Manly Palmer Hall (18.03.1901) - Genetic Matrix

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Information about you:

manly p hall (18.03.1901)

Personal Qualities
You cannot be in a positive and a negative state. On the positive side, everything is good, and you
feel wonderful. You live easily, are satisfied with everything and are happy. When a negative state
is expressed, it means that you “lost your way”. There may be negative situations and difficulties
in life. As soon as you go back to positivity, troubles end and life gets better.

In a Positive State

(18) Your personality is deep, possessing some kind of mystical attraction and mystery. You can
be proud of your strong imagination and natural intuition. There is a strong connection with the
Moon, on which their well-being and all life cycles are dependent. You can control events and
your own life by using positive thinking: thoughts are easily materialised due to strong energy.
Magical abilities may become a profession. Diverse interests help you to develop in any direction
of interest. Quite often, there is writing talent. You have a passion for creating a beautiful
environment around them and surrounding themselves with beautiful people (the choice of a
social circle frequently occurs by this quality). You are capable of drawing information from any
source and quickly processing it. You are endowed with spatial, imaginative thinking, which can
be useful in various fields.

(3) You are the representation of luxury and earthy fertility, the energy of material goods, wealth
and prosperity. For you, success is important in every life component: family, home comfort,
public recognition. High social status is quite often necessary, so the desire for leadership is
always noticeable. You know how to earn money and be lucky in running the business. You are
distinguished by good taste and a passion for beautiful things. There is always a perfect order,
comfort, and a beautiful atmosphere in the house. You have the skill to get along with children
and not forget about yourself. You have the ability to always look stylish and well-groomed,
having an attractive appearance and powerful energy that attracts the opposite sex. You feel
good in the company of women and perfectly understand the weaker sex. You are endowed with
innate taste and the ability to give valuable advice to any woman when shopping. Participation in
household chores is not alien to you. You take the opportunity to engage in everyday life with
pleasure: cooking, cleaning, home design. At the same time, it is difficult for you to succeed in
traditionally male professions, where the application of great physical strength is required (for
instance, a miner, a military man, an athlete). Success will be achieved if you work in the field of
design and style and choose a creative profession. You can also be good at helping people to
become more beautiful and successful, creating a comfortable environment for life. The
entrepreneurial industry would also be suitable, as well as the position of a manager, especially
in a women's team. Despite the socially accepted opinions, it is worth finding your niche in your
professional career. Do what you are passionate about and good at, for example, becoming a
retail assistant or a stylist. For a more harmonious relationship with your partner, you will have to
take a more active position. A woman will sooner or later want to see a man as a leader and
hand over the duties of managing the family. It is necessary to learn to take responsibility for
loved ones and make decisions - this way you can earn authority among them.

In a Negative State

(18) Negative thinking can prevent all the natural advantages because all the thoughts of a
pessimistic person come true. Various fears and doubts can make it difficult to develop. It is also
quite harmful to you not to listen to yourself or control your consciousness and strength. When
you have doubts, you can completely stop acting. Unrealised desires continue to torture and
exhaust energetically. You can be too sensitive, and there might be a temptation to take revenge
on the offenders using your magical abilities. This can happen during a moment of anger, without
thinking about the consequences. Later the released evil will return in an enhanced size.
Therefore, it is important not to succumb to suggestions of using special abilities to negatively
impact someone.

(3) If for some reason, there is no opportunity to develop as a specialist and become successful
in society, your character starts to deteriorate. Breakdowns on loved ones are present,
authoritarianism and despotic behaviour are manifested. You hate someone's weakness and do
not forgive mistakes. You try to do everything at once. However, it is often difficult for you to
simultaneously be successful specialists, leaders at work and masters of creating comfort at
home. If you do not cope, you begin to blame yourself and put in even more effort. Excessive
pride and arrogance towards others can also play a destructive role. You quite often consider
yourself better, smarter, more important than others. You interfere with other's life and
excessively control loved ones. At the same time, you demand a lot of attention to yourself. It
seems that surrounding people do not respect or appreciate you enough. The manifestation of
intolerance and the priority of material goods over everything is also a bad trait.


(10) Diverse and active communication plays a vital role in your life. You should not miss an
opportunity for social interaction. Most of the lucky possibilities are opened through other people
or valuable contacts. Therefore, it is crucial to remain yourself and not try to please others
deliberately. At the same time, you should take the success calmly and not brag about their
achievements in front of others. You like being appreciated for your pleasantness in
communication, cheerfulness, easy character. However, you should not control your speech and
eliminate superficiality in conversations to avoid being considered empty. It is essential to
maintain business contacts and personal connections. You should not refuse the patronage of
more influential people. The ability to understand the information in space and notice unique
signs will only be helpful for you.

Previous life
(15-20-5) Karmic debt from a previous life

In the previous life, you were a descendant of a powerful and robust family with established
traditions. Your family had high hopes and supported you in everything. Relatives expected the
continuation of an important family tradition or business. However, you decided to separate from
the family and live your own life. You began to oppose yourself to the family in everything, to
exist only in the field of your interests. You refused the family support and relatives ties.

In present life

In the present life, you are born in a family with broken family ties. Perhaps, someone was
refused and excluded from the genus due to a crime (murder, theft). It often happens when there
is a divorce, and all communication with the daughter-in-law or son-in-law is interrupted. In such
a family, a rebel appears, who surprises everyone with their actions. This is you. You act in
opposition to everyone, not as expected. For example, you refuse to continue the family
profession and do not want to have children or get married, despite all other family members
having a family and children. You can go as far away from your relatives as possible to avoid
communication. You can also have a quiet wedding. You do not accept help from loved ones,
even if it is necessary. You are not ready for contacts. The maximum you can do is to help with
money. No matter how hard you try to avoid communication with loved ones, there will be a
completely different goal in life. The more independence you show, the more difficult
circumstances fate will make your face. There may be problems up to oncology when it is simply
impossible to do something without the support of relatives, and you will have to learn how to
accept help from them.

Lesson and recommendations

You can become an essential member of your genus, influence others and recreate interrupted
connections with a person rejected from the family. You do not need to cover emotional debts for
close ones with money. Non-material help, such as babysitting a child or digging up a garden, will
be much more demanded. It is worth bringing relatives together at one table. The most important
is to learn to accept the help and participation of the family.

Scenario of life (NEW)

<b>Resistance strategy</b>

A person has a habit of rejecting the established rules and societal beliefs upheld by their family,
parents, and the wider community. They swim against the current, striving to assert their own
"specialness" and independence.


Living against rules

Feeling like the black sheep

Violating restrictions
Being indenyl

Choosing to distance yourself from the family home

Early marriage

Losing touch with family members

Being ashamed of your origins

Conflicts with parents

Rejecting parental authority

Fearing the repetition of your parents' mistakes

Hereditary illnesses

Conflicts with your children

Refusing to communicate with parents

Refusing to communicate with your children

Exhibiting self-destructive tendencies

Struggling to seek help from family or friends

Cheating in your family

Displaying reluctance to become part of the family of a spouse

<b>New strategy</b>

Respecting and accepting the wisdom gained from familial experiences while consciously
formulating your own set of rules and norms

<b>Steps to take</b>

Separation from parents

Avoiding fighting for the sake of fighting

Discovering ancestral history with appreciation

Creating a family tree

Uniting relatives

Accepting help from the family, helping others

In a conflict, try to prove your point calmly

Learn to say no without violating other’s boundaries

Playing a game of "All day long, say yes!"

Examining the norms and rules that you do not want to follow, understand why this triggers you,
delving into the underlying reasons behind this resistance, and evaluating the consequences of
defying these rules

Communicating with relatives, engaging in warm conversations, and honouring shared traditions

Creating personal traditions and developing a moral framework

Seeking out a trustworthy mentor and learning from their own experiences

Mastering the art of maintaining order in the home, workplace, and social media.


Talents from God

Fertility (3)

Everything around you comes alive and pleases the eye: flowers bloom, animals feel great. There
is a special energy field. A man next to such a woman always succeeds. His talents develop, he
brings money and other material goods. Children grow up smart and talented. The gift of
receiving benefits from the world in a passive way is your unique feature. If you have accepted
your energy, are peaceful and calm, then material success will come easily, as if by itself. You
inspire creators. Women next to whom men grow from a sailor to an admiral have such energy.
The talent for creativity allows you to create beauty and harmony around. You get along well with

If you are a man, then you understand women well, easily catch their feelings, desires, mood
swings easily. Therefore, in the ladies' team you feel harmonious. Also, a business where the
target audience is women has every chance of material success.

What is blocking your gift? Excessive activity according to the principle - "I do it myself" and
unwillingness to give birth and raise children. This conflicts with the very nature of energy and
does not allow the development of talents.

Spiritual rebirth (16)

Your talent is to heal karma, including difficult cases, with the right words and thoughts. You are
free from any material attachment. You are able to build a house and give it to someone, or leave
it and go away to travel. What sets you apart from others is the gift of creative destruction. You
can destroy part of life and start from scratch. Unfortunately, the challenges you face are too
great for others. But you rise up after every obstacle like a phoenix, thanks to the immense
vitality. It is this ability that allows you to lead people, because looking at your strength, they
believe in you and follow you. Despite all the difficulties, you are always cheerful, keep optimism
and faith in the best. The ability of creative destruction will help you to realize yourself in building.
To allow your talent to develop, you cannot destroy houses, temples. Don't give advice that could
ruin the lives of others.

