual rainfall
average between 65" and 70". During ebb-tide the forest becomes bare by 6-7 feet and at high

tide (30 miles an hour) the entire territory of the forest floats on water. Hunting is prohibited by
law in the country for the preservation of wildlife. Certain species of birds, however, can be shot
with prior permission of the Divisional Forest Officer, Khulna.

2.11 Main attractions of the Sundarban to the tourist:

Wildlife photography including photography of the famous Royal Bengal Tiger, wildlife
viewing, boating inside the forest will call recordings, nature study, meeting fishermen, wood-
cutters and honey-collectors, peace and tranquility in the wilderness, seeing the world's largest
mangrove forest and the riverine beauty.

Some other occasional attractions:

Bonbibi Mela (January): A uniqe festive occasion with music, theaters and fairs.

Dubla Rash Purnima Mela: Dependent on Luner Calendar, normally beginning of November.

Bird-watching Tours: Bangladesh is situated on the cross-path of two major migratory flyways.
The coastal areas, including Sundarban Forest, are impoftant breeding, resting and feeding places
for a large variety of resident and migratory birds.

Fishing with Trained Otters: This unique traditional fishing technique is only found in

2.12 Difference between Resort Hotel and General Hotel:

It may be true that both the hotel and the resort offer temporary lodging facilities to guests and

visitors, but they differ in their basic purpose. Fundamentally resort is a place of recourse
whereas a hotel is a temporary residence while away from home. Although, nowadays the seven

star and some of the five star hotels are creating a resort environment within the hotel area.

Resorts are places or towns or commercial establishments thal provide relaxation and recreation

over and above the accommodation, meals and other basic amnesties. The characteristic of
resort is that it combines a hotel and a variety of recreations; it serves food, drink, lodging,
sports, entertainment, relaxation such as spa and shopping. Generally hotels located inside
resorts are known as resort hotels.

Figure 6: showing structural difference between hotels and resorts

Some of the major differences between hotel and resorts are discussed below:

Nature of Residence: Hotels are prepared to provide soothing residence for short term periods.
They are the best choices when you are staying out of town for a few days. The same is not the
case with resorts with their focus on being much more than just accommodation places. Resorts
usually have shopping complexes also. Destination resorts are examples of comprehensive
resorts. Such resorts are self-contained with shopping facilities and restaurants and for making

the visitors love their splendid trips. These resorts are huge like the Atlantis in Bahamas and
charge sizeable fares for the conveniences they provide.

Location: Hotels often focus on attracting business conferences and business travelers. Hotels
are often located in the midst of cities, near popular attractions or near airports but resorts are

generally found situated near popular vacation or tourist attractions. Since hotels can also be
booked for more formal purposes like imparting training to employees or holding business
conventions, they are placed in the vicinity of convention facilities or contain convention
facilities within. In contrast, resorts pride themselves on having scenic backdrops to accentuate
the "get away from it all" feeling for visitors.

Purpose of stay: Persons who travel from one place to another place with a purpose will book in
to hotels. The purpose of their travel may be to attend a conference, a function, a wedding or an
official meeting or evbn it can be vacation. On the other hand people specifically frequent resorts
for relaxation or for recreation. Persons who are unable to spend the night at their home are

likely to spend the night in a hotel room. They may or may not stay with their families. This is

because of the fact that they are away from home for that matter. The purpose of staying in a

resort is entirely different; people who want to spend their vacation or holidays with their family
in a particular city or a particular country are likely to stay in a holiday resort. Holiday resort is a
self-contained resoft that attempts to provide most of its clients wants while remaining with them
including entertainment, sports, relaxation and shopping and tour arrangements; some even
facilitate with shopping and tour guides.

Amenities: In some places, resorts indulge their guests more than their hotel counterparts by
offering things such as freebies like tickets to the most reputed theme parks in the area. They are
generally affiliated with guided tours to the most magnificent local attractions or historic city
sites. Some, but not all, hotels have started providing such tours as a part of travel packages.

Choice of vacation: A resort is a full-fledged amenity laden choice that provides for many
anticipated needs of tourists including nearby entertainment and shopping. A resort can also
include a hotel as one of its features. Resort rooms may not be numbered but they are generally
numbered in hotels.

Costs: A hotel can be an excellent option for the stay of a few nights, but an extended stay
during holidays can be more pleasingly enjoyed in a resort. Resorts are known to come with

higher costs but in remote locations security can be an issue and resorts can be the best choice for
families and anyone with security concerns.

Figure 7: showing resorts are very close to nature and hotel far from nature

Some hotels without full resort facilities used to market them as resorts, which may mislead
tourists. Though, hotel is usually a central feature of a resort, the defining characteristic of a
resort hotel is that it exists purely to serve other attractions required for relaxation or recreation.
Advance booking is highly recommended in the case of resorts for a very comfortable stay.

Chapter 3: Case Study

In this section I am going to discuss and analyze three different case studies that will facilitate
my final Design.

3.1 Objective of Case Study:

The following case studies are included in this chapter:

Architect: Viv Faithfull from WH Architects.

Architect: Richard C Murphy

Local : Lohajong, Munshigonj

3.2 Misool Eco Resort:

Misool Eco Resort is an exclusive dive resort and conservation center located in the southem
part of Raja Ampat, Indonesia. It is located at a private resort island Batbitim, which is fringe
with powder-white beaches, protected by stunning clear lagoons and abundant reefs. With just
nine guest holiday cottages, Misool Eco Resort is able to offer exclusive luxury diving holidays,
surrounded by the world's richest reefs.

