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Marine and Petroleum Geology 57 (2014) 208e232

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Research paper

Facies and architecture of a tide-dominated segment of the Late

Pliocene Orinoco Delta (Morne L'Enfer Formation) SW Trinidad
Si Chen a, b, *, Ronald J. Steel a, Joshua F. Dixon a, Ariana Osman a
Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin, TX, USA
Key Laboratory of Tectonics and Petroleum Resources, MOE, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Exceptionally high shelf-subsidence rates (0.8e6.0þ mm/yr), a marked basinward stepping (to east and
Received 29 January 2014 northeast) of the paleo-Orinoco shelf prism and post-Pliocene uplift of Trinidad all allow the sedimen-
Received in revised form tary facies, process regime and the evolution of the Late Miocene Orinoco Delta to be evaluated from
11 May 2014
extensive outcrops along the southwest, and south coasts of Trinidad. The ca. 200 km easterly growth
Accepted 24 May 2014
Available online 6 June 2014
(late Miocene to present) of the Orinoco shelf-margin was generated by repeated cross-shelf, regressive
etransgressive transits of the Orinoco Delta system. The studied Late Pliocene segment of this shelf-
margin prism allows insight to how this margin was built. The Morne L'Enfer Formation (Late Plio-
Orinoco Delta
cene) along Cedros Bay and Erin Bay in SW Trinidad, provides a window into the facies and process
Late Pliocene regime of the ca. 850 m-thick deltaic succession at an inner-shelf location some 100 km landward of the
Tidal facies and signals coeval shelf edge. Regressive facies associations include tide-inuenced delta-front to prodelta deposits
Morne L'Enfer Formation (FA1) within upward coarsening units, shoreface to offshore deposits, possibly with prograding mud cape
deposits (FA2), and uvial distributary channel inlls (FA3), as well as muddy sediments of oodbasins
and coastal embayments between the distributary channels (FA4), and tide-inuenced bay-head delta
deposits (FA5). Transgressive facies associations show an overall upward ning of grain size and include
inner estuary distributary channels with minimal brackish-water or tidal inuence (FA6), transition zone
uvial-tidal distributary channels (FA7), tide-dominated mid-outer estuary channel-bars (FA8), and
intertidal to supratidal at units (FA9). The tidal signals in both deltaic and estuarine units include bi-
directional paleocurrents (channels), frequent mud drapes within stacked sets of cross-strata (delta-
front), uid mud layers, aser, wavy and lenticular bedding, and ubiquitous spring-neap stratal bundling.
The tide dominated nature of the paleo-delta in SW Trinidad was likely due to its location within an
embayed proto-Columbus Channel, though by analogy with the modern Orinoco Delta, it is predicted
that the same succession becomes wave dominated to the east as the delta emerged to the open ocean
and approached the outer shelf and shelf-edge region. It is difcult to estimate how much of the
abundant mud in the Pliocene deltaic sequences was derived from inner-shelf littoral currents with
suspended Amazon River mud. The studied Late Pliocene Morne L'Enfer succession contains some 17
high-frequency transgressiveeregressive sequences, each ca. 40e60 m thick, estimated to have an
average time duration of 90e120 Ky. By analogy, the last glacial cycle on the Orinoco shelf saw the delta
prograding across the 200 km-wide shelf to the shelf edge in ca. 100 Ky, then transgressing back to its
present position in 20 Ky. A predicted model of the linkage between the study succession on SW Trinidad
and its eastward continuation offshore towards the outer shelf and shelf edge in the Columbus Basin is
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

1.1. Neogene stratigraphy on Trinidad and study interval

* Corresponding author. JGB 6.136, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University

of Texas at Austin, TX, USA.
The present study sites are within the Upper and Lower Morne
E-mail addresses: (S. Chen), L'Enfer Formation, outcropping on the southwest coast of Trinidad
(R.J. Steel). at Erin Bay and Cedros Bay (Fig. 1). The strata are of Late Pliocene
0264-8172/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Chen et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 57 (2014) 208e232 209

Figure 1. Geological map of southwest Trinidad (from Kugler, 1959; Saunders, 1997; Vincent et al., 2007, Trinidad and Tobago Geological Map). (A) Cedros Bay. (B) Erin Bay.

age (Carr-Brown and Frampton, 1979), overlying the Early Pliocene 1.2. The Orinoco Delta and its shelf margin
Forest Formation and underlying the Pleistocene Erin Formation
(Table 1). The stratigraphic interval investigated is some 850 m The exceptionally high Neogene subsidence rates (up to 6 mm/
thick, containing deltaic and estuarine deposits, arranged vertically yr) (Wood, 2000), and systematic rapid, basinward stepping
in regressive to transgressive units. Although the Morne L'Enfer (150 km in some 10 My) (Croce et al., 1999) of the late Miocene to
Formation is relatively well known locally from subsurface drilling Present Orinoco shelf margin, as well as the post Pliocene uplift of
in a series of oilelds on south western Trinidad, and there is a eld this margin across the Island of Trinidad (Kugler, 1956) allow us
guide with stops in the Upper Morne L'Enfer Member of the For- outcrop access to evaluate the process regime and evolution of the
mation (Vincent, 2003), there has been no previous systematic paleo-Orinoco Delta. The Orinoco margin today continues to be
study of its sedimentary development and no attempt to place it well supplied, with a sediment load of some 150 million tons/year
within the larger scale, shelf-margin sedimentary prism of (Davis and Dalrymple, 2012; Milliman and Syvitski, 1992). The
onshore-offshore Trinidad. geomorphology and a sub-environment classication of the delta
210 S. Chen et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 57 (2014) 208e232

Table 1 Guayana Shield to the south (Diaz de Gamero, 1996). The Orinoco
The Late Miocene through Pliocene lithostratigraphic units of SW Trinidad (Zyndel, River and delta then migrated along the axis of the East Venezuela
foreland basin, to emerge towards southern Trinidad by late
Age and clastic Southwest Trinidad Approx. Sequences Miocene. Trinidad lies at the eastern end of the East Ven-
wedge number stratigraphy thickness ezuelaeColumbus foreland basin, and also near the transpressional
Pleistocene Erin Fm. >300 m >2 sequences boundary between the Caribbean and South American plates. Large
Late Pliocene 4 Upper Morne L'Enfer Fm. >1000 m >10 sequences volumes of mud currently are borne and deposited by littoral cur-
Lot 7 Silt (ooding)
rents northwestwards along the inner shelf and on the front of the
Late Pliocene 3 Lower Morne L'Enfer Fm. >370 m >7 sequences
U. Forest Clay (ooding) Orinoco Delta, derived from the Amazon River (Aslan et al., 2003).
Early Pliocene 2 Forest/Gros Morne Fms. >1800 m >3 sequences Similar mud volumes may have contributed to the Pliocene Orinoco
Lr. Forest Clay (ooding) sequences.
Early PlioceneeLate Upper Cruse Fm. >1500 m >8 sequences
Miocene 1 Lower Cruse Fm.
2.2. Regional structure and shelf-margin growth

