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Future Generation Computer Systems 84 (2018) 139–148

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An efficient key agreement protocol for Sybil-precaution in online

social networks
Muhammad Al-Qurishi a , Sk Md Mizanur Rahman a,c , M. Shamim Hossain a,b, *,
Ahmad Almogren a , Majed Alrubaian a , Atif Alamri a,b , Mabrook Al-Rakhami a , B.B. Gupta d
Chair of Pervasive and Mobile Computing, College of Computer and Information Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Department of Software Engineering, College of Computer and Information Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Department of Information Systems, College of Computer and Information Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, India


• An efficient key management protocol for defending against Sybil-attack in OSNs.

• An algorithm to generate different manipulated keys to improve the key exchange process.
• Key agreement and authentication that calculate pair wise secret session accurately.
• Demonstration of the key management using social networks.

article info a b s t r a c t
Article history: Identifying malicious users in online social networks (OSNs) is a challenging task that demands a great
Received 15 April 2017 deal of skill and knowledge because these users can have multiple forms: Sybils, bots, spammers, phishers,
Received in revised form 2 July 2017 impersonations or fake accounts. Different types of research methodologies have been proposed to solve
Accepted 21 July 2017
this problem; hence, there are varied solutions. Most of the work on OSNs has focused on trust, distrust
Available online 15 August 2017
to detect and preventing these types of attacks. Some researchers have found that a suspected node can
generate private/public keys to prevent its identity from being stolen by an adversary; however, they have
Pairing-based cryptography not explained how these keys are generated and managed. We propose a new and efficient centralized
Key agreement key management protocol to prevent Sybil attack and to provide a secure communication service among
Sybil attack users in OSNs. The core tenet of this method is the existence of a ‘roadblock’ that any user intending
Online social networks to join a group must go through, which includes a task that only a human user can accomplish. Hence,
automatically controlled accounts are prevented from joining, and the group will consist only of users
that have been confirmed as genuine. The mechanism is very effective in recognizing bot accounts, which
enables it to guard the network against malicious behavior by fake accounts.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction First conceived by John Douceur [3] as a metaphor for a person

with a split personality, the term ‘‘Sybil’’ is used in information
The most significant type of intrusion against online social technology (IT) security circles to describe any attempts at system
networks (OSN) is the so-called Sybil attack [1–3]. In this type manipulation by the means of opening multiple accounts under
of operation, an attacker spawns a large number of automated fake names before using them to gain undeserved influence. This
accounts with false credentials, that is, Sybil accounts, and initiates is contrary to the stated rule that every user should be limited
the largest possible number of connections with genuine accounts, to one account, and it relates to a realistic problem observed in
thus artificially building up the relevance of the fake users on the most real-life networks. One reason for this is that contemporary
network [4]. Such user accounts are also often used for activities social [networks, such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, allow
that are contrary to the rules of the platform or outright illegal. users to complete the registration process in minutes, with their
electronic mail accounts used as the only means of identification
[5]. This is not a serious obstacle to the creation of more than one
Corresponding author at: Department of Software Engineering, College of Com-
puter and Information Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. account, which leads to the existence of bots or Sybils whose only
E-mail address: (M.S. Hossain). real purpose is to initiate connections with legitimate members.
0167-739X/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
140 M. Al-Qurishi et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 84 (2018) 139–148

