P. Pemasaran

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P: rencanakan tujuan jk pndk n pjg?

perkiraan penjualan, program pemasaran formulasi dan strategi-

strategi pemasaran O: Organisasi dapat melibatkan struktur organisasi pemasaran, tugas, tanggung jawab
dan wewenang berbagai anggota organisasi pemasaran. A: arah dapat melibatkan pengembangan pasar
baru, kepemimpinan perusahaan, motivasi, inspirasi, bimbingan kpd krywn. C: efektivitas rencana
pemasaran yang diimplementasikan. Kontrol dapat melibatkan penentuan standar, evaluasi kinerja aktual
dan adopsi langkah-langkah perbaikan.

 Marketing definition : human activities directed at meeting needs and wants through an
exchange process
 Definition of marketing management : a system of business activities designed to plan,
determine prices, promote and distribute goods that can satisfy the desires of current and
potential consumers to achieve organizational goals. (William js) // the art and science of
selecting target markets and gaining, retaining and growing customers by creating, delivering
and communicating superior customer value.
 Marketing concept (Kotler): to emphasize that the key to achieving stated organizational goals
is that the company must be effective compared to its competitors in creating, delivering and
communicating customer value to the selected target market.
 Marketing objectives:
1. Introducing the product: communicating the value of brg/js
2. Building demand: so there is demand? Need marketing to build interest. Psr, min, prmntn
3. Building customer satisfaction: to build customer satisfaction, understand needs and how to fulfill it
4. Gain market share: to get progress + from product market share. increasing and expanding market
share or sales. The market is like a pie, and each slice of the pie = a picture of market share.
5. Making a profit: from growing interest, demand, satisfaction it will lead to profit
6. Get an image that meets expectations: A good image (perception) of the product and company
will have a positive effect on the company, both in terms of consumers, partners, investors and
7. Maintaining business continuity: having a good management will make it easier for the company
to achieve sales targets, satisfaction targets and profits . Will help the company to survive to maintain
business continuity.
 Marketing manager duties: Penting? Karna dgn adanya mpemasaran perusahan dpt mengembangkan
1. Develop pmsrn strategies and plans strategi yg efektif efisien dlm pemasaran agar mncapai target perusahan.
2. Capture marketing thinking nothing happens until a sale is made, artinya tak satupun yang terjadi
3. Have good relations with customers sampai ada penjualan, ini mengandung kebenaran. Dunia industri atau
dunia bisnis dapat menginvestasi uang dalam produk tetapi jika tidak
4. Build a strong brand
menyediakan produk yang sesuai buat pasar, pada waktu, tempat dan
5. Deliver value harga yang tepat, maka semua usaha bisnisnya akan sia – sia. Kesuksesan
6. Communicate value suatu bisnis ditentukan oleh perjuangan di pasar
7. Create long-term growth
 management functions : The main function of marketing management in a company consists of
several activities. Activities in the main functions of marketing management are:
1. Carrying out research on consumers
2. Develop products that consumers want
3. Carrying out distribution activities (distributing production results). Based on researched
4. Setting prices. Based on researched data
5. Providing service to customers and consumers
Management Concept : shows the ideas/philosophy used by businesses to define and meet
consumer needs, serve consumers and the company.
1. Production Concept : this concept thinks that products must be cheap, can be made anytime and
anywhere so that sales run smoothly. Indirectly, this company is trying marketing management
through efforts to reduce production costs and strengthen the distribution system . This concept will
work well if demand exceeds stock. However, customers do not always buy goods or services that are
cheap and easy to obtain. So this concept cannot always be applied in every company. For example, a
snack company. Producing goods in large and unlimited quantities for consumers. While people
consume almost all types of food, there are definitely consumers who are selective in choosing the
type of food they consume, and there are definitely those who don't hesitate to try any type of food.
2. Product Concept : This concept really pays attention to product quality. This concept believes that
the quality of the goods and services produced must be good so that it is easy to attract consumers.
This m.pem concept can be accepted by some consumers, but what must not be forgotten is that
good quality definitely influences the price, while for some consumers, low prices are still the main
goal for buying goods. Ex: technology company
3. Sales Concept : this concept only prioritizes product sales rather than product quality and
customer needs. The main motive is to make money, not to develop good relationships with
customers. So, there is very little chance of repeat sales. Usually done by companies that
only care about short-term profits.
4. Marketing Concept : Companies that use the marketing concept assume that consumer
satisfaction is everything so that the goods or services produced must meet their needs.
Usually used by businesses that want a long-term presence in the market.
5. Social Marketing Concept : that products can meet consumer needs and have a good
impact on other communities and the environment. The products can be goods or services.
Ex: cigarettes are not good for health, however, cigarette buyers ignore it, because they
have a different mindset than health experts or the public who are not pro-cigarette
products , but business organizations or companies selling cigarettes does not mean they
stop selling cigarettes. In fact, they actually carry out social marketing to make people want
and need to buy cigarettes with several strategies, namely: Advertising strategy during night
hours on television stations, Sponsoring many events that can increase the existence of their
products, Drawing in each advertisement a dashing and brave man, Carrying out CSR in
various areas of society
 Differences in sales and marketing concepts
Sales: Profit through sales
Marketing: Profit through
consumer satisfaction