The two primary structural elements that affected the paleo-

plain of the modern Orinoco Delta was provided by Warne and Orinoco delivery system across Trinidad and into the Columbus
others (Warne et al., 1999, 2002a, 2002b). The seismic line of Basin depocenter off eastern Trinidad were (1) transpressional
Figure 2 shows the Pliocene (dating and seismic line from Sydow northeast-southwest trending anticlines induced by compression
et al., 2003) clinoformal architecture of the Orinoco margin, with from the plate boundary to the north and (2) northwestesoutheast
thick at-lying, shelf topsets, and a gently seaward dipping conti- oriented, down-to-the-northeast, extensional normal growth
nental slope and basin oor beyond. The amplitude of the clino- faults, likely driven by Orinoco sediment loading, i.e., from one of
forms (undecompacted) reects a basinal water depth of several the earth's largest rivers (Wood, 2000). Sydow et al. (2003) showed
km. and the very thick and aggradational character of the Pliocene that the Orinoco River drainage system and sediment supply was
margin architecture reects rapid subsidence and a very large able to exceed the rapid-subsidence accommodation on the shelf
Orinoco River supply (Sydow et al., 2003; Wood, 2000). and steadily prograde the shelf-edge since the late Miocene. From
the Late Miocene onward, sedimentation across the Trinidad and
1.3. Purpose of present study Columbus Basin region was dominated by the prograding and
shifting lobes of the Orinoco River delta (Diaz de Gamero, 1996).
The study locations at Erin Bay and Cedros Bay occur updip Growth fault rollover structures trending northwest-southeast
(landward) by some 150 km from the coeval late Pliocene shelf- were modied by the orthogonal trend of compressional folds
slope break (Dixon, 2005; Moscardelli et al., 2006; Sydow et al., formed during the early Pleistocene (Sydow et al., 2003). The Co-
2003) to the east. The main purpose of the present study is to lumbus basin was lled throughout the Pliocene and Pleistocene by
document the facies and processes of the Late Pliocene Orinoco more than 40,000 ft (>12,200 m) of clastic sediment supplied pri-
Delta deposits in this well-exposed 850 m succession, and the marily by the paleo-Orinoco Delta system. The delta built and
reason for doing so is twofold: prograded eastward over a storm-wave and current-inuenced
shelf during the PlioceneePleistocene, depositing nonmarine to
1. Provide details of the tide-dominated character of this part of marine clastic megasequences as a series of prograding wedges
the paleo-delta; important because tide-dominated deltas are (Steel et al., 2007), sometimes atop a lower Pliocene to pre-Pliocene
currently one of the most poorly known coastal environments. mobile shale facies (Wood, 2000). The scale of the paleo-Orinoco
In addition, as the modern Orinoco Delta is mainly wave megasequences bounded by major muddy ooding intervals is
dominated, the reason for tide domination in the study segment well shown in Figure 2 and Table 1.
is of interest.
2. Illustrate the rapidly subsiding aspect of the shelf-margin suc- 2.3. Morne L'Enfer and other clastic wedges
cession and the repeated regressiveetransgressive cross-shelf
transits of this delta in a Pliocene ice-house climate; thereby The late Miocene through Pliocene sandstone wedges that built
also providing a rational for the spectacular aggradationale- the new Orinoco shelf margin out along the eastern sides of
progradational topsets seen on the seismic image of the shelf Venezuela and Trinidad were referred to above and shown in
margin (Fig. 1). Table 1. The rst clastic wedge, well exposed along parts of the
southern Trinidad coast is the Upper Miocene to Lower Pliocene
2. Geological setting Cruse Formation (Kugler, 1956; Saunders and Kennedy, 1965) and
includes a thick series of muddy upward-coarsening, deepwater
2.1. Sediment sourcing slope units, some highly slump deformed, leading upwards to
shallow-water, outer shelf and deltaic units (Vincent, 2012; Winter,
The modern Orinoco Delta lies near the northeastern tip of 2006). Some segments of shallow-water shelf deposits have
South America, and the area of the later Island of Trinidad lay collapsed down into the underlying slope mudstones (Steel et al.,
squarely in the pathway of the northeastern reaches of the pro- 2007). The presence of thick deformed Cruse slope deposits in
grading late MioceneePliocene delta. The southern coastlines of outcrops on the south coast of Trinidad imply that the shelf edge in
Trinidad provide a westeeast transect across the now-uplifted, this region lay some short distance to the west, about mid-way
Orinoco shelf margin, exposing deepwater continental slope de- along Trinidad's southern coast (Winter, 2006). Although there
posits (late Miocene) overlain by Pliocene and younger Orinoco have been many lithostratigraphic works on Cruse Formation from
Delta lobe deposits, as would be shown in any well drilled through S. Trinidad's oil and gas elds, Winter's (2006) research is the only
the SEG interval in Figure 2. The Paleogene Orinoco River had one to investigate the Cruse depositional systems. The Cruse For-
owed directly northwards into the marine Maracaibo Gulf, but by mation is capped by a widespread ooding horizon, the Lower
Middle Miocene times it changed course, owing east between the Forest Clay (Table 1). Sedimentation continued through the Lower
Merida Andes and Caribbean Mountains to the north, and the Pliocene with the deltaic growth of the very thick Forest/Gros
Figure 2. (A) Dip-oriented (EeW) seismic line, just off southeast Trinidad and near the Trinidad/Venezuela boundary, showing the aggradationaleprogradational character of the
latest Miocene through Pliocene paleo-Orinoco shelf-margin growth. The deepwater slope deposits off the bottom-left of the section are very latest Miocene in age. The onshore
Morne L'Enfer study location lies >60 km west of the western edge of this line, and a little to the north along strike. The measured 800 m outcrop succession occupies part of the
‘topsets’ off to the left of the line, in the Late Pliocene time interval from about TP 63 to TP90 (Sydow et al., 2003). (B) Interpreted framework of the Pliocene (Tp) shelf-slope
geometry and depositional systems (modied from Dixon, 2005). A very tentative correlation of onshore strata to this offshore succession, based on the published stratigraphic
age dating by Sydow et al. (2003) and Dixon (2005), is suggested along the western edge of this seismic line. (C) Estimated positions of the paleo-Orinoco shelf edge (late Pliocene),
from Dixon, 2005; Sydow et al., 2003. AA' shows the location of the seismic section in Fig. 2a.
Figure 3. a. The Upper Morne L'Enfer Formation succession in both Erin Bay and Cedros Bay. The uppermost 75 m of the succession, capped by Erin Formation, can be seen only at
Erin Bay. At both locations the succession is underlain by the Lot 7 Siltstone. The succession is tentatively sub-divided into transgressive to regressive units with a major ooding
level between the two parts. b. Lower part of the study succession consists of Lower Morne L'Enfer Formation and Lot 7 Silt. It is underlain by the marine, muddy Upper Forest Clay.
As with the Upper Morne L'Enfer (Fig. 3a) the succession here is tentatively subdivided into transgressive to regressive units.
S. Chen et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 57 (2014) 208e232 213

Figure 3. (continued).
214 S. Chen et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 57 (2014) 208e232