Transformation (13)

You are ready to start over and over again. You reject the remnants of the past, change and
reform the reality around you. All that is superfluous dies, and the necessary takes root. You
contribute to life changes in those around you, help transform consciousness. You are not afraid
of death. You can work in extreme conditions. In difficult situations, your talents are enhanced.
When everyone around you is in a panic and does not know what to do, you maintain clarity of
thought and act according to plan. You perceive any crisis as a point of growth and come out of
it as a winner, with newly acquired skills and qualities. You make new, alternative paths. You do
something revolutionary, something that hasn’t been invented before you. You are effective in
many areas at once, multi-tasking like Caesar. You pull people out of their comfort zone with your
hypnosis talent. You can identify and extract the weak link in any system, helping it to become
more effective.

You cannot resist change, otherwise your talents will be blocked.

Talents from mother

Soul (14)

You feel the desires of the soul. It is important to choose everything in your life to your liking:
work, partner, people around. And you know how to do it. Through creativity you help other
people connect with the soul. Abilities are revealed when you are alone with yourself, in a state of
peace and complete trust in the higher powers. The talent of clairvoyance helps to identify and
awaken the best qualities in people. People around you always feel good, calm and harmonious.
You can heal people with herbs and water. From birth you are rewarded with patience.

If you do not appreciate what you have now, impatient and insatiable, then this can block the
talent. You need to learn gratitude; this will contribute to –self-realization. Do not complain that
you have been given too little, do not be greedy.

World (21)

Your energy is the energy of the World, globalization, scaling. A person of the world, you feel
perfectly harmonious anywhere in the world. It is beneficial to work abroad, with foreigners or in
an international company. There is a talent for learning foreign languages. Global, limitless,
flexible thinking allows you to solve complex problems. Small, not promising projects are not for
you. You know how to bring elements of other cultures into your own life harmoniously. You are
able to develop traditions of the family. You decently represent their interests thanks to the talent
of a diplomat. The gift of a peacemaker makes it possible to successfully regulate any issue,
resolve conflicts.

Disrespect for your homeland blocks your talent.

Leadership (7)

Such people change the world when they set clear goals and achieve them. Your talent is the
ability to keep moving forward for a big dream. Under any circumstances, you are ready to
continue moving towards the goal, overcoming any obstacles. You are an unconditional leader.
You are able to inspire. In any team, staff, family, you catch the desires of others before they
realize them themselves. You formulate them in the form of a goal and inspire others to achieve.
Your task is not to rush others and not do everything for them, but only to manage the process. It
is important to complete the process, which means to get the result. Then you will be satisfied.
Being cooped up indoors is not for you. The sport needed to relax and "reboot" must change the
picture around. For example, it could be cycling, walking, swimming, or running. It is perfect if you
are drive. This is important for therapeutic purposes, because you need to be on the move, "at the
wheel" in order not to become discouraged.

The reason for the failure to realize your talents may be aggression, the ability for the sake of
your desires to "walk over their heads" or hindering others in achieving their goals.

Talents from father

World (21)

Your energy is the energy of the World, globalization, scaling. A person of the world, you feel
perfectly harmonious anywhere in the world. It is beneficial to work abroad, with foreigners or in
an international company. There is a talent for learning foreign languages. Global, limitless,
flexible thinking allows you to solve complex problems. Small, not promising projects are not for
you. You know how to bring elements of other cultures into your own life harmoniously. You are
able to develop traditions of the family. You decently represent their interests thanks to the talent
of a diplomat. The gift of a peacemaker makes it possible to successfully regulate any issue,
resolve conflicts.

Disrespect for your homeland blocks your talent.

Justice (8)

You have a profound ability to control people, processes, even the powers of nature through
consciousness. Intuitively familiar with Divine laws, you understand cause-effect and karmic
relationships. A keen sense of justice is another of your talents. You are able to see the
relationship of various events. You have an organizational talent and are able to coordinate
processes involving a huge number of people. The ability to present yourself favorably is your
special ability. You do it beautifully and brightly. You will succeed in numerology, astrology, any
areas related to karma.

What is blocking your talents? Cheating and breaking the law. You can't violate your obligations,
otherwise your talents will never be realized.

Archpriest (5)

You gather people around you, creating a circle of like-minded people with common values. You
teach them to live by the rules that you adhere to either. The knowledge you are interested in is of
a practical kind. And their final assimilation occurs during giving it to others. You pass knowledge
through your experience and research on other people's examples. Then you structure it
according to the scheme created earlier and share it with others in the form of a ready-made
algorithm. It is very important that the transferred knowledge is applied in life, bring results. This
is how you feel your full realization. A special gift is to create integrity around, order, and this is
what attracts people. Thanks to it, you can heal both body and soul. You are also capable of
extrasensory perception and of controlling other people.

To reveal your talents, you need to put everything in order. This will give a sense of harmony and
will allow your abilities to manifest themselves.

What can block your talents? They are conservatism, rough imposition of the rules on everyone
around but not just those who are interested. There is also disrespect for elders, teachers and

Up to 40 years old you need to decide who you are, what you like and what you want to do. Tests,
complicated situations and difficulties are given to help you, overcoming which you find answers
to your questions. Some of the tasks can be very difficult. This is the time for personal growth in
all spheres of life. It is important to remember that maintaining a balance between spiritual,
internal improvement, and the development of skills that are necessary in the material world is
essential. Time from 20 to 40 years old is the best for starting a family, surrounding yourself with
friends and like-minded people. Good relationships with loved ones bring harmony, positive
emotions and happiness to your life. After 40 years, there comes a stage when it is necessary for
you to start sharing the accumulated experience and knowledge. When you begin to do this, then
material well-being will come to you. If you have found integrity, answers to your questions, know
who you are and your desires, have developed talents and skills, created a family, then your life
develop successfully and harmoniously. Throughout life, it is important to remember and pay
attention to your inner and spiritual development. This will help you find the strength to overcome
troubles in difficult moments and feel the support of higher power.

Destiny 20-40

(8) According to your life purpose you need to understand the global cause-and-effect
relationships of events and actions. At the same time you should transfer personal experience
and knowledge in this area to others. It is important that you comply with the rules of society and
understand the universal spiritual and moral laws. You need to learn to take responsibility for
your life and not blame others for the failures due to incorrect parental attitudes and upbringing.
You will have to become a fair and caring leader of your family, showing wisdom in attitude
towards the others. If the ability to analyse the important laws of justice and life makeup is not
implemented, you may begin to fall into conflict and situations involving fighting for justice.
There may be legal proceedings, including even the ones with family members. You will look for
the truth through the laws. Still, it will be difficult for you to find it in simple logical solutions,
since the questions will be ambiguous and beyond the usual understanding of legality and the

(11) You are given a great physical and spiritual strength by nature. However, it is important that
you use it for peaceful and creative purposes. You need to learn to control your power and
influence. The best way is to build your own empire starting from the family to career. It is
possible for you to become a founder of a powerful energy flow through your work and with the
help of a team of like-minded people. It is good to do something that will involve many others
and will also bring universal benefit. Without knowing how to control your power, destructive
tendencies start to appear. This can include extra weight (in relation to health) to a breakdown in
relationships and loss of family and contacts with others. Even things in the surrounding space
will break down. The worst thing is when the situation comes to self-destruction, self-searching
and rejection, war with yourself.

(19) Your main role is to be a leader. You need to fully implement the abilities and ambitions for
your well-being and the prosperity of many other people. Happy, carefree life and wealth will be
provided if you care for many and wisely use your power and influence. If you reject the life
purpose, you might get stuck in one area, trying to achieve success. However, nothing will
happen, yet all your energy is spent on that. Various dependencies on other people become
present in different circumstances, which slow down your development and create obstacles on
the way to success. In such cases, both material and spiritual poverty awaits.

Destiny 40-60

(10) You are given a lot of things by the fate, so it is worth to generously take its gifts. You can
use periods of prosperity for helping others. It is important to do what you love without tension.
Going with the flow and following luck while choosing the safe direction is the right thing to do. It
is important to trust the plans of the universe and the fact that you are given the best of life. You
need to learn to enjoy the worldly goods, love and comfort. Your main path is to show others a
harmonious and happy lifestyle without overcoming difficulties, without stress while doing
favorite things. If you reject the help and hints of fate, the harmony will be disrupted. Therefore,
you will have to earn money in a hard, exhausting way. Apathy and laziness will appear. Not
believing in yourself results in purposeless existence and a burden on the soul. You cannot cope
without the help of a higher power (which allows to intuitively feel, move in the right direction,
and be in the right place on time).

(19) Your main role is to be a leader. You need to fully implement the abilities and ambitions for
your well-being and the prosperity of many other people. Happy, carefree life and wealth will be
provided if you care for many and wisely use your power and influence. If you reject the life
purpose, you might get stuck in one area, trying to achieve success. However, nothing will
happen, yet all your energy is spent on that. Various dependencies on other people become
present in different circumstances, which slow down your development and create obstacles on
the way to success. In such cases, both material and spiritual poverty awaits.

(11) You are given a great physical and spiritual strength by nature. However, it is important that
you use it for peaceful and creative purposes. You need to learn to control your power and
influence. The best way is to build your own empire starting from the family to career. It is
possible for you to become a founder of a powerful energy flow through your work and with the
help of a team of like-minded people. It is good to do something that will involve many others
and will also bring universal benefit. Without knowing how to control your power, destructive
tendencies start to appear. This can include extra weight (in relation to health) to a breakdown in
relationships and loss of family and contacts with others. Even things in the surrounding space
will break down. The worst thing is when the situation comes to self-destruction, self-searching
and rejection, war with yourself.

