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12/21/22, 10:17 AM Exam 2022 3

Exam 2022 3 Змінити обліковий запис

Чернетку збережено

*Обов’язкове поле

PART II. Reading

Task 3. Read the

article. For abstracts (1-5) choose from headings (A-H). Mind, that there are two extra
headings which you don't need to use. There is an example
at the beginning (0).

Example: 0 B (A versatile genius)

Archimedes of

(0) Archimedes of
Syracuse (c. 287 ВС – с. 212 ВС) was a Greek
mathematician, physicist, engineer,
inventor, and astronomer. Although few details of his life are known, he is
regarded to be one of the leading scientists in classical antiquity.
Among his advances in physics are the foundations of hydrostatics, statics and
the explanation of the principle of the lever. Modern experiments have tested
claims that Archimedes designed machines capable of lifting attacking ships out
of the water and setting ships on fire using an array of mirrors. 1/23
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26. Archimedes is
generally considered to be the greatest mathematician of antiquity and one of
the greatest of all time. He used the method of exhaustion to calculate the
area under the arc of a parabola with the summation of an infinite series, and
gave a remarkably accurate approximation of pi. He also defined the spiral
bearing his name, formulas for the volumes of surfaces of revolution and an ingenious
system for expressing very large numbers.

27. Unlike his inventions, the

mathematical writings of Archimedes were little known in antiquity. Mathematicians
from Alexandria read and quoted him, but the first commentaries on the works of
Archimedes were made only in the sixth century AD and opened them to wider
readership for the first time. The relatively few copies of Archimedes'
written work that survived through the Middle Ages were an influential source
of ideas for scientists during the Renaissance, while the finding in 1906 of
previously unknown works by Archimedes in the Archimedes Palimpsest has
provided new insights into how he obtained mathematical results.

28. The most widely known anecdote

about Archimedes tells of how he invented a method for determining the
volume of an object with an irregular shape. Archimedes was asked to determine whether a
new crown made for King Hiero II was of solid gold, or whether silver had been
added by a dishonest goldsmith. Archimedes had to solve the problem
without damaging the crown. While taking a bath, he noticed that the level of
the water in the tub rose as he got in, and realized that this effect could be
used to determine the volume of the crown. For practical purposes water is
incompressible, so the submerged crown would displace an amount of water equal
to its own volume. By dividing the weight of
the crown by the volume of water displaced, the density of the crown could be
obtained. This density would be lower than that of gold if cheaper and less
dense metals had been added. The story about the golden crown does not
appear in the known works of Archimedes, but in his treatise On Floating Bodies he gives the
principle known in hydrostatics as Archimedes' Principle. 2/23
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29. The Greek writer

Athenaeus of Naucratis described how King Hieron II commissioned Archimedes to design
a huge ship, the Syracusia, which was said to have been the most elegant ship
built in classical antiquity. Archimedes'
machine was a device with a rotating screw-shaped blade inside a cylinder. It
was turned by hand, and could also be used to transfer water from a
low-lying body of water into irrigation canals. The Archimedes screw is still
in use today for pumping liquids and granulated solids such as coal and grain.

30. The Claw of Archimedes is a weapon

that he is said to have designed in order to defend the city of Syracuse. Also
known as "the ship shaker”, the claw consisted of a crane-like arm from
which a large metal grappling hook was suspended. When the claw was dropped
onto an attacking ship the arm would swing upwards, lifting the ship out of the
water and possibly sinking it. There have
been modern experiments to test the feasibility of the claw, and in 2005 a television
documentary entitled Superweapons of the Ancient World built a version of the
claw and concluded that it was a workable device.

26 * 1 бал

A. The most perfect design to sink a ship.

B. A versatile genius.

C. Luxurious boat with a revolving device.

D. Contributions to the sphere of mathematics.

E. Life experience may help to solve an intricate problem.

F. The birth and death of a great scientist.

G. The amazing discovery.

H. Archimedes' practicable engine to submerge vessels. 3/23
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27 * 1 бал

A. The most perfect design to sink a ship.

B. A versatile genius.

C. Luxurious boat with a revolving device.

D. Contributions to the sphere of mathematics.

E. Life experience may help to solve an intricate problem.

F. The birth and death of a great scientist.

G. The amazing discovery.

H. Archimedes' practicable engine to submerge vessels.

28 * 1 бал

A. The most perfect design to sink a ship.

B. A versatile genius.

C. Luxurious boat with a revolving device.

D. Contributions to the sphere of mathematics.

E. Life experience may help to solve an intricate problem.

F. The birth and death of a great scientist.

G. The amazing discovery.

H. Archimedes' practicable engine to submerge vessels. 4/23
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29 * 1 бал