Morne formations, the second clastic wedge, and this in turn was Lower Morne L'Enfer are given in Table 2. The sandstone per-
capped by the Upper Forest Clay ooding unit (Kugler, 1956; centage is 46.9% in Cedros Bay and 38.9% in Erin Bay in the
Saunders and Kennedy, 1965). This was followed by the Lower regressive intervals. The sandstone percentage is 76.4% in
Morne L'Enfer or third clastic wedge, with a lower muddy but Cedros Bay and 63.8% in Erin Bay in the transgressive intervals.
upward-coarsening deltaic portion (the Morne L'Enfer Siltstones of The slightly sandier character of the Cedros succession is likely
Osman, 2006) some 800ft thick in places (Kugler, 1956) and capped due to its more proximal location. Mudstones generally increase
transgressively by a 300 ft-thick series of medium-grained estua- in thickness distally in all the clastic wedges, despite the fact
rine sandstones (Osman, 2006; Wach et al., 2003). This Lr. Morne that transgressions bring mud landwards.
L'Enfer wedge is capped by the Lot 7 silt horizon (Kugler, 1956;
Saunders and Kennedy, 1965). The fourth and nal Pliocene clastic
wedge consists of the Upper Morne L'Enfer Formation (Donovan 4. Methodology
and Jackson, 1994; Vincent, 2003). The Morne L'Enfer Formation
is generally agreed in the literature to be Late Pliocene in age Data acquisition was from outcropping strata of the Morne L'Enfer
(Saunders and Kennedy, 1965; Wach et al., 2003; J. Frampton and A. Formation at both Erin Bay and Cedros Bay locations (Fig. 1), and
Osman personal communications, 2005), on the basis of micro- included detailed lateral and vertical measurements of sedimentary
paleontology (foraminifera) data. facies as well as photo panel interpretations. Bed or set thickness,
Hydrocarbons are being produced from Morne L'Enfer Forma- grain size, sedimentary structures and trace fossils were recorded.
tion reservoirs within several elds in the Southern Trinidad (North Paleocurrents were measured and un-tilted, mostly in the cross-
Palo Seco, Coora, Forest Reserve elds) (Vincent, 2003). bedded facies. A set of photographs were taken to aid in the facies
association analysis and in reconstruction of the depositional archi-
3. Morne L'Enfer succession tecture of the sandstone bodies. Burrows, tracks and trace fossil as-
semblages, including variation of the diversity (number of species) of
The measured succession of Morne L'Enfer Formation at Erin Bay benthic invertebrate organisms, their size (i.e., the size of the bur-
and at Cedros Bay is some 850 m (2500 ft) thick, most of which is rows) and the relative number of individuals were also registered.
exposed continuously and lies above the Upper Forest Clay and
below the red Porcellanite beds of Erin Formation (Vincent, 2003). 5. Facies associations and sedimentary environments
A summary diagram of Morne L'Enfer Formation shows the
component upward-coarsening regressive and blocky to upward- Previous research on the modern Orinoco's geomorphology and
ning transgressive parts (Fig. 3a and b). The exact correlation sub-environments (Warne et al., 1999, 2002a, 2002b) suggested the
between Cedros Bay and Erin Bay (some 20 km apart) is tentative following subdivisions, with a percentage weighting of total area:
and uncertain. However, the following criteria allow a possible
correlation: (1) the lower levels of both successions are underlain 1. Coastlines (9%)
by the muddy Upper Forest Clay, (2) there is an upward change to 2. Marine-inuenced distributaries (10%)
dominantly delta plain deposits with large tree logs in each suc- 3. Fluvio-marine transitions (8%)
cession, (3) the ca. 80 m-thick ne-grained interval of Lot 7 Silt can 4. Distributary channels (15%)
be identied in each succession, and (4) the red porcellanite de- 5. Interdistributary basins (44%)
posits of Erin Formation caps the succession at Erin Bay.
The following general features of the study succession are noted In our subdivision of facies associations for Morne L'Enfer For-
before the individual regressive and transgressive facies associa- mation we attempt to follow the above scheme to some extent,
tions are treated in more detail: though our data is rich in vertical facies detail, as compared to the
mainly planview information of the modern delta study. One
1. The Lower Morne L'Enfer (approx. 305 m thick) is dominated by modern coastal sub-environment that is prominent in the de-
upward-coarsening delta-front deposits (yellow in the web scriptions of Warne et al. (2002a) and especially in Aslan et al.
version in Fig. 3) and transgressively lled estuaries (red in the (2003), but difcult to identify precisely in the Pliocene record, is
web version in Fig. 3) that ne upwards to levels of marine the mud cape. Mud capes are common along the north coast of the
ooding (blue dotted lines in the web version). Transgressive to Orinoco Delta today, caused by a northwesterly drift of littoral mud
regressive units average 42.5 m in thickness. The estuarine from coastal currents and ultimately from the Amazon Delta (Aslan
cross-stratied sandstones of the upper part of Lr. Morne L'Enfer et al., 2003). Although this mud accumulates in the northward-
are the same sandstones that are mined for asphalt in the prograding delta, this is less obvious along the river- and tide-
Stollmeyers Quarrie and other quarries some 20 km north of inuenced sector of the delta in the southeast. However, because
Erin Bay. Note that the only signicantly wave-dominated parts the volume of Amazon-derived mud being transported in suspen-
of the succession are the two shorefaces at Cedros Bay in Unit 3. sion along the front of the Orinoco Delta and around both sides of
2. The Lot 7 Siltstone interval (approx. 80 m thick) is ne grained Trinidad is so large today, it is likely that there were also Pliocene
and poorly exposed but well mapped in the subsurface and on littoral currents moving and accumulating mud (Aslan et al., 2003).
outcrops as a major marine ooding interval across southern Although we did not easily identify coastal mud capes, the large
Trinidad, occurring between the lower and upper members of volumes of mud contained within the basal two-thirds of many
Morne L'Enfer Formation. regressive deltaic units, may well include Amazon mud, as dis-
3. The Upper Morne L'Enfer (approx. 413 m thick) has a lower two- cussed below.
thirds dominated by delta-front deposits (Fig. 3a), the TeR units Because the distinction between regressive and transgressive
are averaging 43 m thick here (excluding unit 12). In the upper coastlines is a fundamental one (Boyd et al., 1992; Boyd and Honig,
third there is then a distinctive interval of delta-plain mud- 1992) our primary subdivision is into (1) regressive facies associa-
stones, distributaries, coals and tree trunks, seen at both study tions generated when the delta system or associated strandplains
locations. were generally prograding basinwards, and (2) transgressive facies
4. A summary of transgressive, regressive and TeR unit thick- associations generated when the system was retreating landwards
nesses, as well as sandstone/shale ratios, for both Upper and as an estuary or open-coast muddy tidal at.
S. Chen et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 57 (2014) 208e232 215

Table 2
Transgressiveeregressive unit thickness, and sandstone percentage in both regressive and transgressive parts of units at both locations.

Cedros Cedros R Sandstone Sandstone Cedros T Sandstone Sandstone Delta-plain Sandstone Sandstone TeR Unit
percentage percentage percentage

unit: m unit: m unit: % unit: m unit: m unit: % unit: m unit: m unit: % unit: m

unit16 18 0 0.00 23 14 0.61 41

unit15 49 12 0.24
unit14 26 13 0.50 16 13 0.81 42
unit13 18 8 0.44 7 6 0.86 25
unit12 58 25 0.43 21 18 0.86 79
unit11 48 26 0.54 5 4 0.80 53
unit10 13 13 1.00

Erin Erin R Sandstone Sandstone Erin T Sandstone Sandstone Delta-plain Sandstone Sandstone TeR Unit
percentage percentage percentage

unit17 27 10 0.37 17 15 0.88 44

unit16 33 9 0.27 34 10 0.29 67
unit15 27 6 0.22
unit14 27 19 0.70 28 26 0.93 55
unit13 13 2 0.15 9 1 0.11 22
unit12 73 0 0.00 18 17 0.94 91
unit11 58 26 0.45 4 4 1.00 62
unit10 12 8 0.67 33 17 0.52 45
unit9 26 2 0.08 13 1 0.08 39
unit8 39 4 0.10 11 9 0.82 50
unit7 31 9 0.29 11 6 0.55 42
unit6 28 14 0.50 13 8 0.62 41
unit5 22 7 0.32 33 20 0.61 55
unit4 21 19 0.90 9 8 0.89 30
unit3 36 16 0.44 14 14 1.00 50
unit2 30 12 0.40 7 6 0.86 37

The regressive facies associations include: vertically to produce thicker (commonly 20e40 m) successions
with an overall increase in the sandstone/mudstone ratio. The
 Delta-front to prodelta deposits (FA1) cross-stratal inll of the shallow broad channels that cap or occur
 Shoreface to offshore deposits (FA2) within the parasequences indicate a dominant sediment transport
 Distributary channel deposits (FA3) towards the northeast (Cedros) and east (Erin), but also have a
 Embayment and oodbasin deposits (FA4) subordinate, oppositely directed paleocurrent mode.
 Tide-inuenced bayhead delta deposits (FA5) Interpretation. The overall coarsening-upward, muddy to
The transgressive facies associations include:
sandy, marine-bioturbated successions strongly indicates coastline
progradation. The presence of channels at the top of progradational
 Inner estuary distributary channel deposits (FA6)
packages, and the carbonaceous character of mudstones and ne
 Tidal-uvial distributary channel deposits (FA7)
sandstones further suggest a deltaic coastline. The smaller scale of
 Tide-dominated channel-bar deposits (mid to outer estuary)
upward coarsening suggests sheet-like deltaic lobes up to 10 m-
thick were building (see also Hori et al., 2001; Ta et al., 2002),
 Intertidal and supratidal at deposits (estuary margin) (FA 9)
together forming deltaic complexes 20e40 m thick. The lower-
energy, muddy lower levels of such deltaic units are interpreted
as the prodelta to shelf deposits, whereas the sandier upper parts
5.1. Regressive facies associations represent higher energy delta-front deposits. Regarding the process
regime of the delta, the absence of delta-front turbidites or of
5.1.1. Tide-dominated delta-front to prodelta deposits (FA1) storm-wave generated hummocky or swaley cross strata (though Description. Facies Association 1 (FA1) contains organic-rich there are wave ripples) suggest that neither storm waves nor river
mudstones or interbedded thin siltstones and mudstones that currents entirely dominated the front of the delta. The abundance
grade upwards into interbedded very ne-grained, rippled sand- of mud layers and mud asers at almost all levels on the prodelta to
stones, grey siltstones and mudstones (Fig. 4). In turn, this coarsens delta front (see also Jaeger and Nittrouer, 1995), the frequent dunes
upwards into thicker beds of very ne to ne-grained rippled (Willis, 2005) on the delta front (often within broad channels or
sandstone with continuous or discontinuous uid mud layers. scours) the occasional rhythmite lamination (Dalrymple and Choi,
Sometimes these mud-sand couplets show a very ne scale of 2007), and the bi-directional paleocurrents (albeit with an ebb
alternation (rhythmites). The association progresses upwards into dominance) all suggest a strong tidal inuence. However, the
ne to medium-grained cross-stratied sandstone sets that overall abundance of mud, the very gradual character of the
sometimes overlie broad shallow channels or scour surfaces. coarsening upwards and the frequent parasequences all suggest
Interbedded with the latter there are also thin-bedded, at or that river inuence was also important. FA1 is interpreted as result
wave-ripple-laminated, ne to medium-grained sandstones and of progradation and lateral shifting of river-inuenced, tide-
mudstones. Some of the sharp-based sandstone beds overlie dominated delta front lobes, probably within an embayed coastline,
extremely bioturbated very ne sandstones with carbonaceous not unlike the southern distributaries region of the present-day
fragments. This type of upward-coarsening and thickening para- Orinoco Delta (Warne et al., 2002a). The case for tide dominance
sequence varies between 2 and 11 m in thickness and repeats on the Morne L'Enfer delta lobes is further developed below in
216 S. Chen et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 57 (2014) 208e232