Destiny Common
(3) You need to create material and tangible outcomes both in life and work. It can be giving birth
or raising kids as a life goal as well as a production of some material things (building houses,
making furniture, etc.). If the life purpose is not followed, the creation of tangible and material
things is refused, then life will be difficult, and the financial situation will reach the edge of
survival. Problems with kids may appear.

(3) To achieve financial wellbeing, it is worth for you to accumulate a speciality in the field of
allocating resources, create harmony and beauty (including everything related to fashion, image,
appearance) or heal. Success will also come to you from professions related to children starting
from maternity care to teaching and educating people. You have a harmony in areas, including
animal farming and agriculture, creating home comfort and housekeeping. You should try
yourself in business, administration, management. It is crucial to implement your leadership not
authoritatively but gently and diplomatically. You must evaluate the work and dignity of employed
specialists. A field where most of the customers are women will bring you a significant income.
The management of a predominantly female team will also develop well.

To become successful

(9) You can earn from students and followers by transferring important and valuable knowledge
to them. It is vital to reveal secrets and information (meditations, religion, healing) hidden from
many people. You need to share your knowledge, develop positive thinking and teach this to
others. Being open to people and responsive to the best of your abilities will be the right thing to
do. It is essential to maintain balance in regards to money: reduce your expenses yet not save
too much. It is better not to stay alone for too long or be proud of a unique gained knowledge
putting yourself above others. Surrounding people are there for spreading and mentoring future
followers. You should not get fixated only on making money and thoughts about material goods.
Leaving society and moving to asceticism or seclusion would not be the best option.

(11) You can earn a lot of money from physical labour and a belief in your strength. It is vital to
reduce aggression outbreaks in personality, control energy. You should avoid turning into a
workaholic and forcing others to overwork. Applying force in arguments is useless; the ability to
give is more productive. Praise and approval from loved ones are rarely given to you (especially in
the field of finance). It will be helpful to learn to forgive and accept others as they are. It is
essential to realise your sexual desires, not be shy and enjoy sex to achieve success. It is useful
to use your energy of the natural elements for recovery and to recharge in nature (for example, to
go to water sources).

(21) Your success and financial prosperity come through freedom, peace, absence of
boundaries. You need to expand the limits of consciousness, discover new things and be opened
to the whole world. It is good for you to choose an occupation related to travelling, constant
business trips abroad, which will bring a significant income. Your field of work should be global,
serving the whole world and representatives of different cultures, uniting and bringing people
together. It is useful to make peace, look after physical health. Such an active life requires a
strong body. Boring and lending money is destructive for you. Financial obligations should not
burden and bind to one place. At some point, you will have to stop to sort yourself out, free
yourself from the fear of repeating your parents' life and relationships.

(5) Access to finances opens through prioritising family, knowledge, following laws. Family
values should be the most important for you. Your income directly depends on your relationships
with family. Therefore, it is necessary to establish family ties, bring relatives together, help close
ones. It is crucial that you maintain and develop family traditions and teach them to others,
respect the elderly. If your primary occupation is related to teaching or science, it is essential that
you share all of the gained knowledge. In any case, your spiritual experience must not be left in
the intellectual world. You should materialise your knowledge to achieve financial wealth: write a
book or make an educating course, become a teacher, mentor in their field or the broadest
understanding. It is important to begin teaching free of charge, without thrusting knowledge on
others, but instead sharing it easily and understandably based on your own experience.


(5-14-19) You can count on significant success in business or gaining well-being from other
family members. This is an opportunity for you to become very wealthy and successful. There is
richness in the money field as well as in other areas of life (relationships, children) -
simultaneously or appearing gradually. Thus, during a certain period of life, you can gain success
from the opposite sex and wealth in the following years. Your family can have many intelligent
and beautiful children. Suddenly you can experience a significant breakthrough in financial
income or a flourishing in relationships with a partner. Activating such a gift of fate is relatively
simple because it is given to you for a reason and deservedly.

Financial Flow

- financial flow

Stress about money. Not believing in yourself and not believing in an ability to make a lot of

Spending your energy and workaholism.

Desperation and a desire to get everything at once, irritation to others.

Aggression and inability to guide your energy in the right direction.

Work that harms your health and environment.

+ financial flow

Working on big projects involving a large amount of information, it is also important to learn to
take a rest and recover.

In order to concentrate your energy correctly, it is useful to make a plan, a schedule, organise a
daily routine and have a good and proper rest!
- financial flow

Any kind of restrictions, standard thinking. Limiting boundaries such as the city, the position, the
place of work. All this blocks the money in the matrix of fate. Unwillingness to expand the scope
and do something global, poor attitude to the online opportunities, everything foreign and society
as a whole.

Dissatisfaction, but inaction. Ingratitude.

Anti-peacebuilding activities, attempts to do things that harm the world.

The tendency to lend money. Being out of your social circle (lower social class than yours)

+ financial flow

Global goals and activities that are useful to people. Bringing people together, creating
something useful for the world.

Continuous professional development, expansion and scaling up of the workflow.

Using modern technologies and the Internet in your work;

Mastering the work online, interaction with foreign partners, learning foreign languages

Living and working while traveling from different parts of the world

- financial flow

Insecurities and doubts about your competence

Illegal ways of making a profit, disobeying laws

Conservatism and stereotyped thinking, stubbornness.

+ financial flow

Legal activity and obeying the law

The organisation of daily activities and documents, structure and automation of the workflow

Applying the acquired knowledge and skills as soon as possible.

- financial flow

Rejection of material benefits, savings on yourself

Fear of self-confidence and being unsure about your value. Or, in another extreme, you put
yourself above others and dislike people who are less intelligent and educated.

Inability to be in partnership and communicate distrust.

Attempts to work only physical labour or work in a large team

+ financial flow
The organisation of the workflow is so that there is a personal workspace, but also
communication with partners; building up communications

Building a circle of like-minded people to transfer knowledge and skills.

Work that involves further growth and improving the quality of knowledge and skills

Intellectual work in privacy (science, writing, teaching).

- financial flow

Conflicts with women and avoidance to build partnerships with them

Pressure on people, rigidity

Obsession with material goods

Inability to receive passive income, gifts and gratitude

Failure to use your beauty, untidy appearance

The desire to live at someone else's expense.

+ financial flow

Female partners, respectful attitude. Services or activities related to women or children

Senior positions, starting your own business

Ability to delegate and assign responsibilities


Burnout, Flash (10-11-19)


The person has the ability to immediately absorb all new information and quickly understand the
true essence. Due to many interests, they often light up with ideas and can infect others with a
strive for activity. Such people control the element of fire and tame the flame in a way that is
often inaccessible to other people. An energetic and active nature distinguishes them.

Potential issues:

In the physical aspect, something can explode all the time near this individual, or a fire can start.
Dangerous situations can lead to severe injuries and burns. At the intellectual level, the person
quickly lights up with an idea and cools down just as quickly. They often cannot finish what they
have started, seem thoughtless and not serious, get carried away.


In order to truly tame the fire outbursts, it is better to choose a profession related to it (fireman,
lifeguard, cook). In this way, fire incidents will be eliminated. Regarding ideas, it is necessary to
try not to abandon the work immediately but to wait a little bit. The interest may manifest itself
and become more permanent later during the implementation of the project. The person should
not devalue their ideas and initiatives. Then they will be able to turn those into really promising

Collusion, conspirators (10-8-16)


This kind of individual has the ability to influence people, their minds and actions significantly.
There are a lot of organisational skills. In any team, the person immediately takes the central
position, attracting people with different views and interests. There are usually many friends or
simply good people who show sympathy.

Potential issues:

It is good if the organisational and unifying abilities are directed in a peaceful way to create a
constructive team, arrange a party or a visit to an escape room, some kind of surprise.
Nevertheless, the person often gathers people around them “for friendship against someone”.
There is also the ability to arrange conspiracy and plan destructive actions. Sometimes the
person does not realise the consequences of what they organised.


The individual should use their skills for good. As soon as there is a group of people with evil
intentions against someone, suddenly the situation turns in another way and can hit back the
initiator. It is necessary to learn to control their emotions and deal with abusers face to face,
without involving the power of a third party. It is better to prepare pleasant surprises together and
exclusively in order to realise the team potential.

Devaluation (11-16-5)


This kind of person knows how to appreciate every day of this wonderful life. They have a strong
family, many good friends and valuable connections. They know how to bring new life into work
and projects.

Potential issues:

In this person’s life, there were moments when people bullied them. This could happen at school,
at work, and even in the family. There could be situations when their authorship was deprived, the
project was taken away by someone, or the individual was made to doubt their own significance.
However, such people can refuse their family, or do not appreciate money, mouth empty words.
Perhaps they spend little time with children. There are self-esteem issues. In regards to health,
this can be expressed by the removal of any essential organs.


It is essential to know that in life, all parts of a chain are important. It is crucial to see value in
every person and every period of life. It is essential to praise those people who perform their
duties well. If such a person was treated unfairly, and in return, learned a lesson from this, and
began to appreciate every employee of their new project, then it will be doomed to success.

Divorce (13-16-3)


This kind of individual does not stay in one place and is always busy with self-development. They
are self-sufficient, endowed with a strong spirit and leadership qualities. It is also possible that
this person may be known as a matchmaker among friends.