Objective of Misoo Eco Resort:

Misool Eco Resort is deeply committed to a policy of environmental and social responsibility.
We seek to provide exceptional and enriching experiences in a sustainable environment. We aim
to protect and revitalize both our natural surroundings and the community in which we operate.
We are committed to demonstrating to our hosts, our guests, and the local government that
tourism can support a local economy with much more favorable terms than mining, logging,
overfishing, or shark finning.


Misoo Eco Resort is one of the most remote dive resort on the planet, located in pristine
surrounding. island Batbitim in the southern region of Raja Ampet.Misool Eco Resort island and
scuba doving sites are surrounded by their own 722Osq km(465sq mi/300,000) No-Take
Zone.Resort located l65km (105miles) from the nearst port, and the nearest village is 20 km
away by boat.

"oc 0

C-- or---

Figure 8 :Location mape of Misool Eco Resort

Layout Plan of Misool Eco Resort:

misCI*? eca> t'#$#rt $ r"l vit"te islandr batbitim

Figure 9: Plan of Misool Eco Resort

Major Finctios:

o Accommodation. ( Large and small cottage)

o Restararant.( Sea side)
o Recreational Facilities
o Scubba Diving Facilites.
o Eco-tourismfacilities.

Space organization:

View point I Large cottage

Staff area North lagoon

8 Water cottage

4 r--J
t I


Figure l0: Space Function relationship

Site-building-Relationship & Space organization:

The resort has been designed with two major types of cottages. One of them is large cottages
which is known as villas located at the top of the mountains. There are three large villas in this
resort. Each of them have been built in three difeernt mountains. Guests of these villas are
provided with all the faciltiies with a utmost piority. These resorts give the guests all the privacy
they needed. The guests of these resort can gaze the whole sea side from the top of the
mountains. The guests here can have the combined atmosphere of sea and hill. Another type of
cottages available in this resort are the small cottages. Small cottages are located near the seaside

beside the lagoon. The guests of these cottages can have the best Natural surrondings. The entry

way of these cottages are across the mountains but the front view of these cottages are enriched
with seaside views. All of these cottages are facilited with same natural view supplemented by
the richest cotral reef of the world. The resturant is located at the center of the resort which is as
well as the entry point of the resort.

Figure l1: Space Organization of Misool Eco Resort

Designed by Viv Faithful from WH Architects, Misool Eco Resort offers two levels of
accommodation. Eight Water Cottages are located in the North Lagoon, built on stilts over the
water, with private verandas and luxurious comfort and stunning views. The resort also has one
deluxe villa, Villa Tabisasu, located on the eastern edge of the North Lagoon, which offers more
space and privacy. Beach-front restaurant is located on the North Beach, looking out over a
shallow turquoise lagoon. Most of the fine carpentry work, such as making doors, windows, and
furniture, was done locally.

Figure 12: Location of Water Cottage

All the large cottages of the resort which is called as the villa located at the hilltop points. On the
other hand the small cottages including the restaurant of the resort is located near the seaside. A
river channel has been passed between the two mountains and the top of this river channel has
been used as the scuba diving point of this resort. This resort can only be accessible through
water transports.

Figure 13: Location of Hill Top Cottage

Fuction of Water Cottage:

All the cottage have the basis functional arrangment of semi-open space like verandah or terrace,
bedroom, living come dining, dressing, toilet and finally a pavilion to enjoy the sea view.

f Entry

Figure 14: Functional flow iagram of Hill Top cottage


to the sea by Stair

View from

side of the Room &

to get closer
to the sea

Solid Wall

lnside of toilet
Figure 15:Lay out plan of Water cottgae

Fuction of Hill Top Cottage:


Figure 16 :Functional flow diagram of Hill Top cottage

lnslde of Living


View from Verandah

Solid Wall
Opening lnside of toilet

Figure ll:Lay out plan of Hill Top

Structural System:

The piers of the cottages have been constructed from a salvaged 22-rnch metal pipe. With the
exception of a few furniture samples and plywood, all the wood used for resort construction has
been salvaged hardwoods. They excavated driftwood buried under beach sand, and then milled
every single piece by hand with a portable saw mill. This wood has been purchased directly from
the local people rather than logging conglomerates.

The cottages use natural thatch roofing - a locally made product, and an excellent insulator. In
order to lower the energy consumption required for cooling, the cottages have deep verandahs
and low roof lines, thus decreasing the amount of solar heat which enters the building. The
steeply pitched roofs and open eaves create a natural ventilation system. Cavity walls are
insulated with coconut fibers and treated with borax, a natural termite deterrent.

rt I

ii.M, iruw
t ?t'

Figure 18 :Structural System


The idea was to make every cottage identical with their appearance. To do that they solved many
cottage-plan in different ways, but keeping the basic functional aspect in order. Many have been
soved by treating the fagade, by doing height variatins.

Figure 19: tr'ront space of Returant & Drive center

Other Specialities:

In order to lessen the impact on the surrounding nature, the plants and trees are sprayed with an
unsavory mix of tobacco and water. The inorganic matter is returned to Sorong for proper
recycling and disposal. The amount of toxins released into the waste system is also reduced with
provided biodegradable soaps and shampoos. The guests are provided with a sterilized reusable
water bottle, rehlled at no cost with safe drinking water, in order to keep the island free from
disposable plastic water bottles.

In agreement with local hosts, the folks from Misool Eco Resort leased more than 400 km of sea

surrounding Batbitim. This includes many of Raja Ampat's f,rnest dive sites, including the Manta
Cleaning Station, Boo, Fiabacet, Gorgonian Passage, and Yillet. Within this area, all fishing,
shark finning, harvesting of turtle eggs and shellfish are strictly prohibited. All boats are required
to practice reef-safe anchoring.

