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Question 1. 12 mark
(A) Fill in the blanks:
(Zeeman's , temporary, paired, acidic, Stark, unpaired, basic, permanent) (4]
(i) The spliting of spectral lines under the influence of magnetic field is called effect.
(i) Paramagnetism is shown by molecules having electrons.
(iii) B(OH); is in naure.
(iv) Electromeric effect is a effect.
(B) Complete the following statements by selecting the correct alternative from the choices given: [4)

(i) Chemical equation is balanced according to the law of:

(a) multiple proportions
(b) reciprocal proportions
(c) conservation of mass
(d) definite proportions
(ii) Ifthe valence shell electronic configuration for an element is ns²np, this element will
belong to the group of :
(a) alkali metals
(b) inert metals
(c) noble gases
(d) halogens
(ii) For the reaction, H2 (g) t I> () 2HI(g), the value of Kpchanges with:
(a) total pressure
(b) catalyst
(c) amount of H2 and lz present
(d) temperature

(iv) The compound with highest boiling point is:

(a) n- hexane
(b) n- pentane
(c) 2,2-dimethyl propane
(d) 2- methyl butane
Page 1 P.TO
(C) Match the
(i) Na:CO:
KMnO, (b) Baeyer sreagent
(ii) cold dil. alk. (c)Lindlar's catalyst
(iii) PaC, BaSO4
(iv)CaH,Clh (d).Solvay process

o - bond /s Stronger as comprd lo n- bond. [2XI-2)

(D) () Assertion: The
Reason: The axial overlapping of atomic orbitals is much more as compared to their
sidewise overlapping.
(a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are irue but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but reason is talse.
(d) Assertion is false but reason is true.
(iü) Assertion: Ozone is destroyed by CFCs in the upper stratosphere.
Reason: Ozone holes increase the amount of UV radiations reaching the earth.
(a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation ot assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false but reason is true.


Question 2. [21
(1) When the value of n=2, m can have how many values?
(ii) Write the correct set of quantum numbers for the unpaired electron of chlorine atom.
Question 3.
Calculate the bond order of O?
Question 4. [2]
Deseribe the effect of:

(i) addition of H2 (ii)addition of CHOH (ii) increase in pressure

(iv) addition of acatalyst, on the eqilibrium of the reaction : 2H2(g) + CO(g) CH;OH (g)
Question 5. (2]
What happens when (Give balanced equations):
(i) Lead sulphide is treated with hydrogen peroxide.
(i) Chlorine is treated with hydrogen peroxide.
Question 6. (2]
What is Green Chemistry? Give any two advantages of it.
Question 7. (2)
Explain the mechanism of SNl reactions with the help of asuitable example.
Question 8. [2|
Write a chemical test (with balanced equations) to distinguish between ethylenc and acetylene.
Question 9, [21
Both NH3 and CH4 have sp hybridisation but different shapes. Justify.

Page 2
Question 10.

Caleulate the coneentration of hydroxsl ions in a0.! Msolution of ammonia if thevalue of Kh

Is 1.76 x 10

Question . [2}

(a)Calculate the wave number for the longest wavelength transition inBalmer series of atomic hydrogen.
(b)Calculate the uncertainty in momentumof an electron if theuncertainty in its position IS IA.
SECTION-C |21 MARKS) merk)

("estion 12. Explain: [3]

)Asugar syrup of weight 214.2g contains 34.2g of sugar (C1H2O1). Calculate:

(i) molal concentration (i) mole fraction of sugar in the syrup (Mol. wt. of sugar =342)
(b) Anorganic compound contains C= 16.27% H-0.677o/ and Cl= 72.2% while rest is oxygen.
Its molecular mass is 147.5 amu. Find its molecular formula.( at. wt. of C=12.01, H=1.008,
C|= 3445 and =16)

Question 13.
() State Pauli's Exclusion Principle.
(i) The three electrons present in 3p subshell of phosphorous remain unpaired. Explain.
(ii) Give the total no. of unpaired electrons in Mn(at. no.= 25)
Question 14. 3]
(i) State Dalton's Law of Partial Pressure.
(i) Astraight glass tube has two inlets Xand Yat the two ends. The length of the tube is 200 cm.
HCIgas through inlet Xand NHs gas through inlet Yare allowed to enter the tube at the same time.
White fumes first appear at a point P inside the tube. Find the distance of P from X.