Potential issues:

In the person's life, there are often situations when the relationship develops up to a certain point,
and then there is a desire to leave. This does not relate to marriage only but can also happen in a
relationship with their mother, a friend, colleagues. The thing is that in these situations, someone
always acts as a teacher or a stronger partner. One to one communication is necessary until the
weaker individual becomes equal.


The person needs to bring more freedom and space into relationships to save these. If this
happens in a family, it is necessary to increase the living space so that everyone has their own
place. For instance, it can be at least a private room for both spouses. When it comes to
business partners, they need to split by choosing their niche for each of them.

Destruction of property (16-21-5)


Strong suits

Such a person is able to experience deep feelings for a partner, to love moral virtues and not the
outer shell. Has no attachment to property, will not spoil relationship with a person because of
broken things, even very expensive ones. The person believes that things can be bought anytime
and it’s not necessary to treat them carefully, but people should be treated very carefully because
there are not many really good people. They are attentive to health issues, feel their body and use
its tips.
Potential problems

This person has a strong attachment to material things. Property damage triggers and reveals
hidden conflicts and problems. They may be dissatisfied with the changes that have occurred
with the appearance of the partner. Inclination to criticism. Often they are dissatisfied with
everything but cannot explain why and what is wrong. Such a person does not allow themselves
to spend money, despite material wealth. The appearance does not correspond to the person’s
status. Can test the body for strength, causing harm to health.


It is important for this person to enjoy the experience they have lived, to do what enriches them
spiritually, brings moral satisfaction. There is no need to be afraid to renew, improve living and
working conditions. It is good for them to bring things, clothing, technology for recycling. They
can start a business based on this idea. It’s good to work in organizations that know how to
present themselves, be proud of the merits of the company, participate in achievements. It’s
needed to pay attention to the body's reactions in various situations, hear its prompts.

Fear of Trusting God (18-10-10)


There is a very materialistic thinking personality, where preference is given to proven methods
and reliability is seen in everything. Such a person does not like spontaneity. They are
hardworking and always try to move towards their goal. They do not use easy ways, connections
or other benefits to achieve something. They try to rely only on themselves and their abilities.

Potential issues:

Such individuals do not trust a lucky coincidence and are cautious of everything that is achieved
too easily. It is easier to give up on this than to believe in God and a happy fate. There is no
willingness to accept any gifts of life while important information and opportunities are missed.
The most depressing thing is the state of uncertainty or moments when nothing depends on this


It is worth learning to trust the higher power that has already prepared the best outcome in any
situation. The person should relax and allow themselves spontaneous actions. It is possible to
try new things and not get hung up on the ways where success has already come. It is essential
to learn to believe not only themselves and at the same time listen to their heart, and not just the
voice of the mind. There is no need to be afraid to follow new paths or test unusual ways of
solving problems.

Expulsion from system (20-7-5)

Strong suits.
This person can give a second chance to people who are rejects by society. There are two
options: either the person helps make the rejected valuable to the system, or creates a separate
organization for them, protects their rights.

Potential problems

Either this person is not accepted by a certain structure, system, or in the circle there are a lot of
such people who have been rejected by society for some reason. For a specific group of people
or organization, this person or his or her work seems not to exist, they try not to notice the
person. For example, the person selflessly, with all the heart works on a project and after
finishing it, the person becomes an unnecessary piece. Or, the person left home and moved to
the country of the partner, and his or her family does not accept this relationship.


This person needs to understand: whether he or she wants to belong to the structure that does
not accept this person. It is important to analyze how much the person has been rewarded for
the work, dedication, or feelings with this system or organization. Not always what we desire is
really necessary for us. Perhaps it is better for the person to create one’s own better community
or system.

Fake (21-5-11)

Strong suits

This person is honest with themselves and their loved ones, lives their own life, and does not try
to pretend to be someone else. They are not ashamed of their past, do not hide facts important
for life together from their partner. They have documents in order. They often choose the
profession of a notary or architectural supervision. This person may be a member of a
professional community or organize their own. They defend their own interests, as well as the
interests of those who cannot fight for themselves. They lead a healthy life without forcing their
opinion on others.

Potential problems

Selfishness. Solving problems with a partner to the detriment of their own children. Far-fetched,
imaginary diseases. Such a person may be in an inferior, strange relationship such as bigamy,
loveless marriage for profit, or have illegitimate children. This person often has problems with
paperwork in accordance with all the rules, puts the solution of legal issues off. Forgery of
documents, attribution of authorship rights, plagiarism, piracy. They may not even realize that
they are acting in bad faith, considering such behavior as a norm.


They should put all documents in order. They shouldn’t wait until it is done by itself, or put
everything off. Records in documents must correspond to the facts of life. The person should not
deprive children of their fathers, not hide the truth of birth, even if it seems that it would be better.
They should be honest with themselves first. It’s better to refuse to have an ordinary life, try to
live it sincerely, following the heart. They should defend their interests even in public. It’s
necessary to take care of themselves, the body, look for healing techniques that are suitable for
Violation of hierarchy (21-8-5)


Strong suits

This person adheres to classic family values. Respectfully treats elders and their experience,
supports the younger. The person prefers to work in organizations with a clear hierarchical
structure where each employee understands their role and strives for a common goal,
performing personal tasks with high quality. The person can find themselves working as a
rehabilitation therapist, osteopath, kinesiologist, help people solve the problem in a complex way.

Potential problems

The family members of this person do not play their part. The mother-in-law loves her son-in-law
more than her daughter, the husband is a householder, and the wife is a breadwinner, etc. Such a
person can protect themselves from communication with one of the relatives. Often they are
unable to delegate. They can work without a clear technical assignment, not understand the
responsibilities and the goals of their work. Such a person may have diseases associated with
disruption of the systems: circulatory, nervous, etc.


It’s important to find what interferes with building healthy relationships with loved ones and
observe the order of role distribution in the family. This person should not impose the burden of
their own expectations on the children; they should be allowed to live their lives and make
mistakes. Such a person can choose the type of work that is connected with documents
systematization, the organization of the distribution of roles in the company. If there are
systemic diseases, then it’s better to look for a specialist who will look for the root of the problem
but not just treat the symptoms.

The Millionaire Program (5-14-19)

Significant heights can be achieved in business or wealth can be received from other family
members. This presents an opportunity to attain substantial wealth and success. Abundance
extends beyond finances and manifests other aspects of life, including relationships and
children. Success in different areas may occur in different periods of life, such as experiencing
success with attracting women followed by financial prosperity. A family may be blessed with
numerous intelligent and beautiful children. Suddenly, there may be a significant leap forward in
finances or a flourishing relationship with a partner. Activating this gift of fate is relatively
straightforward as it is bestowed for a reason and is well-deserved.

It is quite easy to embrace the opportunity presented, as they are likely to be given to those, who
deserve it.
Torture, Bullying (7-21-14)


This is a very kind and sensitive person inside. They strongly feel the pain of other people as their
own. They can sympathise sincerely. There is a fear of being misunderstood or underestimated.
They often see an expression of feelings as weakness. They try to control a situation quite
harshly, which usually succeeds. There is the ability to self-criticism and fair self-assessment
without false illusions.

Potential issues:

The individual hides their inner weakness so deep that they seem to be a very heartless and even
cruel person. It is difficult for such a person to show their love in a usual way. They often do this
through moral bullying of the loved ones, believing that this strengthens their character. The
attitude to themselves is no less demanding. There is simply no ability to enjoy life, cannot afford
pleasure. For every weakness of this kind, the individual punishes themselves mentally and even
physically. They may suddenly become very ill up to the point of being at the hospital because of
dissatisfaction with themselves and expectation of bad things.


It is necessary to learn to be happy and not be afraid that something negative will come after the
good one. Individuals should learn to control themselves, especially note those moments when
their behaviour becomes too abrupt with themselves or close people. It is unnecessary to punish
themselves for getting pleasure even from communicating with someone or doing something
they love, getting financial income. It is necessary to understand that happiness is possible
without pain and without waiting for punishment.

Silence (9-16-7)


The person has the gift of speech, which they hide very deeply in themselves. The personality is
very calm and rational, able to maintain balance in any situation. Others consider this individual a
strong-willed and confident person who has inner strength. They have no habit of talking about
their affairs and personal life, complaining about circumstances or colleagues. They are also
able to listen to another without judging and giving advice.

Potential issues:

They are unable to open up to another person and find it difficult to express their point of view. In
any case, speaking less can be interpreted unambiguously. Even if the person is not satisfied,
they keep silent about it and say everything is fine. This makes it difficult to interact with the
outside world, and many opportunities get lost. At the same time, unwillingness to get out of the
silent balance and their comfort zone only worsens the situation, which destroys the natural gift.


The person needs to start speaking in any way. They can begin doing so by expressing their
feelings and thoughts, representing their point of view. It is worth not to keep problems inside
themselves, but rather speak about what is really important. The talent of the orator and
storyteller will be gradually revealed. Only in this case it will be possible to achieve balance.
Implementing their purpose transforms life in a positive way. In the worst-case scenario,
situations will inevitably end up by speaking despite their will. All circumstances (including the
negative ones) will provocate and push towards it.

Fairy World. Writer, Director (9-6-15)


This is a very creative person who can invent ideas out of nowhere and literally out of unusual
things. Such skills were given to storytellers, and now these are observed in talented designers,
writers, directors, directors. A creative approach to everything is a characteristic trait of this
individual. It is easy for them to communicate with children who simply adore such a person.
There is unique access to another dimension, from where pictures, ideas, inspiration come.

