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Paper 1
1. Study the map extract 1:50,000 (UGANDA) KIBANGA series Y732, part of sheet 71/4, Edition 3 –USD, and
answer the questions which follow:

(a) (i)State the grid reference for Namalinda secondary trigonometrical station.

(ii)Name the physical feature found at grid reference 843120

(b) (i)What is the bearing of Kikusa church (grid reference 949262) feom Kikaja convent (grid reference 908189)?
(ii)Calculate in square kilometers the area covered by the lake (excluding the swamps) between Eastings 80 and 90
and Northings 10 and 22
(c) (i)Reduce the area between Eastings 80 and 95 and Northings 10 and 25 by 50%. Draw a sketchmap of the area
and on it, mark and label:

-relief features
-drainage features
-vegetation types
(ii)What is the new scale of the reduced sketchmap in (c) (i) above?
(d)Giving evidence from the map extract, describe the relationship between relief and vegetation in the area.

2. Study the photograph provided below and answer the questions which follow

(a) Draw a landscape sketch of the area shown in the photograph and o it, mark and label:

(i) relief features

(ii)landuse types
(b)Describe the relationship between relief and landuse in the area shown in the photograph.
(c) Explain the problems faced by the people living in the area shown in the photograph
(d)Giving reasons for your answer, suggest one area in East Africa where this photograph could have ben taken.
3. (a)Distinguish between lateral and vertical earth movements

(b)Examine the relevance of the platetectonic theory in the understanding of the present day distribution of oceans
and landmasses

4. Account for the occurrence of large-scale masswasting in the highlighland areas of East Africa

5. (a)What is meant by river capture?

(b)With reference to specific examples explain the conditions which have led to river capture

6. With reference to specific examples from East Africa, describe the landforms produced by wave deposition.
7. (a)Distinguish between Equatorial and semi-desert climates

(b)Describe the factors which led to the occurrence of semi-desert climate in East Africa

8. (a)What Is meant by an air mass?

(b)Describe the weather conditions associated with the meeting of air masses over the East African region.

9. (a)Account for the destruction of natural vegetation in East Africa

(b)What measures are being taken to ensure sustainable use of netural vegetation in East Africa?

To what extent has relief influenced soil profile development in East Africa?
Paper 2
1. Study the table below showing land area and population size for selected African countries and answer the
questions that follow:
Country Land area (‘000s km2) Population size (‘000s)
Algeria 2,382 30,800
Central African republic 623 3,800
Chad 1,259 7,900
Djibouti 23 600
Egypt 995 65,200
Ethiopia 1,000 65,800
Libya 1,760 5,400
Morocco 446 29,200
Niger 1,267 11,200
Somalia 627 9,100
Sudan 2,376 31,700
Tunisia 155 9,700

(a)calculate the population density for each of the selected countries shown in the table

(b)Using the base map provided on page 3, draw a choropleth map to represent the information obtained in (a) above

(c)Outline the demerits of the statical method used in (b) above

(d)Explain the causes of the variations in the population density of the region on the base map
2. (a)Differentiate between co-operative farming and collectivization
(b)Assess the contribution of collectivization to the development of China

3. Explain the challenges facing commercial livestock farming in either Nigeria or Argentina

4. (a)Describe the characteristics of tropical rain forests

(b)Explain the factors which have favoured the commercial exploitation of tropical rain forests in either Brazil or

5. To what extent have human factors influenced the development of the fishing industry in either Norway or

6. Account for the development of the mining sector in either Liberia or Germany

7. To what extent has the presence or raw materials influenced to the distribution of manufacturing industries in
either Japan or the Republic of south Africa?

8. Assess the impact of cornubations on the environment in either Japan or the Ruhr region of Germany

9. Explain the contribution of St. Lawrence Seaway to the development of either USA or Canada

Account for the environment degradation in either Namibia or the Sahel region of Africa.
Paper 3

1. For any one fieldwork study you have conducted either as an individual or as a group,

(a) (i)State the topic of the study

(ii)outline the objectives of the study
(b)Describe the pre-fieldwork preparations that you carried out

(c)Draw a sketchmap to show the:

(i)physical features
(ii)landuse activities
in the area studied
(d)Examine the relationship between the physical features and landuse activities in the area studied

2. For any one fieldwork study carried out around your school (within a radius of 5km),
(a)state the

of the fieldwork study

(b)Describe hoe the following fieldwork techniques were used in data collection
(ii)map orientation
(d)What conclusions did you draw about the geography of the area studied?

3. For any one fieldwork study done on a dairy farm,

(a) (i)State the topic of the study
(ii)outline the objectives of the study
(b)Draw a fully annotated sketchmap to show the layout of the dairy farm
(c)Describe the factors that influenced the location of the farm
(d)Assess the impact of the dairy farm on the immediate environment

4. Explain the influence of tectonism on the formation of lakes in Uganda

5. Assess the impact of high population growth rate on the development of Uganda
6. Study the information probided in the table below showing livestock numbers (2007-09) in Uganda and answer
the questions that follow:
Livestock 2007 2008 2009
Cattle 7,182,000 11,409,00 11,751,00
Goats 8,275,00 12,450,00 12,823,00
Sheep 1,697,000 3,410,00 3,513,000
Pigs 2,122,000 3,184,000 3,280,000
(a)Draw a group bar graph to represent the information in the table

(b)outline the merits and demerits of using the statistical method in (a) above

(c)Explain the contribution of livestock farming to the development of Uganda

7. (a)Describe the state of the mining sector in Uganda

(b)Explain the challenges facing the mining sector in Uganda

8. Account for the low level of development of the fishing industry in Uganda

To what extent have physical factors influenced the development of the tourist industry in Uganda?

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