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Experiment 2

Kinematics of Straight-Line

Name :


1- Experiment Objectives

To study the kinematics of straight line motion and determine the average speed

and acceleration of this motion..

2- Apparatus:


1.23 sec

air blower

Air track
3- Brief Theoretical Introduction:

Part I : Motion with constant speed

When an object moves on a straight line, its average speed is given by:

Where ∆x is the displacement during time ∆t.

Part II: Motion with constant acceleration

If the object moves with constant acceleration 𝑎, then its displacement 𝑆 during 𝑡
seconds is given by:

If we start from rest

In this experiment we will find the average speed and the acceleration.

Part I: Motion with constant speed
1- Place the two photogate ∆x= 50 cm apart.
2- Press the rider a fixed distance on the provided spring at the far end of the
track, and release it.
3- Record the displacement ∆x between the two photogates, and the time t .it
takes the rider to travel that distance.
4- Change the distance between the photogates by 20 cm and repeat steps 2 and
3. Make sure to press the rider on the spring by same amount each time.
5- Repeat step 4 five times at least.

Part II : Motion with constant acceleration

1- Place the two photogates 50 cm .
2- Start the air blower.
3- Place the rider at the first photogate and release it from rest to slide down
the track towards the second photogate.
4- Record the displacement S and the time t it takes the rider to travel it
5- Change the distance between the photogates by 20 cm and repeat steps 3 and
4. Repeat this step five times at least.

Setup image

5.Data and Data Analysis:

(Part I) Motion on a horizontal line with constant speed: (x = v t)
(since v is constant; i.e. velocity equal to average velocity)

Motion with constant speed

x ± 0.001 (m) t1 ± 0. 01 ( sec ) t2 ± 0. 01 ( sec )
t average =
( sec )

 Plot x vs t on a graph paper and describe the variation then find the

 slope of the graph =

 slope represent =

 average velocity v =

Put your graph here

(Part II) Motion on an inclined plane with constant acceleration: ( )

Motion with constant acceleration starting from rest v0=Zero

S ± 0.001 (m) t1± 0. 01 (sec ) t2 ± 0. 01 (sec ) t2 ( s2 )
t average
( sec )

Inclination angle 
h1-h2 =..……… Air track length L Sin=…………. ath =g sin =………..m/s2
 Plot S vs t2 on a graph paper and describe the variation then find the

 slope of the graph =

 slope represent =

 acceleration aex =

Put your graph here

 Use the fact that the known value for the rider’s acceleration is ath=g sin where g is the
acceleration due to gravity (g=9.8m/s2) and find the percentage error in a.

6- Conclusions: (Hint: you must describe the graphs and the results with the types
of errors occurred and how could they be corrected)

7.Questions :


Show your calculations

Slope= 0.2 s/m

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