Potential issues:

A misunderstanding with loved ones usually happens as they demand to choose a serious
profession and do something that can be felt, earned with hands or something more familiar.
Others may consider the individual a strange one with an oddity and even condemn the person if
they find out unusual ideas and reflections. At first, it is difficult to find a target audience or
someone with whom it will be possible to realise their huge plans, which, in addition to preparing,
require a large amount of studying. If the person does not recognise their abilities, they can fall
into depression or even reach a mental breakdown. There is a risk of ending up in a psychiatric
hospital, or alcohol and drug addiction may appear.


It is necessary for this kind of person to realise their creative ideas. It is important to trust their
creative thinking and record all the insights coming to their minds. In the future, the individual
can share them and with someone who can understand and appreciate them truly. It is better not
to withdraw into themselves. Dreams can be realised in different ways: by writing a book or a
scenario, participate in an exciting project, creating fairytales, directing, taking part in any global
and unusual activity. It is important to realise the information coming from outside and not to
limit creative abilities.

(10-11-21) Your relationship with the partner is very complicated and unexplained from the usual
logic’s point of view. You consider yourself cool, the best and do not listen to anyone. You do
many things out of protest. Sexual relations for you are the element where you act as a
benefactor, redeeming all your rebelliousness. You give all of yourself to your partner, serve them
and fulfill the slightest whims. You completely reject your individuality and devote yourself to
revealing the uniqueness of your partner. Regarding the second half, you choose a really unusual
person, who usually has problems with the law or somehow does not fit into the society’s
framework. You are told that this person does not deserve you, but for you they are the best
option. You see something in them that (as it seems to you) others cannot see. In sexual sense,
your partner is above all for you, the master (king/queen), whom you are ready to serve. There is
always a complex and ambiguous figure next to you. It is important for you that there is
something forbidden in a person, and you adore this singularity, something that you cannot even
allow yourself. You put your partner on a pedestal and it is crucial for you to see the value and
reveal a person's sexuality through the idea of serving them. You are able to deliver the rarest, the
most sophisticated intimate pleasures to your partner that are only done to the most appreciated


Possible insult against parents (men)

(21) There could be a rejection of faith in the family, wars took place, aggression was
manifested. At the same time, you can live a negative generic program throughout your life, not
according to your purpose. There is a risk of a difficult financial situation, so they should avoid
living on loan.

(16) You are at risk of significant and unexpected losses of the material kind in case of a
negative manifestation of the generic energy. The lack of spiritual development and obsession
with the material leads to various types of destruction.

(10) On the negative aspect, you may have a tough life, when it is impossible even to relax. The
whole fate is divided into a premarital life (when everything went well) and a hard life after.

(5) You have problems with creating a family and its preservation. You yourself usually bring
destruction to the family.

(8) Your life is characterised by the repetition of negative situations that already existed in the
family. Intense disappointments and a harsh fate are likely.

(7) In the negative expression, there is an absence of realisation in society, interests, motivation,
a presence of a weak character. There may be some problems related to trips (up to car

(9) In your family, relatives did magic. Perhaps you also had an attempt to adopt the experience
of healing, but it was unsuccessful. You have a fear of loneliness but no desire to become deeply
attached to a partner.

Possible insult against parents (women)

(14) If a creative potential is not realised, a joyless existence and a constant dissatisfaction with
what is there await. You spend your life only connected to material needs. Greed and lack of
patience are strongly manifested in character.
(5) You have problems with creating a family and its preservation. You yourself usually bring
destruction to the family.

(19) You are too fixated on money and work while your personal finances and realisation ate
work could be much better. There is a risk of problems with giving birth, and in case if children
are born, there may be issues with mutual understanding and raising a child.

(7) In the negative expression, there is an absence of realisation in society, interests, motivation,
a presence of a weak character. There may be some problems related to trips (up to car

(21) There could be a rejection of faith in the family, wars took place, aggression was
manifested. At the same time, you can live a negative generic program throughout your life, not
according to your purpose. There is a risk of a difficult financial situation, so they should avoid
living on loan.

(16) You are at risk of significant and unexpected losses of the material kind in case of a
negative manifestation of the generic energy. The lack of spiritual development and obsession
with the material leads to various types of destruction.

Resentment against parents

(18) You are afraid of loneliness and losing close ones. Everything started when your parents
surrounded you with hyper protection in childhood, worried about even the most minor thing.
Because of their anxiety, they underestimated you. You have adopted a tendency to excessive
emotions from your parents. You need to know that your thoughts are material and fears are very
easily realised, that is why it is so essential to monitor what you think about.

(10) Parents could consider you lazy and incompetent. They did not trust you, constantly told you
what to do, pushed, kicked, directed in every possible way. It can be said that they did not do any
favour without knowing it. You have forgotten how to hear yourself and your needs. You now live
someone else's life and do not listen to any unique signs. You think that everything can be
achieved only by discipline and exhausting work, but in fact, it is you who can turn a hobby into a
profession. In this case, you will be passionate about your business and life, achieving financial
prosperity without exhausting work. You need to trust your intuition more and believe in support
of fate.

(18) Children will help you to believe in yourself and discover unique abilities. From their point of
view, you can become a real magician or wizard. In difficult situations, you should tell the kid: "I'm
here, I'm next to you, I'm with you," because they may be afraid of losing you. They need support
from you. Therefore you need to believe in your child, give more opportunities for self-realisation
and support in moments of doubt. You need to try to worry less and think more about them in a
positive way.

(10) If you will not constantly give in to the power of logic and standard norms of upbringing but
rather start enjoying life with your kids, then your relationships will be easy and friendly. It is
better not to tell the child off if they live quite calmly and always manage tasks quickly and on
time, enjoying the good moments. In return, you need to learn the state of inner calm from them.
You should keep up with children, spend more time together, learn to enjoy favourite activities
from them.

(6) The appearance of the second half means a lot to you. They should be distinguished by their
attractiveness, always look after their body and face, dress up stylishly. Therefore, the choice
favours a friendly and determined person who can be a real shopaholic with unlimited spending.
The partner always has to prove their love because you have certain dongs whether the choice
made is the right one and the relationships are serious enough. Hence you desire to get more
tactile contact and touches than the partner gives.

(15) It is excellent if this person has been met on your path of life - a real fire, passionate and
authoritative, paying great attention to the intimate side of relationships. Your partner should be
an intelligent and astute companion who understands people and has much life experience.
Such a person may perhaps have a strong desire for money and power, genuinely grandiose
plans for life. They may move in political circles or be somehow connected with this type of

(9) A well-read and educated person who has a broad outlook will suit you. They literally draw
information from books and are ready to keep learning with joy throughout their life. Your ideal
partner is wise, laconic, observant, has an analytical mind and does not rush. From time to time,
it is essential to give space to the person and leave them alone. It is better not to bring them into
noisy companies, where they will be very uncomfortable.

Ideal partner

Positive side: Sociable, charming, affectionate. Beauty and sensuality in a relationship are
important for this partner, and he gives them in full.

Negative side: A partner who always feels the lack of love, an energy vampire. He is always
unsatisfied and looks for some ideal in relationships, which he invented himself.

Life Guidance
(18) Developing artistic abilities and surrounding yourself with pleasant people will help to
produce positive emotions. It is valuable to listen to your feelings and intuition, try living
according to your natural rhythms. Visualisation can be actively used to make dreams come true:
from the computer screen background to the wish map. It is always important to control your
emotions, concentrating on positive moments. It is useful to interact with water more often as it
heals and fills with energy. It is recommended to drink enough liquid, maintaining its balance in
the body. You should not forget to thank fate for help, evolving your magical abilities for the
people's benefit and help others. It is crucial not to neglect mystical knowledge but always stay in
the real world. You need to live consciously with clear goals, having learned to distinguish the
necessary and vital things from the false and secondary ones.

(3) Your most important traits are the strive for implementing your purpose, being wealthy and
generous, successful in society and wise in the family. It is better to take care of loved ones
without obsession and authoritativeness. You can indeed show your skills of creating a
harmonious and beautiful surrounding space, take care of the house, but at the same time not
only to take on routine household chores. It is helpful to split some tasks with other family
members. You will have to let go of unnecessary care and concern for your relatives, give them
an opportunity to develop independently and make decisions in your life. At the same time, you
have to support the family and always be ready to give valuable advice. It is necessary to treat
people equally, regardless of their status and financial situation. It is useful to learn not to cling
too much to material things and not to chase success. At the right time, success will come by
itself, thanks to talents and perseverance.

(10) You need to choose your only way in life and follow it. If everything is done correctly, luck will
accompany you everywhere. Universal energy will also help. It is better not to try to change
something in life too much, and instead, trust fate and intuitively follow its hints. If you provoke
significant changes, luck may disappear, and a difficult time with various troubles will begin. In
that case, it is worth trying to treat everything quickly and think positively. The development of an
inner core in the personality will also help you to maintain mental balance in any circumstances.
You can start writing down your thoughts and get used to discipline. It is not wrong to plan
things. You should use your lucky opportunities to the maximum and stay active. Individuality
and independence, along with faith in success, will greatly help you throughout the life path.

Personal brand (NEW)

The uniqueness of a person's personality gives additional value to their product or service. It
forms a personal brand that makes it possible to show their own opinion, vision and skills to
absolutely everyone. The originality and ease of broadcasting oneself is formed by combining
the diverse image of one's personality.

