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Topic 7 & 12 PPQs [124 marks]

1. [Maximum mark: 1] 19M.1.HL.TZ2.40

Photons of discrete energy are emitted during gamma decay. This is
evidence for

A. atomic energy levels.

B. nuclear energy levels.

C. pair annihilation.

D. quantum tunneling. [1]

2. [Maximum mark: 1] 18M.1.HL.TZ2.40

Two samples X and Y of different radioactive isotopes have the same
initial activity. Sample X has twice the number of atoms as sample Y.
The half-life of X is T. What is the half-life of Y?

A. 2T

B. T

C. T

D. T

3. [Maximum mark: 1] 19N.1.HL.TZ0.39
Three observations of the behaviour of electrons are

I. electron emission as a result of the photoelectric effect

II. electron diffraction as an electron interacts with an atom
III. emission of radio waves as a result of electrons oscillating in a

Which observations are evidence that the electron behaves as a


A. I and II only

B. I and III only

C. II and III only

D. I, II and III [1]

4. [Maximum mark: 1] 18N.1.HL.TZ0.40
A radioactive nuclide is known to have a very long half-life.

Three quantities known for a pure sample of the nuclide are

I. the activity of the nuclide

II. the number of nuclide atoms

III. the mass number of the nuclide.

What quantities are required to determine the half-life of the nuclide?

A. I and II only

B. I and III only

C. II and III only

D. I, II and III [1]

5. [Maximum mark: 1] 18N.1.HL.TZ0.37

When green light is incident on a clean zinc plate no photoelectrons
are emitted. What change may cause the emission of photoelectrons?

A. Using a metal plate with larger work function

B. Changing the angle of incidence of the green light on the zinc plate

C. Using shorter wavelength radiation

D. Increasing the intensity of the green light [1]

6. [Maximum mark: 1] 19M.1.HL.TZ1.38
A metallic surface is first irradiated with infrared radiation and
photoelectrons are emitted from the surface. The infrared radiation is
replaced by ultraviolet radiation of the same intensity.

What will be the change in the kinetic energy of the photoelectrons

and the rate at which they are ejected?


7. [Maximum mark: 1] 19M.1.HL.TZ2.39

Three possible features of an atomic model are

I. orbital radius

II. quantized energy

III. quantized angular momentum.

Which of these are features of the Bohr model for hydrogen?

A. I and II only

B. I and III only

C. II and III only

D. I, II, and III [1]

8. [Maximum mark: 1] 18M.1.HL.TZ1.38
According to the Bohr model for hydrogen, visible light is emitted
when electrons make transitions from excited states down to the state
with n = 2. The dotted line in the following diagram represents the
transition from n = 3 to n = 2 in the spectrum of hydrogen.

Which of the following diagrams could represent the visible light

emission spectrum of hydrogen?

9. [Maximum mark: 1] 18M.1.HL.TZ2.37
A photoelectric cell is connected in series with a battery of emf 2 V.
Photons of energy 6 eV are incident on the cathode of the
photoelectric cell. The work function of the surface of the cathode is 3

What is the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons that reach

the anode?

A. 1 eV

B. 3 eV

C. 5 eV

D. 8 eV [1]
10. [Maximum mark: 1] 18M.1.HL.TZ1.37
Two radioactive nuclides, X and Y, have half-lives of 50 s and 100 s
respectively. At time t = 0 samples of X and Y contain the same number
of nuclei.

number of nuclei of X undecayed

What is number of nuclei of Y undecayed
when t = 200 s?

A. 4

B. 2

C. 1

D. 4

11. [Maximum mark: 1] 23M.1.HL.TZ1.1

The ratio of the diameter of an atom to the diameter of its nucleus is:

A. 101

B. 103

C. 105

D. 107 [1]
12. [Maximum mark: 1] 18M.1.HL.TZ1.40
Alpha particles with energy E are directed at nuclei with atomic
number Z. Small deviations from the predictions of the Rutherford
scattering model are observed.

Which change in E and which change in Z is most likely to result in

greater deviations from the Rutherford scattering model?