A. The most perfect design to sink a ship.

B. A versatile genius.

C. Luxurious boat with a revolving device.

D. Contributions to the sphere of mathematics.

E. Life experience may help to solve an intricate problem.

F. The birth and death of a great scientist.

G. The amazing discovery.

H. Archimedes' practicable engine to submerge vessels.

30 * 1 бал

A. The most perfect design to sink a ship.

B. A versatile genius.

C. Luxurious boat with a revolving device.

D. Contributions to the sphere of mathematics.

E. Life experience may help to solve an intricate problem.

F. The birth and death of a great scientist.

G. The amazing discovery.

H. Archimedes' practicable engine to submerge vessels. 5/23
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Task 4
Read the texts below. Match headings (A–H) to (1–5). There are THREE headings
you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Task 4

Read the texts below. Match headings (A–H) to (1–5). There are THREE headings you do
not need to use. Write your answers
on the separate answer sheet.

robots to work with people, they must understand people

31 ______

TUTHILL PLASTICS GROUP, an injection-moulding company in Clearwater,

Florida, recently welcomed a new team member to its factory floor. From his
first day on the job he performed the repetitive tasks required of him with
dexterity, working comfortably alongside longtime employees. Sawyer, the
operative concerned, is one of the fleet of robots now labouring in the world’s
factories. Instead of replacing people, however, as some earlier industrial
robots have, Sawyer is built to work alongside them. For Sawyer is a
collaborative robot, also known as a “cobot”.

32 ______

Direct interaction between robots and humans at work is changing the

face—or rather the arms—of manufacturing. Such interaction also means that
roboticists need to design effective team mates as well as efficient workers.
Cobots operate in a realm where human thoughts, human modes of communication
and human safety are paramount. Rethink Robotics, a firm in Boston, had this in
mind when it developed Sawyer, a one-armed cobot, and his two-armed colleague,
Baxter. These robots are not the isolated moving arms of an assembly-line ’bot.
They incorporate cameras and touch sensors. And their most noticeable feature
is a screen that displays almost cartoonlike human facial elements. Such faces
are not meant to endear robots to workers (though they do). They are, rather,
intended to promote communication between person and machine. 6/23
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33 ______

Researchers at
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are now pushing a non-verbal
conveyance of intention between Baxter and his human colleagues a step further.
They are giving cobots the ability to read minds—or, more specifically, to read
brain signals. Daniela Rus and her team at MIT have equipped an experimental
version of Baxter with an electroencephalography (EEG) decoding system. This
takes signals from a set of electrodes attached to a human colleague’s scalp
and recognises within them characteristic patterns known as error-related
potentials. These are generated by a brain when it is making a mistake, and
also when it is observing a mistake being made by another. For example, when
Baxter recognises an error-related potential from a human team mate who has
sorted an item into an incorrect bin, he is able to log the error and fix the
mistake, sparing the human the trouble. In the future, Dr Rus hopes, the robot
will also be able to recognise such a signal when it, itself, has been seen by
a human to make a mistake.


Once a channel
of communication has been established, regardless of what it is, it needs to be
used appropriately. It is important—as anyone who has had to deal with the
socially inept will know—that robots understand the right moments to convey
messages, and also how much information to convey. Julie Shah, another
researcher at MIT, has been analysing the costs and benefits of robot over- and
under-communication, and is using that information to design algorithms which
can decide when and what communication is appropriate. When attempting to
convey a message, a robot must estimate its interlocutor’s intentions and what
his response is likely to be. If an algorithm calculates that communication
will be beneficial, it must then convert the concept to be conveyed into
something understandable, whether that be a raised eyebrow or a stream of
synthesised speech. Too much information may result in people ignoring messages
completely. One feature of Dr Shah’s algorithms, therefore, is that they try to
take into account what information a human team mate already possesses.

