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Unifrog MOOCs Shortlist

Simranjeet Singh Randhawa

 Topic(s) Astronomy; Computer Science / ICT; Cybersecurity; Mechanical Engineering; Physics

 Completed 10/10/2023 08:59

video  Get started

 Astrophysics: Exploring Exoplanets

 On demand so get started any time
 Australian National University
 edX

Quick facts

    
Overall World Ranking Subject World Ranking Workload Certification? Language

30th 28th in Natural Science 9 weeks to complete Yes English

Course summary
Explore the mysteries of exoplanets - planets around other stars – in this introductory astrophysics course.

University overview
The Australian National University (ANU) is a celebrated place of intensive research, education and policy engagement. Our research has always been
central to everything we do, shaping a holistic learning experience that goes beyond the classroom, giving students access to researchers who are among
the best in their fields and to opportunities for development around Australia and the world.

Key dates Price information

The majority of MOOCs on Unifrog are free. Most platforms charge a small
Start date Start any time
fee for access to certain tests and a certificate to prove you have
completed one of their courses (details below), but you do not need this
Duration 9 weeks certificate to mention taking the course in your university Personal
Statement or job application. Some platforms offer a small number of
courses on a pay-for basis only. The exact cost will depend of the platform
and the course chosen.

This is an edX course; it is free to take the course, but if you'd like to earn a
verified certificate and have unlimited access to course materials, for most
courses you'll be asked to pay a fee. The cost usually ranges from £37-222 /
$50-300 / €43-259. More info here
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 Flight Mechanics - Anemobarometry

 On demand so get started any time
 Coursera

Quick facts

    
Overall World Ranking Subject World Ranking Workload Certification? Language

This course will last 3 weeks

Not ranked Not ranked with an estimated personal Yes English
workload of 2 hours per week.

Course summary
This course focuses on the physics of the atmosphere and its consequences on speed and altitude measurements. At the end of this course, you will
understand precisely the meaning of the speed and altitude indication available to the pilot of an airplane. You will understand the difference between
standard and actual atmosphere and be able to perform basic altitude and speed correction computations. You will understand why jet airliners need to
be pressurized, or why a clogged Pitot tube can mislead a pilot. Although some math equations are used from time to time to justify certain results. This
course insists on curve shapes, figures, tables, and you can efficiently follow it while skipping the equation-solving parts if you do not fancy them. This
course is a part of the specialization "Fundamentals of Flight mechanics".

University overview
ISAE-SUPAERO is a world leader in aerospace engineering higher education. The School delivers a unique, complete range of top level science and
engineering degree programs, including 15 Advanced Masters, and 6 Doctoral programs.

Key dates Price information

The majority of MOOCs on Unifrog are free. Most platforms charge a small
Start date Start any time
fee for access to certain tests and a certificate to prove you have
completed one of their courses (details below), but you do not need this
Duration Flexible certificate to mention taking the course in your university Personal
Statement or job application. Some platforms offer a small number of
courses on a pay-for basis only. The exact cost will depend of the platform
and the course chosen.

This is a Coursera course; there are around 2,650 courses free to study on
Coursera with an additional fee if you’d like to earn a verified certificate
(price varies from £40-65 / $48-79 / €41-73). There are also 2-hour Guided
Projects which cost £8 ($10, €9). More info here
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 Kinetics: Studying Spacecraft Motion

 On demand so get started any time
 University of Colorado Boulder
 Coursera

Quick facts

    
Overall World Ranking Subject World Ranking Workload Certification? Language

Best completed in 4 weeks,

214th in Engineering & with a commitment of
317th Yes English
Technology between 2 and 5 hours of
work per week.

Course summary
As they tumble through space, objects like spacecraft move in dynamical ways. Understanding and predicting the equations that represent that motion is
critical to the safety and efficacy of spacecraft mission development. Kinetics: Modeling the Motions of Spacecraft trains your skills in topics like rigid body
angular momentum and kinetic energy expression shown in a coordinate frame agnostic manner, single and dual rigid body systems tumbling without the
forces of external torque, how differential gravity across a rigid body is approximated to the first order to study disturbances in both the attitude and
orbital motion, and how these systems change when general momentum exchange devices are introduced. After this course, you will be able to... *Derive
from basic angular momentum formulation the rotational equations of motion and predict and determine torque-free motion equilibria and associated
stabilities * Develop equations of motion for a rigid body with multiple spinning components and derive and apply the gravity gradient torque * Apply the
static stability conditions of a dual-spinner configuration and predict changes as momentum exchange devices are introduced * Derive equations of
motion for systems in which various momentum exchange devices are present Please note: this is an advanced course, best suited for working engineers
or students with college-level knowledge in mathematics and physics.

University overview
CU-Boulder is a dynamic community of scholars and learners on one of the most spectacular college campuses in the country. As one of 34 U.S. public
institutions in the prestigious Association of American Universities (AAU), we have a proud tradition of academic excellence, with five Nobel laureates and
more than 50 members of prestigious academic academies.