Figure 4. Examples of Morne L'Enfer Formation delta-front to prodelta units with multiple parasequences (FA1).

Section 5.3. The late Pliocene delta lobes on SW Trinidad built to the half of the Upper Morne L'Enfer at Erin Bay and in the upper parts of
east and northeast, i.e., across southern and central present-day Lower Morne L'Enfer at Cedros Bay. The association shows an up-
Trinidad. ward coarsening from mudstones at the base through thin interbeds
of lenticular, aser and wave-rippled siltstones and sandstones, up to
5.1.2. Shoreface to offshore deposits (FA2) a fairly abrupt development of highly bioturbated hummocky and Description. Facies Association 2 (FA2) is relatively rare in the swaley stratied, very ne sandstones in stacked units 3e5 m thick
Morne L'Enfer Formation but occurs at several locations in the lower (Fig. 5). There are also occasionally some organic-rich mudstones.
S. Chen et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 57 (2014) 208e232 217 Interpretation. The heterolithic, upward coarsening suc-

cession is somewhat similar to that described in FA1, but the
abruptly developed sandstone sets represent storm-wave activity
on a shoreline. The hummocky and swaley cross strata (Dumas and
Arnott, 2006; Harms et al., 1975) capping to the succession shows
that any original shoreline was certainly reworked by storm waves
into shorefaces or smaller wave spits. It is quite common for delta
complexes to have wave-dominated segments (Bhattacharya and
Giosan, 2003) or for delta lobes to be abandoned and reworked
by waves (Penland et al., 1988).
It is possible that the signicant volumes of mud contained in
the lower portions of many regressive units, and particularly those
muddy successions associated with wave-inuenced coastlines
(Fig. 5), could be interpreted as accreting mud capes, such as is seen
commonly along the northern Orinoco Delta coast today (Aslan
et al., 2003). The parasequence scale (3e5 m thick), upward-
coarsening muddy packages seen in Figure 5 could well be mud
cape candidates. On the modern Orinoco Delta, such mud capes
reect the huge mud volumes being carried in suspension by
littoral currents on the inner shelf, brought northwards from the
Amazon Delta (Aslan et al., 2003). Aslan et al. (2003) have docu-
mented how such mud capes accrete on the front of the Holocene

5.1.3. Fluvial distributary channel deposits (FA3) Description. Capping the upward-coarsening delta-front
deposits there are occasional sharp-based, thick sandstone units
that have coaly debris and mud pebbles at their base, followed by
ne to medium-grained sandstones with planar and trough cross-
strata, followed by interbeds of ne to medium grained sand-
stone and mudstone (Fig. 6) (see also Uroza and Steel, 2008). Some
of the larger cross strata form inclined heterolithic strata. Trunca-
tion surfaces are common within these units, producing multi-
storey intervals with multiple internal erosional surfaces between
and current ripple laminae atop the individual sets of cross strata.
Although within a background of coarsening-upward delta-front
deposits, the channels become ner grained upwards. These
erosively-based cross stratied sandstones reach up to 5 m in
thickness, and paleocurrents have a northeastward orientation,
though southeastward-oriented cross strata are also found. From
the exposed outcrops, the estimated minimum width of these
down-cutting channels is about 15 m. Interpretation. The coaly and mudclast debris, erosional

bases and general ning-upward tendency of the individual cross-
stratied sandstone bodies, and their association with underlying
delta-front facies, suggest distributary channels on the delta front
lobes (e.g., see also Bhattacharya and Walker, 1991; Coleman et al.,
1964). The mainly northeastward oriented cross strata (ebb-tide
direction) with occasional southeastward orientations, suggests
that there was some tidal inuence in the channels (see also
Dalrymple and Choi, 2007).

5.1.4. Muddy sediments of oodbasins and coastal embayments

between the distributary channels (FA4)
As in the modern Orinoco Delta, as outlined by Warne and
others (Warne et al., 1999, 2002a, 2002b), it is likely that at least
half of the paleo-Orinoco Delta plain area was composed of muddy
oodbasins between distributaries in the proximal reaches, and
muddy brackish-water embayments between distributaries in the
distal coastal region. These muddy environments would be com-
mon to both regressive and transgressive phases of shelf-prism
building and are especially common associated with distributary
Figure 5. Hummocky and swaley cross ¼ stratied shoreface deposits (FA2), as best
channels in the upper 300 m of the succession in Erin Bay and the
developed in Lower Morne L'Enfer Formation at Cedros Bay. upper 100 m at Cedros Bay.
218 S. Chen et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 57 (2014) 208e232

Figure 6. Examples of measured uvial distributary channel deposits (FA3) in Morne L'Enfer Formation. Description. Facies Association 4 (FA4) occurs as almost all mudstone units that contain interbedded black bioturbated and
thick muddy parts of the Morne L'Enfer succession other than the wavy-ripple laminated silty mudstones and thin rippled siltstone
mudstones associated with the delta-front, prodelta and marine- beds, usually passing upwards to thicker mudstone units with thin
shelf segments of the stratigraphy. FA4 therefore comprises coal and coaly shale layers.
muddy overbank and oodbasin deposits between the regressive
delta distributaries (FA3 and FA6) and the muddy embayment de-
posits developed lateral to the bayhead deltas (FA5) and estuaries Interpretation. The mudstones associated with coals in the
(FA7 and FA8) (Fig. 7). The former consist of thick black or grey uppermost levels of Morne L'Enfer Formation originated in the
mudstones and coaly shales with occasional thin (0.5e2 m) sheet- proximal oodbasins between distributary channels on the inner
like, cross stratied sandstone units. The paleocurrent directions delta plain. The mudstones are only occasionally tidally inuenced,
are southeastward. The interbedded thin sandstone layers contain as would have happened during transgressions across the delta
rippled, wavy and lenticular laminations. Some large horizontal plain. The thin sandstones occurring in these oodbasins originated
Thalassinoides (Th) burrows with diameter up to 6 cm and length of primarily from overbank ooding and crevasse splays from dis-
30e40 cm are found. Some of the grey mudstones are rooted tributaries in ood. The features of the more intensely bioturbated
paleosols and contain standing or fallen tree trunks, plant roots, as muddy association suggest that they are inter-distributary
well as coaly shales. The latter muddy association has organic-rich embayment deposits associated with free-standing brackish-
S. Chen et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 57 (2014) 208e232 219

Figure 7. Muddy sediments of oodbasins and coastal embayments between the distributary channels (FA4). (A) Mudstone facies association that represents areas of brackish
embayment or ood basin between the distributary channels in Erin Bay. (B) Muddy embayment deposits with clear tidal inuence, which are capped by intertidal and supratidal
deposits. (C) Muddy oodbasin deposits with coals and minimal bioturbation. (D) Black, organic-rich mudstone with thin beds of ripple laminated and lenticular sandstones. (E)
Muddy embayment deposits with mud drapes. (F) Mudstone with standing tree trunks.