Question 15.
Complete the following equations:
(i) NazSO + Clh + H,0

(ii) CaSO4.2H»O J0. 403K

(iii) BE; + LiH 450K

Question 16.
Explain: (3]
(i) Diamond is a bad conductor of elcctricity.
(ii) CO; is a gas while SiO; is a solid.
(ii) Alkali metal hydroxides are more basic than alkalineearth metal hydroxides.
Question 17. (3]
Differentiate between:
(i) Nucleophiles and
(ii) Carbocations and electrophiles
(ii) Homolytic and heterolytic fission

Page 3
Question 18.
equations tor the given statements:
Write balanced passed
Acetyleneis though reddh
hot iron tube,
(i) distilled with zine
(ii) Phenol is heated with
(iii) Acetaldehvde
is HI/ red P, at 473K.
Method in acidic mnedium:
Balance the following equaton by oxidation number
Cr0, + Fe Crt + Fet
(ii) Define disproportionation reactions with an example,
(iestion 20. [5)
'a) (i) Compare the acidic strength of acetic acid and chioroacetic acid.
(i) Arrange 1°, 2°, 3° carbocations in increasing order of stability and explain it.
(iii) Dravw the optical isomers of lactic acid.

(b) (1)Convert:
1. ethane to methane
2. benzene to toluene
3. 1-bromopropane to 2- bromopropane
(ii) Write balanced equations for the following name reactions:
1.Ozonolysis of but-1-ene
2. Kolbe' s electrolysis of potassium maleate
Question 21.
(i) State Hess's Law of constant heat summation.
(ii) Calculate the heat of combustion of ethyl alcohol from the following data:
1. Heat offormation of ethyl alcohol= -64.I kcal
2. Heat of formation of water -68.5 kcal
3. Heat of formation of carbon dioxide= -94.3 kcal

Page 4
Question 1.
(a) Fill in the blanks:
ø Linear overlap of two half-filled p-orbitals leads to the fomation of a_Siçma bond.
NüS In conversion of Ch to CÍÜ;the oxidation state of chlorine changes from

(j) The maximum number of unpaired electrons present in 4f-energy shell is

(iv) General electronic configuration of d- block elements is

(b) Complete the following statements by selecting the correct alternative from the given choices: (4]
(i) 0.3g of an acid is neutralized by 40cm' of 0.125 NNaOH.Equivalent mass of the acid is:
(a) 30
(b) 45
(c) 60
(d) 63
() Splitting of spectral lines when atoms are subjected to strong electric field is called:
(a) Zeeman effect
(b)Stark effect
(c) Peroxide effect
(d) Disintegration
(i) Highest ionization potential in a period is shown by:
(a) alkali metals
(b) transition metals
(c halogens
(d) inert gases
(i)What type of hybridization is involved in XeF:?
(a) dsp?
(c) sp
(d) sp
Page 1 P.I.

(c) Match the colunmns: Ques

(i) d-orbitals (a) 4f subshell

(i) Magnctic Quantum number S(b) Positive
(iüi) Lanthanoids 'c) Five fold degeneracy
(iv) Successive I. E. Orientation of orbital
(e) Sf subshell
(i))Assertion: The first IE of nitrogen is higher than that of
Reason: Nitrogen possesses a half-filled sub-shell.
(2) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the corTect explanation of
(b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation for
(c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false but reason is true.
(i) Assertion: An electron always absorbs or emits radiation of definite
excitation or de-excitation.
frequencies during
Reason: The energy is quantised.
(a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
( Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation for assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false but reason is true.


Question 2. [2)
()Calculate the atomic number of the element having the following configuration in its last shel 4s' 4p'
(ii/Write the electronic configuration of the following -:
(i) Write down the values of l,m,s for an electron for which n=4.
(ii) Give the symbols for orbital types when the values of l are 0, 2 and 3.
Question 3. [2)
(i) Arrange the following in the order of increasing radi
C, N, P, Si
(üiyArange the elements having the following configuration in increasing order of first ionization enthalpy
(a) 1s² 2s,2p?
(b) 1s,2s' 2p
(c) 1s ,2s,2p
"(d) 1s²,2s ,2p,3s'
Question 4. [21

3.15gm of an acid are dissolved in water and the volume of solution is made 500ml by adding water.
20ml of this solution requres 20ml of N/10NaOH solution . If the acid is dibasic then calculate the
molar mass of acid.

Question 5. Calculate the frequency of spectral line emited when the electron in n-3 H-atom de-excites
to ground state(RH=109737 cm). [21

Page 2
Question 6. Fluorine does not show disproportionation reactions. Explain. (2]
Question 7/ Calculate oxidation number of the underlined atom in the following:
(i) H;C;0:
(ii) BrO,
Question 8.
(i) State the Law of Rectprocai Proportions:
(1) Why molality is preferred over molarity in expressing concentration of a solution?

Question 9.
H;O is a liquid while H;S is a gas. Explain.

