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Human Body LECTURES 2023 2024


READ the description of the functions of each body system, IDENTIFY the system and
LABEL each.

Circulatory System Endocrine System Muscular System

Urinary System Respiratory System Reproductive System
Skeletal System Digestive System Lymphatic System
Nervous System Skin (Integumentary System

A)_RESPIRATORY SYSTEM__________________. The purpose of this system is to take in

air, filter it and take it to the tissues responsible for gas exchange. Oxygen is then transported
by the blood to all the tissues in the body. Carbon Dioxide, a waste product, is reabsorbed into
the blood and then excreted from the body.
B) _SKELETAL SYSTEM___________________. This system forms the basic framework of
the body –it supports and protects all the internal organs. Bones serve as levers
PALANCA(with the attached muscles) for movement, produce blood cells and store calcium
salts which can be absorbed into the blood when there is not enough calcium in the diet.
C) _ENDOCRINE SYSTEM____________________. The secretion of hormones which
regulate the body’s functions chemically, is the function of this system.
D) _URINARY SYSTEM_______________________. This system is also called “the
excretory system” and filters body liquids, eliminating chemicals and excess fluids from the
E) __CIRCULATORY SYSTEM_______________________. This system contains an
important organ which pumps blood around the entire body. This is necessary to supply cells
with nutrients and oxygen and to transport waste products for excretion.
F)______REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM__________________. This system is essential for
reproduction and the production of hormones, sex cells (gametes) and it also enables
conception and permits the carrying and birth of babies (offspring).DESCENDENCIA
G) _DIGESTIVE SYSTEM______________________. The system which converts (changes)
food into simpler substances for the cells to use for energy also takes away (or eliminates)
waste products from the body.
H) ___SKIN/INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM_____________________. This complex system
which is also thought of as an organ, protects the body from disease, helps to regulate body
temperature and acts as a sensory receptor.
I)________LINFATIC SYSTEM_________________. A system which runs parallel with the
veins throughout the body, drains fluid from the tissues and helps to defend the body against
infection and disease.

E.U.E. Dr. Dacio Crespo 2nd year. NURSING ENGLISH MODULE 1

UNIT 3. Human Body LECTURES 2023 2024

J)____SKELETAL SYSTEM We need this system to produce movement, both voluntary and
involuntary, and to keep our hearts beating to keep us alive.
K) _____ NERVOUS SYSTEM _____________________. This is the most complex system
in the body and its functions are to regulate all the other systems in the body, receive and
send messages and to provide us with information about our environment.

LISTEN and FILL IN the gaps.

1. ___RED BLOOD CELLS________ _____________ ____________ or

_____ERYTHROCITES___________carry__OXYGEN__________ from the lungs to every
cell in the rest of the body
2. One function of the ______KIDNEYS______ is to ___REGULATE________ the amount of
water in the body; they also __ECRETE________’urea’ (a nitrogen waste product) from the
3. The_______LIVER_________ functions as both an organ of digestion and excretion.
4. The ___________HEART________ beats 80 times per minute on average.
5. The __OVARIES____________ are only found in females. They are endocrine glands which
____SECRETE______ hormones. Ovum/ Ova (OVULOS) _____ARE_____
__PRODUCED_________ here.
6. An accessory organ of digestion, which is also an endocrine gland, _SECRETES_________
insulin and is called the____PANCREAS________.
7. All the bones in the skeletal system _________FORM_______ from a fibrous connective
tissue called_________CARTILAGE_________. This tissue eventually hardens with calcium
deposits to become_BONE_________________.
8. Both the spinal cord and the brain ___ARE________ _COMPOSED__________ of
nerve cells.
9. Cells ________REPRODUCE_________ by _________DIVISION________ , a process
called mitosis.
10. The skin which ______COVERS________________________ the outside of the human body
______CONTAINS_______________ cells, sweat glands, oil-producing glands, blood
vessels and nerve endings.
11. The heart and lungs ___ARE SITUATED_______ ___________ in the thoracic cavity.
12. A zygote is formed at the time of _____CONCEPTION_______________________- it is the
union of the female and male sex cells or ___GAMETES___________.


