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The Role of Wernicke’s Area in Language Comprehension

Article in Psychology and Neuroscience · August 2016

DOI: 10.1037/pne0000060


22 10,487

3 authors, including:

Alfredo Ardila Monica Rosselli

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University Florida Atlantic University


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Psychology & Neuroscience
The Role of Wernicke’s Area in Language Comprehension
Alfredo Ardila, Byron Bernal, and Monica Rosselli
Online First Publication, August 8, 2016.

Ardila, A., Bernal, B., & Rosselli, M. (2016, August 8). The Role of Wernicke’s Area in Language
Comprehension. Psychology & Neuroscience. Advance online publication. http://
Psychology & Neuroscience © 2016 American Psychological Association
2016, Vol. 9, No. 3, 000 1983-3288/16/$12.00

The Role of Wernicke’s Area in Language Comprehension

Alfredo Ardila Byron Bernal

Florida International University Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, Miami, Florida

Monica Rosselli
Florida Atlantic University, Davie
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

The aphasia literature frequently states that Wernicke’s area is responsible for language
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

understanding. The aim of this study was to pinpoint the core function of Wernicke’s
area. Neuroimaging and clinical data indicate that Wernicke’s area participates in
phonological and lexical recognition. A much larger brain network is involved in
semantic understanding and language comprehension beyond words. We concluded
that the “classic” Wernicke’s area is the core area that modulates the recognition of
individual words.

Keywords: Wernicke’s area, aphasia, language understanding, word recognition,

temporal lobe

The aphasia literature frequently states that was first described in 1874 by German neurologist Carl
Wernicke’s area is responsible for language un- Wernicke. The Wernicke area is located in the poste-
rior third of the upper temporal convolution of the left
derstanding. For example, Wood (1971) defined hemisphere of the brain. Thus, it lies close to the auditory
Wernicke’s area as “a region in the superior cortex. This area appears to be uniquely important for the
convolution of the temporal lobe of the cere- comprehension of speech sounds and is considered to be the
brum identified as the center for understanding receptive language, or language comprehension, centre.
speech heard” (p. 23). Nicolosi, Harryman, and (
Kresheck (2004) referred to Wernicke’s area as Many other authors and information sources
the “region in the superior convolution of the consider Wernicke’s area to be involved in lan-
temporal lobe of the cerebrum which is identi- guage understanding. This interpretation of the
fied as the center for understanding oral lan- function of Wernicke’s area, however, is not
guage; corresponds approximately to Brodmann entirely correct. Wernicke’s area probably has a
areas 22, 39, and 40” (p. 343). Even general more limited function—namely, recognizing
information sources assign the function of phonemes and words (vocabulary). For exam-
speech comprehension to Wernicke’s area. The ple, Démonet et al. (1992) used positron emis-
Encyclopedia Britannica, for example, defines sion tomography to analyze brain activation
Wernicke’s area as the following:
during phonological and lexical semantic pro-
[the] region of the brain that contains motor neurons cessing. The authors found that phonological
involved in the comprehension of speech. This area processing was associated with greater activa-
tion of the left superior temporal gyrus, whereas
lexical semantic processing was associated with
greater activity of the left middle and inferior
Alfredo Ardila, Department of Communication Sciences temporal gyri. These findings are congruent
and Disorders, Florida International University; Byron Ber- with the aphasia literature, in which pathology
nal, Radiology Department and Miami Children’s Research
Institute, Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, Miami, Florida;
of the left superior temporal gyrus (Brodmann
Monica Rosselli, Department of Psychology, Florida Atlan- area [BA] 22) causes defects in phoneme dis-
tic University, Davie. crimination, whereas lexical impairments are
Correspondence concerning this article should be ad- found in cases of middle temporal gyrus (BA21)
dressed to Alfredo Ardila, Department of Communication
Sciences and Disorders, Florida International University,
damage. Semantic deficits are frequently ob-
11200 Southwest 8th Street, AHC3-431B, Miami, FL served in cases of posterior inferior temporal–
33199. E-mail: occipital (BA37) pathology (e.g., Benson & Ar-

dila, 1996; Luria, 1976). These observations yond the purely auditory language understand-
suggest that Wernicke’s area participates in two ing of individual words.
basic language recognition functions: phoneme Some authors have clearly emphasized this
discrimination and lexical knowledge. BA37 is point. For example, Tanner (2007) explicitly
not usually included in the classic Wernicke’s emphasized that Wernicke’s area is not the cen-
area. Pathology in this temporal– occipital area ter for oral language understanding—it is only
results in the highest number of semantic para- an important step in language comprehension.
phasias that are found across different aphasia He further stated:
syndromes (Ardila & Rosselli, 1993), suggest- Auditory comprehension is an ongoing process of re-
ing significant semantic disturbances. ceiving environmental information and continuously
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Mesulam (2001) believed that Wernicke’s adjusting the parameters of what is to be perceived and
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