water mudstone units of embayment margin and with the more implying that these very thin coarsening upward deltaic units
proximal oodbasin deposits of the delta plain. developed in a relatively proximal, likely embayment site.
Compared with FA1, the distributaries are of a smaller scale, sug-
5.1.5. Tide-inuenced bayhead delta deposits (FA5) gesting a lower energy environment and lower sediment yield Description. Facies Association 5 (FA5) starts with bio- compared to the main deltaic distributary channels (Dalrymple
turbated organic-rich coaly shales, overlain by coarsening-upward et al., 1992). The rhythmites and rippled aser and wavy lami-
interbedded ripple-laminated sandstone and mudstone with low- nated association with brackish water bioturbation suggested
diversity burrows, which include Thalassinoides (Th), and cross associated intertidal deposits. The paleocurrents indicate an ebb-
stratied sandstones up to a few metres thick (Fig. 8). The inter- dominant direction. Facies Association 4 is interpreted as a tide-
bedded lenticular sandstones and wavy laminated mudstones inuenced bay-head delta.
include rhythmites. Thin layers of coal are developed between the
distributary channels occasionally. The paleocurrent directions are 5.2. Transgressive facies associations
towards northeast and east.
The transgressive facies associations are often sharp based and Interpretation. The basal organic-rich shale layers and the exhibit a crude upward ning of grain size, at least in their up-
coal between distributaries indicate a delta-plain environment, permost parts, into marine or brackish-water mudstones. They
220 S. Chen et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 57 (2014) 208e232

Figure 8. Examples of tide-inuenced bayhead delta deposits capped by small distributary channels (FA5).

Figure 9. Inner estuary distributary channels with minimal brackish-water or tidal inuence (FA6) in Morne L'Enfer Formation.
S. Chen et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 57 (2014) 208e232 221

reect the drowning of the delta lobes and distributary mouths as intervals with interbedded, ripple-laminated siltstones and mud-
they transform into estuary systems, as a result of relative sea-level stones with marine or brackish burrows between the sandstone
rise following delta abandonment and compaction subsidence or sets. Some symmetrical ripples are also found. The orientation of
more widespread rise of sea level. paleocurrents at Cedros Bay is dominantly to the north or northeast
with some south and southwestward oriented cross strata. At Erin
5.2.1. Inner estuary distributary channels with minimal brackish- Bay most paleocurrent directions are oriented eastward or north-
water or tidal inuence (FA6) westward. FA7 also tends to show an upward ning of grain size. Description. Facies Association 6 (FA6) is similar to the
regressive distributary channel lls described above, though FA6 Interpretation. The erosional surface at the base of FA7
units tend to be thicker, contain more mudstone interlayers and sandbodies can sometimes be seen to rise on both sides (see red
become brackish or marine inuenced in their uppermost levels. dotted line in Fig. 10C), indicating that FA6 is channelized. The bi-
They typically consist of a sandstone unit, 4e18 m thick, that modal paleocurrents in both cross strata (dunes) and ripple
overlies a truncation surface and contains stacked cross-stratied laminae are typical features of tidally inuenced channels. The
sandstone sets of both trough and planar type (Fig. 9). Cross- muddy IHS in some of the channels is interpreted as tidally inu-
stratied sandstone sets vary from 5 cm up to 1.5 m in thickness, enced point bars possibly in intertidal zones in the marginal or
are ne to medium-grained and commonly contain mud clasts near inner parts of tide-dominated estuaries (see also Gingras et al.,
the base of the unit or are soft-sediment deformed. The basal 2002; Thomas et al., 1987). The symmetrical wavy laminated mud
erosion surface and sometimes erosive surfaces within the thicker beds, discontinuous mud asers, and interbedded rhythmites of
sandy units can be seen to be irregular, variably down-cutting and siltstone-sandstone and mudstone also strongly suggest tidal in-
usually channel-like. There are also mudstone or siltstone layers uence (Reineck and Singh, 1975; Willis et al., 1999). The above
between some of the sandstone sets and in some locations characteristics suggest that FA7 represents uvial-tidal distributary
mudstone lenses within the sandstone sets. In many units of this channels in the inner to central zone of estuaries, perhaps as far
type, the uppermost cross-stratied sets are intensively burrowed landward as the tidaleuvial transition reaches of estuaries
by brackish or marine traces, e.g., Thalassinoides burrows. An (Dalrymple and Choi, 2007). The dominating ow direction (uvial
important feature of FA6 units is that they have a slight to clear plus ebb-tidal currents) in Cedros Bay is northward, while the
upward ning of grain size and an upward thinning of cross- subordinate tidal-current directions (ood currents) are southeast
bedded sets. Measured paleocurrents are dominantly unidirec- or southwest. At Erin Bay, on the other hand, the dominant pale-
tional and suggest eastwards sediment transport. ocurrents are from the west to east, while a subordinate westwards
current direction can be seen in the thin interbeds of rippled and Interpretation. The sharp and erosively based character of aser-laminated sandstone. Compared with FA6, FA7 contains a
FA6 sandstone units and the shape of the erosion surfaces strongly signicantly greater proportion of tidal signals.
suggest that FA6 is channelized. The cross-stratal sets that domi-
nate the channel inll indicate that the ow energy within the 5.2.3. Tide-dominated channel-bar deposits (mid to outer estuary)
channels was strong enough to generate both 3D and 2D dunes, and (FA8)
set thicknesses suggest ow depths in the channels of 12e20 m Description. Facies Association 8 (FA8) typically consists of
(Leclair and Bridge, 2001). Mud pebbles indicate that muddy bank 7e19 m thick, sharp-based units of cross-stratied, very ne to
material commonly collapsed into the channels. The burrows in the ne-grained sandstones with abundant marine bioturbation,
upper parts of some channel lls strongly suggest that these common organic fragments and some soft-sediment deformation
channels were connected to the sea and that they were backlled (Fig. 11). The sharp base of the thick sandstone units is often
transgressively through time as relative sea-level rose (Gingras associated with mud clasts or mud clast conglomerates (see also
et al., 2002; Walker and James, 1992), as is also consistent with Desjardins et al., 2012). The sets of cross-stratied sandstone
the presence of marine mudstones overlying some of the channels. sometimes alternate with cm-thick mudstone layers that are
The above characteristics suggest that the FA6 channels were dis- unbioturbated and unlaminated, and such mud layers are also
tributary channels. The lack of burrows in the basal levels of the present as thin drapes on some foresets. There is also an association
channels suggest an initial purely uvial setting, but the burrowing with rhythmic heterolithics that show thick sandier alternating
at higher levels and the overlying marine mudstones indicate that with thin muddier heterolithics. The sandstone units can some-
these were likely distributary channels in a transgressive estuary times be multistory (up to 6e8 m thick subunits) with a slight
(Bhattacharya and Walker, 1991; Dalrymple et al., 1992), whereby ning upward of grain size highlighting the sub-units. The units are
backlling of the channels through time successively ‘drowned’ the generally bioturbated with long Ophiomorpha and Thalassinoides
channelized system. The cross-stratied sandstones are likely to burrows, and these increase in intensity in the upper half of most
have been river-channel bars, though marine inux at their tops sandstone bodies. The largest-scale cross strata in the sandbodies
suggests that the river channels became reworked by brackish and are master surfaces quite oblique to the small scale dunes, and give
marine water through time. dominantly northeastward paleocurrents, though also some
northwesterly directions (Fig. 11D and F). There is also local evi-
5.2.2. Transition zone uvial-tidal distributary channels (FA7) dence of bi-directional paleocurrents. The cross stratied sand- Description. Facies Association 7 (FA7) is erosively based bodies pass upward into thin, dark-coloured, very bioturbated
and channelized, and consists of very ne to ne-grained planar interbedded mudstones and sandstones, or into thick mudstone
and trough cross-stratied sandstones with frequent interbedded intervals.
aser laminae and widespread mud drapes (Fig. 10). There are also
occasional bi-directional ripple laminae, wavy laminations, lentic- Interpretation. The cross-stratied sandstone bodies are
ular sand beds and marine or brackish burrows, as well as channels interpreted as tidal bars because of their bioturbation and the ev-
lled with inclined heterolithic stratication. These channelized, idence of persistent strong currents (sometimes bi-directional) to
cross stratied sandstone units are 5e8 m thick. Compared with produce and move large dunes. The associated unlaminated mud
FA6, FA7 contains a signicantly higher proportion of aser beds layers suggesting uid mud (Jaeger and Nittrouer, 1995; Wolanski
and mud layers between the sandstones. There are also occasional et al., 1995), and the bundled rhythmites (Kvale, 2006; Visser,
222 S. Chen et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 57 (2014) 208e232