Once Sybils become established in the community, they can be The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: In the next
used for a range of behaviors that goes against the network’s terms subsection, we describe related works. In Section 2, we discuss
of use, that is, tilting the balance of online polls by voting on the preliminary concepts for understanding the proposed protocol.
masse or propagating false information from their pseudonymous In Section 3, we discuss the proposed protocol. In Section 4, we
accounts [6]. present the experimental results. In Section 5, we discuss differ-
Determining which accounts are actually Sybils is a daunting ent types of attacks that are protected by the proposed protocol.
task. The issue is not new; fake accounts have haunted OSNs ever Finally, in Section 6, we draw our conclusions.
since they were invented, and there are several works on this
topic, according to Google Scholar [7,8]. Such intense attention 1.1. Brief overview of the proposed protocol
quickly led to some very distinguished scientific efforts, starting
with the SybilGuard [9] solution that was first developed in 2006 In this paper, we propose an m-resilient authenticated key
and further enhanced two years later under the name SybilLimit agreement protocol for OSNs. The proposed protocol assumes that
[10]. These solutions have proven to be effective regardless of the OSN service providers can have available a cryptographic PKG.
level of centralization [11] and they use two major theoretical At registration time, when a person registers as a new user, it
assumptions. They assume that the community of honest users chooses a unique username and supplies it to the PKG. Based
in OSNs is tightly connected and fast mixing, whereas the Sybil on the unique identifier (ID), the PKG generates a cryptographic
community is slow mixing [12,13] despite the fact that intruders ID by applying a special hash function. Using the cryptographic
are able to create as many accounts as they want and can form an ID, the PKG generates a private secret that is derived from the
indefinite number of links between them. The second assumption PKG’s master secret combined with pairing-based cryptography.
is that the number of links between Sybils and legitimate users is With only one secret, a user can dynamically generate a random
limited. However, these assumptions are not feasible and cannot session key using its neighbor nodes. Thus, the proposed protocol
hold in real OSNs [6,8,12,14–16]. Later solutions, such as [17] and substantially reduces key storage.
Ostra [18] also apply those fundamental principles, while adding
additional solutions to allow for the improvement of the general 2. Related works
strategy by distributing credits between various users based on
their activities, thus boosting defensive capacities against Sybils. Practical concerns are driving scientific research in this area
None of the previous approaches have considered the problem because Sybil attacks are putting OSNs at serious risk [1]. Attacks
from the cryptographic [4,11] and key agreement points of view that involve large numbers of fake accounts are quite common
in OSNs. For SybilLimit [10], a suspected node can generate pri- in practice, and overwhelm networks with malicious content and
vate/public keys to prevent its identity from being stolen by an challenge their integrity [22–24]. Numerous Sybil attack defenses
adversary; however, the authors have not explained how these have been devised in response to the growing frequency of these
keys are generated and managed. This could be difficult because of attacks. The solutions can be conveniently classified in two broad
the nature of OSNs, in which a user might have a million followers; categories based on the type of defensive mechanism they use.
thus, the traditional cryptographic technique might need to store One group of solutions attempts to identify the Sybils present in
millions of keys for secure communication for each user. In this the network [9,10,13,25–30], whereas the other attempts to set
paper, we focus on an innovative method for anti-Sybil protection the accepted level and maintain the number of Sybils under this
that introduces a trapdoor using pairing-based cryptography to threshold [17,31,32]. Most solutions that inspired this work are
stop Sybil attacks on social networks, thereby building on similar from the former group, and seek to devise ways to identify Sybil
work on wireless sensor networks. In this methodology, users users so that they can be removed from OSNs by administrators.
are required to go through a ‘trapdoor’ to be verified as genuine Solutions based on Sybil identification start from the following two
whenever they want to become members of online groups. Each central assumptions:
user needs to store its own unique secret, and can dynamically
• The graphical representation of the network contains re-
generate a session secret based on this unique secret. Thus, storing
gions that are populated by legitimate accounts and bot
only one secret key would be sufficient for secure communication.
accounts, with a moderate amount of linking between them.
Because only legitimate users can complete the task demanded by This means that the edges between the two regions are
the trapdoor, the method is very effective for separating real users weaker compared with those that span the inside of the
from fake users and ensuring that the group consists exclusively of bot region. However, this claim cannot be automatically
legitimate users, while blocking Sybil-controlled accounts. accepted in real-world networks, which is why this principle
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first approach for has limited value.
key management in OSNs for secure communication. We propose • The region populated by legitimate users is subject to rapid
a new and efficient centralized key management protocol that reconfiguration, with the initial configuration changing as
is a modified version of the Tso et al. and Lim et al. protocols the connections develop. This also cannot be fully proven
[19–21]. The proposed protocol can be adopted by the service in real-world systems because networks are shaped by ran-
provider to provide a secure communication service among users dom events and spread at great speed, and research into
in OSNs. In the proposed methodology, each user collects its own the reconfiguration speed cannot appropriately account for
private secret from the private key generator (PKG). The PKG server such intense dynamic growth and lacks the metrics to cap-
can be maintained by the provider. The end user’s private secret ture it.
is derived from the master secret of the PKG, and it satisfies the
mathematical NP-complete problem, that is, the discrete logarithm Another group of techniques exists that place less emphasis on
problem. As the process satisfies a mathematical hard problem, the identification of individual users as legitimate or Sybils, but
by knowing the node’s secret, it is infeasible to determine the rather on stopping Sybils from multiplying by opening additional
master secret of the PKG. Any node can generate its dynamic accounts. Even if solutions from this group change the defensive
public component and shares this with its neighbor; an honest mechanism, they also rely on the first assumption listed above for
neighbor node can generate a session key using the shared public their validity. To ensure that the system remains in a dynamic state
component combined with its own private secret using pairing- and that Sybil-initiated connections remain under the limit, these
based cryptography. solutions introduce a new principle that involves the distribution
M. Al-Qurishi et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 84 (2018) 139–148 141

