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ISOLATION FAULTS – Start Up Procedure


Ingeteam Morocco SARLAU 18/01/2023

ISOLATION FAULTS – Final Solution Action Plan (Laayoune)

1. SCOPE ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3
2. BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
3. DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
3.1 HUMIDITY AND WEATHER CONDITIONS................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 PREPARATION AND ORGANIZATION........................................................................................................................................ 7
3.3 DISCHARGING OF PV FIELD .................................................................................................................................................. 8
3.4 SWITCHING OFF SMBS ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
4. SAFETY CONDITIONS................................................................................................................................................ 11
4.1 DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................................................... 12
4.2 GENERAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS .............................................................................................................................. 12
4.3 INDIVIDUAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................................................. 13
4.4 FIVE GOLDEN RULES......................................................................................................................................................... 13

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ISOLATION FAULTS – Final Solution Action Plan (Laayoune)

The scope of this report is to set up a procedure for the startup of Laayoune PV Plant when there are high humidity
conditions on site and inverters are affected by isolation fault alarms.

The procedure described is just a provisional solution to speed up the startup of inverters and reduce production
losses as much as possible. It is recommended to solve the problem definitely to eliminate the isolation issues due
to high humidity forever and avoid the damage/degradation of equipment, as well as the increase of performance
and production of the PV plant.

The isolation issue is a problem that we are suffering from the beginning in all NOOR PV Plants (Ouarzazate,
Laayoune and Boujdour). In fact, there is still a warranty claim open with EPC related with isolation faults (WR-

The isolations faults come from the PV field, not from the inverters. They appear on site mainly when it rains or
with high humidity, especially during wet season. The problem is general in all the plant, it is not concentrated in
a particular inverter or area, almost all the inverters are suffering isolation faults when humidity is high.

We detected a lot of problems in string connectors, mainly in Y connectors. When humidity is high or it rains, water
is entering inside the connector, causing the interconnections between inside and outside part of the connector.
This generates leakage currents and the consequent isolation faults.

Following some examples of faulty MC4 and Y connectors:

Isolation defect of Y connector in contact with tracker structure

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Isolation defect of MC4 connector in contact with tracker structure

Isolation problem on the Y Connectors (presence of voltage between the isolated part of the connector and the structure of the trackers at
the time we had high humidity on site)

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Cracked MC4 and Y connectors

In parallel and based on the initial findings, the O&M team carried out some tests in certain inverters to try find
out the root of cause of the problem:
- Visual inspections
- Thermography inspection
- Isolation resistance tests
- Arranging of strings in the structure, avoiding the direct contact of connectors with the tracker structure
- Cleaning and sealing of Y connectors with tape
- Isolation resistance test, simulating the humidity (new VS used Y connector)

Isolation resistance test: New Y connector (left) vs Used Y connector (right)

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After the analysis and tests done in relation to the isolation fault serial defect that we are suffering in NOOR PV
Plants, we can conclude that the roof of cause is the string connectors, mainly the Y connectors. When humidity
is high or it rains, water is entering inside the connectors, generating leakage currents to ground and the
consequent isolation faults. This is probably due to the low quality and high degradation on the connectors.

Therefore, the root of cause of the isolation faults serial defect is the strings connectors, mainly the Y connectors.
Therefore, the final solution to resolve the problem would be to replace all the connectors on site, MC4 and Y

As a provisional solution, while the final solution is discussed, the O&M team is following a procedure to speed up
the startup of the inverters when humidity conditions are high. The procedure consists in a mix of discharging the
PV field with the resistance boxes to balance the poles and switching off some SMBs to reduce the current leakages.
Besides, we are correcting many particular faults, like damaged cables or faulty connectors.

3.1 Humidity and weather conditions

The humidity has a direct relation with isolation issues. Therefore, based on the experience on site, we can have
an idea of the isolation issues impact by checking the humidity level before the startup of the plant. In this way,
we are able to implement the strategy to start up the plant as quicker as possible.
- Humidity less than 94%. It means that the isolation issues are not critical, so the inverters with
isolation alarms can be started quickly by discharging the PV field with the resistance boxes to balance
the positive and negative poles.
- Humidity between 94% and 97%. It means that the isolation issue will appear in many of the
inverters and the discharge process will take more time than normal. In this case, it is recommended to
switch off 2 or 3 SMBs per inverter to reduce the isolation issues in the PV field and balance the poles
quicker for the startup of the inverters. In order to be quicker, the disconnection of SMB’s must be done
as a preventive action, before the startup of the plant. However, it is not possible to predict which
inverters are going to have isolation alarms, so this solution is applied to the inverters with more isolation
issues history, as per indications of SCADA operator. The rest of the inverters will be started by the usual
PV field discharging procedure and once all the inverters are running, the switched off SMB’s will be
connected again to maximize the production.
- Humidity more than 97%. It means that the isolation issue will appear in most of the inverters and
the discharge process will take long time. The procedure is the same indicated before, but in this case,
we need to switch off 3 or 5 SMB’s, depending also of the inverter.