'to be made up of' is used for a detailed breakdown of a part or a structure.

e.g. The joints (or articulations) are made up of bones, cartilage and ligaments.

‘consists of' is used in a general way when all the main parts of a structure are named

E.U.E. Dr. Dacio Crespo 2nd year. NURSING ENGLISH MODULE 2

UNIT 3. Human Body LECTURES 2023 2024

e.g. The respiratory tract consists of the pharynx, trachea, lungs, bronchi, bronchioles and
'to be composed of' is used when the materials or substances from which the structure
is formed.
e.g. Both the brain and the spinal cord are composed of nerve cells and fibres.

form from: del material del que está hecho


1. skeletal system cartilage ligaments

bones, a) _________,

2. muscular system smooth

skeletal, cardiac and b)___________muscles,

3. circulatory system vessels

heart and blood c)_____________(arteries,
d)____________and capillaries)

4. respiratory system nose (nostrils)

lungs and air passages. Nasal passages, e)_______,
pharynx, larynx, f)______________, bronchi,
bronchioles, alveoli.

5. nervous system brain

g)_____________, spinal cord and nerves

6. system tongue
mouth (teeth, h)________________and salivary
oesophagus ( sin O es US)
glands), epiglottis, I)_______________, stomach,
intestines accessory organs: liver,
galobladdler (vesícula biliar)pancreas. Parts of this system
are sometimes referred to as ‘the gut’.visceras

7. urinary/excretor system urethra, anus

Kidneys, ureters, bladder, k)_______________.

8. reproductive system testicles duct/seminal vesicles, Prostate

Male: l)__________,
gland, Penis.
uterus (womb)
Female: ovaries, Fallopian tubes or m)____________,
uterus, vagina, breasts.

9. endocrine system thymus

Glands: Pituitary, Pineal, n)___________and
Parathyroid, o)________________, Adrenal,
Pancreas, Ovaries and Testes.
10. lymphatic system tonsils and adenoids), lymph
Lymph nodes (p)__________
spleen (splint: entablillar,
vessels, valves, the q)____________. sling:
cabestrillo) Epidermis, dermis, sebaceous or oil-producing glands
system sweat
glands, sudoriferous or r)_________________ glands.

4. VOCABULARY. Complete the table.


E.U.E. Dr. Dacio Crespo 2nd year. NURSING ENGLISH MODULE 3

UNIT 3. Human Body LECTURES 2023 2024

absorption 1- absorb
consumption 2- consume
contraction 3- contract
conversion 4- convert
detoxification 5- detoxify
elimination 6- eliminate
expansion 7- expand
ingestion 8- ingest/take in
secretion 9- secrete
stimulation 10- simulate

Now, complete the sentences with the correct form of words from the previous
task. DO NO FORGET agreement.
stimulate glands to produce saliva.
1. The sight, smell and taste of food __________
elimination of waste from the
2. A major role of the digestion process is the ___________
3. Food is _________________ through the mouth.
4. The pancreas is involved in the __________________ of enzymes that
breakdown food molecules.
5. Nutrition is when the body _______________ food substances into energy.
6. The digestive system breaks down food and transports it for
_________________________ and defecation.
7. The muscles in the oesophagus make wave-like ______________________
which push the food along.
8. Too much __________________________ of certain foods can overload the
digestive system.
9. The stomach can ________________ as it fills with undigested food.
10. Digested products travel to the liver, which _______________ blood of harmful

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UNIT 3. Human Body LECTURES 2023 2024


E.U.E. Dr. Dacio Crespo 2nd year. NURSING ENGLISH MODULE 5

UNIT 3. Human Body LECTURES 2023 2024

hearing (oído)

brazo superior



(feet: pies)
dedo gordo del pie

nostril: fosa nasal

breast o mama: pecho



espinilla (shin bone)

planta de pie

E.U.E. Dr. Dacio Crespo 2nd year. NURSING ENGLISH MODULE 6

UNIT 3. Human Body LECTURES 2023 2024

Look at the following examples. Write sentences and describe the shapes of the following
organs, using the words between brackets.