35 ______

Dr Rus’s team are also looking at safety—in their case by creating robots
with softer exteriors. Softer materials not only provide greater dexterity for 7/23
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the ’bot when gripping, but also lessen the risk of injury when incidental
contact is made between human and robot. How long, if ever, it will be before
such robots truly match the marketing slogan of the Sirius Cybernetics
Corporation, a fictional firm in Douglas Adams’s creation, “The Hitchhiker’s
Guide to the Galaxy”, remains to be seen. But even if not actually fun to be
with, your plastic pal will become increasingly effective.

31 * 1 бал

A Robot’s decision to communicate or to refuse

B A human face

C More and more non-human colleagues at work

D There is a risk of injury

E A new team member in a factory

F Robots are programmed not to use force

G Additional skills of plastic pals

H To avoid dangerous situations robots are created from softer materials 8/23
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32 * 1 бал

A Robot’s decision to communicate or to refuse

B A human face

C More and more non-human colleagues at work

D There is a risk of injury

E A new team member in a factory

F Robots are programmed not to use force

G Additional skills of plastic pals

H To avoid dangerous situations robots are created from softer materials

33 * 1 бал

A Robot’s decision to communicate or to refuse

B A human face

C More and more non-human colleagues at work

D There is a risk of injury

E A new team member in a factory

F Robots are programmed not to use force

G Additional skills of plastic pals

H To avoid dangerous situations robots are created from softer materials 9/23
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34 * 1 бал

A Robot’s decision to communicate or to refuse

B A human face

C More and more non-human colleagues at work

D There is a risk of injury

E A new team member in a factory

F Robots are programmed not to use force

G Additional skills of plastic pals

H To avoid dangerous situations robots are created from softer materials

35 * 1 бал

A Robot’s decision to communicate or to refuse

B A human face

C More and more non-human colleagues at work

D There is a risk of injury

E A new team member in a factory

F Robots are programmed not to use force

G Additional skills of plastic pals

H To avoid dangerous situations robots are created from softer materials 10/23
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Task 5
Read the text below. For questions (36–40) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or
D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Can a
computer predict your thoughts?

at the University of Helsinki have developed a technique in which a computer
models visual perception by monitoring human brain signals. In a way, it is as
if the computer tries to imagine what a human is thinking about. As a result of
this imagining, the computer is able to produce entirely new information, such
as fictional images that were never before seen.

technique is based on a novel brain-computer interface. Previously, similar
brain-computer interfaces have been able to perform one-way communication from
brain to computer, such as spell individual letters or move a cursor.

As far as
is known, the new study is the first where both the computer's presentation of
the information and brain signals were modelled simultaneously using artificial
intelligence methods. Images that matched the visual characteristics that
participants were focusing on were generated through interaction between human
brain responses and a generative neural network.

researchers call this method neuroadaptive generative modelling. A total of 31
volunteers participated in a study that evaluated the effectiveness of the
technique. Participants were shown hundreds of AI-generated images of
diverse-looking people while their EEG was recorded.

subjects were asked to concentrate on certain features, such as faces that
looked old or were smiling. While looking at a rapidly presented series of face
images, the EEGs of the subjects were fed to a neural network, which inferred
whether any image was detected by the brain as matching what the subjects were
looking for.

Based on
this information, the neural network adapted its estimation as to what kind of 11/23
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faces people were thinking of. Finally, the images generated by the computer
were evaluated by the participants and they nearly perfectly matched with the
features the participants were thinking of. The accuracy of the experiment was
83 per cent.

technique combines natural human responses with the computer's ability to
create new information. In the experiment, the participants were only asked to
look at the computer-generated images. The computer, in turn, modelled the
images displayed and the human reaction toward the images by using human brain
responses. From this, the computer can create an entirely new image that
matches the user's intention," says Tuukka Ruotsalo.

images of the human face is only one example of the technique's potential uses.
One practical benefit of the study may be that computers can augment human
creativity. "If you want to draw or illustrate something but are unable to
do so, the computer may help you to achieve your goal. It could just observe
the focus of attention and predict what you would like to create,"
Ruotsalo says. However, the researchers believe that the technique may be used
to gain understanding of perception and the underlying processes in our mind.

technique does not recognise thoughts but rather responds to the associations
we have with mental categories. Thus, while we are not able to find out the
identity of a specific 'old person' a participant was thinking of, we may gain
an understanding of what they associate with old age. We, therefore, believe it
may provide a new way of gaining insight into social, cognitive and emotional
processes," says Senior Researcher Michiel Spapé. According to Spapé, this
is also interesting from a psychological perspective. "One person's idea
of an elderly person may be very different from another's. We are currently
uncovering whether our technique might expose unconscious associations, for
example by looking if the computer always renders old people as, say, smiling
men." 12/23
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36. Which of the following is TRUE of neuroadaptive generative modelling: * 1 бал

A The technique allows predicting human intentions and thoughts.