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The previous humidity ranges are approximated, based on the experience on site, but it depends also on other
weather conditions like fog, wind or clouds, following some examples:
- If it is foggy, the isolation issues can take more time even if humidity level is not very high
- Maybe foggy is not uniformed in all the plant, creating more isolation issues in the areas where the fog is
present. Besides, if it is windy, the fog can move to other areas and create new isolation issues there,
even if the plant already started.
- The windy conditions help to dry the PV field and dissipate the humidly, especially in the external areas
of the plant. In inverters located in the middles of the plant, it normally takes longer to resolve the
isolation issues.
- If it is not cloudy, the plant will dry quicker when sunrise

3.2 Preparation and organization

First of all, we check the humidity level in the Scada to have an idea of the isolation impact. Based on this, the
O&M team will define an action plan together with the Scada operator for the resolution of isolation issues and
startup of the plant as indicated in the previous point. Besides, O&M team is divided in different groups of 2
people and distributed in different areas in coordination with the Scada operator to optimize the intervention

Before to start any intervention on site, the team prepare all the necessary tools and create the PTW procedures.
Following the list of necessary tools and PPE’s and tools:
- Dielectric Globes (Class 0)
- Clamp Meter
- Resistance Box

ATTENTION! The tools, material and equipment in poor conditions and/or used in a bad way, can
cause personal injury and material damages. Tools must be inspected before any work begins. It will
be done the maintenance; some revisions and they will be used as the manufacturer specified. It will
be checked the CE mark, declaration of manufacturer conformity and instructions book.

Once everything is ready, each team will move to de designated area and start the intervention, switching of
SMB’s or discharging of PV field, depending on the humidity conditions and consequently action plan. Both
procedures are explained in details in the following points.

The different teams are permanently in contact with the Scada operator to know the status of the inverters.
Once the inverter starts, the Scada operator indicates to the team what is the closest inverter with isolation
issues to optimize the times of intervention and speed as much as possible the startup of the full plant.

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¡ATTENTION! When the team drives to the different inverters affected by isolation issues, they must
always respect the speed limits and follow the driving procedures.

3.3 Discharging of PV field

The first step is to measure the voltages between positive-ground (P-G) and negative-ground (N-G) with a
multimeter. It is mandatory to wear the PPE’s and Class 0 dielectric globes to perform the measures.

Voltage measurement

Depending on the difference of voltage between P-G and N-G, we will proceed in the following way:

- Difference less than 200Vdc. We will connect the resistance box between the negative and positive
poles of the SMB and ground. In this way, both poles will be balanced and the inverter will start after
some time. Once the Scada operator confirms the inverter is running, the resistance box will be removed
and the team will move to the following inverter.

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Connection of resistance box between the positive Disconnection of the resistance box after inverter
and negative poles and ground (voltage start up
difference < 200Vdc)

- Difference higher than 200Vdc. In this case, connect the resistance box only in the charged pole of
the SMB, that is to say, the one with higher voltage. As indicated before, the poles will be balanced and
after some time and the inverter will start. Once the Scada operator confirm the inverter is running, the
string box will be removed and the team will move to the next one.

Connection of resistance box between the charged

pole and ground (voltage difference > 200Vdc)

Basically, by connecting the resisntance box, we are helping the PV field to balance positive and negative poles.
Once both poles are balanced within the tolerance, the inverter will start.

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3.4 Switching off SMBs

When humidity conditions are higher than 94%, it is recommended to switch off some SMB’s of the inverters to
speed up the start up. The number of SMB’s to be disconnected depends on the humidity level as indicated in
previous point 3.1.

DANGER! The manipulation of string boxes implies an electrical risk. Handle available cutting
elements and pay attention to the work to be done. Mandatory use of PPE's.

The SMBs’s must be disconnected before the sunrise and start up of the plant. As we don’t know what inverters
will suffer isolation faults exactly, this solution will be applied to the inverters witn higher isolation faults history,
as per indications of Scada operator.

Once the Scada oprator confirms the inverter started, we will switch on back the SMB’s. Before connecting each
SMB, we must verify that the voltage of the poles are balanced by measuring P-G and N-G with the multimeter.

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Switching of SMB

By disconnecting SMB’s from the inverter, we are reducing the derivations in the PV field to ground and
consequently the unbalance between the poles. Therefore, the difference between positive and negative witll be
within the tolerance off the inverter and this will start up without isolation faults.