area is located at the left temporoparietal junc- associated. An individual’s unique learning and mem-
ory experiences play important roles in this process.
tion. He further stated: This process can virtually engage the brain as a whole
Wernicke’s area can be said to provide a critical gate- and the totality of a person’s mind. (Tanner, 2007,
way for linking the sensory patterns of words to the p. 66)
distributed associations that encode their meaning. Its
dysfunction interferes with the comprehension of
Wernicke (1970) himself pointed out that the
words and with the translation of thoughts into words. left temporal lobe is involved in recognizing
(p. 426) words:
In a more recent paper (Mesulam, 2013), he The whole area of the convolution encircling the Syl-
via fissure, in association with the cortex of the insula,
suggested that the anterior temporal lobe of the serves as [the] speech center. The first frontal gyrus,
left hemisphere should also be included in the being motor, is the center for representation of move-
language network as a third major hub that ments, and the first temporal gyrus, being sensory, is
plays a critical role in language comprehension, the center for word-images. (p. 280)
particularly the comprehension of words that Binder (2015) stated that although Wer-
denote concrete entities. A similar perspective nicke’s area has been traditionally presumed to
was proposed by Ardila, Bernal, and Rosselli be involved in language comprehension, mod-
(2016a). ern imaging and neuropsychological studies in-
Language understanding unquestionably re- dicate that this region plays a much larger role
quires the participation of more extended brain in speech production. Indeed, the posterior peri-
areas. As an illustration, Ferstl, Neumann, Bo- sylvian region, usually referred to as Wer-
gler, and von Cramon (2008) performed a meta- nicke’s area, does not support the main function
analysis of 23 neuroimaging studies on text that is traditionally ascribed to it (i.e., speech
comprehension that sought to pinpoint the ex- comprehension). According to Binder, language
tension of the brain network that is involved in comprehension requires a widely distributed se-
processing language in context. The authors mantic network. This point of view is congruent
found that, independent of the baseline, the an- with the proposals of Ferstl et al. (2008) and
terior temporal lobes were bilaterally active. Tanner (2007).
The processing of coherent compared with in- Ardila, Bernal, and Rosselli (2016b) sug-
coherent text also engaged the left dorsomedial gested that there is a core Wernicke’s area that
prefrontal cortex and posterior cingulate cortex. includes not only BA22 and BA21 (as usually
Right hemisphere activation was seen most no- suggested) but also BA41 and BA42. This core
tably in the analysis of contrasts that tested Wernicke’s area participates in the phonologi-
specific subprocesses, such as metaphor com- cal and lexical recognition of words. There is
prehension. The results generally suggested that also a fringe or peripheral zone around this core
when language understanding is processed Wernicke’s area that is involved in language
within a specific context, it is associated with an associations. The fringe or peripheral Wer-
extensive brain activation circuit that involves nicke’s area corresponds to BA20, BA37,
not only the left but also the right hemisphere. BA38, BA39, and BA40 (i.e., the “extended
Evidently, language comprehension within a Wernicke’s area”). The classic Wernicke’s area
particular context implies diverse abilities (e.g., (i.e., the “core Wernicke’s area”) is only in-
abstraction, metaphor understanding, etc.) be- volved in the phonological and lexical recogni-

tion of words (see Figure 1)—that is, in discrim- casm, or even mean the opposite (i.e., irony).
inating the phonemes that are included in words Prosody plays an important role in adding an
and recognizing the sequence of phonemes cor- affective component to sentence comprehen-
responding to a word. Semantic recognition re- sion. Interestingly, the same classic dissociation
quires a more extended network, including at between expressive and receptive functions that
least the adjacent inferior temporal– occipital exists in the left hemisphere for declarative lan-
area, BA37. guage has been proposed to exist in the right
DeWitt and Rauschecker (2013) proposed hemisphere for prosody (Dahan, 2015; Wein-
that Wernicke’s area may be better construed as traub, Mesulam, & Kramer, 1981). However, a
two cortical modules (i.e., an auditory word- recent study reported rather bilateral hemi-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

form area in the auditory ventral stream and an spheric involvement. Emotional speech com-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

“inner speech area” in the auditory dorsal prehension, for example, has been found to in-
stream), thus emphasizing the heterogeneity of volve areas that are adjacent to the superior
this language processing area. Dronkers, Red- temporal sulcus bilaterally (Hervé, Razafi-
fern, and Knight (2000) proposed that tradi- mandimby, Jobard, & Tzourio-Mazoyer, 2013),
tional language areas, such as Wernicke’s area, although this finding could be partially ex-
may serve somewhat different functions than plained by other variables. Thus, at least one
originally described. They suggested that the study on prosodic decoding lateralization found
analysis of more specific deficits and their ana- that left hemisphere involvement was more pre-
tomical correlates can lead to improvements in cisely associated with the verbal complexity of
the mapping of language functions in the brain. the prosodic emotional stimuli than with pros-
The transhemispheric contribution of the ody itself (Mitchell & Ross, 2008). Nonethe-
right hemisphere to language comprehension less, an undeniable fact is the substantive con-
should also be noted. Prosody importantly con- tribution of the right hemisphere to sentence
tributes to the meaning that is conveyed by the comprehension through prosodic decoding.
same text. This can vary between languages Therefore, it is crucial to emphasize that the
because some languages more critically depend “classic” Wernicke’s area is the core area in the
on this feature, such as tonal languages (e.g., recognition of individual words. Ultimately, a
Mandarin, Cantonese, and Vietnamese). In non- much larger brain network is involved in lan-
tonal languages, intonation adds emotional guage understanding.
color and meaning to text. With intonation, we
can turn a declarative statement into an inter-
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