of credits between various users. In sharp contrast to the first two • Discrete logarithm (DL) challenge: If we assume that P , Q ∈
strategies, this strategy takes into account the previous behavior G1 , the task is to identify an entire number n that conforms
of the users in question, in addition to past trends typical for the to P = nQ in all cases.
network that needs to be defended, thus enhancing the precision • Computational DH (CDH) challenge: With defined elements
of Sybil identification to a considerable degree. The solutions oper- (P , aP , bP ∈ G1 ), the task is to calculate the value of abP.
ating on this basis can still be vulnerable if the principle does not • Decision-based DH challenge (DDH): With defined elements
hold true, and the credit distribution method can be subject to a (P , aP , bP , cP ∈ G1 ), where a, b, c ∈ Zq∗ , the task is to
denial-of-service type of attack, which causes the influence to be determine whether it is true that c = ab mod q.
unjustly assigned to Sybils as a consequence [33]. • Gap-based DH challenge (GDH): A type of DH challenge that
Two crucial aspects of any Sybil attack solution intended for includes a CDH of high difficulty and DDH of low difficulty.
macro systems that must be balanced with other advantages are • Dual-linear DH challenge (DLDH): With defined elements
efficiency and scalability [34]. There are solutions that display (P , aP , bP , cP ∈ G1 ), where a, b, c ∈ Zq∗ , the task is to
solid performance, but require massive processing power because calculate the value of e(P , P)abc .
of a large number of operations, which prevents their practical
use on systems that feature millions of individual users. Other
methods are sufficiently scalable, but have the tendency to return 3.3. Connection patterns in OSNs
too many false positives, which reduces their trustworthiness.
The basic outline of the OSN’s internal structure and defense
With a full understanding of all other methods, our work promotes
objectives needs to be formulated in such a way that demonstrates
cryptanalysis based on pairings as an innovative mechanism for the
that Sybil intrusions can be stopped in a centralized manner in
identification and elimination of Sybils from large social networks.
realistic circumstances. In real a social network, there are two types
Every user that attempts to become a member of certain groups is
of graphs: social and interaction. A social graph is represented by
prompted to perform a security task (i.e., pass through a ‘trapdoor’)
normal follower or friend relationships, such as on Twitter and
to be confirmed as genuine. To complete the task, the user must
Facebook, or a subscribing relation, such as on YouTube. By con-
present authentic credentials, together with a confidential code
trast, the interaction graph is represented by actions and behaviors,
received from an administrator. Because accounts controlled by
such as replying, retweeting and mentioning someone on Twitter,
Sybils cannot gain access to the confidential code, they are stopped
or commenting on a video or channel on YouTube.
at this line of defense and cannot acquire membership to the
desired group. In effect, a large-scale invasion of OSNs by bots is 3.3.1. Social graph
avoided by the application of this procedure. Generally, it can be safely assumed that any OSN includes a mul-
titude of proactive nodes, which can mutually interact by forming
3. Preliminaries connections that symbolize contact, familiarity or a friendly rela-
tionship. The structure of relationships is largely inherited from the
The procedure proposed in this paper depends on the following offline environment, in which people are connected through mem-
theoretical positions and calculations. bership in a family, business entity or social club. Every interaction
between two users can be graphically summarized as an edge, with
3.1. Bilinear mapping users that share a friendly relationship on the network connected
by very strong links.
If G1 is defined as an addition-based group and G2 is defined The graph used to visualize the network is centered on users
as a multiplication-based group that belongs to the same order and projects them into two distinct node types: H-users are rare
q, we can also use P to define a random initiator of G1 and aP as but strongly linked individuals who are represented as central
the measure that describes the value of the initiator multiplied a nodes, and numerous L-users are followers of H-users, have fewer
times. Under such conditions, G1 can be considered as a collection contacts and are projected as peripheral nodes. It is possible for the
of points that are grouped along an elliptic curve Fq , whereas G2 can same user to be centrally represented in one situation and periph-
be considered to be a part of the enclosed area Fqk given parameter erally represented in another. In realistic systems, H-users typically
k ∈ Zq∗ = {k|1 ≤ k ≤ q − 1}. If those parameters are combined facilitate segmentation, with segments forming around them. It is
to form G1 × G1 → G2 , the resulting procedure can be described possible that malicious intruders could attempt to take advantage
as a cryptographic bilinear mapping. The resulting map has the of this feature and emulate or corrupt an H-user’s account. Even
following features: if only an L-user is compromised, the intruder can use personal
data or existing connections to propagate its goals. It should also
• Bilinearity: e(aP , bQ ) = e(P , Q )ab in the case in which be noted that the total number of H-users is comparatively small
P , Q ∈ G1 and a, b ∈ Zq∗ . The same can also be expressed by when compared with the number of L-users, which makes the
claiming that P , Q , R ∈ G1 , then e(P + Q , R) = e(P , R)e(Q , R) structure of all networks asymmetric. Every user in the network
and e(P , Q + R) = e(P , Q )e(P , R) has a specific identification code, which is issued by the central
• Non-degeneracy: If P is a generator of G1 , then it must be authority of the network (see Fig. 1).
true that e(P , P) generates G2 Otherwise, it can be stated that
A. Segmentation of networks: Once users become officially ac-
e(P , P)can never be equal to one.
cepted by system administrators, they naturally gravitate towards
• Computable: When e(P , P) can be calculated in polynomial
one segment of the network where their contacts are located. To
time, then for each value of P , Q ∈ G1 , the map can be
streamline this analysis, we allow each H-user to interact with
calculated in polynomial time.
adjacent H-users, either directly or through intermediaries. Once
the network starts fragmenting, H-users typically act as center-
3.2. Diffie–Hellman (DH) challenges pieces of new segments, whereas their followers group around
them. Thus, it can be claimed that the activity of H-users is largely
responsible for the structural shape of the OSN.
The network G1 that was described in the previous subsection
can be analyzed through a series of cryptographic challenges that B. Linking through the network: The total weight of all edges
include the following: running inside a single segment of the graph is greater than that of
142 M. Al-Qurishi et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 84 (2018) 139–148