The operations detailed in this Work Instruction may only be carried out by suitably qualified personnel, with
electrical / electronic technical training, knowledge of the manual and the electrical drawings associated with the
equipment. The obligatory nature of the fulfillment of the norms established according to the regulations "Recueil
des textes législatifs et réglementaires relatifs à la santé et à la sécurité au travail" established by the Ministry of
Professional Employment and Training at work and on the last update.

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ATTENTION! It will be mandatory for the technician to perform the work, in addition to those
described in this ITR, as indicated in the General Safety Manual, Safety Manual for the Solar
Sector, the ITBs of the corresponding Technology and the ITRs associated with this document.

ATTENTION! The opening of the different enclosures of the compartments does not imply in any case
the absence of tension in them, so access to this can only be done by qualified personnel and following
the security conditions established in this document. It is always preferable to make an external
general cut of all the feeds to the equipment and to verify absence of tension. There may be defects in the
installation that produce unwanted voltage returns. There is danger of electric shock.

About the workplace and being an Electrical Installation, keep in mind the following points:
- The electrical installation shall not entail fire or explosion risks. Workers shall be properly protected
against the risk of accidents caused by direct or indirect contact.
- The electrical installation and the safety devices must take account of the voltage, external conditioning
factors and the competence of those people having access to the installation parts.
- All work equipment must be appropriate for protecting exposed workers against the risk of direct or
indirect contact with electricity. At any event, the work equipment electrical parts must comply with the
provisions of the corresponding specific regulations.

4.1 Definitions

- INSPECTION TASKS: Tasks involving the opening of the enclosure to make visual inspections.
- OPERATIONAL TASKS: Tasks performed from the man – machine interface involving loading software,
checking heating / ventilation systems, inverter corrective maintenance tasks, not including the electrical
control panels, checking the voltages at the safe measuring points intended for this purpose.
- MANIPULATION TASKS: Tasks involving component assembly and / or replacement, voltage
reconnection tasks, in addition to the modification of the settings for the protection systems. All work
outside the scope of the Inspection or Operational tasks is considered to be Manipulation work.

4.2 General Environmental conditions

- MANAGEMENT OF WASTES: Webcaster the waste generated as we enter in the property of the client.
In the case of absence of specific container of hazard waste (electric-electronic waste or contaminated
material) deposit them in containers enabled in our facilities.
- METHODS OF CLEANING: In the case of disposal of chemicals, pick up the landfill with absorbent
materials not fuels (Earth, sand, vermiculite, land of diatoms, etc.). Save the remains in a closed
container. For the subsequent disposal of waste, deposit them in a container for contaminated material.
surface water or groundwater, as well as soil with chemicals. In case of large spills or if the product
contaminates lakes, rivers or culverts, inform the competent authorities, according to local legislation.

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When handling chemical substances, as well as other fats and oils, it is necessary to comply with
and respect the instructions provided by the manufacturer of said products in the corresponding
Safety Data Sheets regarding their transportation, storage, handling, recycling and environmental
care. ambient.

4.3 Individual Protection Equipment

At all times shall bear the following Personal Protection Equipment:

- Safety footwear that complies with the UNE-EN-ISO 20345: 2012 and UNE-EN-ISO standards 50321:
2000 that is antistatic and that is not composed of conductive elements (toe cap, insole, lacing, etc.).
- Wear clothing that provides adequate protection against electrical hazards (nonconductive parts).
- Protective gloves (of wiring) to use working tools and to use and manipulate components or parts of
equipment (works without tension). Safety helmet.
- Goggles of safety (hole, Riveter, movement of fan, etc.).

To carry out work with live elements / measurements checks, you must also carry the following PPE:
- Dielectric gloves of the class appropriate to the voltage of use, which comply with the EN standard
60903: 200.
- Safety helmet with protection against electric shock of 1000 VAC, EN397: 1995
- Facial mask against the electric car that complies with EN 166: 2002.

4.4 Five Golden Rules

For maneuvers that may require tension, we will follow the fulfillment of the 5 Golden Rules:
1. DISCONNECT. Opening of voltage sources. Consider capacitors and uninterruptible power supplies
(UPS) that may still be energized.

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2. PREVENT FEEDBACK. Switching devices used to shut down the equipment must be protected against
possible reconnection.
3. ABSENCE OF VOLTAGE. Verify the absence of voltage in the active elements of the electrical
installation and the areas close to the work area.
4. GROUND CONNECTION AND SHORT CIRCUIT. Low voltage installation and especially high voltage
installation must be grounded due to induction or other reasons that could power the system.
5. SIGNAL THE WORK AREA. Place signs around the work area.

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