13. [Maximum mark: 1] 18M.1.HL.TZ1.39

A particle of fixed energy is close to a potential barrier.

Which changes to the width of the barrier and to the height of the
barrier will always make the tunnelling probability greater?

14. [Maximum mark: 1] 18M.1.HL.TZ2.38
Which of the following is evidence for the wave nature of the electron?

A. Continuous energy spectrum in β– decay

B. Electron diffraction from crystals

C. Existence of atomic energy levels

D. Existence of nuclear energy levels [1]

15. [Maximum mark: 1] 17N.1.HL.TZ0.23

Samples of different radioactive nuclides have equal numbers of
nuclei. Which graph shows the relationship between the half-life t 1

and the activity A for the samples?

16. [Maximum mark: 1] 21N.1.HL.TZ0.20
A detector measures the count rate from a sample of a radioactive
nuclide. The graph shows the variation with time of the count rate.

The nuclide has a half-life of 20 s. The average background count rate

is constant.

What is the average background count rate?

A. 1 s−1

B. 2 s−1

C. 3 s−1

D. 4 s−1 [1]
17. [Maximum mark: 1] 17N.1.HL.TZ0.39
Monochromatic electromagnetic radiation is incident on a metal
surface. The kinetic energy of the electrons released from the metal

A. is constant because the photons have a constant energy.

B. is constant because the metal has a constant work function.

C. varies because the electrons are not equally bound to the metal

D. varies because the work function of the metal is different for

different electrons. [1]

18. [Maximum mark: 1] 17N.1.HL.TZ0.40

A photon interacts with a nearby nucleus to produce an electron. What
is the name of this process?

A. Pair annihilation

B. Pair production

C. Electron diffraction

D. Quantum tunnelling [1]

19. [Maximum mark: 1] 18M.1.HL.TZ1.21
What is correct about the Higgs Boson?

A. It was predicted before it was observed.

B. It was difficult to detect because it is charged.

C. It is not part of the Standard Model.

D. It was difficult to detect because it has no mass. [1]

20. [Maximum mark: 1] 18M.1.HL.TZ2.20

Identify the conservation law violated in the proposed reaction.

p+ + p+ → p+ + n0 + μ+

A. Strangeness

B. Lepton number

C. Charge

D. Baryon number [1]

21. [Maximum mark: 1] 22M.1.HL.TZ1.25
A pure sample of iodine-131 decays into xenon with a half-life of 8

number of iodine atoms remaining

What is number of xenon atoms f ormed
after 24 days?

A. 1

B. 1

C. 7

D. 8


22. [Maximum mark: 1] 21M.1.HL.TZ2.22

During the nuclear fission of nucleus X into nucleus Y and nucleus Z,
energy is released. The binding energies per nucleon of X, Y and Z are
B X , B Y and B Z respectively. What is true about the binding energy

per nucleon of X, Y and Z?

A. BY > B X and B Z > B X

B. BX = B Y and B X = B Z

C. BX > B Y and B X > B Z

D. BX = BY + BZ [1]
23. [Maximum mark: 1] 21M.1.HL.TZ1.23
Which Feynman diagram describes the annihilation of an electron and
its antiparticle?

24. [Maximum mark: 1] 18N.1.HL.TZ0.38
Which is the correct Feynman diagram for pair annihilation and pair

25. [Maximum mark: 1] 19M.1.HL.TZ1.23
The carbon isotope 14

C is radioactive. It decays according to the


C→ 14

N + X+Y

What are X and Y?


26. [Maximum mark: 1] 22M.1.HL.TZ2.24

A neutron is absorbed by a nucleus of uranium-235( 235
U). One

possible outcome is the production of two nuclides, barium-144

Ba) and krypton-89( Kr).
144 89
56 36

How many neutrons are released in this reaction?

A. 0

B. 1

C. 2

D. 3 [1]
27. [Maximum mark: 1] 22N.1.HL.TZ0.39
Which emission shows a continuous energy spectrum?

A. Photons during energy transitions between atomic energy states

B. Gamma photons from the nuclei of radioactive isotopes

C. Beta particles from the nuclei of radioactive isotopes

D. Alpha particles from the nuclei of radioactive isotopes [1]

28. [Maximum mark: 1] 22M.1.HL.TZ2.25
A radioactive nuclide X decays into a nuclide Y. The graph shows the
variation with time of the activity A of X. X and Y have the same nucleon

What is true about nuclide X?