Unfortunately, since the resort is located on an isolated location, the power is mostly provided by
generators which use fossil fuels. However, they are trying different alternatives in order to
provide power for the resort. Examples are a small wind turbine which provides the power for
the staff bungalows, and a small solar panel provides additional power for the Dive Centre in the
evenings. Most interestingly, the folks from Misool Eco Resort claim that they hope to switch
from fossil fuels to biodiesel fuel from locally produced coconut oil.

The resort has a drilled well, and a desalination unit, but since the drinkable water is scarce on
the island they used water-saving shower heads and taps in order to lessen the consumption.
Grey water is processed with waste water gardens and then redirected to flush toilets.


ECO system has been introduced in the resort by using sustainable energy consumption
& recycling methods.

. Interrelationship between the Sea & the cottages is effectively used.

. Functional relationship of space is pleasant and very close to nature.

. Successful implementation of the diving theme.

. The cottages use natural thatch roofing-a locally made product and an excellent insulator.

. All the water cottages are properly shaded.


. Biodiversity of the area have been hampered by the construction of the resort.

. The resort is not easily accessible due to its isolated location.

. Temporally fossil fuels are used run the generators which are against the low of eco

3.3. Padma Resort:

Padma resort is one of the most popular resorts in Bangladesh. It has been developed with22
acres of low land which goes down under water during the summer time. The compound is
submerged under the river offers a fabulous environment. It has very nice and tranquil view of
the river and surrounding areas. It is a nice spot for picnic or a day outings with family and


Figure 20: Cottage view inside

Objectives of Padma Resort:

Padma resort is designed for people who are in desperate need for relaxation and spending some

time away from the daily drudgery.


The specialty for the resort is its location just a hundred minutes' drive from Dhaka to Padma
river. Padma Resort situated opposite of Lohajang police station across the river 6 kilometer east
from the Mowa point towards Monshigonj. From Lohajang police station it's just a five minutes
boat drive to Padma Resort.

l'uiluta rc;zrl
; :e.


Figure 21: Site surrounding and access to the resort

Major Function:


Resort office

Figure 22: Site surrounding and access to the resort

-rrr- River Crossing by Boat

Lohajong Police Station

Site of Padma Resort

Site -Building relationship :

There is a mental and physical preparation to access the site which is very much important in any
architecture. In Podma resort, people need to park his or her car at Louhajung Police Station
which is across the river then need to take a boat ride which takes maximum 3 minutes. After
that they need to walk on foot celebrating a wonderful green Kash Ban to the main entry of the
Padma Resort. This experience gives a wonderful mental satisfaction to a visitor. As the site is

gets flooded during summer, the passage and all the structure has been built above 4 feet from

the ground level. This type of method can be seen on that region. The whole structure faces the
north-south orientation. The site has been given a boundary with some precast concrete column

and wire mesh.

Entry Restaurant

Cottage Gottage I


Figure 23: Site Plan of Padma Resort

Functional space relationship :

All the major functions office, cottage and restaurant are spread out horizontally on the site. Only

duplex cottage has vertical approach internally. All the major functions are connected with a
raised wooden platform. Water activity area is surrounded by the cottage, restaurant and office

area. This area can be dividing in three zones-semipublic, private, and semi-private.



Semi Public

Figure 24: Basic Functional relationship

Padma Resort in winter and summer:

Padma Resort has some specialty from other resort. In winter the river inside the site becomes

dry and in summer it's again filled with water. And this natural changing gives the resort two
different looks for tourist.

Entry in resoft flver
Entry Restaurant

Cottage ottage,/ Cottage


Peti Diedan

ln winter in side
of the Resort site
becomes dry

Outdoor space in winter

Figure 25: Padma Resort in winter season


Entry in resort fro river

Resort view from river


ln summer in side
ln summer in side of the Resort site of the Resort use boat
becomes wet

Figure 26: Padma Resort in winter season


It has sixteen duplex cottages. The cottages are wooden but built in concrete structure. Each
cottage has living room, mezzanine floor, two verandas, a tiles-clad washroom, and 2-bed room.

It has also a restaurant. Car parking space is abundant at the Louhajung Thana (across the river).

Both sunrise & sunset ca

enjoy from the cottage


ln side of the cottage

ln summer river is visible

from the co

Figure 27: Function of the cottage

Structural System: palm leaf thatch

This type of structural system is abundantly used in this region as the river destroys many used
land in every year. This land is remaining flooded in the season summer and rain. As a result
people generally use this type of structural method to build their own house. They use precast

concrete column which is available in their local market. They use wood as wall and floor. The
whole cottage, restaurant, kitchen and office are made of wood. The ceiling is made of bamboo.
Roof is filled with palm leaf.

leaf thatch roof

Wooden Wall

Bed &

Figure 28: Vertical functional relationship and structural specialties.

Environmental Consideration:

Padma resoft has been setup with natural way in natural environment. All the material they have used is
local. They use septic tank and soak Pit for their Sewer system. They clean them every day. The
electricity that they use, come from generator. The cottage and other building are naturally ventilated. To
ensure the comfort they provides celling fan in everywhere. The heat that absorbs the structure can leave

easily to the air because of double height space and the pitch roof construction.

Figure 29: Palm leaf Restaurant-Bamboo Ceiling and wooden wall

Social Benefits:

This resort has given many jobs to many local people. As a result, their economy goes much
better than before. Security has been improved on that area. Police station has been more active

now these days. Padma resort gives a solid satisfaction to its visitors with lots of fun. People can
have fresh Hilsha fish in here. So people are enjoying a lot. Day by day it becomes more popular
to the people because it's near to Dhaka city. So it's serving the society a lot as well as the


Innovatively handles the design using indigenous material.

