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Al Corniche International School

Boys’ Section Licence No.S-251/Girls’ Section Licence No. 4321440071

Vision: Our Vision is to offer the highest quality British education to Mission: The mission of Al Corniche International School is to
our students embedded with the Islamic Values, implemented by the provide each student a diverse education in a safe, supportive
Modern Technology to enhance the thinking skills and creativity in environment that promotes self-discipline, motivation and
our students. excellence in learning.

Semester 2 Sessions 2023-2024

Revision Sheet Answer Key ICT Grad 10

Q. No. 1: Choose the correct option.

1. What is a computer network?
a computer that is not on-line
b computer for gaming
c 2 or more computers that have been linked together
d restricted access group of computers
2. Computer not connected to a network known as _____________________.
a stand-alone computer
b stand at last computer
c the last standing computer
d understanding computer
3. There are 3 ways that can be used to connect computers to a network. Except
a water
b telephone line or satellite
c radio signal
d cables
4. A network that made up of computers that are connected over a large
geographical area _______________________.
5. How long that Bluetooth can connect each other?
a 1-100 meters
b 100-200 meters
c 300-400 meters
d 500-600 meters
6. These types of network use cables, except _____________________.
a coaxial
b fiber optic
d infra-red
7. Used to connect two LAN together, ____________________.
8. Used to connect computer to internet through telephone cable ____________.
9. ISP stands for, __________________________________________.
a Intranet System Programs
b Internet System Programs
c Intranet Service Provider
d Internet Service Provider
10. Which of the following storage devices is most suitable for use in mobile
a Cloud
b Magnetic
c Solid State
d Optical
11. Which of the following is most commonly found in PCs?
a Solid State Storage
b Magnetic Storage
c Cloud Storage
d Optical Storage
12. Not intended to be a portable storage device.
a CD
b Flash memory
d Internal hard disk
13. Large organizations use this type of storage device to back up their systems
a CD
c Blu-ray
d Magnetic tape
14. A __________________ is the main storage device in your computer.
b Hard drive
c Motherboard
15. The backups are often stored in a different place to the ________________.
a Main storage.
b DVDs
c CDs
d ROM.

Semester 2 Revision Sheet ICT Grade 10 Page 2

Q No. 2: Mark the statement as true or false.
1. A network that combines 2 or more of the basic topologies. T
2. Network: Two or more computers or electrical devices connected together to
enable data exchange. T
3. Servers are special, powerful computers that provide 'services' to the client
computers on the network. They are more reliable and more expensive. T
4. Use of intranets viewing internal web pages (e.g. company calendars, etc.)
Internal e-mail and instant-messaging between workers sharing of internal
documents. T
5. WLAN is a wireless LAN (WLAN) is a LAN that uses radio signals (Wi-Fi)
to connect computers instead of cables (like LAN). It has a wireless
modem/switch at the center that is used for sending and receiving data. T
6. WAN A wide area network is a network that extends over a large area. A
WAN is often created by joining several LANs together (businesses in
different countries) by optical fibers, satellite or microwave radio links
because of the large distance. E.g. internet. T
7. A computer that is connected to the network needs a ROM and is usually built
into the motherboard. F
8. Switch is Similar to a hub - connects a number of computers to make a LAN
but is smarter than a hub. When it receives a message, it checks who it’s
addressed to and sends it to only that so they are more secure. Therefore, it
directs data packets to computers in a LAN. T
9. Hub is an electronic device used to connect two or more networks, and usually
to the Internet, by radio signals or wire. This allows data to be transferred from
one network to the other. F
10. A switch is a device that joins a digital computer to an analogue telephone-line
connection (dial-up). It is an analogue to digital converter and vice versa. F

Q. No. 4: Write brief answers for the following questions.

1. Describe the optical disk.
It is a disk with bumps can be read by laser.
2. State some possible uses of an external solid state drive?
To make the copy of original data to in case you lose your original data.
3. Why does Blu-ray have more storage than other optical disks?
Because it uses blue lasers which have shorter wavelengths
4. Write a disadvantage of using magnetic storage devices.
They can be easily affected by magnetic fields.
5. In optical disks, which plastic disk do they use?
The plastic which can reflect the laser beam

Semester 2 Revision Sheet ICT Grade 10 Page 3

6. What kind of technology does the optical drive use?
Laser beam reflect technology
7. Why you cannot store your own data with CD-ROM or DVD-ROM?
Because they are read only
8.. What are the disadvantages of Optical Storage Media?
Small capacity (most CDs < 1GB capacity) & although they are fairly
reliable and durable but they can be easily damaged

Q. No. 5: Write the detail answers for the following questions.

1- Describe the use of Wi-Fi in networks
Used to connect to a network, maybe the internet, or to a single computer through
wireless communications. It pretty much does the same as network cables. Used
in WLANs, PDA's, laptop computers and peripheral devices and other public
areas (coffee shops, airports) to access the internet. Less secure than network
cables and has a longer range than Bluetooth.
2- What does a network allow you to do?
Easily share files and data. Share resources such as printers and Internet
connections. Communicate with other network users (e-mail, instant messaging,
video-conferencing, etc.) Store data centrally (using a file server) for ease of
access and back-up. Keep all of our settings centrally so we can use any
3- Describe the use of Bluetooth in networks.
Used to provide wireless links between mobile phones, computers and handheld
devices to allow for exchange of data, also links peripheral devices together so
they can be paired.
4- What is the need for an ISP?
Internet Service Providers provide people/companies with access to the internet
and may provide Internet E-Mail accounts to users, which allow them to
communicate with one another by sending and receiving electronic messages
through their ISP's server
5- Discuss why you use a USB to backup data compared to optical disks?
A USB drive is more suitable to backup data compared an optical disk because it
tends to have a higher storage capacity. In addition, it is much quicker to copy
files to a USB Drive rather than burning files onto an optical disk. Furthermore,
the USB drive is more portable and robust. Finally, not all computers would have
an optical disk drive however many have accessibility to USB ports.

Semester 2 Revision Sheet ICT Grade 10 Page 4

6- Use examples to describe the difference between a weak password and a
strong password?
A weak password is easy to guess and includes few characters and consists of all
letters or all digits. A weak password typically relates to the user for example
their favorite color. A strong password is difficult to guess and contains many
characters. Also a strong password uses mixture of upper case letters, digits and
7- In many countries, hacking of computer systems is an offence. (a) Explain,
using examples, the term hacking.
Hacking is the unauthorized access to computer systems with the intention of
causing harm. Hackers could edit, delete and steal data. Hackers could also
introduce viruses to a computer network to cause disruption. On the other hand,
hackers could be employed to expose weaknesses of the system.
8- Describe the video conferencing?
A system that allows people to have conversations and meetings with other
people in different locations, but without leaving their office through the use of a
webcam, screen, speakers and microphone
9- Write some advantages of video conferencing?
No travel costs. No time wasted travelling to other cities / countries
can organize meetings at short notice. Can see people as well as hear them.
Everyone can view a document on screen at the same time
a healthy life style. Burglar alarms could also provide a sense of security.

Semester 2 Revision Sheet ICT Grade 10 Page 5

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