A. alpha (α) emitter with a half-life of t

B. alpha (α) emitter with a half-life of 2t

C. beta-minus (β−) emitter with a half-life of t

D. beta-minus (β−) emitter with a half-life of 2t [1]

29. [Maximum mark: 1] 22M.1.HL.TZ2.22
White light is emitted from a hot filament. The light passes through
hydrogen gas at low pressure and then through a diffraction grating
onto a screen. A pattern of lines against a background appears on the

What is the appearance of the lines and background on the screen?

30. [Maximum mark: 1] 23M.1.HL.TZ1.22
Three claims are made about the structure of the atom.

I. Most of the atom is empty space.

II. The positive charge of the atom is concentrated in a small volume.
III. The electrons have discrete energy levels.

Which of these claims can be deduced from the Rutherford-Geiger-

Marsden scattering experiment?

A. I and II only

B. I and III only

C. II and III only

D. I, II and III [1]

31. [Maximum mark: 1] 22M.1.HL.TZ1.26
The diagram shows atomic transitions E1, E2 and E3 when a particular
atom changes its energy state. The wavelengths of the photons that
correspond to these transitions are λ 1 , λ 2 and λ 3 .

What is correct for these wavelengths?

A. λ1 > λ2 > λ3

B. λ1 = λ2 + λ3

C. 1


λ 2 +λ 3

D. 1



32. [Maximum mark: 1] 23M.1.HL.TZ1.38
In the Bohr model for hydrogen, the radius of the electron orbit in the n
= 2 state is four times that of the radius in the n = 1 state.

speed of the electron in the n = 2 state

What is speed of the electron in the n =1 state

A. 4

B. 1

C. 2

D. 4 [1]

33. [Maximum mark: 1] 22M.1.HL.TZ1.27

Carbon (C-12) and hydrogen (H-1) undergo nuclear fusion to form

C+ H →N+ photon
12 1
6 1

What is the number of neutrons and number of nucleons in the

nitrogen nuclide?

34. [Maximum mark: 1] 22N.1.HL.TZ0.21
The unified atomic mass unit, u, is a non-SI unit usually used by
scientists to state atomic masses.

What is u?

A. It is the mean of the masses of a proton and a neutron.

B. It is the mean of the masses of protons and neutrons in all chemical


C. It is 1

the mass of an 168O atom.

D. It is 1

the mass of a 126C atom. [1]
35. [Maximum mark: 1] 18N.1.HL.TZ0.20
In the Rutherford-Geiger-Marsden scattering experiment it was
observed that a small percentage of alpha particles are deflected
through large angles.

Three features of the atom are

I. the nucleus is positively charged

II. the nucleus contains neutrons

III. the nucleus is much smaller than the atom.

Which features can be inferred from the observation?

A. I and II only

B. I and III only

C. II and III only

D. I, II and III [1]

36. [Maximum mark: 13] 22N.2.HL.TZ0.6
(a) Outline, by reference to nuclear binding energy, why the mass
of a nucleus is less than the sum of the masses of its constituent
nucleons. [2]

Polonium-210 (Po-210) decays by alpha emission into lead-206 (Pb-206).

The following data are available.

Nuclear mass of Po-210 = 209.93676 u

Nuclear mass of Pb-206 = 205.92945 u

Mass of the alpha particle = 4.00151 u

(b.i) Calculate, in MeV, the energy released in this decay. [2]

(b.ii) The polonium nucleus was stationary before the decay.

Show, by reference to the momentum of the particles, that the

kinetic energy of the alpha particle is much greater than the
kinetic energy of the lead nucleus. [3]

(b.iii) In the decay of polonium−210, alpha emissions can be

accompanied by the emissions of gamma photons, all of the
same wavelength of 1.54 × 10−12 m.

