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Struggling to find the perfect thesis topic in International Humanitarian Law (IHL)?

Look no
further! Crafting a thesis in this field can be incredibly challenging due to the complex nature of the
subject matter and the vast array of potential topics to explore. From issues surrounding the
protection of civilians in armed conflict to the application of IHL in non-international armed
conflicts, the possibilities are endless but daunting.

The process of selecting a thesis topic requires careful consideration of various factors, including your
personal interests, the current state of research in the field, and the relevance of the topic to
contemporary issues in humanitarian law. It's essential to choose a topic that not only excites you but
also contributes meaningfully to the existing body of knowledge.

However, navigating through the sea of literature, identifying gaps in research, and formulating a
unique research question can be overwhelming for many students and researchers. This is where
professional assistance can make all the difference.

At ⇒ ⇔, we understand the challenges involved in writing a thesis on

International Humanitarian Law, and we're here to help. Our team of experienced writers specializes
in this field and can provide you with expert guidance and support every step of the way.

Whether you're struggling to narrow down your research topic, refine your research question, or
structure your thesis, our team is here to offer personalized assistance tailored to your specific needs.
With our help, you can save time and energy while ensuring that your thesis meets the highest
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Don't let the complexities of writing a thesis in International Humanitarian Law hold you back.
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It is clear that the fighting in Ruritania may not be considered as conflicts of an international
character. Attacker has to distinguish between military targets and civilian objects. Orangutans are
skeptical of changes in their cages. Fullscreen Sharing Deliver a distraction-free reading experience
with a simple link. Once active hostilities have ceased, Article 118 GC III requires POW to be.
International Humanitarian law limits the use of violence in armed conflict to spare. United Nations
Office of the High Commissioner (UNOHC). 2011. “International Legal. This may be due to the
fact that terrorism, as a social phenomenon, has many aspects which vary from case to case (Gasser,
552). Written at a higher level than other Peace Operations Training Institute courses, this course
deals with complex legal and military issues. The International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights (CCPR) first opened for. The author states that the international Monetary Fund (IMF) plays
a major role while rebuilding and stabilizing the monetary and pecuniary conditions of its member
states. Methods or means of warfare causing long term and severe damage to environment. However,
this principle is inapplicable to the instant case. Crime: Sexual Slavery The Special Rapporteur
defines slavery as “the. Therefore relief societies should only play an auxiliary role in assisting state
authorities in the execution of this task (Dungel 1). In such cases, humanitarian assistance is not
protected as such under International humanitarian law (Stoffels, 539). Asymmetrical warfare and
“direct participation in hostilities” 10. Bassey, Rekpene et al. 2013. Policing and Crime Prevention in
Nigeria Essay in Honour of IGP. However, international law relating to armed conflict restricts
indiscriminate attacks that can potentially inflict harm to innocent civilians and their property. Thus it
is not a binding rule to all the countries of the. Topics include background and definitions, protection
of victims, rights of prisoners of war, rules of conduct in hostilities, means of implementation, human
rights and IHL, applicability of IHL to peacekeeping and peace enforcement, different applications to
international and intra-national conflicts, terrorism, sovereignty, and the role of the International Red
Cross in International Humanitarian Law. Consequently, on the face value, such military action may
be considered as legally unjustifiable since the consequences were easily predictable. Consequently,
the military should not direct their actions against children in their efforts to attack the other party.
International Humanitarian Law Lecture 18 - Protection of Different Categorie. Some argue that the
Western Political Philosophy upon. Help Center Here you'll find an answer to your question. In all
these cases, terrorism serves to precipitate armed conflict or intensify an already existing armed
conflict. You can take the MCQ test and submit the project assignment as per your convenience.
Many constitutions of newly independent states state that. Ex: obligation on parties to an
international armed conflict. Digital Sales Sell your publications commission-free as single issues or
ongoing subscriptions. Surely, this incident in Ruritania is a mere fraction of the events which took
place in the former Republic of Yoguslavia. No separate article of Protocol I devoted to this principle.
It also examines the laws governing weapons manufacturing, procurement and use and discusses in
detail, the concepts of Rules of military necessity and Rules of proportionality. In fact, she, along
with other Commonwealth international States, had even imposed sanctions on Abkhazia. The text
has been acknowledged to be an authoritative work by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India and has
been quoted in the first and only judgement by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India on domain
names. Topics include background and definitions, protection of victims, rights of prisoners of war,
rules of conduct in hostilities, means of implementation, human rights and IHL, applicability of IHL
to peacekeeping and peace enforcement, different applications to international and intra-national