Figure 10. (A) (B) Transition zone uvial-tidal distributary channels (FA7). (C) Channel complex with 5 m-thick lower subtidal channel (yellow) overlain by several thinner
sigmoidal (IHS) cross-stratied channel lls (red-bounded, blue HIS), probably intertidal in origin. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this gure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

1980) are consistent with a tidal interpretation. The sandbodies characterized by increasing bioturbation including large horizontal
were likely to have been mainly subtidal because of their thickness, and vertical burrows of Thalassinoides (Th) and Ophiomorpha (Op),
though the subunits suggest compound dunes that climbed on each suggest increasingly brackish or marine waters entering the estuary
other to make larger bars (see also Olariu et al., 2012). The erosive as it backlls during transgressive conditions. The more abundant
channelized surface at the base of such bars (a hallmark of tidal bars bioturbation (compared to the delta front deposits) suggests a
in estuaries) would represent the channel into which the adjacent decreased inuence of river input, and an increased low-energy
tidal bar obliquely migrates through time (Dalrymple and Choi, marine inuence through time. As the estuaries are transgressed
2007). The differing orientation of large-scale bar master surfaces and become potentially deeper water, there is another and more
versus the smaller dunes indicated the lateral or oblique migration rapid tendency at work. The estuaries also tend to inll from their
of the bars. Mud clasts are a common feature in the base of such margins, by the lateral accretion of the muddier intertidal and
tidal channels. The middle and upper parts of the tidal bar units, supratidal facies, thus producing the upward ning to muddier
S. Chen et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 57 (2014) 208e232 223

Figure 11. (A) (B) (C) Tide-dominated channel-bar deposits (Mid to outer estuary) (FA8). (D) Bi-directional cross bedding in sandstone sets with reactivation surfaces, mud pebble
laminae and some mud drapes. Cross strata within sets repeatedly steepen and then decrease in dip along the set, indicating episodic buildup of dunes and then partial lling of
troughs (Willis, 2005). (E) Bundled rhythmites at the level of 403 m in Erin Bay. (F) Lateral bar-growth master surfaces quite oblique to the small scale dunes.

facies seen in the FA8 successions. The sand-rich deposits of FA8 are and FA7), FA8 accumulated in the middle to distal reaches of the es-
therefore likely to represent the elongate, channelized tidal bars of tuaries and contains a higher proportion of marine facies.
the middle-outer estuary environment (see also Plink-Bjorklund
and Steel, 2006). 5.2.4. Intertidal to supratidal at deposits (estuary margin) (FA9)
The paleocurrents indicate a dominant sediment transport direc- Description. Facies Association 9 (FA9) occurs in the muddy
tion (river currents plus ebb tidal currents) to the east and northeast levels above FA8 estuary sandbars described above. These deposits
with subordinate transport (ood tidal currents) to the west and are highly bioturbated, very thin-bedded siltstones and occasional
southwest. Compared with the more proximal facies associations (FA3 very ne sandstones alternating with dark mudstones, commonly
Figure 12. (A) (B) (C) Intertidal to supratidal at deposits (estuary margin) (FA9). (D) Tidal at to supratidal muds above an estuary bar or tidal channel. (E) Mud-rich upper
intertidal at deposits showing dark grey bioturbated mudstones including burrows of Teichichnus (Te) rectus with very thin lenses of siltstones and sandstones. (F) Lower intertidal
at deposits showing interbedded sandstones and wavy ripple laminated mudstones, with some indication of upward change from spring to neap tidal bundles as the sandstone
beds decrease in thickness. White arrows show double mudstone drapes (G) Mud-conglomeratic deposits at base of a tidal channel.
S. Chen et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 57 (2014) 208e232 225

Figure 13. Modern Orinoco Delta front is dominated by waves, with lesser areas of tidal inuence (Aslan et al., 2003; Warne et al., 2002b). Red rectangle shows the outcrop area in
Fig. 1. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

as aser, wavy and lenticular bedded facies. Bioturbation from a Well-developed distinctive tidal rhythmites evidence seasonal
restricted ichnofauna is frequent and sometimes intense. Bidirec- variations in river discharge and elevation of deposition within the
tional paleocurrent directions are common. The silt-mud alterna- intertidal zone (Dalrymple, 2010; James and Dalrymple, 2010). The
tions commonly occur in alternating intervals of thicker (2e10 cm) occasional mudclast-lled channels are interpreted as deep inter-
and thinner (5e10 mm) bedded intervals. They also tend to pass tidal (sometimes extending down to sub-tidal) gullies. All the above
upwards to thick, highly bioturbated organic rich mudstones and features suggest low-energy, brackish-water, low-lying areas with
occasional thin coals. The general muddy but upward-ning char- fringing intertidal to supratidal ats such as surround or ank the
acter of many of these units is characteristic (Fig. 12). There occur funnel-shaped networks of estuary systems.
also occasional small but deep (up to 5 m) channels entirely lled
by mud clast conglomerates (Fig. 12C).
5.3. Degree of tidal inuence on the Pliocene Orinoco Delta lobes at
Morne L'Enfer and a summary of tidal signals Interpretation. The highly bioturbated, heterolithic lith-
ofacies and common bidirectional paleocurrents indicate a low- The Modern Orinoco Delta, with coastal reaches and lobes that
energy tidal environment; the repetitions of thin siltstone beds are tide dominated in some few areas and wave and littoral-current
and mudstone layers are interpreted as tidal rhythmites within dominated in most other areas, is likely to be a reasonable analogue
broad, sheltered areas that were intermittently subaerially exposed for its Pliocene predecessor (Fig. 13) (Aslan et al., 2003). However, in
during tidal cycles (Ta et al., 2002; Zhang and Zhang, 2008). Farther contrast to the modern Orinoco, the majority of the stratigraphic
seaward, the muddy lithofacies contain intervals of mudstone- sequences in the Morne L'Enfer succession, appear to be tide
siltstone-sandstone heterolithics that show aser and lenticular dominated and wave dominated in only a few (especially in Lower
rippled siltstones and very ne sandstones in a mud-dominant Morne L'Enfer in Cedros Bay) prograding shoreface units. It is
environment strongly suggestive of asymmetric tides with suggested that the delta-front tide domination in the Morne L'Enfer
rippled layers deposited by the dominant tide (James and may be due to the study locations lying near the head of the current
Dalrymple, 2010; Nio and Yang, 1991). These heterolithic intervals Columbus Channel, with some likelihood that there was also a
associate with organic rich, bioturbated mudstones and coal layers Pliocene coastal reentrant (paleo-Columbus Channel) in the same
that are interpreted to have been deposited in supratidal areas of region. This type of coastal conguration would have dampened
marsh grass and other vegetation (see Fielding, 1985; Guion, 1984). oceanic wave inuence and enhanced tidal currents. A 1e2 m tidal
226 S. Chen et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 57 (2014) 208e232

Figure 14. Short term cyclic successions of tide-dominated deposits. (A) Double mud drapes at stratigraphic level of 35 m in Cedros Bay. (B) Squishy and irregular uid mud layers
interbedded with sandstones. (C) Bundled thick and thin-bedded rhythmites at the level of 403 m in Erin Bay. (D) Cross bedded sandstones with bi-directional paleocurrents at the
level of 223 m in Erin Bay. (E) Delta-front muddy channels scoured into each other. (F) Outcrop showing repetitive mud asers at the level of 35 m in Cedros Bay.

