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Could you please explain various external factors that are considered by your organisation when it
analyses the environment. He adroitly turned organisational rules and procedures into important
resources that would help him pursue his agenda to create an image of excellence in MBMB. This
chapter has also shown how different emphases and preferences given by LAs’ top management,
which subsequently saw the emergence of different kinds of organisational strategies, were explained
by the CEOs’ ways of responding to and accommodating a web of interrelated external and
contextual factors. Influence from external actor(s) describes the extent to which external actors
attempt to influence strategy or strategy makers of a particular organisation. Now, after we have seen
of how the Mach-Zehnder interferometer is treated by quantum optics, including. This is because the
nature of the question was to obtain views and judgment from key internal actors within the
administration of LAs. One will only see this as a duplication of another person’s work. The main
purpose of an interview protocol is to keep the inquirer on track as data collection proceeds, while
according to Smith et al. (2002), the use of a certain protocol or framework is important 116 in the
researcher’s effort to plot out the developing themes. Purposive and theoretical sampling were
considered appropriate because this study aimed to study a phenomenon in an organisation and
sought to uncover new constructs or add new insights to theoretical perspectives from which to
view organisational phenomena. Reflecting on how he derived his strategies, he described: The
population of MPPJ by the year 2010 would stand at 730,000, with the density increased from 4,115
currently to 7,510 by that year. Exactly the same situation happens for the (0,1) outcome. So to me,
as a physical planner, it is a big challenge - in terms of how you are going to plan your physical
environment. The above narrative indicates a certain degree of agency on the part of the top
management. There might be guidelines of your school defining the order. Actually we have reached
to a level or a situation that you have to do it. In his message to his managers and staff, MPPJ’s then
CEO outlined a number of issues, problems and challenges he thought likely to be confronted by his
organisation in the decade to come. By suggesting that LAs should not act based on complaints, this
CEO was highlighting the notion of proactive rather that reactive management. We lacked in what it
takes to be a good organisation. To me, if LAs or Presidents of the LAs are not moving side by side
with the state, they must withdraw. The application of the positivist paradigm in management and
organisational studies is therefore aimed at producing general causal theories in explaining various
aspects of organisational behaviour, which are validated through scientific methods. Similarly,
MDKS traded on its gifts of nature, historical and cultural heritage as unique selling points. In its
own mechanical way (Farjoun 2002), the classical school provides prescriptions on how to go about
strategy making. Let us narrow down this elephant in the room for you. In 156 particular, Johnson
and Scholes (2005) emphasised that the criterion of acceptability to stakeholders of strategic choices
is probably of greater significance in the public sector than in the commercial sector. If you had
promised the owner, you should have fulfilled your promise even if you were busy. Equally
important is LAs’ key stakeholders and how their political interplay and bargaining of power had
profound influence on LAs’ strategy making process. In a situation where local expertise was
inadequate, assistance from outside became necessary. As for the development role, parts of the
development projects, especially small rural projects, are undertaken by the district office itself,
while the bigger ones will be managed and controlled by the respective government agencies at
district level. In this case, the quantum version of the Cram?er-Rao inequality becomes. Both
understandings concurred with what the literature says on stakeholders analysis.
Upholding a rational approach to strategy development, the classical school subscribes to a number
of basic premises. He made an assumption that within such a less complex society, close relationships
would emerge between his officers and the public and this would allow the people to channel their
problems through friends, through word of mouth. The Deputy CEO of MBSA described how his
organisation approached some of their strategies by undertaking a two-way communication via
seminars with the residents who were represented by residents associations: The seminar gives the
people the opportunity to talk. Strategies in MPSP evolved around four main areas, namely, creating
organisational excellence; enhancing the quality of life for the people; ensuring significant
participation and satisfaction of clients; and focusing on efforts to promote investments in the
locality. These respondents were using very entrepreneurial language which described the
environment as a set of resources. This reflects that the management was not in full control in its
structure, and experienced a pronounced sense of external constraint. CEO’s Orientation
Toward Change Strategies in MPK and MDKS are typified incremental changes. The literature
argues that the behaviour of public sector managers, for example, is most of the time constrained by
political forces and is subject to coercive isomorphism (Boyne and Walker 2004, p.236). Thus, the
level of agency denotes the extent to which organisational actors feel themselves to be empowered
or in full control within their structure; or, by contrast the extent to which they describe themselves
as being the victims of external forces. It was discussed in greater detail by some respondents from
certain LAs, while others just touched it in passing. The media were used by the public to voice their
concerns on certain issues relating to the roles and responsibility of the LAs. They paved the way for
a kind of close relationship between the 186 municipality staff and the people, so much so that they
had become like friends. The CM then brought the case to the EXCO and the EXCO approved. In
this respect, he argues that a pilot case study would help a researcher to refine the interview
instrument and improve the data collection procedures. As highlighted previously, creating efficiency
and effectiveness in the management of LAs requires large sums of money, for high quality services
entail extra financial resources. The specific objectives of this preliminary phase were firstly 117 to
obtain the consent from the CEOs for their organisations to be sampled in the study. Models are
representations or simplified pictures of reality, while conceptual frameworks are ways of looking at
or conceiving of an object of study. It is systemic thinking based on a systemic approach. Firstly, this
research extended the previous work on strategy typologies and characteristics in contemporary
organisations by offering a number of new strategy patterns, hence enriching another important area
in the public administration theory. Eisenhardt (1989) for example, suggests between four and ten
cases. This nature of strategy, characterising MPSP, emerged from a concern from its leadership to
institute changes in a holistic manner. Accordingly, this review concludes that the different natures of
strategies are often dependent on leaders’ traits and perceptions that make up their understandings,
which subsequently form the basis of their decisions and actions. Can To ascertain whether the
organisation has its own objectives (Bryson 2004); you rank a few of them. So how do you feel
working in such an organisation. The expression may reflect the respondent’s experience in the
interaction with his external environment. Looking from an interpretive lens, this research contends
that LAs in Malaysia possess different characters; exist in different contexts; deal with different
internal and external environments; are made up of different structures, skills and resources; and are
run by different styles of leadership. However, stating long quotes that run into paragraphs or more
does not make your paper sound original. Johnson et al. (2005) lay great stress on the importance of
strategic fit, or the need to temper strategic logic according to the cultural constitutions of an
organisation. It has been deliberated earlier that being in the lowest category among LAs in the
country, district councils are, by and large, small and rural in nature as opposed to municipalities and
city councils which are more urbanised and complex. As this research aimed to study how
organisation actors make sense of reality and how their sense-making subsequently shapes the way
they act (and make decisions), due 129 attention was given to how metaphoric expressions were
used to express respondents’ thoughts and feeling. Scientific tools and techniques in this context are
capitalised into strategic resources that public organisations can invoke when justifying to their key
stakeholders, some contested and debatable strategy they have to adopt. Finding No. 15 12.5.3
Rational and Political School: Two Sides of the Same Coin. Also, the power and political school
drives public managers to realise that strategy sometimes emerges as a 56 result of negotiation and
bargaining of power among powerful organisational stakeholders.
