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dern scientists, except for several metals and alloys which they cannot recognize.

VIMANAS were the "flying boats of the golden age" In ancient writings from Asia. Four main
types of Vimanas were described, including the Conical gold craft, the Silver Rockets, the
three story airships, and the SAKUNA ships that were constructed in bird shapes. There were
113 different models of these 4 base classes of airships. Eight solar energy tubes were
described in the solar energy propulsion section of the texts.

The ancient VYMANIKA SHAASTRA text clearly describes pilot training, flight paths,
individual parts of flying machines, as well as clothing for pilots and passengers, and the
food recommended for long flight. Included in these writings is technical detail on the metals
used, and propulsion units. There is a checklist of 32 instructions for the pilots before they
were allowed to fly. The Instructions included battle maneuvering, how to use instruments to
see and hear at great distances, and how to zig zag. 16 types of heat resistant metals were

Other ancient historical writings from India describe mercury powered aircraft, thought to be
unbelievable until NASA scientists discovered that mercury is a superior rocket propulsion
system! How did the ancients know about mercury rocket propulsion and solar energy

More remarkable is the ancient literature from Egypt, Central America, Asia, Phoenicia and
Babylonia concerning how these spacecraft traveled to other planets and returned to Earth,
how they utilized weapons in a "Star Wars' fashion, how these crafts could not be damaged
by humans on Earth, and were piloted by astronauts ancient paintings and carvings show in
space suits!

The Atlanteans definitely sent spacecraft to their colonies in Luxor and the Middle East, to
Central America and Asia, according to many ancient writings. These writings sounded too
much like science fiction to the early Christians who lived in a much later day, so they
censored these accounts from our history books! And yet, historians believed all they saw in
the sky! Some modern researchers believe the later Star of Bethlehem was a spaceship,
because no star can travel billions of miles in a few hours; UFOs look like stars from a

Atlanteans who had spacecraft, as well as the ASVINS in Asia with their triangular
three-wheeled flying machines (described in the Rig Veda), and the Lemurians with their
AURAAURAUVA (flying pearly shells of divinity) that were capable of interplanetary travel &
theoretically could have gone to Mars.

● Why was it that the NASA space program sent probes to photograph Mars
which took clear photographs of a mysterious face and pyramids on Mars,
that were published in major and local newspapers across the United
States in September 1988?
● Were these connected to the pyramids and sphinx in ancient Egypt and
Atlantis by the same race that colonized Egypt from Atlantis?
● Were ancient astronauts who ruled the ancient world based on Atlantis?

The truth is that people in ancient empires before Christ believed in ancient aircraft and
spacecraft and Interplanetary travel as easily as the public does today! Why then do so many
people today refuse to believe what the ancients believed was reality simply because it was
two thousand years ago?
The Hebrews and Romans and Medieval priests later censored facts like spacecraft, the map
of our solar system, and other truths out of history books for their "Earth is the center of the
universe, there are no planets after Saturn, the sun revolves around the Earth, the world is
flat," and other lies then part of their history books. Columbus and telescopes proved
medieval history books false. Just like ruins on the bottom of the ocean are now proving
current history books false.

The moon was said to have once been part of the Atlantean Empire. The first satellite to orbit
the moon sent back a photo of an ancient pyramid on the dark side of the moon that we have
examined, and it was censored from the public by the U.S. government with other Moon
ruins. Ruins of walls and roads were found on the Moon by astronauts who will not speak
publicly due to the $10,000 fine, ten-year Jail sentence, and dishonorable discharge for
violating official U.S. Government regulation 200-2.

Note: William Blair, archaeologist specialist from the Boeing Institute of Biotechnology,
analyzed a photo taken by Lunar Orbiter 2 Probe from the western edge of the Sea of
Tranquility on the moon, showing a clear white structure resembling the Washington
Monument and estimated 639 feet tall. There were similar structures nearby. Their triangular
similar structures were clearly NOT randomly irregular.

In his well-researched book "Footprints on the Sands of Time" L.M. Lewis details all the
ancient writings about Atlantean Air Force.


Most ancient writers on Atlantis agree that the Atlanteans attained a zenith of luxury and that
it led to their downfall. The ancients said Atlanteans became so materialistic and hedonistic
that they lost their spiritual vision, and turned away from God.

We have no ancient writings describing details of life in Atlantis . . . that is, found in the
world's museums and libraries, other than these referenced above. We do have the writings
of the many Mystery Schools, the cosmic universities from the dawn of time claiming to have
preserved the Ageless Wisdom secretly through the centuries. The mystery schools from
Lemuria and Atlantis reportedly taught the history of the planet since the dawn of time, and
the secrets of how to master life and the environment - how to heal all diseases, slow the
aging process, control the weather, eliminate harmful insects, alchemy, and how to use
crystals for power systems.

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