conflicts, terrorism, sovereignty, and the role of the International Red Cross in International
Humanitarian Law. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel
Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. This requires Parliamentarians and parliamentary
staff to be well-informed. The direct impacts refer to loss of lives and property during military
actions. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life. Some still believe, it would appear,
that despite the fact that the Universal Declaration. In this light, states must authorize entry and
passage of humanitarian aid for the affected populations, parties to the conflict must not obstruct
such humanitarian efforts and the affected parties must actively ensure that humanitarian assistance
is offered effectively, and that the humanitarian actors and their supplies are safe and secure
(Stoffels, 521). Add Links Send readers directly to specific items or pages with shopping and web
links. Human Rights: Comparing Origins, Manifestations and Aspirations.” LLM diss., University of.
International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC). 2008. “Increasing Respect for International. Article
28 provides for the establishment of a human rights. These regulations remain valid for both
international and non international armed conflict. We use cookies to create the best experience for
you. Scholars generally agree that the birth of modern IHL was in 1864, with the adoption of the
First Geneva Convention. Despite the fact that Geneva Conventions and Protocols did not give a
precise definition. Articles Get discovered by sharing your best content as bite-sized articles. The
tribunal was mandated to prosecute persons responsible for. Lyons, Sora. 2010. “The Universal
Declaration of Human Rights and the American Convention on. Legal protection of war victims in
international and non international armed. The Power of Genyo eLearning- The Lyceum
Northwestern University Basic Educat. Article 5 of the Statute of the International Criminal.
International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC). 2007. “Arms Transfer Decisions Applying.
The civilian guards did not take part in any hostilities such that they fall within the ambit of the
above-mentioned provision. This ensures that organizations provide aid to all victims without any
exceptions. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Additionally, such violence should
only be directed to the armed forces of the other party and not the civilian population. A Critically
Analysis of the Doctrine of Use of Force by States under Interna. States to seek out and punish any
person who has committed a. The civilians’ right to humanitarian assistance thrives from the
principle of inviolability. Lyons, Sora. 2010. “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the
American Convention on. Adobe InDesign Design pixel-perfect content like flyers, magazines and
more with Adobe InDesign. It is clear that the incident of the killing of the two civilian guards took
place in Ruritania. International Legal protection of Human rights in armed conflicts. However,
given that the IHL law prohibits the use of weapons to cause unnecessary suffering to members of
the opposing party indicates that terrorism acts against members of the military may be considered a
crime (Gasser, 557). Many peoples of the world still view the universal declaration. You have only
posted this short post but it not a complete dissertation. Methods or means of warfare causing long
term and severe damage to environment. The Power of Genyo eLearning- The Lyceum Northwestern
University Basic Educat. Since the rules emphasize on the protection of civilian rights, it ensures that
any actions that are directed towards the destruction of civilian property and lives, are not
perpetrated. University of Woolongong Detention of Non-State Actors Conference and Worksho.
This is done by ensuring that children are protected against persecution, torture, punitive measures,
degrading treatment and violence in the event of war. Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment
of Prisoners of War. Asymmetrical warfare and “direct participation in hostilities” 10. Upload Read
for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next
What is Scribd. Protects those who are not, or no longer, fighting Restricts means and methods of
warfare. Moreover, the compelling fact that the two guards went out of their line of duty to follow
the two children militates against the jurisdiction of the latter Court. I’m a senior writer at study- and hold a BA (hons) Business degree and MBA, I live in Birmingham (just moved here
from London), I’m a keen writer, always glued to a book and have an interest in economics theory.
Higgins, Noelle. 2004. “The Applications of International Humanitarian Law to Wars of National.
International humanitarian law and international human rights law are two distinct but. Granting but
not conceding that indeed, the Black Panthers were the ones who executed the two civilian guards,
they were only acting in the defense of the integrity of their camp at that time, considering that the
guards were also armed. Again, activists throughout the Eastern Bloc seized on these provisions to
demand. Clearly, under these provisions, the authorization by the affected state is critical in enabling
humanitarian actors to effectively deliver relief.
The combination of the two principles gives rise to the conclusion whether such actions are legally
justifiable or not. The Diploma in International Humanitarian Law is brought to you by Scriboard
Advocates and Legal Consultants, one of the renowned law firms in India in association with
Enhelion. International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg held that Hague Convention IV. Distinction
between military targets and civilian objects. Written at a higher level than other Peace Operations
Training Institute courses, this course deals with complex legal and military issues. Although it is said