Different Structural method has been successfully used on river bed.

Natural light and ventilation has been successfully used in Padma Resort.

Roofing techniques are very interesting.

It reflects the regional architectural style.


. Arrangement of the cottages is monotonous.

Seasonal climatic change has not been considered properly in the design of the resort.

Security and privacy of the guests are not maintained.

No landscaping has been created in the open space of the resort.

There is no dynamism in the overall design of the resort.

3.4 Jean-Michel Cousteau Fiji Islands Resort:

Jean-Michel Cousteau Fiji Islands Resort is located on Vanua Levu, Fiji's second largest island. This Fiji
accommodation is accessed by Savusavu airport, I hour domestic flight from Nadi Airport. Guests are
met by Jean-Michel Cousteau Fiji Islands Resoft and transferred by land to Savusavu Bay where this

luxury Fiji resort is set amongst a coconut plantation over 17 acres of lush tropical landscape. This
ecofriendly Fiji resort offers amazing views out onto the Pacific Ocean, the waters are peaceful and
perfect for families to go snorkeling, diving, kayaking and swimming.

Figure 30: The view of Jean-Michel Cousteau Fiji Islands Resort

Objective of Jean-Michel Cousteau Fiji Islands Resort:

Architect Jean-Michel Cousteau and his team wanted to prove that environmental responsibility
and financial success were simultaneously feasible, demonstrating that the "eco" in ecology and

economics were theoretically and practically compatible. The Jean-Michel Cousteau influence
affected energy conservation, waste management, water conservation, landscape management,
natural reserves, coastal restoration, food production, integrated pest management, interpretation
for guests, and community outreach. In order to he influence on ecotourism.


Surrounded by some of the world's most outstanding coral reefs, the resort is located on the
peaceful shores of the Koro Seas Savusavu Bay, four miles (7 kilometres) from Savusavu town
on Vanua Levu. The island, the second largest in Fiji, offers spectacular secluded coastline,
pristine barrier reefs, tropical rainforests, exotic waterfalls, and traditional villages and towns yet
to be discovered by most travelers.

The Fijian people are multi-religious, multi-cultural and English-speaking. They are recognized
as some of the friendliest people on earth. Fiji is accessible from most of the world by
international carriers into Nadi Intemational Airport.

Figure 3l: Location Map

Site selection and landscaping:

The underpinning was to keep additional development to a minimum and make better use what already
exists. The JMC resort has taken advantages of an existing facility and revitalized it to meet new
standards. The retrofitting process took the form of recycling, reuse and upgrading of a prime site resort

constructed on theme of a traditional Fijin village. The local habits have also been restored in the process.
The village theme was considered critical to the design ethic as it dignified the cultural heritage and
utilized design feature refined by generations to meet unique Fijan geography and climate. The total site
area is around I 7 acres.

Major Function:

. Accommodation
o Restararant

o RecreationalFacilities
o Swimming Pool
o Sauna & health club


Figure 32: Functional zoning on site

tAt-r B

vlLl.Act Oo /vtlNuTft) -,

Figure 33: Functional set up on site


Built on the site of a former coconut plantation, the 17 acre resoft features 25 spacious, individual

cottages, Fijis traditional thatched roof bungalows. Guests may choose from Villa, Honeymoon Point
Reef with Spa Tub, Point Reef, Oceanfront Suite, and Oceanfront 2-Bedroom, Oceanfront, or Garden
view accommodations. Built of local non-endangered timber, the cottages provide privacy and comfort.
All have high temple ceilings, native timber floors, expansive decks and a thatched roof. The cottages are

elevated and have wooden louvered floor to ceiling screened windows to take advantage of sea breezes.
Easily accessible to the main resort facilities, the cottages are comfortably spaced apart with dense
vegetation between them to ensure privacy.

Each cottage features rattan furnishings, king-size bed with custom-made mattress, premium quality
linen, and small sitting area with desk, single daybed, overhead fans, standing fan, and private deck with
garden or ocean views.

Fiji Private Villa:

Walking past the resort's picturesque lagoons, Villa guests approach from a curving stone pathway
landscaped with tropical foliage and flowers. Entering the solid vesi doors, the Daybed Cottage, Horizon

Edge Pool and al fresco dining area come into view.

To the left, the Villa's Master Suite features a luxurious bathroom with a generous spa tub with whirlpool,

a two-person indoor shower, chaise lounge, and two vanities with Aqua glass vanity bowls, copper
Bisazza tiles and beveled gilt mirrors. Stone pillars are lit with custom-made copper'torchlights.' A
Savusavu builder created the cabinetry.

The Villa's Master Suite's doors open fully to a view over the upper deck, including two sunlounges and

side table. Here the Daybed Pergola, three steps up from the lower deck, overlooks the Horizon Edge pool

- l5 feet wide and four feet deep - and the ocean and reefs beyond.

To the right of entry is a spacious, relaxed living area (or second bedroom). It features
comfortable lounge seating and convenient kitchenette amenities, including a stovetop, sink and
refrigerator stocked with complimentary beverages and snacks. A separate bathroom offers an
additional shower and lavatory. This area's doors open onto the alfresco dining deck and pool,

while its picture window showcases the Island beyond. Just past the pool is another outdoor
shower and steps leading to the Villa's private stone patio and the beachfront.