Question 10. (2)

(i) What is emission spectrum?
(ii) 3d orbital is filled before 4s orbital. Give reason.
Question 11. Identify the oxidizing and reducing agent in the following reaction: [2]

S +4 HNO; ’ SO2 + 4NO;+ 2H;0


regquires 16.6ml of N NaOH for complete
Question 12. Molar mass of an acid is 90. 0.75 gm of this acid [3)
neutralization. Calculate the basicity of the acid.

Question 13. Explain the shape of ammonia molecule on the basis of VSEPR theory. [3]

nucleus is 35. Decide the

Question 14. The mass number of an element is 65. Number of neutrons in the
block and group. [31
position of this element in the periodic table with respect to its period,
diagram. [31
Question 15. Explain the hybridisation in acetylene molecule with the help of a
Question 16. Balance the following redox equation using ion electron method: [31

Ih + OH’ I+ I0; + H}0 (alkaline medium)

Balance the following redox equation using oxidation number
Cu +HNO;> Cu (NO3)2 + NO + H,0 (acidic medium)
number of covalent and
Question 17. Draw electron dot structure of perchloric acid. Also state the
coordinate bonds present in the molecule. [31

Question 18. An organic compound contains C= 16.27%, H= 0.677% and Cl=72.2%. Its molecular
mass is 147.5 amu. Find its molecular formula. [3]


Ouestion 19, Draw the molecular orbital diagram of Nmolecule. State its bond order and magnetic
behaviour. [5]
(i) Aange O2 ,0: O: in increasing order of bond length on the basis of M.O.T.
(ü) Hez molecule does not exist. Why?
(iii) Give any one difference between bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals.

Page 3
Question 20.
Which issmaller O or O. Give reason for your answer
electrongain cnthalpy. Explain
(ii) Nitrogen has high positivespecies that are iso-clectronic with F
(iii) Give the formulae of twO
Question 21.
) State Heisenberg's Uncertainty Cu [Z-29]. What is the reason for the abnormal
(iü) Write the electronic configuration of
electronic configuration of Cu? de-Broglie
Ifthe velocity of an electron in Bohr's first orbit is 2.19 X 10° m s, calculate
wavelength associated with it.

Page 4
word/words from those given in brackets :
(a) Fillin the blanks by choosing the appropriate radical. addition. electrophilic, substitution.
compositions. free
(reciprocal proportions. constant
basic .acidic. ethylene. acetylene ) constont brct
of definite ? a chemical compound obtained from different source.
1ACCOrding to law
has the same composition. 3
()Reaction of methane with chlorine to form chloronethane is an example of.
reaction. aad1 hon (naybe) 2
(j) On hydrolysis CH;COONa gives a/an
(iv) Calcium carbide evolves when treated with water. 3
from the choices given:
(b) Complete the following statements by selectingthe correct alternative
. / ) The electronic contiguration of Cr" is 3a54s'
() 3d'4s (2) 3d' 4s (3)3e4s (4) 3d'4s
(ii)The number of unpaired electrons in nitrogen atom are:
(1) 3 (2) 5 (3) 4 (4) 2 4
1 (iii) Hardness of water is due to:
() Ca and K* (2) Mg and K* (3) Ca and Mg (4) Ba and Zn

iv) The functional group isomer of diethyl ether is :

(1) Butanol (2) Butanone T3Butanal (4) Butane
(c) Match the following :
(i) Ostwald's dilution law (a) Lewis acid
(ii) AlCl;. (b) Weak electrolyte
(iii) Magneticquantum numbek (c) Sodium carbonate
(iv) Castner Kellner process d) Orientation of the orbital
(d) Answer the following questions:
) What is the product of ozonolysis of but-2-ene.Give achemical reaction for the same
(iü) NH; has pyramidal structure while CH,is tetrahedral. though the central atom in both th.
Compounds is sp hybrid1sed:Explain.
(ii) Predict the spontaneity of a reaction when AH and AS are both +ve.
(iv) Pb and Sn have a greater tendency to exhibit +2 oxidation state rather than +4, explain.

