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Paper 1
1. Study the 1:50,000 (UGANDA) ALEREK map extract, part of sheet 25/1, series Y732, Edition 4-D.O.S and
answer the questions that follow

(a) (i) Identify the man-made feature found at grid reference 696 153
1. (ii)State the grid reference of the church to the North-West of Atunga

(b)educe the area shown on the map extract by 50%. Draw its sketch-map and on it, mark and label:

(i)any two physiographic regions

(ii)seasonal swamps


(iv)all weather bound surface road

(c) (i)Calculate the:

- new scale for the map drawn
-vertical interval for the map extract

(ii)Describe the relief of the area shown on the map extract

(d) (i)Giving reasons for your answer, identify the drainage pattern shown around Abiting highland in the
South-East part of the map extract

(ii)Account for the formation of the drainage pattern identified in (d) (i) above

2. Study the photograph provided below and answer the questions that follow
(a)Draw a landscape sketch of the area shown in the photograph and on it, mark and name:

(i) any two physiographic regions

(ii)any three forms of landuse

(b)Describe the influence of relief on landuse in the area shown in the photograph

(c)Giving evidence from the photograph, explain the problems faced by the people leaving in the area

(d)Giving reasons for your answer, suggest one area in East Africa where the photograph could have been taken

3. Examine the relevance of Wegner’s theory of continental drift in explaining the present day position of
4. Describe the weathering processes taking place in the lake Victoria basin of East Africa

5. Explain the influence of earth movements on the formation of lakes in East Africa
6. Account for currency of sea level changes
(b)describe the landforms resulting from a rise in sea level
7. What are ocean currents?
(b)Explain the influence of ocean currents on the climate of Africa
8. Describe the processes leading to the formation of the following



(c)orographic rainfall

9. To what extent has altitude influenced vegetation distribution in East Africa?

With reference to specific examples, account for the formation of the different soil types in East Africa
Paper 3
1. For any one field work you have conducted either as a group or an individual’

(a) (i)State the topic of the study

(ii)Outline the objectives of the study

(b)(i) Draw a sketchmap of the area studied and on it, mark and name the:

(i)relief features
(ii)landuse types

(c)Explain the relationship between relief and landuse in the area studied

(d)Describe the follow-up activities you carried out after the fieldword study

(d)describe the follow-up activities you carried out after the fieldwork study

2. For any one field work done arounf your school (within a radius of 5 km),

(a)State the,



of the field work study

(b)Describe how any two of the following field work techniques were sed during data collection

(c)Outline the challenges faced in using the fieldword techniques chosen in (b) above

(d)How did the fieldwork study help you to understand the geography of the area studied?

3. For any one fieldwork study you carried out in a plantation famr,
(a) (i)State the topic of the study,
(ii)Outline the objectives of the study

(b)(i)State the topic of the study

(ii)Otline the objectives of the study
(b)Draw an annotated sketchmap to show the layout of the plantation farm

(c)Explain the conditions that influenced the location of the plantation farm

(d)outline the effects of the plantation farm on the surrounding areas

4. Explain the influence of faulting on the development of relief landforms in Uganda

5. Account for the low level of exploitation of mineral resources in Uganda
6. Study the table below showing deforestation in selected districts In Uganda (1990 and 2005)

District 1990(Hectares) 2005(Hectares)

Kibale 114,000 58,000
Wakiso 28,000 4,000
Hoima 75,000 59,000
Mubende 19,000 4,000
Mpigi 40,000 27,000
Mityana 10,000 4,000
2. Describe the measures being taken to sustainably utilize the fisheries
3. To what extent have human factors contributed to the development of the tourist industry in

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