user during the registration phase. Table 1 describes the notation

used in the remainder of this paper.

4.1. Key exchange algorithm

The PKG server generates the following parameters:

• selects two random groups G1 and G2 that have the same

prime order q, where G1 is an additive group and G2 is a
multiplicative group;
• selects a generator P of G1 and bilinear map fˆ : G1 × G2 → G2
that maps from the Cartesian product of G1 and G2;
• determines two collision resistant cryptographic hash func-
tions Ĥ 1 and Ĥ 2 , where Ĥ1 : {0, 1}∗ → G1 , that is, a
mapping from arbitrary-length strings to points in G1 and
Ĥ2 : {0, 1}∗ → {0, 1}β , that is, a mapping from arbitrary-
length strings to β -bit fixed length output; and
• determines the signature function Sigi (.) for entity i .

4.1.1. Key generation

The PKG of the provider in an OSN selects m+1 random num-
Fig. 1. Cluster formation in an online social network. bers η0 , η2 , η3 , . . . , ηm ∈ Zq∗ and generates a polynomial h(x) of
degree m, where h(x) = η0 + η1 x + η2 x2 + · · · + ηm xm ∈
Zq . The PKG then computes V0 = η0 P V1 = η1 P , . . . ., Vm =
ηm P. The public parameters of the system published by the PKG
the edges connecting H-users with the remainder of the segment.
are {G1 , G2 , fˆ , Ĥ1 , Ĥ2 , P , V , V 1 , V2 , . . . , Vm }and the PKG stores its
In the intervening time, edges that link multiple H-users can be secret keys, which are {η0 , η1 , η2 , . . . , ηm }. In addition to the above
considered to form the highway running through the entire graph, computations, the PKG also computes λi = h(IDi ) = η0 + η1 IDi +
and for the purpose of this analysis, are considered to be represen- η2 (IDi )2 + · · · + ηm (IDi )m mod q, where user UI is identified by its
tative of the interactions between two segments. unique real identity IDRI , such that IDi = Ĥ1 (IDRI ) ∈ Zq∗ . During
Sending messages between users can occur through two chan- the registration phase, the user creates its real public identity and
sends the identity to the provider. The PKG generates a private
nels: internally within the single segment as L-users interact with
secret that corresponds to the public identity of the user and sends
central users through an array of other followers, or between it back to the user through a private channel. The public and private
segments as H-users accumulate information from their segment keys of the user can be computed by the PKG as follows:
before resending it to a corresponding central user via the infor-
mation highway.
• For user UI :
– public key:IDI = Ĥ1 (IDRI ); secret key: λI = h(IDI ).

Example users are as follows:

3.3.2. Interaction graph
• For user Alice:
The interaction graph is a topic or event-driven graph that can
be constructed according to some event or a trend in a specific – public key:IDA = Ĥ1 (IDALICE ); secret key: λA = h(IDA ).
time. The interaction graph can create a difference between active • For user Bob:
users and those that simply associate with them merely based on
– public key:IDB = Ĥ1 (IDBOB ); secret key: λB = h(IDB ).
their name. For example, on YouTube, commenting on or even
replying to comments on a user’s video or channel, and on Twitter, • For user Eve:
retweeting, mentioning or replying to tweets are all actions that – public key:IDE = Ĥ1 (IDEVE ); secret key: λE = h(IDE ).
can create an interaction graph. These actions do not require any
social connection between the actors; they require only a Gmail or
Twitter account. These types of interactions are more vulnerable 4.1.2. Key agreement and authentication
To establish a shared secret session key between two neigh-
to Sybil attacks, especially targeted attacks. Fig. 4 shows a retweet
bor nodes (user, follower, friend), each node computes the fol-
graph constructed from almost 1000 nodes on Twitter regarding lowing public parameters and sends them to the other nodes.
the ‘‘USA elections 2016’’ topic. The user chooses a random rUS ∈ Zq∗ , computes the pub-
lic parameters YUS = rUS P and θUS = j
j=0 (IDUS ) Vj =
λUS P, generates signature SigUS (YUS ), and then sends the public
parameters and signature to its neighbor nodes (i.e., friends and/or
4. Proposed methodology followers). The friend node chooses a random rFR ∈ Zq∗ , computes
the public parameters YFR = rFR P and θFR = j=0 (IDFR ) Vj = λFR P,

generates signatureSigFR (YFR ), and then sends the public parame-

In this section, we provide a description of the proposed key ters and signature to the user. Similarly, the follower node chooses
agreement protocol. It is assumed that the provider of an OSN has a a random rFL ∈ Zq∗ , computes the public parameters YFL = rFL P
PKG server that is responsible for providing a private secret to each and θFL = j=0 (IDFL ) Vj = λFL P, generates signature SigFL (YFL ), and
M. Al-Qurishi et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 84 (2018) 139–148 143

Table 1
Notation used in the proposed protocol.
Notation Description
Zq∗ A modular multiplicative set of order q
G1 As an additive group of prime order p
G2 As a multiplicative group of prime order p
fˆ : G1 × G2 → G2 Which maps from the Cartesian product between G1 to G2.
Ĥ 1 A hash function which is mapping from arbitrary-length strings to
points in G1
Ĥ 2 , A hash function which is a mapping from arbitrary-length strings to
β -bit fixed length output
Sigi (.) Signature function
h(x) A polynomial of degree m,
η0 , η2 , η3 , . . . , ηm ∈ Zq∗ Random secrets for PKG ∈ Zq∗
IDRI , Real ID of the nodes
IDi Cryptographic Mapped ID from the real Ids
V0 , V1 , V2 , . . . , Vm Cryptographic public parameters derived from the PKG’s private
combining with the nodes public IDs
λI Secret parameters for user I
IDA , IDB , IDE Public key for Alice, Bob and Eve respectively
θ, Y , r , λ, P Public parameters to calculate shared secret session key KUS −FR , KFR−US
between user and his friends or followers.

then sends the public parameters and signature to the user. Finally,
each node computes its pairwise secret session key as follows

• the shared secret key between the user and friend (cal-
culated by the user):KUS −FR = fˆ (θFR , rUS YFR )λUS = fˆ
(λFR P , rUS rFR P)λUS = fˆ (P , P)λUS λFR rUS rFR ; and
• the shared secret key between the user and friend (cal-
culated by the friend):KFR−US = fˆ (θUS , rFR YUS )λFR = fˆ
(λUS P , rFR rUS P)λFR = fˆ (P , P)λFR λUS rFR rUS .