B Computers can produce unconscious associations to what a human is thinking


C The technique aims to study the psychology of people.

D Computers can improve the processes of people’s thinking.

37. How does this technique work? * 1 бал

A A neural network interacts with human brain responses.

B A novel computer reads people’s brain using AI.

C A neural network models mental processes in the human mind.

D A computer perceives human brain signal visually.

38. What is NOT * 1 бал

mentioned about the experiment

A its disadvantages

B its result

C its practical benefit

D the fields of its further implementation 13/23
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39. What is WRONG about the technique described in the article? * 1 бал

A It matches human brain responses with AI-generated images.

B It only performs one-way communication from the brain to the computer.

C It monitors human brain signals.

D It is based on AI methods.

40. Why can computers augment human creativity? * 1 бал

A Because they focus on amazing things.

B Because they show hundreds of AI-generated images.

C Because they create fictional images that were never before seen.

D Because they try to understand people’s perception of the world.

Task 6
Read the texts below. Match choices (A–H) to (41–45). There are THREE choices
you do not need to use.
Computer security

New sandboxing approach in web


A powerful new approach to securing web browsers, using a tool called

WebAssembly, is getting its first real-world application in the Firefox browser
for the Linux operating system
and will be gradually expanded to include stable, full release versions of the
browser on all major operating systems. WebAssembly is a security mechanism
originally designed to speed up web applications that run within a browser
while keeping those applications within "secure sandboxes" that
prevent malicious code from taking over the user's computer. 14/23
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41 Which article reveals that …? * 1 бал

A inter-process communication isn’t considered to be secure;

B the ultimate defence against hackers may be just a few atoms thick;

C a new approach can protect web browsers from hackers’ attacks;

D password managers guarantee maximum security;

E the appropriate security technology can prevent security breaches;

F attackers can compromise an unattended machine because of its susceptibility;

G blocking website access to unnecessary browser functionality would help reduce

privacy risks;

H a new technique allows sharing messages completely safe.


Big cryptographic potential in nanomaterial

The next generation of electronic hardware security may be at hand as researchers
introduce the first physically unclonable security primitives made of a low-cost
nanomaterial with the highest possible level of structural randomness.
Randomness is highly desirable for constructing the security primitives that
encrypt and thereby secure computer hardware and data physically, rather than by
programming. Typically embedded in integrated circuits, security primitives protect
or authenticate hardware or digital information. They interact with a stimulus – in
this case, light – to produce a unique response that can serve as a cryptographic
key or means of authentication.ез назви 15/23
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42 Which article reveals that …? * 1 бал

A inter-process communication isn’t considered to be secure;

B the ultimate defence against hackers may be just a few atoms thick;

C a new approach can protect web browsers from hackers’ attacks;

D password managers guarantee maximum security;

E the appropriate security technology can prevent security breaches;

F attackers can compromise an unattended machine because of its susceptibility;

G blocking website access to unnecessary browser functionality would help reduce

privacy risks;

H a new technique allows sharing messages completely safe.


Revolutionary quantum breakthrough

The world is one step closer to having a totally secure internet and an answer to
the growing threat of cyber-attacks, thanks to a team of international scientists
who have created a unique prototype which could transform how we communicate
online. The team's quantum technique applies a seemingly magical principle, called
entanglement, which Albert Einstein described as 'spooky action at a distance.' It
exploits the power of two different particles placed in separate locations,
potentially thousands of miles apart, to simultaneously mimic each other. This
process presents far greater opportunities for quantum computers, sensors, and
information processing, make people's online communication secure. 16/23
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43 Which article reveals that …? * 1 бал

A inter-process communication isn’t considered to be secure;

B the ultimate defence against hackers may be just a few atoms thick;

C a new approach can protect web browsers from hackers’ attacks;

D password managers guarantee maximum security;

E the appropriate security technology can prevent security breaches;

F attackers can compromise an unattended machine because of its susceptibility;

G blocking website access to unnecessary browser functionality would help reduce

privacy risks;

H a new technique allows sharing messages completely safe.