range in this embayed reach of the paleo-Orinoco Delta (current and thinner muddy strata that can be interpreted as alternating
tidal range is 1.77 m, according to Davis and Dalrymple, 2012) spring and neap tide periods (Table 3), and (c) from uid mud
would have preserved the tidal facies in the delta-front deposits. layers (unlaminated, unbioturbated mud >1 cm thick) (Fig. 14B)
Note that process dominance on deltas is always designated from that were generated in the bedload convergence zone of the
the character of the delta-front and not the delta plain (Davis and delta where fresh and saline waters mixed (Dyer, 1997), causing
Dalrymple, 2012). The delta plain is commonly tidally inuenced clay occulation and the generation of soupy mud in the dis-
on all types of delta. tributary channels and eventually out onto the delta front
To summarize the arguments for tidal-inuence in the Morne (Dalrymple and Choi, 2007). Thin-laminated tidal rhythmites
L'Enfer delta lobes, there are three criteria categories that were are also a good tidal signal (Fig. 14C), but these generally are
used above to suggest signicant tidal inuence to tidal domination more prominently developed in delta-plain deposits.
on the paleo-Orinoco deposits described: 2. Additional tidal evidence comes from the occurrence of thickly
stacked, cross-stratied sandstone sets on the delta front suc-
1. The strongest evidence comes from (a) successions of double cession (Fig. 14D), together with evidence of bi-directional
mudstone drapes (Fig. 14A) that record velocity asymmetry of paleocurrent data in the same strata (Fig. 14D). In contrast to
ood and ebb tides and the slack-water periods between, from the hyperpycnal ows of river-dominated deltas and the hum-
(b) delta-front successions of tidal bundles with thicker sandy mocky/swaley strata of wave-dominated deltas and shorefaces,
S. Chen et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 57 (2014) 208e232 227

the delta front reaches of strongly tide-inuenced deltas tend to upward-coarsening units (parasequences) that vary from 5 m to
be dominated by dunes, and usually in thicker amounts than 10 m in thickness, and likely represent delta lobes that shifted and
would occur in upper-shoreface deposits (Steel et al., 2008). In spread laterally as the entire delta complex gradually prograded
addition, the presence of relatively deep scours on the delta across the shelf. The transgressive intervals are usually more sand-
front, lled with muddy and heterolithic deposits (Fig. 14E) is rich (average sandstone percent is 67% at Erin and 76% at Cedros,
suggestive of tidal scouring (Willis, 2005). The inclined hetero- Table 2) than the regressive ones. They consist of stacked sets of
lithic inll of these scours further suggests that they become cross strata within estuarine channels (best known from the
channels with laterally accreting bars, even some 10s of metres Stollmayers Quarries on SW Trinidad) and they usually show an
below the top of the delta front. upward ning of grain size and an upward increase in bioturbation
3. The third and weakest category of tidal evidence, comes from intensity. The transgressive estuarine intervals represent time pe-
the general muddiness of the succession and the abundance of riods when either a segment of the deltaic system or the entire
aser (Fig. 14F), lenticular and wavy laminations within these system was drowned and forced to retreat landwards due to rising
muddy strata. relative sea level and creation of an expanded marine shelf. In Erin
Bay, the regressive intervals average about 38 m in thickness,
6. Discussion of transgressiveeregressive stratigraphic units whereas the transgressive deposits average 8 m. In Cedros Bay, the
regressive and transgressive intervals are 32 m and 14 m thick on
6.1. Morne L'Enfer transgressiveeregressive sequences average respectively.
One reason why the regressive intervals are muddier than the
As noted above, the Morne L'Enfer succession was divided into transgressive ones is simply that the lower delta-front and prodelta
regressive intervals (mainly prodelta to delta front deposits with a areas of deltaic systems are typically muddy by nature
capping of delta plain or distributary channel deposits) and trans- (Bhattacharya and Walker, 1991), with mud accumulating across
gressive intervals (mainly estuarine channels and bars or interdis- most of the delta width and through more than half of the thickness
tributary embayment deposits). The regressive intervals tend to be of the regressive interval. A second possible reason for the mud
very muddy and silty in character (average sandstone percent is abundance in the regressive intervals is the addition of mud,
34% at Erin, and 47% at Cedros, Table 2), but are subdivided into especially during delta progradation, by muddy littoral currents on

Table 3
Spring-neap cycle thickness (Unit: cm) plotted against cycle number. The points on the plot represent the centre of the muddy neap periods and sandy spring periods. The plot
suggests an inequality between successive fortnightly tidal cycles as well as a longer term change in the strength of both spring and neap tidal currents through a 1 year period.
A shows 3 neap-spring cycles; B shows a series of these cycles changing their thickness.
228 S. Chen et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 57 (2014) 208e232

the inner shelf that bring suspended sediment from the Amazon
system (Aslan et al., 2003). Such muddy littoral currents interact
with waves to create the mud capes commonly occurring on the
northern segment of the Orinoco Delta today. Transgressive tide-
dominated estuaries, in contrast, are sand-rich in their axial
zones (Dalrymple et al., 1992) and backstep onto an erosive surface
(sometimes a sequence boundary), though they are muddy along
their margins (intertidal to supratidal) and also bring muddy but
relatively thin condensed section across their top during trans-
gression. The upward-ning transgressive motifs are generally far
less muddy (albeit with some exceptions) than the upward-
coarsening regressive ones (Fig. 15).
Because transgressiveeregressive stratigraphic units are boun-
ded by erosion surfaces at the regressiveetransgressive turnaround
level and contain a muddy marine ooding interval within the
transgressive-to-regressive turnaround level in the lower third of
the unit, they are believed to be the basic building blocks of the
succession and are therefore interpreted as stratigraphic se-
quences. Two examples of these basic sequences are shown in
Figure 15. Where the succession becomes dominantly delta-plain
deposits, as in the uppermost 200 m of the formation, the
erosion surfaces that bound the sequences (sequence boundaries)
are less easy to identify, though these can be interpreted where
coals or paleosols lie abruptly on marine or brackish-water de-
posits, indicating a level of marked basinward shift of facies. In Erin
Bay, some 17 sequences were picked, varying from 23 m to 77 m in
thickness and averaging 46 m thick. Each Morne L'Enfer sequence is
interpreted to represent an episode of cross-shelf transgression and
regression in response to Late Pliocene relative sea level change and
sediment ux from the Orinoco River. Consistent with this inter-
pretation of an extensive development of these stratigraphic se-
quences is the occurrence of the marine ooding interval in each.
Because we know from regional mapping that Late Pliocene Morne
L'Enfer deltaic units are present on the east coast of Trinidad and in
the subsurface beyond, out as far as the Late Pliocene shelf edge, we
can conclude that repeated transgressions and marine ooding
crossed the entire width of Trinidad (>100 km) in Late Pliocene
times. Further proof of the great spatial extent of the basic
transgressive-to-regressive sequences comes from the most recent
transgression after the last Glacial Maximum that caused the
modern Orinoco Delta to retreat some 150e200 km back across the
shelf, after it reached and draped the shelf edge some
18,000e21,000 years ago (Garciacaro, 2006; Garciacaro et al., 2011;
Michelson, 1976; Moscardelli, 2007; Sydow et al., 2003; Uroza,
2009; Van Andel, 1967; Warne et al., 2002a). The parasequences
in the Morne L'Enfer (5e10 m in thickness, Fig. 15) likely represent a
short term, autogenic responses (lateral lobe shifting) of the sys-
tem, whereas the thicker stratigraphic sequences (40e60 m thick)
sequences are likely to be allogenic responses to sea-level change
and sediment supply (Muto et al., 2007).

6.2. Interpretation of the duration and extent of the Late Pliocene

sequences in Morne L'Enfer Formation

As noted above, there is general acceptance from micro-

palaeontology that both of the clastic wedges of the Morne L'Enfer
Formation are Late Pliocene in age (Saunders and Kennedy, 1965;
Wach et al., 2003), whereas the underlying Gros Morne/Forest
wedge and part of the Cruse wedge are Early Pliocene (Saunders
and Kennedy, 1965). International chronostratigraphic chart

Figure 15. Two examples of transgressiveeregressive stratigraphic sequences from

Morne L'Enfer succession, (A) Erin Bay (135 me174 m), Upper Morne L'Enfer Forma-
tion. (B) Cedros Bay (12 me68 m), Lower Morne L'Enfer Formation.
S. Chen et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 57 (2014) 208e232 229

(2013) gives the 2.74 My duration of the Pliocene. The Pliocene not
only contains the two Morne L'Enfer clastic wedges, but there are
two other clastic wedges also within this 2.7 My time interval, the
Cruse and the Forest/Moruga/Gros Morne wedges. The minimum
thickness of the Morne L'Enfer Formation is 1370 m, and the min-
imum thickness of Pliocene and Pleistocene strata is 4970 m
(Table 1)(Zyndel, 1916). According to previous studies, accumula-
tion rates during the PlioceneePleistocene shelf aggradation were
0.5e1.0 km/My (Croce et al., 1999; Steel et al., 2007; Sydow et al.,
2003). This suggests a maximum time span for the combined
Lower and Upper Morne L'Enfer Formation wedges of approxi-
mately 1.5e2.0 My. Given that we have at least 17 sequences in the
entire Morne L'Enfer succession, our estimate for the duration of
the individual stratigraphic sequences is 90e120 Ky. This is
consistent with the estimate by Sydow et al. (2003) that the Plio-
cene transgressiveeregressive sequences in the Columbus Basin
east of Trinidad had a duration of ca. 50e100 Ky. The importance of
this estimate of sequence duration is that it provides an approxi-
mate time scale for the transgressiveeregressive shelf transits of
the Orinoco Delta during deposition of the Morne L'Enfer Forma-
tion. The minimum distance of these transits was from the position
of the Late Miocene shelf edge in the Columbus Basin (Dixon, 2005)
back to Cedros Bay on SW Trinidad, i.e., >100 km.