Thus, KUS −FR = KFR−US

4.1.3. Consistency
In this section, we prove that the user and friend can generate
the same session key without knowing each other’s private secret
component. The user only collects the friend’s public components
θFR and YFR combines the user’s own private secret λUS with the ses-
sion dependent random rUS and generates the session key KUS −FR .
By contrast, the friend only collects the user’s public components
θUS and YUS combines its own private secret λFR with the session
dependent random rFR and generates the session key KFR−US . In the
following derivation, we show that KUS −FR = KFR−US :
= fˆ (θFR , rUS YFR )λUS

(IDFR )j Vj , rUS YFR )λUS

= fˆ (
= fˆ (V0 + (IDFR )V1 + (IDFR )2 V2 + · · · + (IDFR )m Vm , rUS rFR P)λUS
= fˆ (η0 P + η1 (IDFR )P + η2 (IDFR )2 P + · · · + ηm (IDFR )m P , P)λUS rUS rFR
= fˆ ([η0 + η1 IDFR + η2 (IDFR )2 + · · · + ηm (IDFR )m ]P , P)λUS rUS rFR
= fˆ (h(IDFR )P , P)λUS rUS rFR
= fˆ (λFR P , P)λUS rUS rFR
= fˆ (P , P)λFR λUS rFR rUS
= KFR−US .
Similarly, any two party combinations (user/follower, follower/user,
follower/friend and friend/follower) can generate the session key
between them.

4.2. Authentication between the ‘‘H’’ nodes and ‘‘L’’ nodes 5. Result analysis

The following algorithms illustrate the authentication process

between the ‘‘H’’ nodes and ‘‘L’’ nodes. The H node and L node were In this section, we discuss key storage for both types of graphs
described in Section 2.3. for OSNs.
144 M. Al-Qurishi et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 84 (2018) 139–148

Fig. 2. Social graph for 10,000 nodes in the Twitter network.

Fig. 3. Social graph: key space.

5.1. Key storage for the social graph of 100 and maximum of 1000 connected nodes. The corresponding
key space is illustrated in Fig. 3. In the social graph representation,
We conducted experiments on Twitter and YouTube datasets. the proposed methodology provides very efficient key storage, and
Fig. 2 shows the social graph for 10,000 nodes, with a minimum thus provides effective key management. Analyzing the key space
M. Al-Qurishi et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 84 (2018) 139–148 145

Fig. 4. Interaction graph for 1007 nodes in the Twitter network.