Key dates Price information

The majority of MOOCs on Unifrog are free. Most platforms charge a small
Start date Start any time
fee for access to certain tests and a certificate to prove you have
completed one of their courses (details below), but you do not need this
Duration Flexible certificate to mention taking the course in your university Personal
Statement or job application. Some platforms offer a small number of
courses on a pay-for basis only. The exact cost will depend of the platform
and the course chosen.

This is a Coursera course; there are around 2,650 courses free to study on
Coursera with an additional fee if you’d like to earn a verified certificate
(price varies from £40-65 / $48-79 / €41-73). There are also 2-hour Guided
Projects which cost £8 ($10, €9). More info here
Get started

 Non-Equilibrium Applications of Statistical Thermodynamics

 On demand so get started any time
 University of Colorado Boulder
 Coursera

Quick facts

    
Overall World Ranking Subject World Ranking Workload Certification? Language

Three weeks of content. Six to

214th in Engineering &
317th nine hours per week, including Yes English

Course summary
Course 5 of Statistical Thermodynamics explores three different applications of non-equilibrium statistical thermodynamics. The first is the transport
behavior of ideal gases, with some discussion of transport in dense gases and liquids. It starts with simple estimates of the transport properties of an
ideas gas. It then introduces the Boltzmann Equation and describes the Chapman-Enskog solution of that equation in order to obtain the transport
properties. It closes with a discussion of practical sources of transport properties. Spectroscopic methods have become increasingly common as a way of
determining the thermodynamic state of a system. Here we present the underlying concepts of the subject and explores how spectroscopy can be used to
determine thermodynamic and flow properties. Chemical kinetics are important in a variety of fluid/thermal applications including combustion, air quality,
fuel cells and material processing. Here we cover the basics of chemical kinetics, with a particular focus on combustion. It starts with some definitions,
including reaction rate and reaction rate constant. It then explores methods for determining reaction rate constants. Next, systems of reactions, or
reaction mechanisms, are explored, including the oxidation of hydrogen and hydrocarbon fuels. Finally, computational tools for carrying out kinetic
calculations are explored.

University overview
CU-Boulder is a dynamic community of scholars and learners on one of the most spectacular college campuses in the country. As one of 34 U.S. public
institutions in the prestigious Association of American Universities (AAU), we have a proud tradition of academic excellence, with five Nobel laureates and
more than 50 members of prestigious academic academies.

Key dates Price information

The majority of MOOCs on Unifrog are free. Most platforms charge a small
Start date Start any time
fee for access to certain tests and a certificate to prove you have
completed one of their courses (details below), but you do not need this
Duration Flexible certificate to mention taking the course in your university Personal
Statement or job application. Some platforms offer a small number of
courses on a pay-for basis only. The exact cost will depend of the platform
and the course chosen.

This is a Coursera course; there are around 2,650 courses free to study on
Coursera with an additional fee if you’d like to earn a verified certificate
(price varies from £40-65 / $48-79 / €41-73). There are also 2-hour Guided
Projects which cost £8 ($10, €9). More info here
Get started

 Spacecraft Formation Flying and Control Capstone Project

 On demand so get started any time
 University of Colorado Boulder
 Coursera

Quick facts

    
Overall World Ranking Subject World Ranking Workload Certification? Language

Best completed in 4 weeks,

with a commitment of
317th 59th in Natural Science Yes English
between 4 and 8 hours of
work per week.

Course summary
This is the 3rd and final course of the spacecraft relative motion course sequence. This course presents a capstone design challenge where you get to
develop, simulate and study how to approach a tumbling debris object. The servicer starts from far away and carefully does a series of maneuver to get
closer and closer in a safe manner. As the debris object is tumbling, the servicer will have to account for relative attitude motion as well. The final
approach is in a debris body-fixed manner illustrating a case of controlling non-Keplerian motion. After this course, you will be able to... * Design safe
approach trajectories * Implement relative motion feedback control solutions * Model the relative motion and relative attitude in the LVLH frame *
Implement non-Keplerian reference motion Please note: this is an advanced course, best suited for working engineers or students with college-level
knowledge in mathematics and physics.

University overview
CU-Boulder is a dynamic community of scholars and learners on one of the most spectacular college campuses in the country. As one of 34 U.S. public
institutions in the prestigious Association of American Universities (AAU), we have a proud tradition of academic excellence, with five Nobel laureates and
more than 50 members of prestigious academic academies.

Key dates Price information

The majority of MOOCs on Unifrog are free. Most platforms charge a small
Start date Start any time
fee for access to certain tests and a certificate to prove you have
completed one of their courses (details below), but you do not need this
Duration Flexible certificate to mention taking the course in your university Personal
Statement or job application. Some platforms offer a small number of
courses on a pay-for basis only. The exact cost will depend of the platform
and the course chosen.

This is a Coursera course; there are around 2,650 courses free to study on
Coursera with an additional fee if you’d like to earn a verified certificate
(price varies from £40-65 / $48-79 / €41-73). There are also 2-hour Guided
Projects which cost £8 ($10, €9). More info here

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