Entry of the viJla

Figure 34: Fictional space of Fiji Private Villa

Oceanfront Suite Cottage:

Accommodations designed for honeymoon couples or a family of four or five, each oceanfront
suite cottage offers privacy and splendid views. The cottage is approximately 540 square feet
with a single deck and a large stone mosaic patio, these cottages have one king bed & one single
day bed in the main area and one king bed in a separate, smaller room.

Figure 35: Fictional space of Oceanfront Suite Cottage

Oceanfront Cottages:

Oceanfront cottages are about 440 square feet with a225 square feet deck including a hammock.
Offering privacy and water views, this cottage provides one king bed and one day bed. It is a
perfect accommodation for a couple with up to 2 children 12 years and under (rollaway bed for
2nd child).

Figure 33: Fictional space of Oceanfront Cottage and Sea view can see from this cottage

Garden view Cottages

Garden view cottages overlook tropical foliage, colorful flowers and exotic plants. Each cottage

is about 440 square feet with a225 square feet deck, with a king bed and a day bed. It can be an
ideal accommodation for a couple with up to 2 children 12 years and under (rollaway bed for 2nd

Figure 34: From both side ofthe cottage get sea and garden view and light

Point Reef cottages:

Set apart from the resort in a secluded area but with easy access to all we offer, these private split
level cottages are very spacious - ideal accommodations for honeymoon couples and romantic
getaways. Each cottage features about 750 square feet plus a balcony &200 square foot deck .

They have one king bed on the upper level and two separate day beds on the lower level or
sitting area. All offer spectacular ocean views from the living room and bedroom. Children are
welcome only during school holidays, including summer vacation.

An unsurpassed range of complimentary activities includes:

Recreation: Four swimming pools, catamaran sailing, kayaking, snorkeling, swimming, kayaking
to Private Island, tennis, volleyball, table tennis.

Figure 35: Recreational space

Ecology (Led by the resort's own on-site Marine Biologist): Guided snorkeling trips, nature
hikes, reef flat walk, mangrove tour, Reef Critters & Coral City slide shows, glass-bottom boat
excursions, edible landscape tour, clam farm excursion, traditional Fijian medicine walk,
star gazing, ni ght snorkel ing.

Fee-based activities include: Scuba diving and scuba equipment, spa and massage treatments,

deep-sea fishing, sunset cruise, private island escape with gourmet picnic, dine-outs, guided
kayak trips to the interior of Vanua Levu.

Construction material:

Principal materials used in the development include timbers, palm leaf thatch, ceramic, tiles, stone, and

Figure 36: Material of roof structure


The resort is designed to support and be supported by the local community.

The designers took a pragmatic approach to development and environmental protection.

A multiple dimension of resorts has been organized in a sound way.

Deluxe facilities blended in an natural surrounding can easily attract the tourists.

The theme of the local Fijin's village has been effectively combined in the design of the

. Climatic changes are considered properly in the design.

. Roofing techniques are very interesting.


. Some cottages of the resort are deprived from the natural view.

' The resort neither stained as a luxurious nor an eco-resort. Rather it is stuck in the

3.5 Conclusion of Case Study

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Figure 37: Project Objective and findings

Chapter 4: Site Analysis & Program Analysis

4.1 Location:

The site is located at a distance of 2541<n from Dhaka. Site is located at end point of Khulna-
Mongla highway road. It's located at the opposite side of the Passur Hotel.

o,G8,AJ FtSl"l*Atg-g

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Figure 38: Map of Bangladesh Figure 39: Existing Site Map of Mongla

Figure 40: Location of the site

4.2 Way to the site analysis of Mongla:

Mongla is a sub urban area. People are depended on agriculture and fishing.

,r,r\\' l il l Ht 5l':ll,E 0t MUN0LA





Figure 41: Way to the site at Mongla

4.3 Site Description:
4.3.1 Existing surrounding and climate context:

My site is located in a prime location. Mongla port, Passur River, Mongla Nulla River, jinjira
point, coast guard office, helipad, bus stand etc.are located very close to my site. Sundarban is
very easily accessible from my site. In south there is Mongla River, so there is proper ventilation
in the site. East side of the site has the main road and road is filled with tall trees which creates a
natural shading for my site. The total area of the site is about 13 acres.

l.Helipad N
2.Private Quater
Khulns i,longra
3. Puss$r Hotel high way ,.
4.Qost $uard Office Khulna Mqntla
S.Qose 6uard VIPRoad "' j
6.Mongla Bus stand Hioh Wav
Gresn rFace

Mongla Nulla
be a slunn(rg
fiom mu s&e


tr'igure 42: Surrounding of the site

4.3.2 Site surrounding analysis:

I o


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Figure 43: Surrounding of the site

4.3.3 Topography:

There is an existence of two major levels in the site. Among them one level is dry which is
equivalent with the road side. This level is filled with a large number of tress. Another level is
located near the river which is around 2 feet lower. This level remains wet in most part of the
year and goes under water in the rainy season. Although there is no large trees in this level but

there is a small bush along the river.