The eye is shaped like a sphere.

The eye is a sphere-shaped organ.
The eye is a spherelike organ.
The eye is spherical in shape.

1.The heart (fist-shaped) is fist-shaped organ
2. The diaphragm (dome, like) is a domelike organ
3. The kidneys (beans) are shaped like beans
4. The lungs (conical) are conical in shape
5. The gallbladder (saclike) is a saclike organ
vesícula biliar
6. The oesophagus (tubular) is tubular in shape
7. The liver (pyramid) (noun) is shaped like a pyramid
pyramidal (adjective)


CHOOSE the best option.
1. The head is located at the bottom/ top of the body.
2. The feet are located at the bottom/ sides of the body.
3. The arms are situated at the sides/ upper limbs of the body.
extremidades superiores
4. The thorax is located among/ between the neck and abdomen.
solo usar cuando tenemos más de 2
5. The head is above/on and between the shoulders.
no xq no está en contacto
The heart directo de los hombros
The heart is a hollow, muscular organ situated in the 6) below/ front of the chest,
between the lungs. Approximately two thirds of its mass is 7) consists / situated to
the left of the median plane.
The heart is 8) followed/ surrounded by a double membrane which is called the
pericardium. It contains fluid which lubricates the heart. The heart is divided into a right
half and a left half by a wall of tissue. Each half is divided again into an upper and
lower 9) chamber / vessel, so the heart consists of four chambers.
cámaras del corazón
The upper chambers of the heart are called 10) atrium / atria and the lower chambers
are called ventricles. The right atrium and the right ventricle are connected by a valve,
and so are the left atrium and left ventricle. Another valve is situated between the right
ventricle and pulmonary artery, and a fourth between the left ventricle and the aorta.
These are called the semi-lunar valves because they are 11) shaped like / in shape
crescent moons.

E.U.E. Dr. Dacio Crespo 2nd year. NURSING ENGLISH MODULE 7

UNIT 3. Human Body LECTURES 2023 2024


Remember that locative adjectives are common in medical writing. They describe situation
or place.
● right and left
● inner and outer
● upper and lower
● internal and external (especially of hollow structures)
● superficial and deep (nearer and farther from the surface of the body)
● central and peripheral (nearer and farther from the centre of the body)
● proximal and distal (especially of limbs; nearer and farther from the trunk)
● superior and inferior (higher and lower, in transverse planes)
● anterior and posterior (nearer the front, nearer the back, in coronal planes)
● medial and lateral (nearer and farther from the midline, in sagittal planes)

CHOOSE the best option.

1. The elbow is inferior/ superior to the feet.
2. The sternum is anterior/ posterior to the heart.
3. The lungs lie medial / lateral to the heart.
4. The humerous articulates at its distal / proximal end with the radius and ulna.
5. The knees are inferior / deep to the waist.

E.U.E. Dr. Dacio Crespo 2nd year. NURSING ENGLISH MODULE 8

UNIT 3. Human Body LECTURES 2023 2024


Picture Medical Specialty, Structures Functions

specialist & Body

Gastroenterology mouth (teeth and tongue) Receive sensory information

Gastroenterologist salivary glands (taste)
Gastrointestinal/ oesophagus Digest food.
Digestive system spleen Absorb nutrients into the blood
liver Excrete undigested waste.
bile duct
small intestine
large intestine (colon)

Pulmonology nose Inhale (breathe in) oxygen

Pulmonologist tonsils exhale (breathe out) carbon
Respiratory System pharynx (throat) dioxide
larynx: glottis, thyroid, exchange gases in the alveoli
voice box and vocal cords)
trachea (windpipe)
bronchial tubes
bronchi (pl.)
alveoli (in the lungs)
right/left lobes of the lungs