 The main goal of marketing : fulfilling the needs and requests of customers so as to create a
purchase transaction which ultimately
leads to consumer satisfaction and
profits for the company.
 Marketing management process
-Market analysis: studying problems regarding market conditions (demand, segments,
competitors, potential targets).
-Research n pick: after analysis, the company must be careful in placing its products on the
market, be careful in seeing what customers want. Then choose the appropriate target market
to target
-Designing a strategy: The company must develop a differentiation and positioning strategy in its
target market . The company must be able to provide special features that are different from
those of its competitors and be able to fulfill the desires of its customers. The company must be
able to develop a map of its product position, so that it occupies a better position than its
-Designing a marketing program consists of a number of decisions regarding the mix of
marketing tools to be used (7P). product , price, place, promotion
-Organizing means forming a structure, marketing personnel, and assigning tasks in a clear and
coordinated manner. Apart from that, how personnel are trained, directed, motivated,
evaluated in carrying out their duties for marketing efforts

Nilai adalah manfaat yang diharapkan

orang dengan menggunakan produk
atau layanan Anda. Karena persepsi
 10 marketed entities nilai adalah apa yang menentukan
1. Item 6. Place
keputusan orang, inilah sebabnya
2. Services 7. Property
semua strategi pemasaran ditujukan
3. Event 8. Organization
pada penciptaan nilai pelanggan
4. Experience 9. Information
5. People 10. Ideas
 Difference between products and services: goods are products with a physical form that allows
them to be seen, felt, touched, held and subjected to other physical treatment. Services are activities that
provide benefits. This activity is offered by one party (seller) to another party (buyer) without any form

 STP/Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning: marketing strategy

Segmentation: namely the act of dividing a market into
different groups of buyers who may need separate products
and/or marketing combinations. Needs, characteristics, or
behaviors. A well-segmented market can be reached & served
more efficiently and is easier to manage because the response
tends to be homogeneous. Grouping from heterogeneous to homogeneous. The basis for
segmentation is based on geographic, demographic, psychological, behavioral
Homogeneous: Similarity of needs & responses
Heterogeneous: Differences in needs & responses

Targeting : the problem of how to select, select and reach the market. Which market segments
to target . Targeting or establishing a target market is the next stage of segmentation analysis .
Criteria for determining target market:
1. ensure that the segment targeted is large enough and profitable.
2. strategy must be based on the company's competitive advantage and the company must at
least have capabilities, core competencies and advantages in implementing differentiation.
3. targeted market
segment must be adjusted to the competition.
Positioning : an action taken by a company to design products and marketing so that they are
always remembered by consumers and how the brand is differentiated from competing
products and differs from the concept of brand awareness. IMPRESSION. Company position :
market leader, challenger ( who always attacks the market leader), follower. Determining
positioning : Study of consumers, study of company capabilities, study of competitors, study of
Example of STP: you sell recyclable prison bags that are woven. Segment? Usually women aged
15-35 are the ones who like it. Also, those who live a minimalist lifestyle like traveling and
shopping. Fashionable. Likes unique things. Target? Women aged 15-35 from middle school
children to mothers. It is more often used by high school and college students because the
marketing concept is to make it aesthetic and picnic-style. Positioning? Environmentally
friendly, fashionable and full of aesthetics.
 Brand/Brand
Brand: the identity of a product ( name , symbol, term, logo, etc.)
Brand: image, image, or perception that the brand wants to build
Brand function: identification mark to differentiate production results, as a promotional tool, as
a guarantee of the quality of the goods, shows the origin of the goods/services produced

