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SRM Institute of Science and Technology,

Ramapuram Campus, Chennai-89

Batch No: 11

ARYAN GUPTA RA2211026020011

SATHVIK RA2211026020017
DEEPAYAN DASH RA2211026020021 Mrs.Beula kutti(AP/CSE)

Department of Computer Science and

15-Feb-24 1
I.Manage the accommodation services by:
• Checking the availability of rooms
• Rent of the room
• Booking and Cancelling

II.Manage the food services (strictly by the administrator) by:

• Adding
• Deleting and
• Modifying the information of the food services

III.Provide the total payment for the accommodation and food services.

Department of Computer Science and

15-Feb-24 2
Reservation Management:
● Allow guests to make reservations online or through the system, specifying check-in/check-out dates, room
preferences, and special requests.
● Provide a centralized reservation dashboard for hotel staff to manage bookings, check availability, and allocate rooms
Room Management:
● Maintain a database of available rooms, including room types, amenities, and current occupancy status.
● Enable front desk staff to assign rooms to guests upon check-in, update room statuses, and manage room cleaning
Billing and Invoicing:
● Generate accurate invoices for room charges, additional services, and amenities consumed during the guest's stay.
● Integrate with payment gateways to facilitate secure online payments and process credit card transactions.
● Provide billing summaries and detailed transaction histories for accounting purposes.
Guest Services:
● Offer concierge services, such as booking transportation, arranging tours, and providing local information and
● Implement guest feedback mechanisms to capture reviews and address any concerns promptly, enhancing guest
satisfaction and loyalty.

Department of Computer Science and

15-Feb-24 3
Staff Management:
● Manage employee profiles, including personal information, job roles, and schedules.
● Automate staff scheduling to ensure adequate coverage across different departments, taking into
account factors like employee availability and skill sets.
Inventory and Asset Management:
● Track hotel inventory, including linens, toiletries, and other supplies, to prevent stockouts and optimize
ordering processes.
● Monitor and maintain hotel assets, such as furniture, equipment, and fixtures, to ensure they are in good
condition and comply with safety standards.
Reporting and Analytics:
● Generate reports on key performance indicators (KPIs), such as occupancy rates, revenue per available
room (RevPAR), and guest satisfaction scores.
● Analyze trends and patterns to identify opportunities for revenue growth, cost savings, and service
● Provide actionable insights for management decision-making and strategic planning.
Security and Compliance:
● Implement robust security measures to protect guest data, payment information, and other sensitive

Department of Computer Science and

15-Feb-24 4
The Hotel Management System (HMS) is made to help hotel owners and managers deal with problems like keeping
track of inventory, sales, and overall business management.

Hotels have lots of different things to keep track of, which makes it hard to manage their stuff. Keeping track of things
by hand often leads to mistakes, like having too much of something, not enough of something else, or letting things
expire. This causes problems with organizing things and keeping them safe.

The problems include not being able to manage inventory well, not tracking sales accurately, being disorganized, and
worrying about keeping data safe.

The HMS helps by making it easier to manage inventory, assigning rooms, and doing billing quickly. This makes things
run smoother and makes guests happier.

Using the HMS helps hotels solve their problems. It gives managers useful information to make smart decisions,
which helps the hotel grow and do well in the competitive hotel business.

In the end, the HMS is a helpful tool for hotels. It makes things easier to manage, helps things run better, and makes
guests happier in today's busy hotel world.

Department of Computer Science and

15-Feb-24 5

Department of Computer Science and

15-Feb-24 6

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