6.3. Tide- to wave-regime process change as the delta prograded

towards the shelf edge

A reconstructed planview diagram of how the Morne L'Enfer

paleo-delta system is likely to have changed, during a single
regressiveetransgressive shelf transit, is shown in Figure 16. While
the delta was far back on the inner shelf (>100 km from the coeval
shelf edge, Fig. 16A) during sea-level highstand conditions it was
prograding and aggrading within a proto-Columbus Channel
embayed area, and so was tide dominated with only some few
segments that were reworked by waves. This is the condition of the
paleo-delta system as seen at the Cedros and Erin Bay study loca-
tions. However, there are two arguments as to why the process
regime on the delta changed as it prograded eastwards and
northeastwards beyond the study locations and towards the more
storm-wave dominated open shelf. Firstly, the modern delta front is
spatially dominated by storm waves (and littoral muddy currents)
because it is an open oceanic coast, and has tide inuence only on
smaller embayed segments, as currently in the southernmost rea-
ches (Fig. 13) (Aslan et al., 2003; Warne et al., 1999, 2002a, 2002b).
Secondly all the documented Pleistocene and Pliocene shelf-edge
deltas in the oil and gas elds in the Columbus Basin east of Tri-
nidad are wave dominated (Sydow et al., 2003), as are the outer-
shelf Pliocene deltas documented in outcrops on the southeast
coast of Trinidad (Bowman, 2003).
As the paleo-delta emerged eastwards from the embayed area
the degree of storm-wave reworking would have increased on front
of the delta, as suggested in Figure 16B and the relative sea level

Figure 16. Evolution stages of the deltaic system in planview. (A) Relative sea level
highstand condition. The delta system prograded and aggraded as it transited the pre-
existing shelf; (B) The sea-level falling stage. The delta systems continued to prograde,
but now slightly down-stepping as sea level fell; (C) At the sea-level lowstand stage the
deltaic clastic wedge is likely to have reached the shelf edge; delivery of sand to
deepwater areas is possible at this stage, particularly from river-tide dominated rea-
ches of the deltaic coast (see also Carvajal and Steel, 2012 for delivery problems on
storm-wave dominated shelf edge); (D) During the rise of sea level and transgressive
stage, an estuary system developed and the shoreline back-stepped, though the
transgression may have been punctuated by short-term regressions. The RED box in
16C shows the approximate position of the current study area. Note the scale of the
diagram in 16A. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this gure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
230 S. Chen et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 57 (2014) 208e232

would have been falling. On approach to the shelf edge area, at sorted and to be somewhat coarser grained than the regressive sands
relative lowstand of sea level, it is suggested that the paleo-delta on the delta front. This is conrmed in many of the estuarine tidal
would have resembled the present Orinoco Delta, with a wave- sandstones the Morne L'Enfer Formation; the highly porous and
dominated delta front (Fig. 16C). At this stage there may have permeable asphalt-bearing sandstones of the upper part of the
been smaller segments with tidal inuence, especially where the Lower Morne L'Enfer (Osman, 2006) further testify to this.
distributary channels were most actively discharging sediment
during periods of river ooding. The nal stage in the evolution of a 6.5. Possible linkage between Morne L'Enfer of Erin Bay/Cedros Bay
single paleo-delta sequence was the transgressive interval, caused and the Columbus Basin
by the relative rise of sea level exceeding the sediment ux to the
coastline. This retreat of the delta system, not unlike the major A prediction of the possible larger scale continuation of the
retreat of the late Pleistocene Orinoco Delta after the last glacial Morne L'Enfer and underlying formations across southern Trinidad
lowstand (Sydow et al., 2003), was considerable and typically led to to the east coast, and further to the deepwater continental slope in
marine ooding across the earlier delta system and drowning of the the Columbus Basin is suggested in Figure 17, though we have not
shelf for >100 km landwards. The extensive transgression is sup- attempted to add the growth faults which are abundant (Wood,
ported by the repeated presence of marine ooding intervals and 2000) on the outermost shelf for the various formations. According
estuary development in the Morne L'Enfer succession on south- to the seismic interpretation showing three marked and widespread
western Trinidad. During the transgression the delta system ooding intervals, the framework and architectures of four clastic
became drowned and transformed to an estuary system (Fig. 16D), wedges have been reconstructed. As the third and fourth clastic
though there may well have been short intervals of delta regression wedges of the succession, the Morne L'Enfer formation was place to
if the overall transgression was punctuated by stronger periods of the top of Upper Forest Clay ooding interval (second ooding sur-
sediment ux to the coastline. face) (Table 1). Figure 17 cross section is of course speculative and
schematic, but it broadly honours the known shelf-edge position for
6.4. Partitioning of the sediment budget during the the Cruse depositional system in the Columbus Channel area off
transgressiveeregressive transits of the paleo-Orinoco Delta southern Trinidad (TP25 to 38 in Dixon, 2005), for the Forest/Mayaro
system just off the present southeast coast of Trinidad (TP38e50 in
One of the consequences of the repeated regressiveetrans- Dixon, 2005) and for the Lower and Upper Morne L'Enfer system (TP
gressive transits of the delta system on the shelf is that the sediment 50 to TP 95 in Dixon, 2005). More onshore work is required to
budget delivered by the Orinoco River would have had a complex improve the large-scale architecture of the Pliocene succession from
partitioning within the shelf-margin sedimentary prism that was west coast to east coast of Trinidad, and more onshore-offshore well
built. During the initial basinward regression of the delta system, say correlation is required to extend the margin architecture to the Co-
during sea-level highstand for any one sequence, sediment was lumbus Basin. Figure 17 provides a model of shelf to deepwater
supplied to the aggrading delta topsets, feeding the growth of suc- deposition linkage as well as a sub-regional prediction of the larger
cessive deltaic lobes. At a later stage of regression, as relative sea scale onshore Trinidad to offshore Columbus Basin correlation.
level fell, topset aggradation would have been more modest. More
sediment would have been bypassed onto the delta front at this stage 7. Conclusions
and the forward growth of the system would have accelerated
somewhat. To some extent this increased degree of bypass with (1) Regressive intervals with prodelta, delta-front, distributary
falling sea level would have been counteracted by the increased channel and oodbasin/embayment deposits, as well as
degree of storm-wave reworking towards the shelf edge, and the transgressive intervals with uvial-tidal channels, subtidal
lateral removal of sediment by longshore drift. During transgression bars and marginal tidal-at deposits of the paleo-Orinoco
there would have been further important effects of the complex Delta system have been recognized in the ca. 850 m-thick
sediment routing. Both the reworking of already deposited regres- Morne L'Enfer Fm at Erin Bay and Cedros Bay. These intervals
sive sediment by the shelf-edge wave regime and yet further combine to form some 17 transgressiveeregressive se-
reworking by tidal currents within the coastal estuaries would have quences within the proximal reaches of the Lower and Upper
caused the transgressive-phase sands to become clean and well Morne L'Enfer clastic wedges that prograded eastwards out

Figure 17. Schematic prediction of the Morne L'Enfer deltaic succession on SW Trinidad in relation to the paleo-Orinoco shelf prism in the Columbus Basin to the east of Trinidad.
The Pliocene time-line subdivisions on the evolving shelf margin (TP30eTP100) are from Sydow et al. (2003) and from Dixon (2005). The local relationship between the Cedros and
the Erin Bay depositional systems is also shown. Dotted line on right-hand half of gure shows the long-term shelf-trajectory through time.
S. Chen et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 57 (2014) 208e232 231

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