Discuss how this observation provides evidence for discrete

nuclear energy levels. [3]

(c) A sample contains 5.0 g of pure polonium-210. The decay

constant of polonium-210 is 5.8 × 10−8 s−1. Lead-206 is stable.

Calculate the mass of lead-206 present in the sample after one

year. [3]
37. [Maximum mark: 8] 23M.2.HL.TZ1.8
(a) Photons of wavelength 468 nm are incident on a metallic
surface. The maximum kinetic energy of the emitted electrons is
1.8 eV.


(a.i) the work function of the surface, in eV. [2]

(a.ii) the longest wavelength of a photon that will eject an electron

from this surface. [2]

(b.i) In an experiment, alpha particles of initial kinetic energy 5.9

MeV are directed at stationary nuclei of lead (207
Pb). Show

that the distance of closest approach is about 4 × 10−14 m. [2]

(b.ii) The radius of a nucleus of 207Pb is 7.1 × 10

−15 m. Suggest why

there will be no deviations from Rutherford scattering in the

experiment in (b)(i). [2]
38. [Maximum mark: 9] 23M.2.HL.TZ2.5
When tritium (31H) decays by beta-minus (β−) decay, one of the products is a
stable isotope of helium (He).

(a) Outline what is meant by an isotope. [1]

(b) Identify, for the helium isotope produced in the tritium decay,

(b.i) mass number. [1]

(b.ii) proton number. [1]

(c) Outline the quark change that occurs during this decay. [1]

(d) Compare the properties of the strong nuclear force and of the
electromagnetic force that allow the helium nucleus to be
stable. [3]

(e) A beta-minus particle and an alpha particle have the same

initial kinetic energy.

Outline why the beta-minus particle can travel further in air

than the alpha particle. [2]
39. [Maximum mark: 13] 22N.2.HL.TZ0.6
(a) Outline, by reference to nuclear binding energy, why the mass
of a nucleus is less than the sum of the masses of its constituent
nucleons. [2]

Polonium-210 (Po-210) decays by alpha emission into lead-206 (Pb-206).

The following data are available.

Nuclear mass of Po-210 = 209.93676 u

Nuclear mass of Pb-206 = 205.92945 u

Mass of the alpha particle = 4.00151 u

(b.i) Calculate, in MeV, the energy released in this decay. [2]

(b.ii) The polonium nucleus was stationary before the decay.

Show, by reference to the momentum of the particles, that the

kinetic energy of the alpha particle is much greater than the
kinetic energy of the lead nucleus. [3]

(b.iii) In the decay of polonium−210, alpha emissions can be

accompanied by the emissions of gamma photons, all of the
same wavelength of 1.54 × 10−12 m.

Discuss how this observation provides evidence for discrete

nuclear energy levels. [3]

(c) A sample contains 5.0 g of pure polonium-210. The decay

constant of polonium-210 is 5.8 × 10−8 s−1. Lead-206 is stable.

Calculate the mass of lead-206 present in the sample after one

year. [3]
40. [Maximum mark: 10] 22M.2.HL.TZ1.9
Potassium-40 (40
K) decays by two processes.

The first process is that of beta-minus (β−) decay to form a calcium (Ca) nuclide.

(a) Write down the equation for this decay. [2]

Potassium-40 decays by a second process to argon-40. This decay accounts for

11 % of the total decay of the potassium-40.

Rocks can be dated by measuring the quantity of argon-40 gas trapped in them.
One rock sample contains 340 µmol of potassium-40 and 12 µmol of argon-40.

(b.i) Show that the initial quantity of potassium-40 in the rock

sample was about 450 µmol. [2]

(b.ii) The half-life of potassium-40 is 1.3 × 109 years. Estimate the age
of the rock sample. [3]

(c) Outline how the decay constant of potassium-40 was

determined in the laboratory for a pure sample of the nuclide. [3]
41. [Maximum mark: 11] 21M.2.HL.TZ1.7
Radioactive uranium-238 (238 92
U) produces a series of decays ending with a

stable nuclide of lead. The nuclides in the series decay by either alpha (α) or
beta-minus (β−) processes.

(a) Uranium-238 decays into a nuclide of thorium-234 (Th).