Topics for opening up your personality

You are the person who, on the one hand, can be creatively realised and on the other hand, you
feel the fear of expressing yourself and adhere to the principle of "I would rather hide".

Do not hide, your intuition will help you. You need to remove the illusions, for example, your fears,
that prevent you from showing up in the blog. In particular, the fear of "what will people think of
me". You need to understand that these are just illusions in your head that do not allow you to
manifest more.

Your various roles can be very interesting to the audience. Especially considering the fact that
you are a really creative person, who is also interested in esotericism. You are seen as a
mysterious person with your weirdness. All this is so harmonic in you that your followers are
used to it.

Pay attention to the lunar cycles, the change of mood and activity, and plan your work according
to the moon phases.

In your blog, you can talk about the topics of wishes, affirmations, visualisation and the power of
thought. Do not let your fears tie your hands. Take action!

In your blog, you can look like a very easy-going, “their man” in the eyes of followers. You have a
lot of acquaintances, new people or your close friends easily come to you.

People are your great resource. Therefore, it is important that you meet new people and
communicate, visit new places. A change of scenery for you is a new breath of air and an
opportunity to get new interesting ideas and opportunities.

Exploring the diversity of the city you live in or your country is the adventurism of your life. You
are easygoing, you can organise offline meetings, and hold them for fun and with humour.

Making money for yourself should always be easy and fun. More humour, dancing or music in the
blog and you are the audience's favourite. You can give some positive emotions and you will
definitely be remembered as the soul of the company.

Any adventure is a new experience for you that brings joy. In this way, you are able to get out of
the routine and go with the flow.

Content planning can be especially difficult for you. If you have inspiration, you are on fire, if you
do not, then you can wait weeks for you to show up or produce interesting content. This is your
weak side and it is therefore recommended to work on it and add planning to your routine.

Stimulate curiosity, help people express themselves, and feel their inner stimulus and desires of
the heart. It is important that the viewer sees your kindness and lightness.

The audience sees you as a person who knows how to leave what has already outlived itself and
has become ineffective.

You can scare a little because you do not seem an easy person, you would rather make a very
extraordinary impression. Because you reveal at once what people leave behind for a long time
but not everyone is ready to immediately change and refuse old patterns.

You can trigger other people even though you do not realise it. Those who feel your strong power
come to you.

It is you whose destiny is to transform what others have failed, to give some fearlessness before
big changes. You know how to do it and demonstrate it from your own experience. You can
confidently talk about the changes you have experienced in your life!

You may also be perceived as fearless and adventurous. You are a very strong and mysterious
person because of your spontaneity and adventurism.

You can help people transform their thinking.

Motivate others to overcome the routine, not to be afraid to get rid of everything old in life and
start new stages.
Demonstrate your unconventional thinking, strength and depth to the audience.

Self-positioning topics

Fields for opening up your personality: past lives, illnesses, recoveries, healing, pregnancy, on the
verge of death, extreme disasters, emergencies, regressions, mysticism, talking with the dead,
the past, extreme, hiking, conquering the mountains, childhood, determination, changes in life,
cleaning, decluttering, working with negative attitudes, working with negative scenarios, detoxes,
work, efficiency, life hacks, psychological injuries, physical injuries.

Peacemaking, business development, tourism, travel, linguistics, world economy, ecology, animal
rescue, tolerance, planning, goal-setting, technology, Internet, social networks, promotion on
social media, websites, all kinds of assistant bots, life hacks on technology, scientific discoveries
or inventions, world problems, helping people, working on limiting beliefs, creativity, curiosity,
foreign languages, talking about other countries, fighting laziness and the desire to have
everything at once.

Femininity, motherhood, children, material goods, favourite work, hobby, creativity, feminine
business, business, sales, abundance, acceptance of spiritual and material, cleaning, creating
practical comfort, home, husband, family, parents, gender, harmonisation of relationships with
women and with mother, recipes, spending time with family, agriculture, gardening, garden,
village, everyday life, self-care, beauty, health, especially gynaecology, traditional recipes,
sexuality, sex, love, care, pets, hotels, traveling (in terms of budget or leisure), money, feminine
rest, acceptance of help, the ability to ask, kindness, mindfulness, greed, narcissism, excesses,
excessive control, control of loved ones, delegation, fitness, dancing.


Yoga, stretching, body care, pets, family, candles, dried flowers, soft clothes, nature

Luxury, self-care, gold, watches, precious stones, marble, brands.

Leather, spikes, rivets, holes on clothes, heavy music, speed, extreme, destroyed buildings, loft-
style interior.


The brain, hair, upper part of the skull.

Health problems: Diseases can be both of cosmetic nature (hair problems) and more severe
level, for example, problems in the cranial region, brain disorders, etc. You behave chaotically on
a domestic level, have a lot of anxiety. You do not understand individual things and constantly
demand strict specificity.
Reasons: Material attachments prevent you from living a full life. You have been disillusioned
with your spiritual ideals and have become rigid pragmatists. You believe only in yourself and
count only on yourself. You often show anger and impatience to others, try to teach and educate
in the spirit of your beliefs. You can impose your opinion and do not accept the position of the
interlocutor. You do not see your path and global mission, so all efforts are aimed to achieve
exceptional material well-being. At the same time, you experience problems and lack of energy
because you think narrowly and are not ready to accept help from fate.

Solution: You will have to comprehend the higher laws of the universe, understand your life path
and purpose. It is also good to help other people with similar problems. You need to decide on
your primary mission and follow it. It is important not just to earn money for the sake of your
comfort and prosperity, but to do work that will help other people and serve an important idea.
Treating problems in life is easier when perceiving them as a useful experience. It is good to have
a regime, eat, exercise, work and rest regularly. Making a schedule and following it also helps. It
is helpful to have a relatively strict and moderate lifestyle, not indulge in excesses, and
participate in energy and spiritual practices.

Personal recommendations

(18) A clear understanding of your desires is necessary. Your successful ideology is deep cause
of the processes, the acceptance of two opinions into a single one. If there is a manifestation on
the physical level, then you are lost (today, there is one picture of the world, tomorrow is another
one ). Today the arm hurts, and tomorrow it does not, and the next day the person does not
understand whether it hurts or not. Without realising what is happening, it is difficult to isolate
and draw a general picture of the processes. There are always two sides, two people who advise
something, two relatives, two phases, two diseases. There is a twofold incomprehensible feeling
in some areas of your life, which causes confusion in your head. As a result, today, things happen
this way; tomorrow, they are different. It is vital that you listen to yourself, find the strength to
hear both opinions and identifies the only true middle ground.

(3) Your life is aimed at growth, fertility, creation and the increase of worldly goods. If you do not
create or do something and then keep the results without allowing things to develop
independently at the right time, problems arise in various areas. Your personal development is
hindered, weakness appears, and even depression is possible. It is good for you to do at least a
minor thing with a visible change to improve the overall condition. For example, to plant a flower
so that you can observe its growth.

(21) You are a person of the world who should not fixate on particular views or the place of living.
You have to step up on a much broader level than previously to solve the problems. If you follow
a narrow framework and rigid views, severe health problems begin (oncology and severe
hereditary diseases). It can be challenging for you to get cured by traditional methods, or doctors
may incorrectly diagnose the condition, prescribe the wrong medications. This happens so that
you remove the internal framework and begin to interact with the world, to look for non-traditional
methods of treatment to solve your health problems. You will have to understand that there is
always an option for healing. There is no need to stop at one hospital, doctor or treatment

Occipital and temporal lobes of the brain, eyes, ears, nose, face, upper
jaw, upper jaw teeth, optic nerve, cerebral cortex.

Health problems: In this case, there are eye and ears diseases, frequent problems with teeth. The
loss of health may be associated with the occipital region or issues in the facial area. In a
broader sense, this is expressed in communication problems, lack of friends and logic, constant
protests against the systems you are present at (work, family, country).

Reasons: You live your own illusions and are very separated from reality. You are often very keen
on expressing protest against the outside world that can forget about work and family
responsibilities. You usually do not have enough time even for the most necessary things. At the
same time, you think and dream about global things that you cannot change. You do not accept
your own life and cannot build a future, take care of your destiny. You live as you can, almost like
going with the flow. Nevertheless, you are concerned about the feeling of existing not in your life
(in the profession, place of residence, personal relationships). You seem to be dual due to the
inner world not corresponding to external values. Hence there is the troubled life, the discord
between the deep desires (which they are afraid to comprehend) and the imposed stereotypes of
society. There may be problems with the mental state.

Solution: You have to expand your outlook and accept information from various resources, help
developing society, work on your inner "I" and deep consciousness. It is crucial to find your
purpose in life, unique energetic channel and follow it. You may have to change the values
system completely, get rid of illusions to which you were holding on. You should not be afraid to
be left alone with yourself to comprehend your life mission deeply. It is necessary to realise your
role, abandon bad habits, learn to manage time and money wisely. Self-discipline will become a
vital step for transforming life. It is essential not to forget about the constant development of
your personality.

Personal recommendations

(10) You have to learn to accept help from the surrounding people, colleagues, friends, especially
from your genus and family. If you deliberately shut yourself out and show your independence,
the most severe problems with health up to the formation of cancerous tumours may arise.
There may also be other diseases that restrict the freedom of movement and whole life so that
you will be forced to ask close ones for help. It is worth learning to trust people, recognising
yourself as part of the family, feel support and protection. You should not be alone with problems
and need to accept help with gratitude. In this way, health will begin to improve.