 Marketing mix: a sales strategy where there is a set of marketing variables that companies can
use to achieve their sales levels. The concept ensures the choice of the right product, at the right
time and place, and at the right price.
1. Product: A product is what a company can sell to customers.
2. Price: The price you set must be in accordance with the target customers you have set.
3. Place: Know exactly where your target customers spend time and shop.
4. Promotion: Promotion includes how you convey your message to customers.
5. People: Recruiting the right human resources is the key to advancing the company. The company's
human resources also represent the company's values and image.
6. Process: The process includes a series of each marketing stage from company to customer. This
element also includes services and transaction processes between the company and customers.
7. Physical Evidence: physical evidence of the company. When selling products or services, customers
need physical evidence to establish a more real business relationship. Various physical forms can be
performed. Starting from offices that customers can visit, or physical forms that customers can have,
such as brochures.

 PLC/Product Life Cycle: stages or process of a product's journey. PLC is also an important
division concept that provides an understanding of the competitive dynamics of a product.
1. Introduction stage: begins with the product
appearing for the first time on the market. Sales at
that time were still zero and profits were negative.
2. Growth stage: In this stage the sales curve and
profit curve are increasing. Companies that want
to survive need to strengthen their markets and
encourage brand loyalty. The common way to do
this is to expand and increase distribution.
3. Maturity stage: in the maturity stage, the sales turnover of a product begins to decline.
Competition is getting tighter and the market and consumers are fighting over each other.
At this stage, producers usually use a defensive strategy and an offensive strategy.
4. Decline stage: In this stage, profits will continue to decline. If you don't immediately
anticipate and change your strategy, the possibility of the product disappearing on the
market will increase.
EXAMPLE: PEPSODENT. When Pepsodent was created, they used to carry out intensive
promotions in magazines, newspapers or television. So many people are interested in
consuming it. Sales have been stable for decades due to its wide distribution reach. Then
rivals to Pepsodent began to emerge, such as Ciptadent, Sensodent and so on. So product
sales began to decline. However, this did not make him bankrupt. Manufacturers are racking
their brains on how to make it return to normal stability. Several variations were created,
such as herbal, white now, sensitive and many others. This innovation is why the Pepsodent
factory is still running today, well that's roughly the life cycle of Pepsodent products amidst
the onslaught of competitors.

 BCG/Boston Consulting Group:

WHAT: a matrix consisting of a series of strategies that serves as a guide for decisions about
resource allocation based on market share and growth.
FOR : the purpose of applying the matrix is to understand which products need attention and
financial support so that these products can survive and contribute to the long-term
performance of a company.
The BCG matrix is also closely related to the product life cycle. There are 4 main components in
the BCG Matrix that you need to know,
namely :
1. Question marks (???): describes the
business line of a company with very
high growth prospects, but with a low
market share. Because the income
(money) obtained is usually not
commensurate with the costs incurred
(effort is greater than income).
However, because its growth prospects
are so fast that it has the potential to
become a star.
2. Star: A star is a symbol used to describe
a company or product with very fast growth. These companies or products often require
large investments to finance their high growth. However, in the end, its growth will slow
down & turn into a cash cow.
3. Cash cow: a symbol that depicts the product line of a company that has become a market
leader or currently dominates the market to generate high profits to cover its production
4. Dog: a symbol used to describe a product line of a company with a low market share and a
low growth rate. Products in this category generally generate very small profits or often
even experience losses.

 Various costs in marketing: marketing costs include costs incurred to sell products to the
market. After production, it is converted back into cash.
1. Overhead costs : b. marketing team including compensation, office space, technology
2. Sales : b. sales overhead and commission sprit variable expenses
3. Advertising and promotion : advertising and promotional expenditure
4. Price promotions : in some cases, price promotions such as coupon payments and
processing fees are included in marketing expenses
5. Partners/partners: payments to marketing partners
6. Public relations: the team engages with the media and stakeholders including government
and society
7. Branding: branding activities outside of advertising and promotions such as the costs of
developing visual branding elements, sprit logos