) c





4.3.4 Vegetation:

At present approximately 80% surface of the site has been filled with vegetation. A large number
of coconut tress has been planted in a clustered way inside the site around 3 to 4 years ago in
order to create natural shading for the proposed resort. The average height ofthese coconut trees
are around 12 to 15 feet. These coconut trees naturally create an outlook ofa large coconut

{l1o kon^ur11Ess eg
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Figure 45: Vegetation in the site

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Figure 45: Vegetation in the site

Apart from these coconut trees there are some Sisu & Korail trees which has been planted long
time ago along the road side. The average height of these Sisu & Korail trees is around 50 feet.
There are also some trees inside the site which has grown naturally. These trees create shading
inside the site throughout the day. Moreover, there is a large bush along the riverside. Since the
site is filled with trees the place seems like a part of the Sundarbans when it is viewed from the

4.3.5 Consideration of planted and natural tress:

A large number of trees which have been planted or grown naturally across the site are an
important part of the place which needs to be considered during the architectural design. To
illustrate, the coconut trees standing in the site which are of equal size makes the place cooler
using the breeze coming from the south side of the site where the river located. There are a large
number of tall trees standing in the north-east side of the site where the main highway road
located. As the only main road near the site located in the north-east side, I am considering this

side as the entry point of the proposed resort which will remain shaded. Because of those large
trees this side remains naturally shaded all over the year. The trees standing in the north-west

side of the site creating a natural boundary for the site. After analyzingall those facts it can be
said all those trees standing in this site are an integral part of design consideration.

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Figure 46: Consideration of planted and natural tress

Cool air Cool air

Rive r


Figure 47: Maximum trees make the site cooler

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Ending of the Road.

Site shaded trees both side roads shaded

Figure 48: Existing large tress give the Road shaded (North East)

reating a natural boundary for the sitd


Figure 49: A natural boundary and shade form other side (North West)

4.3.6 Accessibility:

The site can be accessed in two ways: by the roadside and from the riverside. I am considering
roadside as the main entry of the proposed resort because this is the only highway road along this
site which is 25 feet wide. This road is parallel to the site which ends near the site. This road can

be used by the tourists visiting the Sundarbans from Khulna and other parts of the country.

Buses, private cars and autoricksaws mainly run across this road and there is a bus stand which is

around I km away from the site. The riverside can be used as the secondary entry of the resort.
The people who are returning from the Sundarbans can enter the site by boats from the riverside.

These are the two possible ways to access the site.

4.3.7 Buildings in the vicinity:

The river is located on the south side of the site and there are no other buildings around 300 feet
of the site in other three directions. The west side of the site is completely open where the
helipad is located. In the east side of the site the Khulna-Mongla highway is located and there are
greeneries on the other side of the road. There is a cost-guard office, a government residency and

the Pussur hotel far away from the site. There is a low density of population and building across
my site. There is a Mongla-Nulla Ghat and a bus stand near the coast guard office where people
come regularly from Mongla town but it doesn't affect my site in any negative way. There are no
such big structural buildings near the site. Most of the lands around the site have been used for

greeneries. As a result the outside environment unites with the site in a pleasant way.

4.13 Infrastructure:

o{\rtllrt{dh Bvqu
Figure 50: Building vicinity and infrastructure

4.3.8 River breeze and land breeze factor:

Due to day's river breeze and night's breeze is effecting the ventilation of my site.

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Figure 51: Micro climate River breeze and land breeze factor





4.4 The physical environment of the site:

4.4.1 Climate:

Mongla is located on the south of tropic of cancer bounded by the river Passur. This river flows
directly into the Bay of Bengal. It may be classified as tropical moist zone. The coolest
temperature occurs during December-January and the warmest, towards the close of the dry
season in May-June. The four main seasons are pre-monsoon (March-May), monsoon (June-

September), post-monsoon (October-November) and the dry winter (December-February). The

salinity of water also reaches maximum during this season. The monsoon users in high rainfall,
humidity and cloud cover, sediment load and water levels of the river also rise. Occasional
thunderstorms, cyclones and storms surges and rising salinity levels of water occur during post
monsoon season. River Passur possesses low salinity eight months a year. Four times a day high
tide and low tide occurs in the river.

4.4.2 Rainfall:

The rainfall increases from the west to the east. Eighty to eighty five percent of the annual
rainfall occurs during the monsoon from May to September. Frequent and heavy showers occur
from mid-June to mid-September.






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Figure 53: Average rainfall in mm at Mongla

4.4.3 Temperature:

High temperatures occur from the mid-March to mid-June. Temperature weather commences in
the beginning of December and warmer weather sets in towards the end of February.

Maximum Temperature: 35.5'C

Minimum Temperature: 1 2.5o

2c 19 5 le 2&1 2st.tgb.., 't0.0




"fur r .&!,1 -*! Oct afi{ S€.

"tJ Ja.0 Far lla: i$: iIn, lj, JJi Auq saI Ort .,sv

Figure 54: Average Temperature, Minimum and Maximum Temperature

4.4.4 Altitude:

Ranges from sea level to three meters.

4.4.5 Relative humidity:

June-October is the months with high humidity,while it is lowest in February. During the winter
months,rainfall is very low, but thick mists occur contributing greatly to the humidity.





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igure 55: Maximum Humidity during in summer and pleasant in winter

4.5 Environmental consideration:

4.5.1 Wind:

Wind speed in Mongla always remains maximum in 999.9. So that wind speed can be effect to
my site. Both positive and negative effect in seasonal.

4.5.2 Cyclone:

Cyclones in the Bay of Bengal usually move northwest in the beginning and then curve
eastwards. According to National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh reminder that Sundarban arca are

protected the maximum southern part from cyclone storm tracks. Because Sundarban storm

surge is 39feet to 4l feet. For that reason, Mongla is also become a safe zone.

Figure 56: Mongla free from cyclone storm tracks

Figure 57: Maximum Surge height at Mongla

4.5.3 Sea level pressure:

According to weather forecast at Mongla, October is the maximum sea level pressure and
minimum pressure in May. The average pressure is 1006.2. My site is close to river so that sea
level pressure have to concem to the design.

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Figure 58: Changing of river level in Bangladesh and Sea level risks at Mongla

Global Warming is the main reason for sea level rise and maximum risk in Bangladesh in
southern part. On that point Mongla is also in the risk for future. Water level is increasing day by
day so that consideration should be in main urgency in design.

