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ancestors, gave themselves the title of the 'first initiators and civilized people'.

The Greeks also forgot to pay tribute to their Celtic and Egyptian teachers and
presented their country as the cradle of mankind".
Then came the Hebrews...that was the final blow.

(Note: The Greeks and Egyptians even wrote that they existed during the time of Atlantis!)

The Roman Christian emperors and priests ordered the burning of the biggest library in known
history at Alexandria, Egypt because it contained books about civilizations and religions that existed
long before Genesis in the Bible. The 9 other ancient large libraries were also destroyed.

The books about Atlantis and Mu by the Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas were burned by the invading
Spaniards who viewed such histories as a threat to their religious histories. Yet a few volumes were
hidden away by scholars who feared the destruction of same; they have remained for today's open
minded researchers.

THIS IS the "Ageless Wisdom".


A book written in the language of India, which includes two ancient maps showing the lost continent
of LUMANIA, was sent to Dr. Ronald P. Anjard, by an Indian ancient historian, astronomer and
author named Sampeth Lyengar. In addition, an ancient stone carved into the theorized shape of
Lumania, was sent to Dr. Anjard by Ms. Enid M. Irwin, and this information was sent to Mind
International headquarters on Maui. Anjard wrote about the Maskara continent (where the
civilization of Lumania reportedly existed) in what is now the Indian Ocean... with parts stretching
into Australia.

Indonesian islands are said to be the remaining mountain peaks of this sunken continent that
existed even before Atlantis. In 1974, a United Nations diplomat investigating lost continents, Farida
Iskiovet, told Mind International directors in Hawaii that she found out about a mysterious ruined
pyramid in Indonesia from a prehistoric culture.

In 1977, a Mind International agent from Australia, Colin Amery, reported the discovery of
mysterious ruins in the remote Australian wastelands:
"My research in recent months suggests that in caves in the desert of Western
Australia, machinery and priceless artifacts dating back to the period of Lemuria have
been stored. There are stories of temples hidden in rain forests."
Amery added that he discovered a small temple over an underground temple, stretching down about
1,000 feet.

During the 1960's many newspapers and magazines reported the discovery of strange metallic balls
found in the Australian desert, of unknown origin. All attempts to open them with machines and
weapons failed and the metal composition was unknown. Is there a relation? Lumania was not the
Pacific continent of Lemuria (also known as Mu, Pan, Mar, and Muror).

Lumania appears to date earlier.


Lost in time... Lumania has left a lack of ruins scientists have found in the Indian Ocean... perhaps
so ancient as to have disintegrated. All we have is Dr. Anjard's maps and writings from ancient times
and a scant few artifacts and the underground temple.

Jane Roberts, a medium of the Edgar Cayce ilk, claims E.S.P. data on Lumania that we will
describe below, though we have no way of proving what she said.

According to Roberts,
'The Lumanians were scientifically advanced far beyond 20th Century technology in
America, and they lived in futuristic style underground cities. They formed energy
fields around their cities to protect them from huge terrifying animals that over-ran
Earth then (dinosaurs?), as well as savages.'
The Lumanians did not attempt to form an empire like Atlantis later did, but instead concentrated
their population on Maskara with only a few underground cities on other continents. The Lumanians
had no desire to contact or influence the masses of primitive savages over-running the world then.
The entrances to these underground cities were hidden in the backs of natural caves. The doors
were translucent to allow people to see out yet nobody outside could see in. Underground tunnels
connected the cities with high-speed monorails.

The HOPI INDIANS, the ancient Hawaiians, and the NAACALS of Burma all told of the lost
continent. On Maui, hidden deep in the dense rain forests of the upper slope of Eke Crater, is ruins
of a temple and sun dial from a lost civilization not in any history book about Hawaii. Numerous
other mysterious pre-Hawaiian ruins were found in Maui jungles.

We interviewed Mrs. Hildra James, founder of Mama's Fish House on Maui, descendant of
Hawaiian royalty, about how she and her associates flew over ruins in a helicopter and witnessed
same. Also, we interviewed the acclaimed "world's leading authority" on Hawaiian history, Mrs. Inez
Ashdown, who had a photo of Eke Crater ruins; also-Merriil Fankhauser, formerly of Xian
International on Maui, explored many other ruins on Maui which he believed were from Lemuria,
including some pear Kaupo and Wainapanapa.

The Lemurians worshipped the Sun God and named their empire after that concept.


The literal translation of the word Maui is "SUN GOD." The famous crater on Maui, Haleakala, is
translated "the House of the Sun." The Temple of the Sun was the pyramid center of the Empire of
the Sun and the point in the greater scheme of the cosmos. The Sun King or (Emperor of the Sun)
was the divine ruler of the Empire of the Sun.

The City of the Sun was the capital city of planet Earth during the Golden Age of the Empire of the
Sun and was known as Hamakulia. According to a map of Lemuria published in the Sunday edition
of the LOS ANGELES TIMES, July 31, 1977, Hamakulia was in the vicinity of Maui. It also showed
Mu stretching from off the coast of California to the region of Japan, and south through Easter Island
and Tahiti.
According to Churchward, MU was about 5,000 miles long and 3,000 miles wide, a beautiful
tropical paradise like the Garden of Eden. He claims there were 64 million people who died in the
sinking, and that it dated back over 50,000 years. The Pacific Islands are the remaining mountain
peaks of the lost continent. Precise detailed maps of the lost continent of Mu and Atlantis were
found on stone tablets from Pre-Inca Ica, Peru, by Dr. Javier Cabrera, engraved in stone and
photographed by Robert Charroux.

United Nations diplomat Farida Iskoviet, assistant to United Nations President Adam Malik, came to
Maui in 1972 and researched Lemurian ruins and history and concluded that they were real. One of
Hawaii's leading authorities on Lemurian research was Sgt. Williard Wannall from Army Intelligence
in Oahu. He reported that ruins of a submerged Lemurian city was between Maui and Oahu.

It was a Top Secret project in Naval Intelligence in 1972.


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