 Integrated marketing communications: a business strategy process in managing relationships

with consumers which is essentially to drive brand value.
1. Direct marketing: how to create direct contact with customers and potential customers to
promote products and services
2. Sales promotion: one type of marketing that is usually used to introduce new products, sell
off old products, and of course increase sales figures. Usually this happens while ex: free
gifts, free samples, discounts, vouchers, giveaways, b1g1
3. Public relations: but is also tasked with managing the corporate brand and maintaining its
4. Personal selling: two-way communication in which a seller explains the features of a brand
for the benefit of the buyer. In Personal Selling, face-to-face communication is involved.
5. Advertising: A form of non-personal presentation and promotion of an idea, good or service
that is not free (paid) and carried out by a sponsor (company)
6. Publicity: Publicity is any amount of information about a person, item, or organization that
is disseminated to the public through the media without charge, or without supervision
from sponsors .
7. Events/sponsorship: Companies and non-profit organizations use events for several
reasons, namely: to involve target audiences, to associate a brand with certain activities,
lifestyles or people, to increase brand awareness
8. Interactive marketing: Interactive marketing here is more focused on how a company is or
is not able to communicate with its customers or is able to provide good solutions, which
are related to product use.

 Hierarchy of personal selling : William G. Nickels: personal selling is interaction between

individuals, meeting each other, face to face which is aimed at creating, improving, controlling
and maintaining mutually beneficial exchange relationships with other parties.
(+) : get to know consumers directly, it is easier to influence, it is easier for consumers to know
about the product, it is easier for consumers to submit complaints.
(-) : inconsistent messages conveyed to consumers can create a bad image for the company,
potentially causing ethical problems if salespeople have different knowledge and styles that are
not good when delivering it.

hierarchy : Marketing mix –> Promotion Mix –> Personal Selling

 Promotion mix: part of the marketing mix where pm is a tool used by a product/service to
influence consumers to be interested and want to buy the product offered by the company. PM
benefits: customer loyalty, communication media, improving the company's image, to attract
new consumers and repeat buyers, and build the brand.
1. Advertising : a form of nonpersonal communication of goods, services, or ideas. Advertising
and potential customers communicate messages through general media such as radio, TV,
newspapers or magazines.
2. Personal selling: an attempt to introduce a product through direct communication (face to
3. Direct marketing: when companies want to establish direct communication with customers,
they use direct communication strategies, where they can interact more, the database
triggers the DM marketing communication process. You don't have to use a salesperson, you
can also use other media such as telephone, internet, mail
4. Sales promotions: a type of marketing that is usually used to introduce new products, sell
old products, and of course increase sales figures. Usually this happens while ex: free gifts,
free samples, discounts, vouchers, giveaways, b1g1
5. Public relations: Publicity is any amount of information about a person, item, or
organization that is disseminated to the public through the media without charge, or
without supervision from sponsors. (+) can reach people who don't want to read
advertisements and is much cheaper because there are no fees
EXAMPLE PM: pocari sweat products. Through advertising: advertising with a purpose that
usually reminds you about the product. The advertisement tries to convey that pocari is always
needed to restore body fluids after activity. Promotion: go sweat go ion to instill distinctive
words that are easy for people to remember, continue to frequently hold big events and
become official sponsors for sporting events as prestigious as the Asian Games. Direct
marketing : open a stand at the event you want to sponsor. Personal marketing: at every event
sponsored by Pocari there are salespeople to market their products directly to consumers who
come to the event. Public Relations: providing the best service to the community, from the
community's perspective, Pocari is an isotonic drink that can replace lost body fluids.

 Repurchase is a behavior after a previous purchase that is based on satisfaction. If the customer
is satisfied the next time he will show a higher chance of buying on the next occasion. Reasons
for repeat purchases: good relationships that exist and satisfaction with the products and
services provided by the company. Hope=expectation.

 Consumer satisfaction is the level of consumer feelings after comparing what he received and
his expectations (Umar, 2005:65). According to Kotler, et al., (1996) there are 4 indicators to
measure customer satisfaction .
The indicators used to measure the level of customer satisfaction with a product are through
complaints and suggestions to find out the extent of satisfaction, ghost shopping, analysis of
former customers, and customer satisfaction surveys. It is important to remember that
customer satisfaction is not the final goal but is only a door to another , bigger goal, namely
business profits.

 Marketing channels are a group of organizations that are interdependent, have various
functions and are involved in making products or services that are provided for use or

SDL: In this framework, manufacturers sell

their merchandise directly to customers
without using any intermediaries at all.
-> such as clothes, shoes, household furniture,
toys etc
-> Long-lasting, standardized and relatively cheap
goods generally use two-level distribution
-> when the user base is spread across the country and the demand for the product is very high.

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