4.5.4 Site force:

Both Sundarban and Bay of Bengal are close to my site and maximum impact can be
approaching the site. So that Sundarban and Bay of Bengal is the major site force.

Figure 59: Forces of the site

4.6.1 Implicasion Observetion of the site in a chart:

Factor Consideration
Orientation of the The site is North-South elongated and the river is at south of the site. As the site IS

site south facing all the major attraction and opening will be towards the river.Also

Shundarban can be viwed from south of my site so the cottage can be placed in
north south direction.
Frontage ofthe The site has two frontage. At east there is a high way road. So, it is possible to give

site different vehicular pedistrian access to the site from the road side.Beside that the

riverside can be used as the secondary entry ofthe resort.

Micro climate Brezze coming into the site affect the ventilation of my site. The resort can be north

south elongated to get the full benefit of micro climate.

Level of the site There is an existence of two major levels in the site. Among them one level

is dry which is equivalent with the road side. Another level is located near
the river which is around 2 feet lower. So that the wet part of the site design
should be allowed minimum 2 feet from ground level.
Tidal Height The maximurn tidal height of this area varies from2 feet 3 feet. So the building

should be above or at the protective level.

Vegetation At present approximately 80% surface of the site has been filled with
vegetation. These trees create shading inside the site throughout the day. A
large number of trees which have been planted or grown naturally across the

site are an important part of the place which needs to be considered during

the architectural design.

Views There is a view at south side s of river steam and Shundarban.North-West side also
open and North-East has road. So the opening and interaction space can be at four
sides if the site.
Traffic & Noise There is no traffic & noise problem to my site which make the site comfortable.

4.7 Project Program

Program Basis:

o As new resort it is necessary to ensure that all the essential functions are put into
immediate operation from the time of launching, even though the initial volume of
demand may be limited and the operation, in the first stage, may not be commercially

feasible. At the same time the resort must present an impression of vitality to attract

o There are two types of target visitors-

a) Students/Couple/Friend group (Both local & foreign)
b) Family/Corporate office Group etc. (Both local & foreign)
o Restaurants facility is another good option for revenue earning.

Key Functional Requirements:

o cottage -)
. Suit
o Entrance Hall
o Multipurpose Space
o Recreational Space
o Restaurant
o Resort Offrce \
o Watch Tower
o Shops
o parking
o Ancillary Facilities

4.7.1 Importance of the function:

o Public Facilities:

Type Description
Lounge When a visitor first reached to the resort they
go to the reception for further information. If
reception is occupied they can wait in the
lounge. From waiting lounge there should have
the view of the river.
Information Gallery There are much information about Mongla and

Sundarban which common people do not

know. Like
-Due to Global warming there has been lots of
damage in shundarban . This is also causing

natural disaster like cyclone, sider, haricans

etc. If this information is known by the
common people, they could be more aware
about the Global warming.

-The information to prevent Global warming

could be given to the people.

-Like Sundarban is one of the few forest in
South Asia which is unique in beauty and

nature. It abounds with a wide range of flora

and fauna.
Multipurpose space Now a days there are many plants, birds and

animal which have vanished from Sudarban

becaused of Global warming. So there should

be exhibition space where the sculpture of

these things should be exhibit. Beside that

occasionally the local people would arrange a

cultural program where they can participate. So
that tourist can enjoy also get knowledge about

the Sundarban lifestyle.

Watch tower As the site is close to river and the Sundarban
forest, so for the security purpose of the tourist
Watch tower is important.
Recreational Space To recreate the tourist there will be some
facility. Such as Boating, Fishing, and
Swimming, Golf practice space, Tennis court,
outdoor space and restaurant and also to enjoy
the sun set and sun rise there has some deck.
Shop There are many local things (honey of
Sundarban, handmade things by local people)

which are very famous. So there would be

souvenir shop to sell these local things.

o Private Facilities:

Double Rooms Most of the tourist used double rooms. So that

the number of double rooms in my resort are

more in quantity compared to other rooms.

Suits Many familes to go to Mongla to visit
Sundarban and stay in this resort in a suit

which cheaper. And the suit also includes a

Veranda, living, kitchen. So this suit is more

comfortable and economic for a family.

Restaurant . In door restaurant.

-view is very important.

-view of the river or Sundarban.
-natural wind and light.

-Outdoor restaurant.
-Deck(to enjoy the natural scenic beauty)
Administration For the well bing of the resort there are a

administration sector which look after the

resort manager.


Tourist Eco Resort at Mongla

Key Function Category Total Area (sqft)

Cottage(Double) Residential(Private) r6200
Suits Residential(Private) 20500
Entrance Hall Public 4590
Exhibition Space Public 7475
Watch Tower Public 1820
Cultural Space Public 3500
Restaurant Public/ Private 4940
Souvenir Shop Public 1000
Health Facilities Private 800sft
Front Officer Public 1620
Kitchen Staff 7180
House Keeping staff 3640
Loading Dock staff 1000
Employee's Area Staff 1100
Parking Semipublic 5100
Others 2015
Total Area Required 82480
Total Area of the Site 13.13 acre 56r600

4.9 Program Analysis:

Fub*ic Area


Figure 6l: Three types of facilities

Lounge and




Figure 62 :Public functions

. Public:
Main entry
Information Gallery
Multipurpose space
Restaurant( Indoor and outdoor)

Golf &

lndoor &
Cottages & Boating &
Dormitory Swimming

Figure 63: Private functions

. Private: Guest room:

RecreationalFacility :

room Maint

Service Receivi-
ng & room
Entry ng area


Figure 64: Service area

F Administration
} House keeping
! Room service
Fwatch tower
FBmployee room
)Enginearion and maintenance room

4.10 Functional space relationship: In this section major functions and their functional flow
diagram will be shown diagrammatically.



a, E a

Figure 65: All the functions

4.11 Functional Analysis for Cottage:

Kitehen & Dresser&

Figure 66: Function of Suit cottage

Functional Analysis for Cottage:


Double bed bilet

Figure 67: Function of double cottage

4.12 Functional Analysis for Restaurant:


Figure 68: Restaurant

'l runsport
fronr to

Supplics Disposal
st0rc + s tr)rr

='c F ' Pot rlarher


,ii.E r

Dishn ashcr

Figure 69: Restaurant Kitchen

Chapter 5: Design Consideration

The things I have considered while developing my design concept are

discussed in below:

a Implementing the modern architectural ideas in a naturally sustainable way.

a Considering the climate and ecology of the surrounding sight while developing the
architectural designs.
a Regenerate the Sundarban plantation in the resort

a To give an attention to the use of indigenous materials and tectonic style.

o Improve and establish a wider application of context responsive traditional architecture.
o Symbolizing the Sundarbans in the architectural concept of the resort.
a Establish an organized recreational facility and other to fit the demand of tourists.
o Improve and establish a playful and enthusiastic green environment within the resort.
a To create an intermediate space for the tourists visiting Sundarbans.
a To promote tourism in the Sundarbans without disrupting the ecological balance of the forest.


Figure 70: Design consideration based on the site and the function

5.1 Concept of the tourist resort at Mongla
While developing the concept of tourist resort at Mongla I have considered two major facts
regarding the sundasrbans. The positive news is that as the largest mangrove forest of the world
the popularity of Sundarbans is increasing dey by day among the tourists. But on the other hand
Sundarbans is gradually losing its beauty due to the climatical changes. I have balanced these
two extremes while generating the concept of the resort. Firstly, I have planned to develop a
nature based resort capitalizing the beauty of Sundarbans. Secondly, the idea is to regenerate the
beauty of sundrabans inside the resort through tree plantation. Through this concept the resort
can contribute in both ways. Firstly, it may help the visitors to experience the beauty of the forest
while staying at the resort. Secondly, the resort can play apart in replenishing the lost beauty of

the forest. So my concept is to develop a ttResort in natural settingsD by

maintaining the characteristics and benefits of a nature based resort.

How to regenerate the beauty of Sundarban in my site:

The Sundarbans consists of fresh water swamp forest, salt water mixed forest, brackish swamp
forest (true mangroves), mangrove scrub and littoral forest. . The mangrove of the Sundarbans
dependent on natural regeneration for its existence. Natural regeneration refers to renewal
of a
tree crop by natural means, as opposed to artificial regeneration by means of planting
or sowing
as done in mangrove plantation. Over the greater part of the forest, sprout recruitment
sufficient for replacement of the harvested trees. So, artificial regeneration of the mangrove
forest is not required.

Figure 7l: Plantation of littoral tress Figure 72:littoral trees are high and thin

However, littoral forest which is an important part of Sundarbans can be regenerated. The littoral
forests are coastal forests but they are not the same as mangroves. The littoral forests are separate
and unique ecosystems that offer habitation to some birds. These forests are found on high but

sandy grounds with thick vegetation along the mainland coast. The littoral forests are becoming

degraded forests due to higher mortality caused by increased salinity. Examples of littoral forests

can be thick mat of the Nipa Palm or Golpata (Nipa fruticans) by the side of almost all the

canals. The proposed site for the tourist in Mongla is situated on the bank of Passur River which

has a natural flow of water with less salinity. Littoral forest can be planted near the river bank, so

I have the opportunity to develop a littoral forest on the bank of the Passur River. This idea can
be beneficial in developing a natural surrounding inside the resort with the probability of lots of
birds moving inside the resort area.

Figure 73: The littoral forests are separate and unique ecosystems that offer habitation to
some birds.

Influence from other resort:

While selecting materials for the resort I have been influenced by the case studies I have done. In
all three resorts I have studied natural materials has been used successfully to develop the
structure. The materials those are commonly used in those resorts are timbers, bamboo, coconut
leaf, palm leaf thatch, concrete etc. These materials are very feasible in our country. At the same
time by using these materihls the resort can get economic benefits. So, I have planned to use
these natural materials in my resort.

Figure 74: By using timbers, bamboo, coconut leaf, palm leaf thatch
materials the resort can get
economic benefits.

5.2 Zoning:

Figure 75: Phase I


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BEArnI oF'


Figure 76: Phase 2

5.3 Babble:

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Figure 77: Phase I

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Figure 78: Phase 2

5.4 Conceptual layout:


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Figure 79: Conceptual layout with the functions

5.4.1 Conceptual layout of Individual cottages:

Figure 80: Individual Cottages elongated in 4Sdegree angle to get proper seasonal wind direction
and north south faced for the proper movement of light & wind

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Figure 82: Landscape channeling may give the cool breeze in the cottage
and also saye the cottages
from storm; Trees are giving low angle sun direction for natural shading

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Figure 83: In the section opening can be this way to get cool air inside
of the cottages

5.4.2 Conceptual sketches of the resort:

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Figure 84: Conceptual sketch of entry space to the Resort



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Figure 85: Conceptual sketch ofthe public space or restaurant space to the Resort




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Figure 86: Conceptual sketch of the Cottages with semi outdoor and outdoor space to the Resort


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