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07/03/2024, 20:27 Social Studies M.

C second grade | Quizizz

Worksheets Name

Social Studies M.C second grade

Total questions: 38
Worksheet time: 38mins
Instructor name: Asiah J

What are natural resources?

a) Only the fossil fuels b) Plastic bags

c) Everything provided by nature

Sunlight is...

a) A renewable resource b) A non-renewable resource

c) Very bright 1/8
07/03/2024, 20:27 Social Studies M.C second grade | Quizizz

Wood is...

a) A non-renewable resource b) A renewable resource

c) Used to make oil

An example of a Renewable resource is.....

a) Coal b) Wind Energy

c) Oil 2/8
07/03/2024, 20:27 Social Studies M.C second grade | Quizizz

Coal is a Renewable Resource

a) True b) False

Solar energy is a

a) Non renewable resource b) Renewable Resource

This is a RENEWABLE resource

a) Coal b) Oil
c) Natural gas d) Water 3/8
07/03/2024, 20:27 Social Studies M.C second grade | Quizizz

Nuclear Energy is

a) Renewable b) Non- renewable energy

Which statement is true?

a) Fish are an example of a renewable b) Oil is an example of a renewable

resource. resource.
c) Wood is an example of a non-
renewable resource. 4/8
07/03/2024, 20:27 Social Studies M.C second grade | Quizizz

An example of a Non-renewable energy is......

a) Biomass Energy b) Coal

c) Hydropower Energy

11. Minerals are a

a) Renewable Resource b) Non renewable resource

12. Hydroelectric Energy is...

a) Renewable Resource b) Non renewable resource

13. Geothermal energy is heat from the earth. Example a volcano

a) True b) False

14. A manmade resource is a thing humans use to create new things.

a) True b) False

15. Which is a natural resource?

a) Car b) Tv
c) Water 5/8
07/03/2024, 20:27 Social Studies M.C second grade | Quizizz

16. An example of a manmade resource

a) tree b) wood
c) Chair

17. Soil is a_________

a) Manmade resource b) Natural resource

18. Paper is a natural resource

a) False b) True

19. The role of the parents is

a) Obey their parents b) Make the rules

c) Go to school

20. They give food, clothing and shelter

a) Children b) Parents

21. Shelter means home

a) False b) True

22. They go to school

a) The parents b) the children

23. They go to work to give the family money.

a) The children b) The parents

24. He protects the family

a) father b) mother
c) brother 6/8
07/03/2024, 20:27 Social Studies M.C second grade | Quizizz

25. My _____ cooks the food.

a) mother b) babysister

26. They teach right and wrong

a) Parents b) Children

27. Who helps with the chores?

a) parents b) Children
c) pets

28. The role of the government is

a) Protect citizens b) obey their parents

c) To pay bills

29. The police and firemen protect citizens

a) False b) True

30. The government keeps order

a) True b) False

31. The government provides services

a) false b) true

32. An example of services the government give is

a) rivers b) Hospitals
c) beach

33. An example of a landform is...

a) Volcano b) book
c) Dog 7/8
07/03/2024, 20:27 Social Studies M.C second grade | Quizizz

34. A plain is a type of landform

a) false b) true

35. A river is an example of a landform

a) false b) true

36. Mountains and hills are the same

a) True b) false

37. Mountains are bigger than hills

a) true b) false

38. An island is an example of a landform

a) True b) false 8/8

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