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Calculate child maintenance

Your estimated child maintenance

£71.50 a week or £309.60 a month

Based on the information you gave us, the Child Maintenance Service would calculate this as the
estimated amount you should receive from the other parent.

This amount will be less if the other parent has to pay maintenance for children they have with
someone else.

This calculation will only be an estimate - it will not be a guarantee of your child
! maintenance payments.

In the Child Maintenance Service application you may be asked more questions,
which can make the total payments higher or lower.

This figure can be used to agree an arrangement between you and the other parent for your

If you apply to the Child Maintenance Service, the calculation they send you will only give a total
weekly amount. If you need the service to collect and pass on payments between parents, on-
going charges will apply. The charges are:

20% added to the payment amount for paying parents

4% taken off the payment amount for receiving parents

Your answers
The calculation is based on the following information provided 12 February 2024:

About your arrangement

Will you be paying or receiving Receiving

child maintenance payments?

Do you need more than one No

Benefits and income

Does the paying parent get any No

benefits or State Pension?

Does the paying parent receive Yes

any income?

Do you know the paying parent’s Yes


What is the paying parent’s total £3,000.00

taxable income?

Is this amount weekly, monthly or Monthly


About your child

In total, how many children will 1

you be receiving child
maintenance for?

How often does the child stay Never

overnight with the paying parent?

Other parent’s children

How many other children live with 2

the paying parent?

Next steps

Use this calculation as a starting point to help you agree how you will share the costs of raising
your children.
All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where
otherwise stated © Crown copyright

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