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Question 2. Calculatethe %ol

compound by Carius method gave 0.350p of BaSO,.
(a) 0.2595 of an organic (S-32. Ba 137.O 16)
sulphur in the compound OR combustion.
water on
0.5764g of CO, and 0.I 512g of H-1.0 T0)
(b) 0.200gm of an organic compound produces
hydrogen in the compound. (C 12.
Calculate the percentage of carbon and

Question 3.
equation for the reaction of H;0; Witn ro
(i) Stating the observation, write a balanced planar. Give reason.
(iü) Trimethyl amine is pyra1idal while trisilyl amine is
ml of S0,
Question 4.
membrane in 15 minutes, while 120
180 ml ofa hydrocarbon diffuses through a porous
minutes., Calculate the molecular weight of the
under the identical conditions diffuses in 20
hydrocarbon. (S-32, 0=16)

Question 5.
(i) Write the structural formula of 4-Ethyl-2-methylaniline.
(ii) Write the IUPAC name of:

Question 6. Account for the following statements:

that of Oxygen.
() LE of Nitrogen is unexpectedly greater than
electron gain enthalpy value.
(ii) Chlorine has maximum negative
Question 7.
(a) How willyou convert the following:
()) Isopropyl bromide to n-propyl bromide
(ii) Benzene to BHC
structures of phenol.
(b) Draw the resonating

Question 8.
Complete the following equations:

(i) BF3(g) + LiH (s) High Temperature

(ii) SiO, +C

Question 9.
eJechon uf e when lght stKes
Photoelectric effect ’
1. 2'2,-2
2. Pauli's Exclusion Principle
3. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle d-tio
imbcs316le to sinultemeouyly
Question 10. determine Hhe þosition cn t-h.
FLOSA mle ofCO are taken in a10 litre vessel and heated to 725 K. At
(a) l mole of H;0 and 1 monoxide according to the equation
-eguilibrium, 40% of water (by mass)reacts with carbon
H,0(g) + CO(g) Ha(g) + CO,(g)
Calculate the equilibrium constant.
10". Calculate the degree of ionization of the
(b) The ionization constant of an organic acid is 1.32 x
will be its degree of ionization in the
acid in its 0.05 M solution and alsocalculate its pH. What
presence of 0.01M HCI solution?

Page 2
Qucstion 1|
cquations tor the following
rite the balanced
W thiosulphate with AgNO,
) Reaction of sodum decahydrate.
(2) Actonof heat on
Plaster of Paris
(3) Preparation of

Question 12.
data :
CaBculate the cnthalpy of fornmation of ethane from the following
(a) AH'=-393.5KJ
) C(s) + O,(g) - CO(g) AH'=-285.8KJ
H(g) + Oz(g) ’ H,0(|).
2C0,(p)+ 3H,0().AH'=-1560KJ
(ii) C;H(g) 7/2Ox(g) ’
capacity containing 4kg of helium gas at 27"C developed a leak
(b) Agas cylinder of5 litre calculate the wors
atmosphericpressure was 1.0 atmosphere,
to the escape of the gas into the behaviour.
done by the gas, assuming ideal

Question 13.

(i) What is acid rain and how is it formed?

(ii) What are the two effects of ozone layer depletion.
(üi) Define Biochemical Oxygen Demand

Question 14.

(i) Draw the optical isomers of lactic acid.

geometrical isomerism in a molecule.
(i) Give twO conditions for the existence of the
(ii) llustrate SN2 mechanism taking a suitable example.

Question I5
electron method:
Balance the following equation in acidic medium by ion-
MnO, + C;0, Mn' CO;

Question l6.
configuration. Calculate the bond orier
(a) (i) Draw the molecular orbital diagram of O, stating its
and predict its magnetic behaviour.
3s 3f3d
state the hybridizat on
(ii) Calculate the total number of oand n bonds in CH;-CH-CH-CN and
of each carbon atom.
orbital diagram
(b) (i) Explain hybridization of ethyne along with its bond angle, geometry and
(i)Give reasons:
(1)AICI, is more covalent than MgCl,
(2) HF is a liquid while HC! is a gas.

Question 17. t2 +2(-2)

(a) (i) Write an equation for the given name reactions: 2n-e -2
()Corey-House reaction
kolbe's electrolysis
(ii) Write the mechanism of nitration of benzene. (o
Exam & -Ig im OR
distinguish between but-2-yne and but-]-yne? -4.0
(c) (i) Give a chemical test with balanced equation to
Page 3
serbut te,
se to

sfully d

(ii) State Markovnikoft's rule and write its mechanism.

Question 18.
(a)(i) State Faraday's Laws of Electrolysis. independent.
which are iemperature
(i) Name Iwo methods of expressing concentraion
6.3g of hydrated oxalic acid
(i) Calculate the Normalily of a solution obtained by dissolving
(HOOC-COOH. 2H,O) in 250 ml of water.
in which the mole fraciion of
(b() Calculate the molarity of a solution of ethanol in water,
ethanol is 0.040.
(iü) State the relationship between Nornmality and Molarity.
gram of its oxide. Calculate he
(11) 1.50 gram ofa metal on being heated in oxyeen gives 2.1
equivalent mass of the metal.

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