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The mystery schools also taught telepathy for communications, teleportation for travel, and

mind-over-matter techniques that gave those initiates superhuman powers. This knowledge, known
as the Secret Science, is available today to the accepted initiates of the existing mystery schools
around the world to pass on to a future age when the mass of humanity would be evolved enough to
inherit it. That age is now approaching. (based in secret temples inside Mt. Shasta, the Andes,
Tetons, Himalayas)

The only ruins of land transport reported is the evidence of monorails and plastic buildings on the
floor of the Atlantic reported by Boris Asturua's expedition from a sunken city 400 miles off of
Portugal. Atlanteans were said to have been extremely good looking people. They allegedly wore
intricate bejeweled clothing, and living a life of leisure of fun, partying, feasting, dancing, and bliss on
exotic drugs. In their creation of Heaven on Earth, they had no desire to pursue the idea of Heaven
after Death, believing they 'had it made' on Earth.

Biologists today admit that the brain capacity of skulls found from the later Atlantean era is larger
than that of modern man! They used the 90 percent of the brain that the average human cannot use
today and could see and hear beyond our very limited range of those senses & seeing auras of
rainbow colors around all living things and hearing into the higher frequencies of the animals.

Atlanteans created a national work force of robots, androids, and humanoids from genetic
engineering to create and maintain most of the material plane empire and that computers controlled
the robots and androids. Perpetual motion machines were created that created and operated other
machines and repaired them.

Atlantis was on the verge of "life without instrumentalities." In other words, the Empire was controlled
by machines and computers that did everything for the citizens. No Atlantean had to work or go to
school. VRIL helmets educated the people while they were asleep; a teenager had knowledge
beyond that of even the moot respected geniuses of our Age. With a thousand year life span to
acquire knowledge, Atlanteans were aware & informed beyond our imaginations.

Atlantean science then fostered some bizarre genetic creations-they discovered ways to cross-breed
species to create mermaids and mermen, cyclops, unicorns and other creatures we call mythology
but the many ancient writers called Reality after seeing them!

Apparently some survived till the Rise and Fall of the Greek Empire, where belief in such creatures
was widespread!


Genetic engineering also resulted in Atlanteans of super strength & huge stature (Titans) able to
perform superman tasks. The Atlantean people could also telepathically communicate with porpoises
(their symbol). The Atlanteans mastered submarines; they created underwater cities in the Atlantic
Ocean in domes.

Atlantean scientists also learned how to block brain impulses to parts of the brain that caused crime
and negative emotions; they later used this technique to control minds. They were quite clever; they
took over the government. The leaders began to keep the secret sciences from the general
population in order to control the masses. The masses depended on the government for food,
clothing, and shelter. Those leaders claiming to be High Priests in the pyramid temples were really
mad scientists with a super science that seemed like magic to the uninitiated.

The bored leaders of utopia, with an entire planet as their toy and game board, began to seek
satisfaction in POWER because there was NOTHING LEFT MATERIALLY TO ATTAIN. The
hedonistic population became so entranced by exotic drugs and leisure and materialism they
worshipped the scientific priests and lost awareness of the reality around them.

Hence, telepathic warfare, human sacrifices, and a WAR OF MINDS throughout the empire broke
out. Atlantean leaders wanted to control the whole world and form a planetary empire. They offered
other continents their technology and luxuries in exchange for control of those nations, and many
empires Joined Atlantis. However, the Rama Empire in Asia and the Athens Empire in Europe
refused to become Atlantean. Atlantean psychic attack on those lands failed against even more
superior cosmic forces.

World leaders warned the Atlantean citizens and leaders that they would destroy themselves as well
as life itself if they didn't stop misusing cosmic, nuclear, and psychic energies, that the misuse of
technology could lead to terrible earthquakes, tidal waves, and eruptions that could destroy the
empire. This warning was ignored by millions and millions of people, who Just like today, lived fur
"today" while ignoring the future...humanity so concerned about their daily existence and pleasures
that they ignored the future, to their own demise. Some believed that their great scientists could save
them with technology; many believed that people simply reincarnate, so why fear death?

Government scientists knew that cataclysms had already destroyed most of Lemuria around 24,000
B.C., Thule before that, and had split up Atlantis into three huge islands only 400 years earlier!
Atlantean scientists created underground cities in South America, under the Atlantic ocean, below
the South Polar continent (then ice-free), and on the Moon to escape worldwide calamities! They had
huge aircraft waiting in rescue them.

Most incredible was Rainbow City beneath Antarctica, an ultra modem spaceport. (Rainbow City and
the Inner Earth by Michael Barton)

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