(16) Your life is characterised by cycles of falls and rises, movement in sharp outbreaks. This is
inevitably reflected in the health in the form of frequent injuries, fractures. The most delicate and
vulnerable places in your body are suddenly broken. You have something problematic inside that
prevents you from living and moving normally. You have a great fear of changes, but there is a
need for them from time to time. If you do not follow the renewal or regular life cycles, then the
body triggers the mechanism of self-destruction to turn life upside down. It is essential to
monitor such moments when changes are required and the reasons that prevent them in time.
You need to move forward at least in small steps if everything new scares you.

(8) You need to exist within the system’s boundaries, from which you feel stability and protection.
This can be either a large family or a team at work. If, for some reason, you are forced to live in
seclusion, not belonging to society or not entering an extensive system, health problems can
begin. The same thing happens if you are forced to drop out of the plan (divorce, dismissal or
salary reduction at work). Then hormonal failures and diseases of the immune system may
appear. To overcome this, you have to realise your position, your importance and role for the
system, family values and generic programs. It is worth thinking about what new field you can be
helpful for by applying your skills and knowledge. It is necessary not to feel thrown overboard but
to accept that the boat may be different instead, as well as the crew of rowers in it. The right step
would be to find your place in the new system and move on.

Thyroid gland, trachea, bronchi, throat, vocal cords, shoulders, arms,

seventh cervical vertebra, all cervical vertebrae, lower jaw, lower jaw

Health problems: Throat diseases are frequently repeated, problems with the pancreas, the lower
jaw may appear. Shoulders and arms are usually in pain. On a domestic level, you do not tell the
truth, lie to yourself and others. There is perhaps an inability to express thoughts,
miscommunication or vice versa, constant interruption of the speaker.

Reasons: You are afraid to tell the truth and even the information or experience which you are
sure about and have lived it through your own experience. You want to share it, but at the same
time, you are scared because there may be some consequences in the future. You behave
stereotypically and think the same, are not ready to reveal your creative beginning, unique
personality. Being afraid of judgement and disapproval leads to problems with communication,
isolation, weak self-esteem, inability to express yourself and talk properly (swallowing of words,
mispronouncing voice). You are trying to follow all the understandable dogmas, have many
preconceptions that are very common among society, are scared to stand out from the crowd. At
the same time, you dream a lot and do not tell the truth, hence health problems arise. You lie not
only to others but also to yourself.

Solution: You have to reconsider and analyse past experiences. You have to pass on all its value
and realised truths to people in wordy, verbal form. It is essential for you to start talking. It can be
a video on YouTube, a song in karaoke, first-ever toast in a big company. You have to say your
opinion at meetings and work when decisions need to be made altogether. You can sing in the
shower, speak about something with their friends. However, it is essential to start talking about
your emotions, experience and opinion. You should tell the truth and avoid lying in any form, use
hints of life and listen to yourself to achieve success, do creative self-expression.

Personal recommendations

(10) You have to learn to accept help from the surrounding people, colleagues, friends, especially
from your genus and family. If you deliberately shut yourself out and show your independence,
the most severe problems with health up to the formation of cancerous tumours may arise.
There may also be other diseases that restrict the freedom of movement and whole life so that
you will be forced to ask close ones for help. It is worth learning to trust people, recognising
yourself as part of the family, feel support and protection. You should not be alone with problems
and need to accept help with gratitude. In this way, health will begin to improve.

(13) Your primary role is to change processes, transform the way of working of the whole
collectives, destroy old, reconsider values and start everything from scratch. When everything
gets boring, bland, monotonous and burdensome in your own life, but at the same time there is
no possibility to change something, then illnesses appear. You almost show that it is necessary
to radically eliminate everything old (from changing weight, cutting hair, to changing the country
of residence). The illness can even deprive you of life if you do not carry out significant
transformations in your lifestyle, views on the world or change your body.

(5) A significant delving into the essence of things and events into information for understanding
and passing on experience is your ideology. If you do not do this, look at the situation
superficially or not deepen into any issue, then severe failures up to diseases of internal organs
can begin in your body, the treatment of which requires surgical intervention. You need a deeper
look at things, considering problems from different angles for the correct solution. Life itself can
help them during the process by providing exciting meetings with the right people or giving you
the opportunity to read valuable books.

Heart, circulatory system, respiratory system, lungs, bronchi, thoracic

spine, ribs, shoulder scapular area, chest.

Health problems: There are usually problems with the heart, lungs, bronchi. Rib injuries and all
diseases associated with the chest are possible. This is seen on a domestic level: something
almost hinders you from opening up your chest and breathing fully. There are many plans but no
energy for their realisation.

Reasons: You are in the most significant depression and almost have no energy. You have no
strength to move forward and always refer to some situation in the past. You usually feel guilt
and remorse. You almost want to secure yourself from troubles but do not know how. Therefore,
you are scared to keep going, implement your ideas, and help others create a better future. At the
same time, you also do not feel enough love for others inside yourself, as if you are full of
nothing. The present does not make you happy, and it is not clear how to continue living and
escape the state of a deep physical and spiritual fall. This can be seen in the total indifference
and desire to be left in absolute calmness and expressed in an excessive sacrifice towards
others. You give away a lot and get nothing in return, energy is wasted, and you are not satisfied.
You sometimes wait for lucky help from the outside to solve all your problems.

Solution: It is helpful to talk through everything that tortures you with your loved ones, likeminded
people and psychologist. Let it be a kind of confession, revealing your wrong actions and
character traits that you are ashamed of. In this way, you can even create groups to share
knowledge and experience of building happy, harmonious relationships. You need to produce a
new picture of the world for yourself, learn to believe and love mutually and happily. You have to
learn something new and always have a comfortable space where you can be yourself and relax
with your loved ones. You should analyse your environment and communicate with true friends,
without wasting time on empty contacts, be real and try to express your emotions openly. It is
also useful to shift the focus from your problems to the general tasks of your social circle. You
have to learn to accept people and yourself with all the light and dark sides. Thus, at the right
moment, you will be able to get yourself together and become self-sufficient, without blaming
yourself and others and depending on someone else's approval or help.

Personal recommendations
(20) You can undergo deep processes of transformation in all systems. A considerable effort is
required for this, a long transformation of lifestyle and mind. At the same time, many things hold
you back from the past. It is terrible if there is a moment when looking back you realise that you
lived a correct but very standard and boring life without bringing anything valuable and
memorable to the world. Problems with physical and emotional health will begin. It is possible
for you to get rid of this and heal with the support of relatives, making a breakthrough and an
effort on yourself. With the love of close ones, significant transformations of life are available.
Everything is in your own hands (especially when there is nothing to lose), from changing the
place of residence to religion. With the rebirth of your personality, a new stage of the life of the
surrounding people will begin.

(5) A significant delving into the essence of things and events into information for understanding
and passing on experience is your ideology. If you do not do this, look at the situation
superficially or not deepen into any issue, then severe failures up to diseases of internal organs
can begin in your body, the treatment of which requires surgical intervention. You need a deeper
look at things, considering problems from different angles for the correct solution. Life itself can
help them during the process by providing exciting meetings with the right people or giving you
the opportunity to read valuable books.

(7) You need to choose a unique direction of your development and steadily follow it, to believe in
yourself and your self-determination. Otherwise, life will put obstacles in the form of various
restrictions if the movement is absent. Most of the time, these problems are associated with the
legs, and various injuries may occur. There also may be visual disturbances or interruption of
brain functioning. Thus, being temporarily left without movement, which was not appreciated
before, you are forced to be alone with yourself, delve into your mind and body, listen to the inner
voice of intuition. Having rethought your life in such a way, you can begin to appreciate it, your
uniqueness, thoughts, experiences and aspirations. Having gained confidence, it is worth starting
to move forward. Then health problems will also be solved.

Gastrointestinal tract, abdominal organs, pancreas, spleen, liver,

gallbladder, small intestine, central part of the spine.

Health problems: There may be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The middle part of the
spine is often affected. This is expressed in aggression, irritability and inadequacy at the
behavioural level. Indifference can suddenly turn into anger and demand. You lose something
valuable and do everything to keep it, even using illegal methods, violating all norms of morality
and law.

Reasons: You experience a solid attachment towards a person or things, circumstances, lifestyle.
At the same time, you fill them with valuable for yourself qualities. It is important for you to
control and possess everything. You are often arrogant and ambitious, love showing your parade
side of life and being proud of your success. You do not see undignified methods for the sake of
achieving results. At the same time, you can be irresponsible. You do not have contact with
people of a lower social status or who are dependent (for instance, employers at work) at all. At
some point, life begins to take away the most important things so that you start to act, develop,
and get out of your comfort zone. However, instead of this, you complain and show aggression.
You do not want to change and grab what is being taken away from you by any means. You will
have to face yourself internally and understand that not everything depends on you and is subject
to your influence. As soon as you can let it go, the threat of loss will go away.

Solution: You need to determine new boundaries of life, remove the old limits and keep
developing yourself. It is worth reevaluating the environment and accepting the world as it is,
without pride and arrogance. You should take spontaneous actions, get rid of your own
insecurities, and do something unusual for yourself (an unexpected trip or a radical image
change). It is better to start building relationships with different people and not only with those
who benefit you. It is not a bad idea to start doing charity. You should discipline yourself and
develop your commitment through sports, proper nutrition, compliance with the regime. You can
also get rid of limits and your own dissatisfaction, frustration, aggression, become the master of
your body and emotions.