E.U.E. Dr. Dacio Crespo 2nd year. NURSING ENGLISH MODULE 9

UNIT 3. Human Body LECTURES 2023 2024

Cardiology heart: jugular vein, aorta, Circulate blood throughout the

Cardiologist pulmonary artery, body.
Cardiovascular pulmonary vein, left
system auricle, left ventricle, wall,
blood vessels (arteries,
veins, capillaries)

Haematology Blood cells: Transport oxygen and nutrients to

Haematologist erythrocytes (red cells) the cells
Blood thrombocytes (platelets), Transport carbon dioxide to the
leucocytes (white cells) lungs and wastes to the kidneys

Immunology lymphatic vessels, lymph Recognise and destroy disease-

Immunologist nodes, and lymph fluid causing organisms and abnormal
Blood, Lymphatic spleen cells
System thymus
white blood cells

Dermatology Skin Receive sensory information

Dermatologist Hair (pain, touch, temperature)
Integumentary Nails Protect internal organs
System Sweat glands Regulate body temperature by
oil glands sweating

E.U.E. Dr. Dacio Crespo 2nd year. NURSING ENGLISH MODULE 10

UNIT 3. Human Body LECTURES 2023 2024

Orthopaedics bones: Support the body

Orthopaedist cranium (skull) Protect viscera
Skeletal System clavicle (collar bone) Contribute and allows movement
scapula (shoulder blade) Store mineral substances
sternum (breast bone) Take part in blood cell formation
backbone cola
ribs, ribcage
Ilium (hip)
Greater trochanter
Femur (thigh bone)
Patella (thigh bone)
Tibia (shin bone)
Fibula (calf bone)

articulations (Joints)

Orthopaedics Muscles Produce movement of the body

Orthopaedist Tendons
Muscular System

E.U.E. Dr. Dacio Crespo 2nd year. NURSING ENGLISH MODULE 11

UNIT 3. Human Body LECTURES 2023 2024

Neurology Brain Receive, relay, and interpret

Neurologist Cranial nerves sensory information (vision,
Nervous System Spinal cord hearing, smell, taste) and
spinal nerves sensations (pain, touch,
cerebrospinal fluid temperature, body position,
neurons balance)
Coordinate movement
Store and interpret memory and

Urology kidneys Filter out waste products from the

Urologist ureters blood and excrete them in the
Urinary system bladder(waterworks) urine

Male Reproductive scrotum secrete male hormones

Medicine testes (pl.) develop male secondary sexual
A reproductive epididymides characteristics
specialist vas deferens produce and release sperm
Male genital and seminal vesicles
Reproductive prostate gland
system urethra
anal sphincter

E.U.E. Dr. Dacio Crespo 2nd year. NURSING ENGLISH MODULE 12

UNIT 3. Human Body LECTURES 2023 2024

Gynaecology and breasts secrete female hormones

Obstetrics ovaries develop female secondary sexual
gynaecologist, uterine/Fallopian tubes characteristics
obstetrician ova (pl.) produce ova
Female Genital and uterus (womb) menstruate
reproductive cervix (neck of womb) conceive and bear children
system vagina produce milk to nourish children
external genital

Endocrinology pituitary gland secrete hormones into the blood

Endocrinologist pineal gland direct the activities of the body
Endocrine system thyroid gland
parathyroid glands
adrenal glands

Ophthalmology eyes receive sensory information

ophthalmologists (cornea, pupil, iris, lens, (vision)
Eyes vitreous humour, retina,

Otolaryngology ears receive sensory information

otolaryngologist nose, nostrils (hearing, balance, smell)
Ears, Nose and sinuses (pl.) produce speech
Throat (ENT) pharynx (throat)
System larynx (voice box)

There are structures and systems responsible for fetching information coming from outside the body and
the environment. These systems are normally known as senses. The senses include sight (vision), hearing,
touch (also called sensation or feeling), smell and taste.

E.U.E. Dr. Dacio Crespo 2nd year. NURSING ENGLISH MODULE 13

UNIT 3. Human Body LECTURES 2023 2024

E.U.E. Dr. Dacio Crespo 2nd year. NURSING ENGLISH MODULE 14

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