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Linguistics is the scientific study of language and its structure, including the
study of grammar, syntax, phonetics, and semantics. One of the fundamental
aspects of language is the distinction between verbs and nouns. Verbs are words
that describe actions, events, or states of being, while nouns are words that refer
to people, places, things, or ideas. Understanding the differences between verbs
and nouns is essential for effective communication in English, and it is a crucial
area of study for linguists (Giovanelli, 2015, p. 416–429).

In this essay, we will explore the study of verbs and nouns in English from a
linguistic perspective. We will discuss the teaching techniques used to help
students understand the differences between these two parts of speech and how
they can be used effectively in communication (Sifakis, 2018, p.155 – 209).

Studying verbs and nouns in English is fundamental to understanding the

language's structure and meaning. Verbs express actions or states, while nouns
denote people, places, things, or ideas. The linguistic study of verbs and nouns
involves analyzing their forms, functions, and syntactic roles. Teaching
techniques for this subject often include interactive activities, real-life
examples, and language immersion. By exploring the intricacies of verbs and
nouns, students can enhance their language proficiency and communication
skills (Achugar, 2007, P. 8-24).

When studying verbs, learners examine various aspects such as tense, aspect,
mood, and voice. This involves understanding how different forms of verbs
indicate the time of an action, its completion, the attitude of the speaker, and the
relationship between the subject and the action. Nouns, on the other hand, are
explored in terms of countability, gender, case, and plurality. Students also learn
about the function of nouns in a sentence, including subject, object,
complement, and modifier (Oda, 2021, p. 79–89).

Teaching techniques for verbs and nouns often incorporate visual aids, such as
diagrams and infographics, to illustrate grammatical concepts. Additionally,
interactive exercises, including role-playing and sentence construction, can help
students grasp the usage of verbs and nouns in context. Furthermore, language
immersion programs provide an effective way to learn verbs and nouns, as
students are exposed to authentic use of the language in everyday situations
The study of verbs and nouns in English is a foundational aspect of language
learning. By employing various teaching techniques, educators can facilitate a
comprehensive understanding of these essential linguistic elements, ultimately
enhancing students' proficiency in the English language (Banegas, 2020, p.148–

[1]- Achugar, Mariana. Mary Schleppegrell, Teresa Oteiza. 2007. Engaging

Teachers in Language Analysis: A functional linguistics approach to
reflective literacy. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, Vol. 6. No. 2.
Pp. 8-24. ISSN 1175 8708.

[2]- Banegas, D. L. (2020). Teaching linguistics to low-level English language

users in a teacher education program: an action research study. Language
Learning Journal, 48(2), 148–161.

[3]- Giovanelli, M. (2015). Becoming an English language teacher: linguistic

knowledge, anxieties and the shifting sense of identity. Language and
Education, 29(5), 416–429.

[4]- Khansir, A. A. (2013). Applied linguistics and English language teaching.

Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, 15(8), 1140–1146.

[5]- Oda, M. (2021). Positioning ELT in applied linguistics in Japan: A

diachronic approach. Asian Englishes, 23(1), 79–89.

[6]- Sifakis, Nicos C. (2018). Elf-Awareness in Elt: Bringing Together Theory

and Practice. JELF Colloquium 2018; 7 (1): 155 – 209.

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