In the contrary to its classical counterpart, this “upgraded” theory promises us more than how to
make. Similarly, in the eyes of most corporate managers and secretaries, the ratepayers and the
business communities captured equal ranking in terms of their importance. Consequently, efforts to
understand social phenomena, necessitate an unveiling of the understandings and beliefs of the
people who shape such phenomena, often undertaken via qualitative or interpretive approach
(Silverman 2000; Seal 1999). Chapter 10 addresses research question number four, namely how LAs
approach strategy formulation. Creating a conducive business environment for the business
communities stood out as important policy in a number of LAs, particularly those operating in cities
and urbanised localities. A consumerist view looks at citizens in their roles as public service
recipients and users and, as such, terminology such as customers or clients emerges to refer to that
particular role. Equally important is to examine approaches to strategy formulation, as well as
exploring the nature of strategy development among the LAs. 11 Ahmad Kamaruddin was the
Deputy Secretary General Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Malaysia and former Deputy
METHODOLOGY Research methodology relates to the choice of analytical strategy and research
design which underpins an academic inquiry. It reflected the strongest engagement of the
representatives of the public in deliberating issues of local strategy, planning and resource
mobilisation. It provides a clear framework of when, where and why an organisation needs to
engage in strategic management. However, they also argue that because individual (and
organisations) inherit tradition does not imply they cannot go on to change it (p.109). 82
Fundamental within debates about reform, are the role of conflicts, ambivalence and dilemmas
among organisational members (and other stakeholders), in the pursuit of organisational change and
effectiveness. As a result, many of the policies and strategies were crafted in line with political
bearing and orientation, supported by the CEO’s strong passion towards change and the desire to be
ahead of others. 235 Influence from External Stakeholders As highlighted above, influence
from external actors was rather strong in MPSJ. Another method proposed, was to make a single
photon pass though the phase shifter several times. Could you To understand what constitute
CEOs’preferences explain how the process of and judgment that led them to a certain approach to
identifying such focuses took place. MPSJ and MPPJ, for example, in line with the state
government’s zero-squatters and zero-hawkers policies, had come up with various strategies to solve
the problems of squatters and hawkers. The findings imply, for instance, that the analytical approach
is appropriate when a new strategy is perceived as potentially having great impact, economically and
psychologically, on a certain group of people. MPPJ’s current strategy sought to absorb and
accommodate strong external influence, especially from the public, while at the same time,
maintaining the current internal capacity in service delivery. If we take a company for a comparison,
these two groups are analoguous to the main shareholders. The economic downturn, triggered by the
oil crisis of the 1970s, resulted in inability of governments in most Western democracies to sustain
the expansion of their public services (Isaac-Henry et al. 1993; Barzelay 2001; Common 2001). We
have to start thinking now, what would be our programme this year, next year, next two years, next
three years, next four years etc. In response to this, we have to improve our delivery system so that
you can remain competitive. Four respondents were involved in the pilot case studies, namely, CEOs
(Presidents) from both LAs, the Head of Corporate Division of MPPP and the Municipal Secretary
of MPL. However, as soon as there exists loss in our system, loosing only one photon will cause a
total decoherence. MPSJ’s Secretary had this account to share with the researcher: In Selangor the
Chief Minister (CM) incidentally heads the Standing Committee for Local Governments. In
particular, semi structured interviews were used to solicit the CEO’s views in terms of their construal
of the internal and external forces influencing their organisation. As highlighted previously, creating
efficiency and effectiveness in the management of LAs requires large sums of money, for high
quality services entail extra financial resources. The CEO was drawing upon the importance of
changing people’s worldview in order to move forward. Much of the study on the relationship
between environment and the nature of organisational strategies thus far has been undertaken within
the industrial setting, placing due emphasis on factors such as industry structures, market forces and
the intensity of rivalry among firms (Zahra and Pearce II 1990; Nutt and Backoff 1992). This is
because, as a member of political community a citizen is a concentration of rights and duties in the
person of an individual, within a constitutional state under the rule of law (Bouckaert 1995, p.153).
Paying taxes is part of a citizen’s responsibilities in a democratic system. He clarified that: If you talk
about our stakeholders, basically we have two main stakeholders. Studies that go across academic
fields including economics, political science, sociology and organisation development identify human
capital as one of firms’ key resources (Chan et al. 2004; Peter et al. 1992; Youndt et al. 1996; Ferris et
al. 1999; Skaggs and Youndt 2004).

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