Write down the complete equation for this radioactive decay.


(b) Thallium-206 (206

Tl) decays into lead-206 (

Identify the quark changes for this decay. [1]

(c) The half-life of uranium-238 is about 4.5 × 109 years. The half-
life of thallium-206 is about 4.2 minutes.

Compare and contrast the methods to measure these half-lives. [4]

The graph shows the variation with the nucleon number A of the binding energy
per nucleon.
(d.i) Outline why high temperatures are required for fusion to occur.


(d.ii) Outline, with reference to the graph, why energy is released

both in fusion and in fission.


(d.iii) Uranium-235 (235U) is used as a nuclear fuel. The fission of


uranium-235 can produce krypton-89 and barium-144.

Determine, in MeV and using the graph, the energy released by

this fission. [2]
42. [Maximum mark: 10] 21M.2.HL.TZ2.4
During electron capture, an atomic electron is captured by a proton in the
nucleus. The stable nuclide thallium-205 (205
Tl) can be formed when an

unstable lead (Pb) nuclide captures an electron.

(a.i) Write down the equation to represent this decay.


(a.ii) The unstable lead nuclide has a half-life of 15 × 106 years. A

sample initially contains 2.0 μmol of the lead nuclide. Calculate
the number of thallium nuclei being formed each second 30 ×
106 years later.


(b) The neutron number N and the proton number Z are not equal
for the nuclide 205
Tl. Explain, with reference to the forces

acting within the nucleus, the reason for this. [2]

(c) Thallium-205 ( 81Tl) can also form from successive alpha (α)

and beta-minus (β−) decays of an unstable nuclide. The decays

follow the sequence α β− β− α. The diagram shows the position
of Tl on a chart of neutron number against proton number.

Draw four arrows to show the sequence of changes to N and Z

that occur as the 205
Tl forms from the unstable nuclide.
43. [Maximum mark: 9] 20N.2.HL.TZ0.10
The de Broglie wavelength λ of a particle accelerated close to the speed of light
is approximately

λ ≈

where E is the energy of the particle.

A beam of electrons of energy 4. 2 × 10 8 eV is produced in an accelerator.

(a) Show that the wavelength of an electron in the beam is about

3 × 10
m. [1]

The electron beam is used to study the nuclear radius of carbon-12. The beam is
directed from the left at a thin sample of carbon-12. A detector is placed at an
angle θ relative to the direction of the incident beam.

The graph shows the variation of the intensity of electrons with θ. There is a
minimum of intensity for θ = θ 0 .
(b(i)) Discuss how the results of the experiment provide evidence for
matter waves. [2]

(b(ii)) The accepted value of the diameter of the carbon-12 nucleus is

m. Estimate the angle θ 0 at which the
4. 94 × 10

minimum of the intensity is formed. [2]

(b(iii)) Outline why electrons with energy of approximately 10 7 eV

would be unsuitable for the investigation of nuclear radii. [2]

(c) Experiments with many nuclides suggest that the radius of a


nucleus is proportional to A , where A is the number of


nucleons in the nucleus. Show that the density of a nucleus

remains approximately the same for all nuclei. [2]
44. [Maximum mark: 6] 21M.2.HL.TZ2.9
In an experiment to demonstrate the photoelectric effect, monochromatic
electromagnetic radiation from source A is incident on the surfaces of metal P
and metal Q. Observations of the emission of electrons from P and Q are made.

The experiment is then repeated with two other sources of electromagnetic

radiation: B and C. The table gives the results for the experiment and the
wavelengths of the radiation sources.

(a.i) Outline the cause of the electron emission for radiation A. [1]

(a.ii) Outline why electrons are never emitted for radiation C. [1]

(a.iii) Outline why radiation B gives different results. [1]

(b) Explain why there is no effect on the table of results when the
intensity of source B is doubled. [1]

(c) Photons with energy 1.1 × 10−18 J are incident on a third metal
surface. The maximum energy of electrons emitted from the
surface of the metal is 5.1 × 10−19 J.

Calculate, in eV, the work function of the metal. [2]

© International Baccalaureate Organization, 2024

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