Personal recommendations

(10) You have to learn to accept help from the surrounding people, colleagues, friends, especially
from your genus and family. If you deliberately shut yourself out and show your independence,
the most severe problems with health up to the formation of cancerous tumours may arise.
There may also be other diseases that restrict the freedom of movement and whole life so that
you will be forced to ask close ones for help. It is worth learning to trust people, recognising
yourself as part of the family, feel support and protection. You should not be alone with problems
and need to accept help with gratitude. In this way, health will begin to improve.

(20) You can undergo deep processes of transformation in all systems. A considerable effort is
required for this, a long transformation of lifestyle and mind. At the same time, many things hold
you back from the past. It is terrible if there is a moment when looking back you realise that you
lived a correct but very standard and boring life without bringing anything valuable and
memorable to the world. Problems with physical and emotional health will begin. It is possible
for you to get rid of this and heal with the support of relatives, making a breakthrough and an
effort on yourself. With the love of close ones, significant transformations of life are available.
Everything is in your own hands (especially when there is nothing to lose), from changing the
place of residence to religion. With the rebirth of your personality, a new stage of the life of the
surrounding people will begin.

Drenal glands, uterus and ovaries, kidneys, intestines, prostate gland in

men, lumbar spinal column.

Health problems: On the physical level, you can suffer from illnesses of organs like kidneys, liver,
large intestine, genital area, adrenal glands, lumbar region. At the domestic level, this is reflected
in a constant feeling of guilt, lack of love, irritability, lack of joy in everything. You can avoid
responsibility or excessively seek profit in everything when there is a lack of results from your
activities. No one raises your salary, and there are no orders. You start saving and searching for
benefit, falling into an even greater depression.

Reasons: Everything often comes from childhood, when parents did not pay enough attention to
you, sometimes underestimated or disliked. When you face a similar situation in adult life, that
offended child wakes up inside you. You immediately block yourself and refuse to take further
actions. This is followed by a feeling of guilt that you did not fulfil your obligations or did
something wrong. This is repeated many times until a serious crash in life happens (for example,
losing a job). You do not have the strength for creativity to produce some results of your work.
You do not have children, because internally you are still quite infantile and have not given
enough to your inner child. There is no energy, strength or knowledge from where to take
inspiration for a life push.

Solution: You should accept your parents and love that underestimated child inside you. You
have to allow yourself to live as you want, realise your desires one after another. It is worth
finding like-minded people and make friends with who you can talk and solve your emotional
problems. You have to refuse extremes, for instance, too much shopaholism or savage
accumulation of values. You should get rid of the inner shame in front of yourself and your loved
ones. It is better to let yourself be realised in a creative direction. You should look for a source of
energy in pleasant things. It can be massage, organising events, taking care of your appearance,
any retreat. It is essential to find a favourite occupation and work in a comfortable space where
you can open up as much as possible.

Personal recommendations

(15) You require power over the material world, total control over surrounding people and
systems. A solid foundation is needed for these desires, but you often might not reach your
passions and ambitions. If you do not get significant results in the material world in the form of
money and well-being, internal problems begin. Problems with the musculoskeletal system and
the spine start appearing. Literally, all systems of the body can be involved. Perhaps you do not
invest enough energy or have the proper level of competence. Therefore there is not enough
energy to create material goods and get a visible result. It is necessary for you to develop
spiritually as a personality to solve health problems. In this way, you can get subtle energy from
the surrounding world, which will allow you to control situations and achieve success.

(21) You are a person of the world who should not fixate on particular views or the place of living.
You have to step up on a much broader level than previously to solve the problems. If you follow
a narrow framework and rigid views, severe health problems begin (oncology and severe
hereditary diseases). It can be challenging for you to get cured by traditional methods, or doctors
may incorrectly diagnose the condition, prescribe the wrong medications. This happens so that
you remove the internal framework and begin to interact with the world, to look for non-traditional
methods of treatment to solve your health problems. You will have to understand that there is
always an option for healing. There is no need to stop at one hospital, doctor or treatment

(9) A state of solitude, a deep inner work of the intellect and soul, characterise you. Hence you
often do not want to change. At the same time, you experience both the fear of solitude and the
search for it simultaneously. Intuitively, you have an understanding that it is necessary to balance
calmness, the loneliness of the working process and communication at other times, the transfer
of knowledge and the exchange of experience with people. If you consider yourself too self-
sufficient and avoid communication, then your development will not occur. It will be more and
more challenging to discover new knowledge since it does not help to dig into the information.
Instead, you need to expand your horizons. You can reach the point of losing energy, start to fade
away while not understanding what is happening. There are no visible causes of illness, and it is
not easy to make a diagnosis immediately. Problems with the function of internal organs usually
arise. You need to find like-minded people who will help you understand yourself, get out of
isolation, realise your life purpose and start moving on while sharing the knowledge you have

Urogenital system, lower limbs, large intestine, tailbone, sacrum, legs.

Health problems: On the physical level, issues with the legs, the genitourinary system, and the
sacrum area begin. On the life level, the illnesses are followed by material hunger, the collapse of
life, a constant lack of money, a feeling of abandonment and unappreciated. You experience
fatigue and a sense of hopelessness in the situation.

Reasons: You are too fixated on the past, live in it, constantly return there with memories. There
are two possible options. Once your life was perfect. You had well-being, happiness, prosperity.
Now it is terrible, and you cannot accept the situation, so you live with memories from the past.
Or vice versa - in the past, there were several recurring situations with problems, failures,
betrayal. You cannot forget it and move forward. You constantly spin like a squirrel in a wheel,
but nothing changes. This causes fatigue, fear on the verge of survival. You save on everything
and continuously restrain yourself. You already want to give up the movement since there is no
energy and no result. You are waiting for a "magic wand" that will solve everything for you.

Solution: You should reconsider your values and attitude to the past. You have to be able to see
good things in the present. Even in the most unsuccessful past, you have to find positive
examples and lessons. You need to be ready for changes and make the present more valuable
for yourself than the past. All problems are not forever, life goes on, and situations change. You
have to be ready to catch a favourable moment. It is helpful to do something fascinating and
interesting, even if at first it does not bring a lot of money. Free yourself from the past at the
elementary and domestic levels. If possible, make repairs in the house or change part of the
furniture, remove old photos and things.

Personal recommendations

(5) A significant delving into the essence of things and events into information for understanding
and passing on experience is your ideology. If you do not do this, look at the situation
superficially or not deepen into any issue, then severe failures up to diseases of internal organs
can begin in your body, the treatment of which requires surgical intervention. You need a deeper
look at things, considering problems from different angles for the correct solution. Life itself can
help them during the process by providing exciting meetings with the right people or giving you
the opportunity to read valuable books.

(11) You are given a large amount of energy to implement large scale projects, solve significant
issues. If you accumulate and do not give the energy away, spend most of it, cannot accept or
recharge yourself, then internal systems diseases develop dramatically. Individual organs suffer
the most in which energy is improperly distributed and strikes almost like lightning. You need to
learn to control your energy, accumulate it and correctly distribute it, direct it to strategically
essential decisions in time. You have to act not because of physical activity outbreaks and not
waste energy for no reason. It is crucial to properly manage your internal potential and fill
yourself with power for further activity. Going to the gym can help you cope with excess energy,
and spending time in nature can recharge you.

(16) Your life is characterised by cycles of falls and rises, movement in sharp outbreaks. This is
inevitably reflected in the health in the form of frequent injuries, fractures. The most delicate and
vulnerable places in your body are suddenly broken. You have something problematic inside that
prevents you from living and moving normally. You have a great fear of changes, but there is a
need for them from time to time. If you do not follow the renewal or regular life cycles, then the
body triggers the mechanism of self-destruction to turn life upside down. It is essential to
monitor such moments when changes are required and the reasons that prevent them in time.
You need to move forward at least in small steps if everything new scares you.

Circulatory system, nervous system, lymphatic system, immune system,

those organs that are found throughout the body, general failure of the


Personal recommendations

(1) You have to receive life energy that has to be used for the sake of achieving a global goal. If
your life goal or direction of implementing this energy is not visible, it gets stuck inside your body.
Failures in vital systems happen, the musculoskeletal system often suffers, while the legs or
nerves can also be impacted.

(13) Your primary role is to change processes, transform the way of working of the whole
collectives, destroy old, reconsider values and start everything from scratch. When everything
gets boring, bland, monotonous and burdensome in your own life, but at the same time there is
no possibility to change something, then illnesses appear. You almost show that it is necessary
to radically eliminate everything old (from changing weight, cutting hair, to changing the country
of residence). The illness can even deprive you of life if you do not carry out significant
transformations in your lifestyle, views on the world or change your body.

(14) You need to have a certain degree of inner freedom from the materiality of the world, filling
with energy, life with emotions that can be expressed in creativity. If you live everyday life without
following the rhythms of the energies of the surrounding world, without spiritual development,
problems with the energy filling of the body begin. Various fluid systems suffer from this:
circulatory, lymphatic. Questions about your life purpose may start to torture you at the initial
stage before the expression of diseases. At this moment, you have to listen to yourself, find your
way in life, start something creative, get out of the routine in order to live unlike everyone else.
Thus, health problems can be avoided. It is good to learn to feel subtle energies, get inspiration
from the outside, and listen to yourself. It will be possible to materialise energy messages and
essential information in the form of paintings, poems and other works of art.

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