graph, we can observe the number of nodes in the network and users Q1 , Q2 , Q3 and so on, to transmit data through the tunnel, thus
number of nodes that are connected as neighbor nodes; there is falling under the influence of the attackers. Our solution eliminates
an effect of key storage and managing the key. Only one secret this problem by requiring any network point to be authenticated
key is required for the registered user at registration time, and before it can be described as a trusted member, which prevents the
subsequently, the node dynamically generates the session key with intruders from invading data paths and acting as intermediaries,
its neighbor nodes and communicates securely. The key generation and disables this type of attack.
and authentication process were discussed in the previous sec- Masquerade attack: The central premise of this strategy is that
tion. the invader attempts to emulate the behavior of regular network
points and participates in the normal flow of data in an attempt to
5.2. Key storage for the interaction graph redirect the routes to its advantage. Such behavior could change
the data accumulated from all users, and in certain situations,
The interaction graph for 1007 nodes with a minimum of two could even bring down the entire system. For example, if point P1
actions and maximum of 118 actions is shown in Fig. 4, and the assumes the identity of S1 , it could conceivably corrupt the data
corresponding key spaces are shown in Figs. 5 and 6. In social acquired by Q1 , Q2 , Q3 and any other nearby nodes. Our solution re-
networks such as Twitter and YouTube, users interact with each quires all network points to validate each other as communication
other using different types of actions, for example, in the Twitter is established between them, which effectively blocks the infected
network, a user might reply, mention or retweet. nodes from sending invalid data through the network. Because of
Considering the interaction graph, the maximum key space is this requirement, a masquerade attack cannot be performed when
required when users perform any action, which is a maximum the solution is deployed.
of three per user, because there are three types of action: reply,
Reply attack: In a similar setting as the previous attack, the in-
mention and retweet. The maximum key space is illustrated in
truder can recycle an old password or validation sequence to gain
Fig. 5 and the minimum key space is illustrated in Fig. 6. access to the network and become involved in data exchange,
attempt to trick legitimate network points and become accepted
6. Attack analysis as one of them. This cannot happen with our solution for two
reasons: the invader would be unable to complete the validation
An OSN is susceptible to different types of attack; thus, procedure, and old passwords would be useless because all codes
the proposed protocol must be robust against the following are based on a randomized value that is calculated dynamically
attacks. every time a new session is initiated, including both validations
Tunneling attack: This type of attack is known as a ‘wormhole’ at- (Ver0 , Ver1 , Aut0 , Aut1 ). Because of this security feature, repeating a
tack in the research domain. This type of system invasion includes once-used key does not result in a successful validation because all
the formation of a packet in two separate areas of the network, and parameters are reset every time the procedure is run. Additionally,
traffic within the network is cryptographically protected, which
creation of a tunnel between them. The same packet is then sent all
prevents any possibility of a replay attack occurrence.
over the section of the network that is infiltrated by the attackers.
This principle can be illustrated by introducing points P1 and P2 Data interruption attack: With this approach, the intruders
connected by a tunnel, followed by their effort to persuade nearby damage, change or falsify data traffic, thus affecting the entire
146 M. Al-Qurishi et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 84 (2018) 139–148

Fig. 5. Interaction graph: maximum key space.

Fig. 6. Interaction graph: minimum key space.

communication flow in a negative manner. For such an operation line. However, our solution forces the intruder to undergo the
to be executed, the invaders need to infiltrate the message ex- validation procedure before gaining access to the message flow;
change chain and play an active part in passing the data pack- thus, it becomes impossible for the intruder to come into contact
ets along. If the intruder manages to change the content of the with the data and corrupt it. This practical mechanism prevents
packet, this can result in a lost message somewhere down the data interruption attacks.
M. Al-Qurishi et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 84 (2018) 139–148 147

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turing tests: Crowdsourcing sybil detection, arXiv preprint arXiv:1205.3856,
mation Security, Department of Risk Engineering, University of Tsukuba, Japan,
on March 2007. Information Processing Society Japan (IPSJ) awarded Dr. Rahman
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in: NSDI, 2009, pp. 15–28. excellent contribution in IT security research. He awarded with ‘‘Gold Medal" for
[18] A. Mislove, A. Post, P. Druschel, P.K. Gummadi, Ostra: Leveraging trust to the distinction marks in his undergraduate and graduate program. Primary research
thwart unwanted communication, in: NSDI, 2008, pp. 15–30. interests of Dr. Rahman are Cryptography, Software and Network Security, Privacy,
148 M. Al-Qurishi et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 84 (2018) 139–148