that traditionally, international human right law is seen as imposing. Henckaerts, Jean-Marie. 2005.
“Study on Customary International Humanitarian Law: A. Protocol Additional to GC 1949 and
relating to the Protection of Victims of. It's like a masterclass to be explored at your own pace. Video
Say more by seamlessly including video within your publication. Even during outright war, the law
of war grants fundamental protection to persons and. Based on this principle, a military action must
be necessitated by the need to accomplish at a specific military objective. Mr. Bouvier retired from
the ICRC in 2016 and now works as a consultant. This is clearly a war crime of murder prohibited by
the Statute. The tension between the two states had been caused by disagreement between them
regarding matters of international importance. He is presently Advisor to the Ministry of
Communications and Information Technology, Government of India on the implementation of the
Information Technology Act, 2000.Mr. Ryder has been nominated as a 'Leading Lawyer' in
intellectual property, technology, communications and media law by Asia Law, Who'sWhoLegal,
Asia Legal 500, amongst other International publications. I am a law degree student and this
material will come in very useful indeed. Thanks. Article 4A of the 1949 Geneva Convention III
provides that. However, terrorism acts can be perpetrated during war, and organized terrorists actions
can initiate armed conflict. International humanitarian law for the most part applies in. Article 51
further prohibits attacks using weapons whose impacts cannot be properly controlled. International
Humanitarian Law Lecture 18 - Protection of Different Categorie. Sequel to the above, the same day
the General Assembly adopted the Universal. According to the international humanitarian law, the
right to use force or commit acts of violence in armed conflict is restricted to the armed forces, which
preserve the right to choose the means of warfare (Gasser, 554). This handbook has been specifically
designed by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) and the British Red Cross to help
achieve this goal, taking into account the specific legal traditions and practices, and values, of
Commonwealth countries. Human Rights Committee was established in 1977 to monitor the state
parties and their. Nations and to a remarkable extent, other regional bodies. If the state is not in a
position to do so, then it should allow third parties to provide humanitarian aid to the affected
population. Barrow Motor Ability Test - TEST, MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION IN
PHYSICAL EDUC. Prosecutor v. Drazen Erdemovic, ICTY (Appeals Chamber), Judgment of
October 7, 1997,, 1 Dec. 2007.
Article 5 of the Statute of the International Criminal. Human rights are not new in Britain as they
are as old as Magna Carta known today as the. In sum, Guru X and Tutu's acts indubitably show that
several violations of the Statute have been violated and they should be held to answer therefor. It
protects persons who are not or are no longer participating in the hostilities and restricts the means
and methods of warfare. The principle of impartiality rejects discrimination and subjective
distinctions in the provision of humanitarian aid. The very first veritable instrument for actualizing
this noble objective was the United. But authoritarian states, which usually sought to protect.
University of Woolongong Detention of Non-State Actors Conference and Worksho. Between 1955
and 2005 more than 200 armed groups were involved in about forty armed. Statistics Make data-
driven decisions to drive reader engagement, subscriptions, and campaigns. This is clearly not
punishable under the Statute as explained in the case of Prosecutor v. The act of Guru X in giving
orders to Tutu to kill the two civilian guards fall within the meaning of War Crime under paragraph
(e) Article 8 of the Statute of Rome to wit. Describe the protection that IHL provides to victims of
war, particularly children and women. It provides 5 x 45 minutes of sequential learning activities
designed for both formal and non-formal education settings for young people and other interested
groups. Therefore, the international humanitarian law deals with terrorism in its capacity to deal with
armed conflict. The dissenting opinion of Judge Cassese in the Erdemovic case is worth mentioning
to wit. Hence, it is the courts of justice of Ruritania which should hear the case, especially that there
were no communications from Ruritania that local forum's court deferred to the jurisdiction of ICC.
Some of them set forth absolute obligations which are usually binding on all Claims (jus cogens).
International Criminal Tribunal (ICTR) was established in Tanzania to prosecute those. Written at a
higher level than other Peace Operations Training Institute courses, this course deals with complex
legal and military issues. In this case, the military decision to provide humanitarian aid while at the
same time providing military assistance may be driven by humanity considerations, in which the
military is motivated to do so with the aim of alleviating human suffering for civilians. The acts that
were allegedly committed by Guru X and Tutu are not punishable under the same Statute. Their
observation and full exercise are the foundation. However, the declaration is merely a statement of
principles, not a legally binding. Throughout this course you will benefit from a mix of theory and
practice, which is at the heart of the vision and mandate of the Kalshoven-Gieskes Forum. While
common article 3 is similar to the full range of provision contained in the Geneva. As a result a party
to a non-international armed conflict, either a state or an armed. The International Covenant on Civil
and Political Rights (CCPR) first opened for. Video Say more by seamlessly including video within
your publication. Protection of objects indispensable to the survival of civilian population.

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