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Quality education is a constitutional mandate as provided for in Article XIV, Section 2,

of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, which states that “The State shall protect and promote the

right of all citizens to quality education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make such

education accessible to all.” Therefore, it is the constitutional duty of the State to provide

education to all people regardless of their age. It is very important to provide education not only

for students but also for those who were not able to have access to education during their time.

The state parties should progressively introduce free education and programs at all levels and for

all ages. That is, education plays a great part in exercising other human rights and in one’s


Reading literacy is the ability to understand and use those written language forms

required by society and/or valued by the individual (Mullis & Martin, 2019). Learning to read is

a lifelong skill that one develops from an early age. There are many different ways that learning

to read occurs, including with the help of several people. People must be adept at using these

skills because they are necessary on a regular basis. That is, reading is vital in acquiring different

portals of knowledge and provides development to an effective communication skill. Reading is

not only intended to be learned inside a classroom, but it should also be enhanced in our homes

firsthand. Learning to read is open to everyone of all ages because learning has no age limit and

no boundaries. Moreover, reading is not intended only for students but also for every individual

in the community. Home is a child's first teacher and learning environment. When parents are

actively involved, their children embrace the importance and value of reading (Anderson, 2000).

Extensive reviews of research on the impact of parental involvement on their children's academic
achievement have found that parents can play a major role in their children's academic success

(Epstein, 1984). A line of research dating back to the mid-1960s has consistently found

facilitative effects for parental involvement in their children's reading development at home

(Bean, Southworth, Keebler, & Fotta, 1990). This research strongly suggests that when parents

are involved in their children's reading in significant, coherent, and regular ways, their children

experience substantial improvement in reading. Many parents are highly motivated to help their

children, but they are uncertain about what they can do or should do to promote reading when the

problem is that they cannot read properly, or even if they can, they don’t have the ability to

understand and comprehend the passages they are reading.

According to research, a parent pamphlet about reading is one resource for parents to

have at home. It's quick, simple to comprehend, and compact enough to fit anywhere. It is a

resource that provides enough information for parents to be successful in reading with their child

at home without being overly detailed. Providing parents with a how-to-read pamphlet increases

the likelihood that they will use it. Providing them with an easy-to-read and usable resource

increases their chances of improving their reading literacy. Word recognition and fluency can be

developed through a variety of instructional approaches and teaching methods. Perhaps the most

significant way to develop these competencies is through extensive contextual reading

(Stanovich, 1986). Instructional reading materials are highly important for those who want to be

fluent in reading. Modular instruction has emerged as one of the most promising alternatives in

education today, especially in Technical-Vocational Education (History of Vocational and

Technical Education, 2002). The utilization of the Reading Instructional Module improves

competencies and opportunities to master reading. The educational system must be constantly

improved over time. It is always true that there is no educational system or teaching approach
that is appropriate for all types of students. Existing educational approaches cannot keep up with

the needs of modern technology. Therefore, there is a need to adapt to educational innovations.

Innovative and useful instructional tools and practices will receive high emphasis.

In consonance with this underlying development for our society, the researchers find it

alarming to immediately attend to this concern. With the in-depth knowledge of the country’s

mission to uplift the reading skills of the parents, the researcher decided to develop and validate

a reading instructional learning module with the great hope that this would be the best answer to

the issue.

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