The vulnerabilities of computer peripherals

Many modern laptops and an increasing number of desktop computers are much
more vulnerable to hacking through common plug-in devices than previously
thought. Attacks can also be carried out by seemingly innocuous peripherals like
chargers and projectors that correctly charge or project video but simultaneously
compromise the host machine. Computer peripherals such as network cards and
graphics processing units have direct memory access (DMA), which allows them to
bypass operating system security policies. DMA attacks abusing this access have
been widely employed to take control of and extract sensitive data from target
machines. Current systems feature input-output memory management units
(IOMMUs) which can protect against DMA attacks by restricting memory access to
peripherals. However, IOMMU protection is frequently turned off in many systems
and the new research shows that, even when the protection is enabled, it can be
compromised. 17/23
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44 Which article reveals that …? * 1 бал

A inter-process communication isn’t considered to be secure;

B the ultimate defence against hackers may be just a few atoms thick;

C a new approach can protect web browsers from hackers’ attacks;

D password managers guarantee maximum security;

E the appropriate security technology can prevent security breaches;

F attackers can compromise an unattended machine because of its susceptibility;

G blocking website access to unnecessary browser functionality would help reduce

privacy risks;

H a new technique allows sharing messages completely safe.


Insider hacking
A new study shows that communication channels between different parts and
pieces of computer software are prone to security breaches. Over ten computer
security-critical applications are vulnerable to insider attacks. Anyone with access
to a shared computer – co-workers, family members, or guests – can attack or
involuntarily subject it to security breaches. Most of the vulnerabilities were found
in password managers used by millions of people to store their login credentials.
Several other applications were found to be similarly susceptible to attacks and
breaches across the Windows, macOS and Linux operating systems.з назви 18/23
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45 Which article reveals that …? * 1 бал

A inter-process communication isn’t considered to be secure;

B the ultimate defence against hackers may be just a few atoms thick;

C a new approach can protect web browsers from hackers’ attacks;

D password managers guarantee maximum security;

E the appropriate security technology can prevent security breaches;

F attackers can compromise an unattended machine because of its susceptibility;

G blocking website access to unnecessary browser functionality would help reduce

privacy risks;

H a new technique allows sharing messages completely safe. 19/23
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Task 7

Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each gap (46-50).
There are THREE choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the
separate answer sheet.
Sarter deep neural networks
intelligence researchers at North Carolina State University have improved the
performance of deep neural networks by combining feature normalization and
feature attention modules into a single module that they call attentive
normalization (AN). The hybrid module improves the accuracy of the system
significantly (46) ______.

normalization is a crucial element of training deep neural networks, and
feature attention is equally important (47)
______ which features learned from raw data are the most important for
accomplishing a given task," says Tianfu Wu. "But they have mostly
been treated separately. We found that combining them (48) ______."

test their AN module, the researchers plugged it into four of the most widely
used neural network architectures: ResNets, DenseNets, MobileNetsV2 and
AOGNets. They then tested the networks against two industry-standard
benchmarks: the ImageNet-1000 classification benchmark and the MS-COCO 2017
object detection and instance segmentation benchmark.

As a
result, AN improved performance for all four architectures on both benchmarks. Moreover,
it also facilitates (49) ______
between different domains. Scientists have released the source code and hope
their AN will lead (50) _____ of
deep neural networks. 20/23
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46 * 1 бал

A a better transfer of learning

B to the better integrative design

C the efficiency of machine learning

D while using extra computational power

E by adding layers and nodes

F made them more efficient and effective

G for helping networks highlight

H influenced the quality.

47 * 1 бал

A a better transfer of learning

B to the better integrative design

C the efficiency of machine learning

D while using extra computational power

E by adding layers and nodes

F made them more efficient and effective

G for helping networks highlight

H influenced the quality. 21/23
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48 * 1 бал

A a better transfer of learning

B to the better integrative design

C the efficiency of machine learning

D while using extra computational power

E by adding layers and nodes

F made them more efficient and effective

G for helping networks highlight

H influenced the quality.

49 * 1 бал

A a better transfer of learning

B to the better integrative design

C the efficiency of machine learning

D while using extra computational power

E by adding layers and nodes

F made them more efficient and effective

G for helping networks highlight

H influenced the quality. 22/23
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50 * 1 бал

A a better transfer of learning

B to the better integrative design

C the efficiency of machine learning

D while using extra computational power

E by adding layers and nodes

F made them more efficient and effective

G for helping networks highlight

H influenced the quality.

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