Cloud-security, Sensor Network Security, White box-cryptography, and Internet of Atif Alamri is an Associate Professor in the Information
Things security. Systems Department at the College of Computer and In-
formation Sciences, King Saud University. Riyadh, Saudi
Arabia. His research interests include multimedia-assisted
health systems, ambient intelligence, and service-oriented
M. Shamim Hossain (SM’09) is an Associate Professor at the King Saud Univer-
architecture. Dr. Alamri was Guest Associate Editor of the
sity, Riyadh, KSA. Dr. Shamim Hossain received his Ph.D. in Electrical and Com-
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,
puter Engineering from the University of Ottawa, Canada. His research interests
a co-chair of the first IEEE International Workshop on Mul-
include serious games, social media, IoT, cloud and multimedia for healthcare,
timedia Services and Technologies for E-health, a technical
smart health, and resource provisioning for big data processing on media clouds.
program co-chair for the 10th IEEE International Sympo-
He has authored and coauthored around 120 publications including refereed
sium on Haptic Audio Visual Environments and Games,
IEEE/ACM/Springer/Elsevier journals, conference papers, books, and book chapters.
and serves as a program committee member for many conferences in multimedia,
He has served as a member of the organizing and technical committees of several
virtual environments, and medical applications.
international conferences and workshops. He has served as co-chair, general chair,
workshop chair, publication chair, and TPC for over 12 IEEE and ACM conferences
and workshops. Currently, he serves as a co-chair of the 6th IEEE ICME workshop
Mabrook AlRakhami is a Ph.D. student in the Computer
on Multimedia Services and Tools for E-health MUST-EH 2016. He is a recipient
Sciences Department in the College of Computer and Infor-
of a number of awards including, the Best Conference Paper Award, the 2016
mation Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications
of Saudi Arabia. He received his masters degree in infor-
(TOMM) Nicolas D. Georganas Best Paper Award, and the Research in Excellence
mation systems from King Saud University, Kingdom of
Award from King Saud University. He is on the editorial board of IEEE Access,
Saudi Arabia. He has authored several papers in refereed
Computers and Electrical Engineering (Elsevier), Games for Health Journal and
IEEE/ACM/Springer conferences and journals. His research
International Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer). Previously,
interests include social networks, cloud computing, and
he served as a guest editor of IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in
health technology.
Biomedicine (currently JBHI), International Journal of Multimedia Tools and Appli-
cations (Springer), Cluster Computing (Springer), Future Generation Computer Sys-
tems (Elsevier), Computers and Electrical Engineering (Elsevier), Sensors (MDPI).
and International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. Currently, he serves as
a lead guest editor of IEEE Communication Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Cloud
B. B. Gupta received Ph.D. degree from Indian Institute of
Computing, Future Generation Computer Systems (Elsevier), IEEE and Access. Dr.
Technology Roorkee, India in the area of Information and
Shamim is a Senior Member of IEEE, a member of ACM and ACM SIGMM.
Cyber Security. He has published more than 90 research
papers (including 03 book and 14 chapters) in Interna-
tional Journals and Conferences of high repute including
IEEE, Elsevier, ACM, Springer, Wiley Inderscience, etc. He
Ahmad Almogren obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Sci-
has visited several countries, i.e. Canada, Japan, China,
ences from Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas,
Malaysia, Hong-Kong, etc. to present his research work.
USA in 2002. Previously, he served as the Dean of Com-
His biography was selected and publishes in the 30th Edi-
puter College and the Head of the Academic Accreditation
tion of Marquis Who’s Who in the World, 2012. He is also
Council at Al Yamamah University. Presently, he is the
working principal investigator of various R&D projects. He
Vice Dean for Development and Quality at the college of
is serving as associate editor of IEEE Access, Associate editor of IJICS, Inderscience
Computer and Information Sciences College at King Saud
and Executive editor of IJITCA, Inderscience, respectively. He is also serving as
University in Saudi Arabia. His research areas of interest
reviewer for Journals of IEEE, Springer, Wiley, Taylor & Francis, etc. Currently he
include networking, mobile computing, security and data
is guiding 10 students for their Masters and Doctoral research work in the area of
Information and Cyber Security. He is also serving as guest editor of various reputed
Journals. Dr. Gupta is also holding position of editor of various International Journals
and magazines. He has also served as Technical program committee (TPC) member
of more than 20 International conferences worldwide. Dr. Gupta is member of IEEE,
Majed Al-Rubaian is a Ph.D. candidate in the Information
ACM, SIGCOMM, The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications
Systems Department in the College of Computer and Infor-
(SDIWC), Internet Society, Institute of Nanotechnology, Life Member, International
mation Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of
Association of Engineers (IAENG), Life Member, International Association of Com-
Saudi Arabia. He received his master’s degree in informa-
puter Science and Information Technology (IACSIT). He was also visiting researcher
tion systems from King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi
with Yamaguchi University, Japan in January, 2015. His research interest includes
Arabia. He has authored several papers in refereed IEEE/
Information security, Cyber Security, Mobile security, Cloud Computing, Web secu-
ACM/Springer journals and conferences. He is a student
rity, Intrusion detection, Computer networks and Phishing.
member of the ACM and the IEEE. His research interests
include social media analysis, data analytics and mining,
social computing, information credibility, and cyber secu-

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